» Fiction » The Witchery, Zoen Alyanna [books to read this summer .txt] 📗

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are some odd mixture except when I am around blood then they turn this color.
“I think it’s magnificent. And my eyes are not any of those colors you named off, so where does that leave me?” I asked lightly. Slowly Demetri turned back around to me. Then he saw the blood that was running from my lip again and then he bent to lick it off when, -BAM! I was thrown into the wall and hit my head. I gasped and fought to keep my eyes open. Then Demetri was back in front of me looking into my eyes.
“I am so sorry Liyra my instincts are kicking in. I can’t help it, I am so, so sorry. And you’re right your eyes are, Jade green.” I tried to shake off the sleep that was fighting to take over my body. Then I looked up into Demetri’s eyes trying to tell him it was fine, and it was alright but, all that came out was a muffled groan and then I started to slump down the wall.

Then Demetri caught me in his arms and helped me stand up.
“I’m alright, just a little tired.” I mumbled sounding pretty pathetic. Demetri looked much inflicted. I gave him a very weary smile and leaned back against the wall for support.
“Alright. Go and get changed or whatever. I am taking you to the doctors.” Demetri said as he took a step back giving me room to walk to my bedroom. I took a step almost stumbled and threw out my arm and grabbed on to Demetri for support. He helped steady me then stayed close behind me just in case I stumbled again. I told him I was alright and stumbled down the hallway into my room. Being obedient for once in my life I got up and stripped down. Then I slipped on a pair of jeans, one of Luc’s shirts I had snatched last week. It was just a tad to big (‘cause Luc and I only had two differences. First our eye color. Second a 3 inch height difference.” but, hey it was comfortable. Then I threw on one of Hayden’s hoodies slipping it on over my head and slipped on a pair of socks then, slowly walked out of my bedroom trying to look totally normal. But by the look on Demetri’s face I could tell he did not buy it for a second. I walked to the front door and plopped down on the floor in front of the closet. I opened up the closet door and pulled out a pair of Converse. Yea, I know Cons are not the best shoes to wear in snowy icy weather but, what do I care really? So I slipped them on then struggled back to my feet ignoring Demetri’s outstretched hand.

Once I was in the garage I started heading for my Mustang with my keys in my hand ready to go. Demetri let out a laugh. I turned to look at him.
“What?” I asked.
“You really think I am going to let you drive?” he asked in his beautiful deep slightly accented voice a small smirk playing on his lips. I made a mental note to ask where the accent was from later.
“Uhm, yea I always drive my baby.” I said attempting to give him a hard stare. But of course he just laughed and headed toward a beautiful Camaro. It was a pretty glossy black with red racing stripes and heavily tinted black windows. I mean they were so black I am sure it was illegal to have them tinted that dark. He nodded towards the amazing car, which almost beat my beautiful Mustang. But the real question was, ‘Which was faster?’
“My baby, I always drive. But if you’re a good little mate at the doctors’ maybe I will let you drive back.” I nodded then walked over to the passenger’s side. I opened the door and slid in. Then Demetri slid into the driver’s side and I could not help but stare. Beautiful guys in hot cars, was one of the best sites in the world. There was nothing I loved more. Well besides maybe a beautiful guy in a hot car with a huge pile of good books. Now that would just be the most amazing thing in this universe. I was brought back by the soft sound of Demetri’s laughter. I gave him a very confused look.
“It’s nothing. Just not really sure if you’re tall enough to ride in the front seat without a booster seat?” he mused. I let out a very sarcastic forced laugh and rolled my eyes.
“I am 5 foot and 2 inches of course I am tall enough.” I said as I buckled up and put the strap behind me, they were so uncomfortable. Demetri kind of laughed again, then started the car and gracefully backed out of the garage and head towards Saint Joseph, which was down by the elementary school on Main Street.

About 15 minutes later we pulled up in front of the hospital. Yea, Demetri is a very good driver, he managed to break almost ever driving law and made it out clean, unharmed, and not pulled over or in jail. And surprisingly I did not get sick, but I still think my Mustang is probably faster. I looked over at Demetri as he turned off the car. He had a little smile playing on his lips.
“Do you always drive like that?” I asked him kind of shocked. He nodded then got out of the car walked around to my side and opened the door.
“I am perfectly fine, you don’t need to treat me like a child.” I said as I stood up and stumbled into Demetri’s arms. He gave me a kind of strangled look all life draining from it.
“I’m so sorry, Liyra. Come one let’s get you inside.” Demetri murmured as he closed my door and wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me into the hospital and filled out a bunch of paperwork.


About 2 hours later, I had a black arm brace on my arm, three stitches in my bottom lip one on the top lip, and I had three different prescriptions and a splitting headache ready to pass out. One prescription for my headaches, one for the stupid strep throat, and one for my darn stomach. Demetri helped me outside and into the passenger’s side of his car. I surprised myself but not complaining once and just letting him buckle me up and close the door. Once he was in and started the car I immediately cranked the heat and turned up his stereo.
“You okay little one?” Demetri asked as he pulled onto Main Street and headed towards home. I nodded then laid the seat back as far is it would go and pulled my legs up in the seat and curled up into a little ball. I felt warmer and more comfortable like that. I closed my eyes and leaned into the seat hoping sleep would take over soon, cause right now being awake was painful, I hate being sick it sucks. I could feel as Demetri pulled off the main road onto the back ones that led out to the woods. He slowed the car down a bit and was more careful of the bumps this time. Knowing I was not feeling so well, and would prolly rip his throat out if he did something stupid. I was surprised when there was a big hand covering my little hand on my legs. I slowly opened my eyes to look up at Demetri. He was looking down at me very sadly and his hand was warm on my cold one. He slowly rubbed my hand with his thumb, back and forth.
“Don’t feel bad, hun. I’m sick by myself, not your fault at all.” I murmured as I entwined my fingers with his. He nodded.
“I know, I still feel responsible though. I’m sorry about your head though, that was my fault. Just sleep I will take care of everything else Liyra, no worries. I promise you.” Demetri said then gave me a little smile and turned back to the road.

I pulled my seat up a little too where I was actually sitting up, then I rolled over and rested my head on Demetri’s bunched up hoodie which was almost sitting in his lap. Then Demetri laid his arm back down and I re-entwined or fingers close to my chest, where I could feel his warmth and inhale his scent. ‘Cause honestly to this day I have problems sleeping alone. I knew I probably should not be holding Demetri’s hand. And I probably should not want to kiss him again, or run my fingers through his hair, or pull off his shirt to see those perfectly curved muscles you can feel threw his shirt, but I wanted to do all of those things and more. ‘Cause I have strong feelings for Demetri even though I hardly know him, and I am ready to get to know him, and see what I think. Only I can’t do that. It’s wrong, and prohibited, and I could have my powers stripped from me if I was involved let alone in a relationship with a Vampire. Witches and Vampires are companions and sometimes friends but they are never supposed to be lovers. It is prohibited, and if it ever happens then the Vampire is killed slowly and the witch has their powers ripped away from them. Because mixed breeds are dangerous and if our blood mixes it is likely to kill that person. Which meant Demetri was special he could have died. And if he was to bite me I could die, if we were to share blood I could die. And if I died half of Luc did as well. Wait, why was I thinking of being bitten or sharing blood with him? Stop it Liyra it can never happen, never. It is too dangerous to risky. If people found out… but, what if no one knows? No, I won’t do it. Today was just a onetime thing, never again. I by the blood of me and my ancestors swear to not get involved, get bitten, or share blood with Demetri. Or I shall be damned for the rest of times.

;orangered>To Be Continued… Imprint

Publication Date: 08-05-2010

All Rights Reserved

To my best friend Kate who has always helped and supported me. And my older sister Darrell who always gave an honest opinion. thanks guys, i love you.

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