Bella's power, fanfiction author [ebook reader android .TXT] 📗

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felt my face burn with shame as I confessed. "There's more." Carlisle raised an eyebrow, but let me continue. "I tried with Emmett and Alice, and found that the electricity intensifies with an increase in skin contact—and that's all…for them."
"Not for you?" He encouraged me to carry on.
"No." I paused, already emotionally exhausted. Then I sighed, deciding that I probably couldn't blush more than I already was, and nothing I was going to say could be worse than knowing they had all smelled…everything. "There is a point where the arousal intensifies, too. I really don't want to feel like that, except with Edward. I know it's different with Edward, but how do I trust my own feelings when I can even feel lust for Alice?"
"How much contact have you had, Bella, and when does the lust kick in?" Carlisle was so matter-of-fact about it that I followed his lead, took a deep breath, and answered.
"When Alice first hugged and kissed me, I was shocked. Apart from that, the most contact has been two hands, which is when the lust kicked in."
"Alice kissed you on the cheek. Where else have you touched?"
"I touched Emmett's face and Alice's hands."
Carlisle pondered that for a while, then asked. "You want to explore this more, don't you?"
"If I can work out what's happening, maybe I can prevent it." And I really want to prevent it, I thought.
"If I arrange it with Charlie, would you sleep over tonight?"
"Sure. Alice and I are going to Seattle tomorrow, so I guess it makes sense. We can get an early start."
"I'll get Alice to pick you up after dinner."
I smiled; obviously, it would be easier for me to cook at Charlie's. I stood up, and went to shake his hand.
"Thanks, Carlisle." There was a brief delay as he perused my outstretched, bare hand, before patting my shoulder.
Carlisle held the door open for me. "See you later, Bella."
With a hasty "thanks", I left as briskly as I could without seeming rude. I was going to need every second I had to prepare myself for tonight.
Bella's POV
Alice drove me to the house. "Carlisle is in his study when you're ready. Do you want to do anything first? Have a drink? Watch TV?"
"No, thanks. I'll go on up. You'll be around, though?" I pleaded, suddenly nervous.
"Yes, Bella. I'll be in my room. Carlisle thinks it's best if I'm available, as you're not quite sure what will happen."
"You aren't sure either?" I was surprised Alice hadn't 'looked' at the outcome.
"Carlisle hasn't decided exactly how to approach it, so there are several possibilities." I must have looked worried, as she added, "Nothing bad. I'm just hanging around as a precaution."
We were outside the study now, and Carlisle called out, "Come in, Bella." I entered the room. As the door closed behind me, he asked, "Are you ready?"
"As ready as I can be," I answered, taking off my jacket and laying it on a chair. Underneath, I was wearing a halter top, leaving my back bare as Alice had insisted when she called for me. "How are we doing this?"
"I thought we would try back to back contact." Okay, I could do that.
"I'll stand here, then." I stood facing the chair, not wanting to look at Carlisle as his shirt joined my jacket on the chair.
Carlisle's POV
I stood with my back to Bella, feeling the heat rolling off her body but not quite touching.
"Give me your left hand." I felt the tingle as our fingers met, and the sparks as I gripped her hand in mine. There was her arousal, as expected. "Now, your other hand." I felt more sparks—stronger, too. "You're feeling lust now, Bella?"
"When you're ready, lean back into me." As our shoulders touched I began to feel a little uncomfortable, and by the time our backs were fully together, the sensation was quite strange. Bella's heart was thumping in her chest, and her breathing was heavy. "That will do," I said, and let go of her hands.
As I turned around, I caught a glimpse of her face, which was flushed; somehow I knew it was not simply a blush. I waited for her heartbeat to return to normal before enquiring, "Are you alright, Bella?"
She twisted round to face me, keeping her eyes to the ground. "I'm fine, thank you."
"Could you bear trying for more contact?"
Bella agreed, so we removed our shoes and socks. With her back to me, I lifted her, placing her bare feet on mine, and letting her lean against my chest. I brought my arms around her, and laid them across her bare midriff, as she laid her arms along mine.
I was most uncomfortable now, and Bella's breathing was fast and ragged. I leaned my head down to her neck, and nudged my cheek to hers.
Her heart was hammering, and I was about to ask if she was okay, when she shrieked, "OhmygoodGod!" and ran from the room, leaving me staggering.
Bella's POV
I could not believe that had happened! Running straight into the bathroom, I locked the door behind me, leaning on the sink until I could breathe again. When I had calmed down, I noticed the pile of my clothes and toiletries sitting on a shelf—Alice. I took a long shower, dressed, and opened the door to find her waiting for me.
"Have you been here the whole time?"
"No, silly. Vampire hearing and being super fast equals perfect timing. So, how was it?"
"What? You don't know?" I asked, surprised.
"No, I wasn't 'looking', just listening, in case either of you needed help," she patiently explained.
"I need a drink!" I exclaimed.
"I'm sure we have a bottle of whisky somewhere," she said, somewhat surprised.
"Actually, I was thinking of coffee." Now I was mostly over the shock of what had happened, it didn't seem real. Alice was so easy to talk to, and as we made our way downstairs, I couldn't resist the urge to tease her. "And maybe a cigarette…"
Alice stopped abruptly in the kitchen doorway, and spun around to frown at me. "A cigarette?"
"Isn't that what you do after sex?" I purred at her, all innocence. Alice's face was a picture as her jaw hit the floor.
"You didn't…Carlisle didn't…he wouldn't!" I could almost hear the cogs turning in her mind as she muttered, "The heart rate…breathing…oh…the smell."
I couldn't help myself, I doubled up laughing.
"Not funny, Bella."
Alice picked me up and dumped me on a kitchen stool while she proceeded to make coffee. I was almost in control of myself again as she handed me a mug. "So, no sex then?"
"Well, kind of…" I began.
"Be…ll…a." Alice dragged my name out, warning me that she was not in the mood to play.
"Did you even check in on Carlisle?" I teased.
"No, I…"
With that, Carlisle walked in. "Enough, you two. Bella, I'm glad you feel able to laugh about this. I think it's time we discussed it."
"Sure." The laughter and caffeine had gone to my head. I figured I'd get this over with before I calmed down and really thought about it.
"I have an idea what may have happened, but I need to hear your opinion, Bella."
"Well, you know how it was the first time?" The first time? Alice mouthed at me, surprisingly I was enjoying this. I looked Alice in the eyes as I carried on nonchalantly. "Tingly, aroused." Aroused? she mouthed, raising her eyebrows so high that they almost disappeared under her hair. "Lust." Lust? she mouthed with a frown. I turned back to Carlisle. "The second time went further."
"Further?" he prompted.
I sighed, "Oh, Carlisle, you're not going to make me say the 'O' word, are you?"
"You had an orgasm?" Alice screeched.
"I thought so," Carlisle mused out loud.
"You thought so? How much skin contact did you have?" Alice was almost beside herself.
"We took our shoes and socks off, and I removed my shi…"
"Stop! I really don't want to know." Alice's horror was priceless, and I couldn't help one last shot.
I angled my head to look up at Carlisle through my lashes, and said, "How was it for you, dear?"
Alice was speechless at last, but Carlisle was unperturbed.
He put his head in his hands, and ran his fingers back through his hair. "Actually, not so good. First time, I think I had a headache."
"A headache?" Alice asked. "How?"
"I think so. Of course, I've never had one…at least, that I can remember. Very interesting."
"And the second time?" I was eager to know how that might progress.
"The second time I was in quite a bit of pain."
Alice put her hands on her hips and pouted. She glared at me. "Let me get this right. You get the pleasure." Then she aimed at Carlisle, "And you get the pain."
"Yes." We both chorused.
Alice began to laugh. "Oh, my. " She giggled. "Poor Edward!"
"We can keep this from him, right?" I looked expectantly at them both.
"Yes, I think we should until we know more," Carlisle answered. "Don't worry, Bella. Alice and I are very good at keeping secrets, even from Edward."
"Do you have any idea what it is?"
"I have never come across a human that could hurt a vampire in any way. There is a vampire called Jane." Alice hissed as he said the name. "Who can inflict pain without touching. I'm not sure it's comparable though, as the pain Jane inflicts is all in the mind, though she does seem to enjoy it."
"I did not enjoy causing you pain. I didn't even know I was hurting you." No, I was too busy having a good time, wasn't I?
"I know." Carlisle reassured me. "I will think it over and discuss it with an old friend, Eleazar," he promised.
I had definitely come down now, and I was feeling tired. "Where am I sleeping?" I asked with a yawn. "You did remember that I need to do that?"
Alice rolled her eyes. "Esme made up Edward's couch, or you can have my bed," she offered.
"A lovely thought, Alice, but I know what vampires use a bed for," I told her. "Edward's couch it is."
I didn't like keeping things from Edward, but it was necessary if I wanted the chance to understand what was going on. We decided that I would sleep over again the next time that the family went away hunting.
It was three weeks later that Carlisle picked me up from Charlie's, saying that Alice was stuck in traffic, on her way back from stocking up for our girlie weekend.
Carlisle's POV
"Alice went hunting, too? Is Esme at home?" Bella enquired.
"No, Bella. Eleazar is coming and bringing his mate, Carmen. Eleazar is an old friend, and we have been discussing our little experiments. He has some theories."
We were sitting in the lounge when they arrived; I opened the door as they were coming across the lawn. "Good to see you, Eleazar. You, too, Carmen." I welcomed them, kissing her cheek.
His large hand clapped me on the shoulder. "Carlisle, my friend, please be assured that I will not harm Bella, but I need you to play along with me tonight." Carmen nodded in agreement. I would trust Eleazar with my life; whatever he intended to do must be for a reason. I showed them into the lounge.
"Bella, this is my very good friend, Eleazar." Bella stood up to greet Eleazar, but he spurned her advance with a hostile glare. "And this is his mate, Carmen." Carmen inclined her head to Bella, keeping behind Eleazar, who turned to me.
"So, this is what we have come
"Not for you?" He encouraged me to carry on.
"No." I paused, already emotionally exhausted. Then I sighed, deciding that I probably couldn't blush more than I already was, and nothing I was going to say could be worse than knowing they had all smelled…everything. "There is a point where the arousal intensifies, too. I really don't want to feel like that, except with Edward. I know it's different with Edward, but how do I trust my own feelings when I can even feel lust for Alice?"
"How much contact have you had, Bella, and when does the lust kick in?" Carlisle was so matter-of-fact about it that I followed his lead, took a deep breath, and answered.
"When Alice first hugged and kissed me, I was shocked. Apart from that, the most contact has been two hands, which is when the lust kicked in."
"Alice kissed you on the cheek. Where else have you touched?"
"I touched Emmett's face and Alice's hands."
Carlisle pondered that for a while, then asked. "You want to explore this more, don't you?"
"If I can work out what's happening, maybe I can prevent it." And I really want to prevent it, I thought.
"If I arrange it with Charlie, would you sleep over tonight?"
"Sure. Alice and I are going to Seattle tomorrow, so I guess it makes sense. We can get an early start."
"I'll get Alice to pick you up after dinner."
I smiled; obviously, it would be easier for me to cook at Charlie's. I stood up, and went to shake his hand.
"Thanks, Carlisle." There was a brief delay as he perused my outstretched, bare hand, before patting my shoulder.
Carlisle held the door open for me. "See you later, Bella."
With a hasty "thanks", I left as briskly as I could without seeming rude. I was going to need every second I had to prepare myself for tonight.
Bella's POV
Alice drove me to the house. "Carlisle is in his study when you're ready. Do you want to do anything first? Have a drink? Watch TV?"
"No, thanks. I'll go on up. You'll be around, though?" I pleaded, suddenly nervous.
"Yes, Bella. I'll be in my room. Carlisle thinks it's best if I'm available, as you're not quite sure what will happen."
"You aren't sure either?" I was surprised Alice hadn't 'looked' at the outcome.
"Carlisle hasn't decided exactly how to approach it, so there are several possibilities." I must have looked worried, as she added, "Nothing bad. I'm just hanging around as a precaution."
We were outside the study now, and Carlisle called out, "Come in, Bella." I entered the room. As the door closed behind me, he asked, "Are you ready?"
"As ready as I can be," I answered, taking off my jacket and laying it on a chair. Underneath, I was wearing a halter top, leaving my back bare as Alice had insisted when she called for me. "How are we doing this?"
"I thought we would try back to back contact." Okay, I could do that.
"I'll stand here, then." I stood facing the chair, not wanting to look at Carlisle as his shirt joined my jacket on the chair.
Carlisle's POV
I stood with my back to Bella, feeling the heat rolling off her body but not quite touching.
"Give me your left hand." I felt the tingle as our fingers met, and the sparks as I gripped her hand in mine. There was her arousal, as expected. "Now, your other hand." I felt more sparks—stronger, too. "You're feeling lust now, Bella?"
"When you're ready, lean back into me." As our shoulders touched I began to feel a little uncomfortable, and by the time our backs were fully together, the sensation was quite strange. Bella's heart was thumping in her chest, and her breathing was heavy. "That will do," I said, and let go of her hands.
As I turned around, I caught a glimpse of her face, which was flushed; somehow I knew it was not simply a blush. I waited for her heartbeat to return to normal before enquiring, "Are you alright, Bella?"
She twisted round to face me, keeping her eyes to the ground. "I'm fine, thank you."
"Could you bear trying for more contact?"
Bella agreed, so we removed our shoes and socks. With her back to me, I lifted her, placing her bare feet on mine, and letting her lean against my chest. I brought my arms around her, and laid them across her bare midriff, as she laid her arms along mine.
I was most uncomfortable now, and Bella's breathing was fast and ragged. I leaned my head down to her neck, and nudged my cheek to hers.
Her heart was hammering, and I was about to ask if she was okay, when she shrieked, "OhmygoodGod!" and ran from the room, leaving me staggering.
Bella's POV
I could not believe that had happened! Running straight into the bathroom, I locked the door behind me, leaning on the sink until I could breathe again. When I had calmed down, I noticed the pile of my clothes and toiletries sitting on a shelf—Alice. I took a long shower, dressed, and opened the door to find her waiting for me.
"Have you been here the whole time?"
"No, silly. Vampire hearing and being super fast equals perfect timing. So, how was it?"
"What? You don't know?" I asked, surprised.
"No, I wasn't 'looking', just listening, in case either of you needed help," she patiently explained.
"I need a drink!" I exclaimed.
"I'm sure we have a bottle of whisky somewhere," she said, somewhat surprised.
"Actually, I was thinking of coffee." Now I was mostly over the shock of what had happened, it didn't seem real. Alice was so easy to talk to, and as we made our way downstairs, I couldn't resist the urge to tease her. "And maybe a cigarette…"
Alice stopped abruptly in the kitchen doorway, and spun around to frown at me. "A cigarette?"
"Isn't that what you do after sex?" I purred at her, all innocence. Alice's face was a picture as her jaw hit the floor.
"You didn't…Carlisle didn't…he wouldn't!" I could almost hear the cogs turning in her mind as she muttered, "The heart rate…breathing…oh…the smell."
I couldn't help myself, I doubled up laughing.
"Not funny, Bella."
Alice picked me up and dumped me on a kitchen stool while she proceeded to make coffee. I was almost in control of myself again as she handed me a mug. "So, no sex then?"
"Well, kind of…" I began.
"Be…ll…a." Alice dragged my name out, warning me that she was not in the mood to play.
"Did you even check in on Carlisle?" I teased.
"No, I…"
With that, Carlisle walked in. "Enough, you two. Bella, I'm glad you feel able to laugh about this. I think it's time we discussed it."
"Sure." The laughter and caffeine had gone to my head. I figured I'd get this over with before I calmed down and really thought about it.
"I have an idea what may have happened, but I need to hear your opinion, Bella."
"Well, you know how it was the first time?" The first time? Alice mouthed at me, surprisingly I was enjoying this. I looked Alice in the eyes as I carried on nonchalantly. "Tingly, aroused." Aroused? she mouthed, raising her eyebrows so high that they almost disappeared under her hair. "Lust." Lust? she mouthed with a frown. I turned back to Carlisle. "The second time went further."
"Further?" he prompted.
I sighed, "Oh, Carlisle, you're not going to make me say the 'O' word, are you?"
"You had an orgasm?" Alice screeched.
"I thought so," Carlisle mused out loud.
"You thought so? How much skin contact did you have?" Alice was almost beside herself.
"We took our shoes and socks off, and I removed my shi…"
"Stop! I really don't want to know." Alice's horror was priceless, and I couldn't help one last shot.
I angled my head to look up at Carlisle through my lashes, and said, "How was it for you, dear?"
Alice was speechless at last, but Carlisle was unperturbed.
He put his head in his hands, and ran his fingers back through his hair. "Actually, not so good. First time, I think I had a headache."
"A headache?" Alice asked. "How?"
"I think so. Of course, I've never had one…at least, that I can remember. Very interesting."
"And the second time?" I was eager to know how that might progress.
"The second time I was in quite a bit of pain."
Alice put her hands on her hips and pouted. She glared at me. "Let me get this right. You get the pleasure." Then she aimed at Carlisle, "And you get the pain."
"Yes." We both chorused.
Alice began to laugh. "Oh, my. " She giggled. "Poor Edward!"
"We can keep this from him, right?" I looked expectantly at them both.
"Yes, I think we should until we know more," Carlisle answered. "Don't worry, Bella. Alice and I are very good at keeping secrets, even from Edward."
"Do you have any idea what it is?"
"I have never come across a human that could hurt a vampire in any way. There is a vampire called Jane." Alice hissed as he said the name. "Who can inflict pain without touching. I'm not sure it's comparable though, as the pain Jane inflicts is all in the mind, though she does seem to enjoy it."
"I did not enjoy causing you pain. I didn't even know I was hurting you." No, I was too busy having a good time, wasn't I?
"I know." Carlisle reassured me. "I will think it over and discuss it with an old friend, Eleazar," he promised.
I had definitely come down now, and I was feeling tired. "Where am I sleeping?" I asked with a yawn. "You did remember that I need to do that?"
Alice rolled her eyes. "Esme made up Edward's couch, or you can have my bed," she offered.
"A lovely thought, Alice, but I know what vampires use a bed for," I told her. "Edward's couch it is."
I didn't like keeping things from Edward, but it was necessary if I wanted the chance to understand what was going on. We decided that I would sleep over again the next time that the family went away hunting.
It was three weeks later that Carlisle picked me up from Charlie's, saying that Alice was stuck in traffic, on her way back from stocking up for our girlie weekend.
Carlisle's POV
"Alice went hunting, too? Is Esme at home?" Bella enquired.
"No, Bella. Eleazar is coming and bringing his mate, Carmen. Eleazar is an old friend, and we have been discussing our little experiments. He has some theories."
We were sitting in the lounge when they arrived; I opened the door as they were coming across the lawn. "Good to see you, Eleazar. You, too, Carmen." I welcomed them, kissing her cheek.
His large hand clapped me on the shoulder. "Carlisle, my friend, please be assured that I will not harm Bella, but I need you to play along with me tonight." Carmen nodded in agreement. I would trust Eleazar with my life; whatever he intended to do must be for a reason. I showed them into the lounge.
"Bella, this is my very good friend, Eleazar." Bella stood up to greet Eleazar, but he spurned her advance with a hostile glare. "And this is his mate, Carmen." Carmen inclined her head to Bella, keeping behind Eleazar, who turned to me.
"So, this is what we have come
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