Bella's power, fanfiction author [ebook reader android .TXT] 📗

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all this way to see," he sneered. "Really, Carlisle. Is it worth the fuss?" Bella was not amused. She slumped back onto the sofa folding her arms and crossing her legs. "Come on, then," Eleazar addressed Bella, walking toward her. "Hold my hand."
"Why?" she responded sulkily. This was not good—he had got her back up and she might not cooperate.
"I don't have time to waste. Hold my hand!" Eleazar ordered. Bella looked to me for reassurance, and I nodded. Slowly, she edged to the front of the sofa, and tentatively touched her fingers to his offered hand, and he gripped her hand firmly.
He laughing mockingly. "Just another pathetic human," he said. Bella turned to me in confusion. "I thought you could harm vampires, little girl," he spat at her. Bella's lip trembled in anger. "Come on, hurt me!" Bella gripped Eleazar's hand with both of hers—if looks could kill…
"Carlisle, come and stand by me," my friend requested.
More interesting by the minute, I thought, and complied.
"Give me your hand." Eleazar held my gaze as he accused, "Why do you waste my time?" He pulled my hand to his mouth as he said, "I've a mind to take your finger off for that." I watched in surprise as he slowly made to bite, until at the last second he yelped and released our hands.
"If I had not been expecting that, you might have lost a finger, dear friend," he laughed.
Eleazar bowed. "Dearest Isabella, I must apologise for being so crass. It was, indeed, necessary."
I could not contain my curiosity. "Did she hurt you, Eleazar?"
"She did, Carlisle." I had never seen someone so happy to have felt pain.
"The theatrics, what were they all about?"
"First, let us ask how that was for Isabella?" We both looked to her; she was lost for words.
"Did you feel the usual arousal and lust?" I prompted.
Blushing, she answered, "Not at all—I was confused and angry."
Eleazar was looking very smug. "You have great affection for the Cullens." Bella nodded. "As a teenager your emotions are a maelstrom, which I think complicates matters. By playing the fiend and threatening a loved one, I distracted you from your affections and focused your emotions. The threat to you, Carlisle, forced her to lash out. Pure instinct. Something she would not do in her own defence."
"I didn't get aroused because you were a threat?" Bella interrupted.
"Not quite," Eleazar explained. "You have a relationship with Edward, and this 'electricity' is all wrapped up with that. Your mind associates it with your affections. When you meet his family, for whom you also feel affection, it is enough to elicit the same response."
I had to ask. "Why would I feel pain through that?"
"I can't be sure, but my guess is that, as the intensity became too great, Isabella lost control. With time and a lot of practise, I believe she could harness the power." Eleazar then spoke directly to Bella. "If you obtain a good control, I think Edward will be a very lucky man."
"It is a mind control power then?" I asked Eleazar. "How similar to Jane's, do you think?"
"Isabella's mind appears to control the power—and to an extent whether it induces pleasure or pain—but it is not like Jane's. Isabella, as far as we know, needs to make contact for it to work, but the pain she causes is not in the mind."
"I will certainly vouch for that."
"It is most interesting. I am excited to know where you will go with this, Isabella."
At this point, Carmen chose to interrupt. "Enough for one evening, I'm sure this poor child is exhausted." Carmen joined Bella on the sofa. "Bella, dear, tell me all about yourself. How did you meet Edward? Who are your family? What do you like to do?"
"You have to give her chance to answer," I chuckled, as Eleazar and I took a seat.
Carmen was not deterred, and continued to bombard her with questions, until Bella began to yawn.
When Bella had retired to Edward's couch, Eleazar accompanied me to hunt deer.
"What an extraordinary child, Carlisle," he commented once we were sated and took a moment to sit on a rock. "You intend to turn her, of course?"
"No!" I was taken by surprise, though it was something we would have to consider at some point.
"How can you not? She will make a formidable vampire."
"The subject has not been broached, but I think Edward will be opposed. You know how he feels about our kind."
"It would be such a waste. You must be careful she is not noticed, my friend." I knew what he referred to.
"There is no reason for her to show up on the Volturi's radar." I changed the subject, and enjoyed catching up with Eleazar and hearing about the Denali girls, but our previous conversation worried me.
I had intended to leave Bella with Carmen and Eleazar when I left for work, but now, I was not sure it would be such a good idea. I called Esme. "Darling, Carmen and Eleazar came to visit. I thought you might like to come home."
"How nice—I would love that. Maybe the girls would like to come home too? They haven't seen Carmen for some time."
"Let the boys stay. Edward needs a good hunt, and it'll give them time for some male bonding. They'll be heading back tomorrow, anyway."
"How are you coping all alone with visitors?" Esme enquired.
"Eleazar wanted to hunt together and talk over some things, so I brought Bella over to meet Carmen."
"Was she alright with that?"
"Fine, but could you get home before I leave at one? I don't care to leave Bella alone with them—it seems rude."
Alice's POV
Of course, I knew that Carmen and Eleazar were coming, and why. I was eager to return with Esme, and worried as to why Carlisle needed to ask. Rosalie wasn't too happy about leaving the men, but she came anyway.
On arriving home, I sought out Bella to make sure she was okay, and she filled me in on Eleazar's findings and theories.
"Wow, who'd have thought you'd have a power like that, Bella? It'll be awesome when you get it under control."
"I was wondering…would Jasper mind helping me get a grip on my emotions?" she ventured.
"He'd love to." I told her with certainty.
"But you haven't asked—oh, did you see it?"
"No, but he will because I want him to." I settled back on the sofa. "We'll both work with you every day." No sooner had I relaxed, than I jumped up again. "Eek!"
"Alice, what is it?" Bella was alarmed.
"A plan, Bella." I grinned wickedly. "When we get you trained up, we can get Emmett back for being such a dick."
Smirking back at me, she asked, "Will Jasper be able to keep it secret?"
"From Emmett? Sure." I said. "But Bella, you're going to have to tell Edward."
"I know, he's going to be pissed." Her chin dropped into her hands, dejectedly.
"Not if you pitch it right." I told her, taking her hands so she had to sit back up. "Edward's all about your safety. Carlisle was exactly the right person to go to with this, and Edward will see that. If you skim over the details, I'm sure Carlisle will never let him 'see' what went on. And I'm not about to let on about your merciless teasing afterwards." I smiled, letting her know she was forgiven.
Bella and I joined Rosalie, who was watching a DVD, and it was soon time for bed—apparently.
I went with Bella, as she readied herself, and we discussed exactly what she might do to Emmett. It was a lot of fun, and we ended up jumping around my bed singing, "I've got the power! I've got the power!"
Edward's POV
I hadn't seen Bella since Friday morning at school. Male bonding be damned, I wanted Bella bonding. After convincing Emmett and Jasper to leave in the early hours, I got out near Forks and ran to her house, but she wasn't there. Worried, there was nothing else I could do but run home. As I crashed through the door, Esme shushed me; Bella was asleep in my room.
Jasper and Emmett had taken their wives out—no doubt shooed away by Esme so that they didn't wake Bella. "What is she doing here?"
"Carlisle brought her over to meet Carmen and Eleazar." I wondered how she had reacted to that introduction, and was a little disappointed not to have been there for her.
I thought it would be nice to see my Denali cousins. "Where are they?" I asked Esme.
"They left not long ago," she answered. "They wanted to get the other side of Seattle before daylight."
I needed to see Bella, so I sat on my bedroom floor and watched her sleep. She tossed and turned and began to mutter; I caught a few words: Power. Edward. Lucky Edward. Help.
Emmett and Rosalie came in and went up to the shower. Ugh, why must Emmett always be so graphic. I searched the house for any distractions. Carlisle was heavily into his medical journals, and Esme was wondering what Bella might like for breakfast. Concentrating on the steady beat of Bella's heart, I waited for her to wake up.
Eleazar's POV
Esme and the girls arrived home in the middle of the day, shortly before Carlisle left for the hospital. Carmen was excited to see Esme, and they talked well into the night. By the time Carlisle returned from work, Alice and Rosalie were fixing Carmen's hair and whatever else women vampires do. Carlisle and I had the chance to reminisce for a few hours before Emmett and Jasper arrived unexpectedly. After saying hello, they went to find their wives and Carlisle quietly suggested that Carmen and I leave as Edward would not be far behind.
"It would not be wise for him to hear your thoughts," he said, and I wholeheartedly agreed. Carmen bade Esme farewell, and she promised to pay us a visit soon to help find soft furnishings for our lounge.
Running flat out to Port Angeles, we swam across Juan De Fuca Strait. After another short run to Sidney, we mostly swam, landing near Richmond. The sun came up as we entered the Provincial Parks north of Vancouver, where we enjoyed the day hunting before retracing our steps to Vancouver International Airport for an evening flight home.
Bella's POV
When I awoke, it was to the wondrous sight of Edward sitting by the couch.
"Good morning, Bella."
"When did you get back?" I couldn't help but smile at this surprising start to my day.
"Only a few hours ago," he said. My stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly…even to my human ears. "Are you hungry, Bella?"
"No," I answered sweetly. Edward gave me his don't try to lie to me look. "I'm ravenous!"
Edward stood up and gave a small bow. "If Madam would like to make her order, Chef can be preparing breakfast while you dress."
"Anything will go down well this morning. You choose." I beamed up at him.
"My choice, would of course be mountain lion. Luckily for you, though, Esme has been wondering all night what you might like, and is ready to prepare almost anything."
"I'm sure that whatever Esme decides will be fantastic," I said. "I'll bet she could even make mountain lion palatable," I giggled, and ran into the bathroom. When I had washed and dressed, I skipped down to the kitchen. Esme had outdone herself.
Edward held my chair for me before settling beside me. There was coffee, orange juice, cereal, toast, pancakes, fried eggs, fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes, and tiny blueberry muffins. Sitting in the middle of it all was a tiny vase
"Why?" she responded sulkily. This was not good—he had got her back up and she might not cooperate.
"I don't have time to waste. Hold my hand!" Eleazar ordered. Bella looked to me for reassurance, and I nodded. Slowly, she edged to the front of the sofa, and tentatively touched her fingers to his offered hand, and he gripped her hand firmly.
He laughing mockingly. "Just another pathetic human," he said. Bella turned to me in confusion. "I thought you could harm vampires, little girl," he spat at her. Bella's lip trembled in anger. "Come on, hurt me!" Bella gripped Eleazar's hand with both of hers—if looks could kill…
"Carlisle, come and stand by me," my friend requested.
More interesting by the minute, I thought, and complied.
"Give me your hand." Eleazar held my gaze as he accused, "Why do you waste my time?" He pulled my hand to his mouth as he said, "I've a mind to take your finger off for that." I watched in surprise as he slowly made to bite, until at the last second he yelped and released our hands.
"If I had not been expecting that, you might have lost a finger, dear friend," he laughed.
Eleazar bowed. "Dearest Isabella, I must apologise for being so crass. It was, indeed, necessary."
I could not contain my curiosity. "Did she hurt you, Eleazar?"
"She did, Carlisle." I had never seen someone so happy to have felt pain.
"The theatrics, what were they all about?"
"First, let us ask how that was for Isabella?" We both looked to her; she was lost for words.
"Did you feel the usual arousal and lust?" I prompted.
Blushing, she answered, "Not at all—I was confused and angry."
Eleazar was looking very smug. "You have great affection for the Cullens." Bella nodded. "As a teenager your emotions are a maelstrom, which I think complicates matters. By playing the fiend and threatening a loved one, I distracted you from your affections and focused your emotions. The threat to you, Carlisle, forced her to lash out. Pure instinct. Something she would not do in her own defence."
"I didn't get aroused because you were a threat?" Bella interrupted.
"Not quite," Eleazar explained. "You have a relationship with Edward, and this 'electricity' is all wrapped up with that. Your mind associates it with your affections. When you meet his family, for whom you also feel affection, it is enough to elicit the same response."
I had to ask. "Why would I feel pain through that?"
"I can't be sure, but my guess is that, as the intensity became too great, Isabella lost control. With time and a lot of practise, I believe she could harness the power." Eleazar then spoke directly to Bella. "If you obtain a good control, I think Edward will be a very lucky man."
"It is a mind control power then?" I asked Eleazar. "How similar to Jane's, do you think?"
"Isabella's mind appears to control the power—and to an extent whether it induces pleasure or pain—but it is not like Jane's. Isabella, as far as we know, needs to make contact for it to work, but the pain she causes is not in the mind."
"I will certainly vouch for that."
"It is most interesting. I am excited to know where you will go with this, Isabella."
At this point, Carmen chose to interrupt. "Enough for one evening, I'm sure this poor child is exhausted." Carmen joined Bella on the sofa. "Bella, dear, tell me all about yourself. How did you meet Edward? Who are your family? What do you like to do?"
"You have to give her chance to answer," I chuckled, as Eleazar and I took a seat.
Carmen was not deterred, and continued to bombard her with questions, until Bella began to yawn.
When Bella had retired to Edward's couch, Eleazar accompanied me to hunt deer.
"What an extraordinary child, Carlisle," he commented once we were sated and took a moment to sit on a rock. "You intend to turn her, of course?"
"No!" I was taken by surprise, though it was something we would have to consider at some point.
"How can you not? She will make a formidable vampire."
"The subject has not been broached, but I think Edward will be opposed. You know how he feels about our kind."
"It would be such a waste. You must be careful she is not noticed, my friend." I knew what he referred to.
"There is no reason for her to show up on the Volturi's radar." I changed the subject, and enjoyed catching up with Eleazar and hearing about the Denali girls, but our previous conversation worried me.
I had intended to leave Bella with Carmen and Eleazar when I left for work, but now, I was not sure it would be such a good idea. I called Esme. "Darling, Carmen and Eleazar came to visit. I thought you might like to come home."
"How nice—I would love that. Maybe the girls would like to come home too? They haven't seen Carmen for some time."
"Let the boys stay. Edward needs a good hunt, and it'll give them time for some male bonding. They'll be heading back tomorrow, anyway."
"How are you coping all alone with visitors?" Esme enquired.
"Eleazar wanted to hunt together and talk over some things, so I brought Bella over to meet Carmen."
"Was she alright with that?"
"Fine, but could you get home before I leave at one? I don't care to leave Bella alone with them—it seems rude."
Alice's POV
Of course, I knew that Carmen and Eleazar were coming, and why. I was eager to return with Esme, and worried as to why Carlisle needed to ask. Rosalie wasn't too happy about leaving the men, but she came anyway.
On arriving home, I sought out Bella to make sure she was okay, and she filled me in on Eleazar's findings and theories.
"Wow, who'd have thought you'd have a power like that, Bella? It'll be awesome when you get it under control."
"I was wondering…would Jasper mind helping me get a grip on my emotions?" she ventured.
"He'd love to." I told her with certainty.
"But you haven't asked—oh, did you see it?"
"No, but he will because I want him to." I settled back on the sofa. "We'll both work with you every day." No sooner had I relaxed, than I jumped up again. "Eek!"
"Alice, what is it?" Bella was alarmed.
"A plan, Bella." I grinned wickedly. "When we get you trained up, we can get Emmett back for being such a dick."
Smirking back at me, she asked, "Will Jasper be able to keep it secret?"
"From Emmett? Sure." I said. "But Bella, you're going to have to tell Edward."
"I know, he's going to be pissed." Her chin dropped into her hands, dejectedly.
"Not if you pitch it right." I told her, taking her hands so she had to sit back up. "Edward's all about your safety. Carlisle was exactly the right person to go to with this, and Edward will see that. If you skim over the details, I'm sure Carlisle will never let him 'see' what went on. And I'm not about to let on about your merciless teasing afterwards." I smiled, letting her know she was forgiven.
Bella and I joined Rosalie, who was watching a DVD, and it was soon time for bed—apparently.
I went with Bella, as she readied herself, and we discussed exactly what she might do to Emmett. It was a lot of fun, and we ended up jumping around my bed singing, "I've got the power! I've got the power!"
Edward's POV
I hadn't seen Bella since Friday morning at school. Male bonding be damned, I wanted Bella bonding. After convincing Emmett and Jasper to leave in the early hours, I got out near Forks and ran to her house, but she wasn't there. Worried, there was nothing else I could do but run home. As I crashed through the door, Esme shushed me; Bella was asleep in my room.
Jasper and Emmett had taken their wives out—no doubt shooed away by Esme so that they didn't wake Bella. "What is she doing here?"
"Carlisle brought her over to meet Carmen and Eleazar." I wondered how she had reacted to that introduction, and was a little disappointed not to have been there for her.
I thought it would be nice to see my Denali cousins. "Where are they?" I asked Esme.
"They left not long ago," she answered. "They wanted to get the other side of Seattle before daylight."
I needed to see Bella, so I sat on my bedroom floor and watched her sleep. She tossed and turned and began to mutter; I caught a few words: Power. Edward. Lucky Edward. Help.
Emmett and Rosalie came in and went up to the shower. Ugh, why must Emmett always be so graphic. I searched the house for any distractions. Carlisle was heavily into his medical journals, and Esme was wondering what Bella might like for breakfast. Concentrating on the steady beat of Bella's heart, I waited for her to wake up.
Eleazar's POV
Esme and the girls arrived home in the middle of the day, shortly before Carlisle left for the hospital. Carmen was excited to see Esme, and they talked well into the night. By the time Carlisle returned from work, Alice and Rosalie were fixing Carmen's hair and whatever else women vampires do. Carlisle and I had the chance to reminisce for a few hours before Emmett and Jasper arrived unexpectedly. After saying hello, they went to find their wives and Carlisle quietly suggested that Carmen and I leave as Edward would not be far behind.
"It would not be wise for him to hear your thoughts," he said, and I wholeheartedly agreed. Carmen bade Esme farewell, and she promised to pay us a visit soon to help find soft furnishings for our lounge.
Running flat out to Port Angeles, we swam across Juan De Fuca Strait. After another short run to Sidney, we mostly swam, landing near Richmond. The sun came up as we entered the Provincial Parks north of Vancouver, where we enjoyed the day hunting before retracing our steps to Vancouver International Airport for an evening flight home.
Bella's POV
When I awoke, it was to the wondrous sight of Edward sitting by the couch.
"Good morning, Bella."
"When did you get back?" I couldn't help but smile at this surprising start to my day.
"Only a few hours ago," he said. My stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly…even to my human ears. "Are you hungry, Bella?"
"No," I answered sweetly. Edward gave me his don't try to lie to me look. "I'm ravenous!"
Edward stood up and gave a small bow. "If Madam would like to make her order, Chef can be preparing breakfast while you dress."
"Anything will go down well this morning. You choose." I beamed up at him.
"My choice, would of course be mountain lion. Luckily for you, though, Esme has been wondering all night what you might like, and is ready to prepare almost anything."
"I'm sure that whatever Esme decides will be fantastic," I said. "I'll bet she could even make mountain lion palatable," I giggled, and ran into the bathroom. When I had washed and dressed, I skipped down to the kitchen. Esme had outdone herself.
Edward held my chair for me before settling beside me. There was coffee, orange juice, cereal, toast, pancakes, fried eggs, fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes, and tiny blueberry muffins. Sitting in the middle of it all was a tiny vase
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