» Fiction » Night Lullaby, Char Marie Adles [reading books for 6 year olds txt] 📗

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of my seat and squeezing him in a hug. He hugged y back tightly.
“I’m sorry your mom’s gone. I loved her very much.”
“It’ll be fine. I have you and she is in a better place.” I said sitting back in my chair.
He nodded. “Yes you do, and if there is ever anything you need all you have to do is tell me,” he said giving me another one of those sunny smiles.
“Well I guess that’s about it. But I was wondering about your last name. Is it Silver or Cross?”
“Mom changed it to Cross after we moved. She ever told me why though,” I said.
“Would you like to change it back?” he asked.
“Yeah, I think its only right,” I said with a grin.
He nodded.
“Well then that’s it. I’ll have everything ready for your school to start soon and your name. Go have fun and look around the castle. You can go anywhere you want.”
“Great,” I said. I got up and saluted him before I opened the doors to leave.
I turned to look at him.
“They are many men around here that are guards. They are all part of our clan, and are black crows as well. You’ll be able to tell because they will have there wings out. Later tonight the leader of the other Crow Clan will be here if you see them flying around. Then all know who you are of course, but it may be a surprise to see you.” he said with a big smile, like it was an inside joke.
“Are there more then one color for wings in the Crow clans?” I asked.
“No just dark brown to coal black. You’re taking this very well,” he said.
“Believe me, better then I should. I was always known for my solid belief in only things that are realistic,” I said with a laugh as I left. And I was also known for being like a rock. No emotions.
I walked down the hall way and looked for a way outside to look at the gardens I had seen.


Finally found my way out side after going down millions, literally, millions of stairs, only to find out there was an elevator.
Trust me I was slapping my forehead.
All kinds of flowers grew. Some so big that they were as tall as the ancient trees. Other so small you could barely see them. All of them were so bright, but the one the got my attention were the size of a rose and every little black petal looked like a wing, with a spot of white, like a splattered drop of blood.
I touched one of the silky petals. I remember having one of them when I was little. Mom had saved it for me.
“Beautiful,” I breathed.
“Yes they are. They’re call ‘night lullabies’.”
I spun around so fast at my shoe got caught in a thick patch of grass and I fell back on my butt with a squeak of surprise. And when I looked up in to the face for the man who ad said those words, my heart froze. My mouth opened in shock.
The moment his silver eyes locked with mine his face show surprise, pain, then furious.
“Why?” he roared into the air. He put his hair in his hair. “Why must I be tortured with what is gone forever?! Why must I live in agony?!” he turned away from me. “Why must my mind make up these things?!”
It was the guy from my dream, minus the huge black wings.
I slowly got to my feet and went over to him.
I didn’t know who he was, but he seemed to be in pain.
I reached out my hand and pressed it to his cheek. He stopped moving, and yelling at the same moment. He opened his silver eyes and stared into my gold ones. He was tall, and had to be well over six feet tall.
“Are you okay,” I asked in a worried voice.
“You…you’re not real…” he grabbed my wrist.
I heard wings flying towards us. That would be the guards. They must have heard.
“Yes I am-” but I didn’t get to finish. I was pulled away and hidden behind several tall men with huge black wings.
One of them turned to me. “Lady Fira run to the house!”
I watched as the young man fight off three of the guards, and look at me.
I pushed through the guards, but a fight broke out. I squeezed in between the guards and the guy yelling, “Stop this!” to the guards. They did.
I turned to the young man. “And you! What was that all about! You can’t just do what you want Tain!” I touched my lips, “Sorry, that just slipped out.”
He stared at me, then he pulled me close and crushed my to his chest.
“Fira!” he whispered, “You’re alive!”
“I can’t breathe,” I wheezed.
He still didn’t let go. Finally after more then ten minutes of being crushed I was pissed. I didn’t know who in the hell he was, why he was hugging my, or even why he knew my name, or yelled at me.
I pushed him away with a go shove and looked at the guards. They of course who had done nothing stared with an open mouth at the guy who hugged me.
“When I done with this guy, I can guarantee you will be back to take care of you all,” I promised the guards darkly, and then I tuned to the other guy, “And you! I have no idea who you are, why you know my name, a why you yelled at me but it ain’t gonna be pretty. Who are you?” I poked him in the chest.
He looked down at me with eyes that still mirrored shock.
I knew then I wouldn’t be getting anything else out of him.
Facing the guards I said, “Go back to your duties.” turning to the other guy I growled, “Come with me.”
I started walking away and as I got to the doors he caught up and grabbed my hand. I tried to shake it off saying, “Let go of me!” but he said nothing and just followed my like a lost kid.
I sighed as I walked down the long hallways and up the stairs.
What in the hell am I going to do now? I wondered as we walked into the tunnel to the doors and the high ceiling hall with the painting. It was then I realized that grandfather was one of them painted there though he looked much younger.
He looks almost my age…
I shook my head and moved on to the doors. Two guards stood at the door, their wings folded behind them. They stood tall beautiful, and grim faced.
They bowed and opened the doors. Grandpa voice flowed out the doors and danced around me like a musical sound.
As I walked into the room I heard someone else talking with him.
“Yes, my granddaughter has come here to live with me. Ah! Here she is!” he said as he saw me. I still couldn’t see the other person.
Grandpa’s eyes widened as he saw the guy I pulled behind me.
I came to stand n the middle of the small resting area and pulled out the guy in front of me.
“Well hel-” the other person never got too finished before I ripped into my grandfather about the guy.
“Grandfather! Do you know this man? He has the nerve to take on look at me and start yelling like some mad man! What is happening around here! Not only do I still find the whole demon thing a bit out there, I am to be yelled at that I am not real? AGH!”
Panting I calmly weighted for an answer.
His shoulders started to shake and he laugh. The other man did to. I took a moment to look at him. He was young to like grandpa, but there was something that told me he was old and more powerful then he looked, but he was handsome too.
“Oh dear it seems thing didn’t go as I planned. The boy there my dear is this man’s grandson, the student counsel president of your new school, and you fiancé.”
I stood there frozen at what he said. I was so shocked everything else he said was lost on me.
I stared at the guy who had yelled at me, and who had been in my dream.
No…this isn’t happening…
“This is Tain Alexander Black. You will be going to school with him,” grandfather said with a wide grin.
No! My new chance to start over…it was gone and ovarian instant…like a flame blown out…
And for the first time in my life I fainted.

Chapter 4
Forgotten Things

I was in my mom’s arms as she flew over the forest towards a large mansion.
“Remember Fira your job is to be friends with Tain, ok, honey? He been through a lot of bad things and hasn’t had anyone been nice to him.” she said holding me close as she landed just within the courtyard of the mansion.
Her beautiful tall and slim black wings shined in the sun as she retracted them.
She put me down and I scuttled around her to look at her back.
I stared at her with big eyes as she turned around to look at me, “Wow! Mommy’s wings are so pretty!” I chirped with a big grin.
My mom laughed. It was one of her laughs that made you feel as if you were silly. She grinned her famous grin the made you feel as if you had your own personal sun and tapped my nose as she picked me up again.
She walked up t the front door and it opened as she stepped on the porch. A man that looked in his late twenties stood there and smile at us. He was pretty to with long white blonde hair and even brighter cobalt blue eyes the looked as they were stars. He was tall and dressed in plain clothes, but he look so handsome that they looked flashy. He had the face of a noble born person with high cheek bone and fine facial structure. He looked like a model and seemed to shine.
“Pretty,” I said in awe.
He laughed and smiled at me. “Hello there, little one. You must be Mira’s little girl.” he had a kind voice. It was soft and deep.
I waved, to shy to talk.
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