» Fiction » The Witchery, Zoen Alyanna [books to read this summer .txt] 📗

Book online «The Witchery, Zoen Alyanna [books to read this summer .txt] 📗». Author Zoen Alyanna

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Outside the window everything was covered in a thin blanket of snow, sparkling as the sun gleamed wearily down on it. It was in the middle of December and I wished for the millionth time that this school year would end. I really hated this small town of Kentucky with a cold hard passion. But I am only a junior at NLHS so there for I still have a year and a half left in this god awful place. Then I am finally free!

I am sure you are probably thinking I am some weirdo hick but, no worries I was born in the wonderful state of Florida. But very unfortunately my brother and I got shipped up here when we were only about 7. But according to my parents who, I only see every Christmas and on mine and Luc’s birthday, they had to, that Luc and I were just too special to keep around. This in other words is, “Liyra, you and Luc scared the holy crap out of me. Just did not know how to take care of two 7 year olds with Witchery powers. Sorry, get over it hun.” Yea that about sums it all up.

So Mum and Da sent Luc and I to go to the boarding school of Witchery and Vampirism. (But Mum and Da did not know about Vampires or that the school was for Vampires too.) And we did, or well we do kind of. Except we have an arrangement with the school. Luc and I live in a little white house in the woods, and got to a normal high school. But on the weekends, and school breaks, and every other Wednesday and Sunday, we go to the boarding school for 5 hours, to take classes and practice on controlling our powers. This may sound like a lot of time there but really the time fly’s when I am there. Well now it does any way for about 8 years I was there all the time, not allowed to leave without an escort after I had been there for 3 years that is.

Usually you don’t even get that opportunity until you are like 17 or 18. Right now Luc and I are 16 but will be 17 in about 2 months. And we have been on our own since we were 15. But any way if you are powerful enough and more controlled you can usually get the chance when you are 16. But we got it when we turned 15 because; we are twins so our powers are more under control and enhanced when we are together. Physical contact helps the most. Some people think it’s kind of strange that we always have our arms wrapped around each other or are always holding hands. But hey, I would rather them think I am kind of strange than accidently use my powers and get shipped off away from Luc.

If someone was to split us up it would literally drive me insane. It would be like having half of my soul ripped out of me. Twins with Witchery powers have a very strange connection and are very rare. Luc and I can sense each others emotions, and if we focus hard enough we can sometimes see through each others eyes, or send telepathic messages. And with just a simple touch we can show each other anything that we have ever seen or thought. If we choose to that is. And right now in the boarding school Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are teaching us how to locate each other. It’s pretty hard though, in a month or so I am sure I’ll have it down though. So no worries.

I jumped when there was a low thump on my bedroom door.
“Liyra?” Luc called through the door.
“Yea, Luc?” I replied looking over to my still closed door.
“Can I come in?” he called again sounding kind of worried. I kind of nodded then realized he could not see me and replied, “Sure.” Then I turned from my window seal seat and stood to watch Luc walk in. I smiled at him brightly, he returned the smile kind of hesitant.
“What is it Luc? All I can feel is worry rolling off of you.” I said my smile faltering and turning into a straight line of worry. Luc kind of shrugged then took a step toward me and took my right hand in his.
“I don’t know Liyra. I was getting some pretty strange vibes from you. Just making sure you were okay and stuff. So you are okay, right?” he asked calmly. I nodded with a little smile.
“You worry too much Brother. It’s not good for you. You’re going to get wrinkles on that pretty face of yours. I was just thinking of Mum and Da is all. So no worries juss a lil bit of aggravation. I’m all good, and you?” I replied kissing Luc on the cheek then he enveloped me in a huge hug and was about to tell me something when my phone started going off.

With a groan I pulled back a little from Luc and pulled out my phone. It was, Victoria. With a sigh I pushed talk and held it up to my ear.
“Liyra! Where in the hell are you!?” She demanded. With yet another sigh I laid my head on Luc’s chest and covered my face with my left hand.
“At home.” I admitted.
“What!? Liyra! You’re going to make Josh and me late! Hurry!” Then there was a dial tone. Geesh. Talk about a drama queen.
“Goodbye Tori… See you soon princess.” I muttered under my breath then slipped my phone back into my pocket after hanging up.

Luc was looking at me very annoyed. I gave him a half smile and kissed him on the cheek.
“Come on Brother. Go start the car before Victoria has a stroke.” I said as I walked to my bedside table and tossed Luc my car keys. He kind of grimaced then turned on his heels and walked away. Once Luc was gone I slipped on my awesome brown winter boots, grabbed my I-Pod and on my way out the front door I grabbed my matching brown winter jacket. Then I ran into the garage and hopped into the driver’s seat of my beautiful Mustang. Once I closed the door I let out a happy sigh of comfort as the vents blew heat on my cold face. Once I was settled in, I took down my hair letting it fall in waves, and my bangs falling in place. Much better.

Then very carefully I pulled out of the garage onto the road. After a few minutes Luc started fidgeting with his I-Touch plugging it into my Stereo.
“Liyra, promise me something?” Luc asked finally content with the music.
“Anything for you brother you know that.” I replied simply as I turned onto Tori’s road.
“Tell me when you are upset or sad. And stuff like that. Juss tell me why. I hate being worried to death when ever all your emotions come flowing over me like a huge wave and not knowing what’s causing them. You know I want you happy Liyra, I love you sister, and you worry me to death. So, please?” Luc asked. I nodded at him very encouragingly.
“’Course, Luc.” I said. Then I pulled up into Tori’s driveway. She starred out with an expression that would make others flinch. She thought she could kill with that stare. And I am sure that she could, just would not be me she was going to kill. I juss smiled and winked at her. Then Tori kind of sneered and began to twitch over to me Josh trailing behind her of course. Looking as adorable and gay as ever. Victoria opened the door got in and slammed it as hard as she could manage. Which was kind of pathetic?
“Easy, with my baby.” I said as Josh got in and closed the door on the other side.
“Shut the fu-“she started then I turned up my music. It was going to be a long day I could already tell…Great.


The bell rang letting us go to our lockers then go to 4th where we would be going to lunch. I hurried down the hallway trying to get to my locker before I got trampled. I was almost to my locker when –BAM! I collided with someone and dropped my stuff falling to the ground. Very slowly I stacked my books up then there was a strong tan hand extended to me. I looked up to reveal my road block. And then I gasped. He looked like a freaking super model. I took his hand and let him pull me to my feet. Once I was steadily standing he bent down and picked up my books and handed them to me.
“Thanks.”I murmured, with a shy smile.
“No problem. Just watch your step there, little one.” The guy said in a deep slightly accented voice. I nodded like an idiot.
“Sure and sorry. But, uhm, I didn’t catch your name.” I said trying not to ramble.

The guy gave me a big white smile and looked like he was about to answer when the 4 vicious V’s appeared out of nowhere. Twitching there awful flat chested, no butted, 90 pound bodies Victoria, Valerie, Venus, and the head B, Veronica-Jo all stopped beside the mystery guy.
“Hey skank.” Veronica said looking at me. I smiled.
“Ohh. Such language. That really hurts, ouch.” I replied as sarcastic as I could possibly get. Veronica and her V-Squad just glared. I laughed. Veronica slid her arm through the boys.
“Oh please witch-bitch. Get over yourself, and don’t talk to my boo.” She practically hissed at me. Then she turned to the very confused looking mystery pretty guy, and nodded.
“Come on Hun, lunch time.” Then she turned and twitched away.

Victoria, Venus, and Valerie all surrounded me.
“Better watch it, Iyra.”Valerie murmured.
“Yea we doesn’t want your pretty little face getting hurt.”Venus added.
“Even though you have no friends so no one would even care if you did get hurt.” Tori finished it off. My hands began to shake and a simple tear ran down my face. That’s just what happens when my anger boils.
“First off, it’s Liyra. Second it’s not my pretty face I’m worried ‘bout sweetie. It’s your faltered one. I mean really if you’re going

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