» Fiction » Night Lullaby, Char Marie Adles [reading books for 6 year olds txt] 📗

Book online «Night Lullaby, Char Marie Adles [reading books for 6 year olds txt] 📗». Author Char Marie Adles

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She looked at me with a frown of disapproval. “Do you know nothing at all?”
“Nope,” I said bluntly, “Not a thing.”
“Well that sound of wings is your escort. Probly members of your clan and a few others! Come on get ready! They’ll be here soon and we have to be quick!”
She took off out of the room and I called after her. “Hey Mira! The dress! We have to change!”
She came right back in a blushed as I held up her dress for her.
She blushed. “Opps.”
“Hmmm-hmm,” I said.
I slipped out of my cloths and looked down at my bra and underwear. Both plain white and it seem like a shame to where them with the dress.
I sighed and slipped the dress on. It fit like a glove. Molding to my every curve.
“Nice,” I muttered. And was I put the corset around my back and tried to tie it up I couldn’t get it tight enough.
“Here let me help,” Mira said. “Take a deep breath and hold it.”
I took a deep breath and held it as she pulled the ties so tight I thought they would crack my ribs, and tied it off and the bottom with it blood red ribbon.
I breathed out and winced.
“You’ll have to get use to that. All the dress you’ll have to wear for parties and other things with have either an outside or inside corset,” she said patting my back.
She came around front to look at me. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look hot! You have a body any girl would kill for.”
I looked her over in her dress and noticed her lace was white.
“Why is your lace white?” I asked.
“Well that’s because we’re in different ranks. Your royalty while I’m in the noble school class.”
I frowned. “Oh.” she looked pretty in her dress. Not curvy like me, but slim and elegant. “I would rather look like you.”
Instead of answering she took my hand now and pulled me along after her as she ran down the stair.
“What are you doing!” I yelled.
“We have to hurry! They’ll be here soon! I want to look at all the hot guys!”
“Why,” I asked.
We stopped on the stair and she looked at me for a long moment, then started to shake her head.
“I have a lot of thing to teach you. The center of a teenage girl’s life isn’t work or school be boys and her social life! We have to start building ours now! You see I was always to book worm, and really smart, but looked like a geek. Over the summer I’ve changed in looks so I can start the life I always wanted. You how ever have to give up on work. Now you have a life to build.”
She glared at me, all serious. “Yes. You must. Our looks allow us to appear older and beautiful than other girls our age. That’s gives us maturity, so we must use it to our advantage. We have to be cool and calm, not bubbly and bouncy. Got it?” she asked.
“You mean like I am now?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
She smiled. “Yes, but you have the stick in the mud factor, so lighten up just a tad and you’ll do find. Now come on!”
We flew down the rest of the stair and ran to the main hall of the castle.
Grandfather stood there at the open giant entrance doors. He turned around and smiled sadly at me.
I hadn’t had enough time with him yet, and I found myself sad to leave him already.
He held out his hands for me and I went to him placing my hands in his.
His handsome face showed his pain and sadness.
“I’ve only had you for a short time, but you must go. We’ll see each other though. You look so much like you mother. Young and beautiful.”
A tear slipped free and he wiped it away.
“I just got you. I don’t want to go yet.”
He smiled. “I know, but you won’t be alone. You’ll have Mira and Tain, and you’ll make many friends.”
I pressed his hand to my cheek and smiled. “Thank you for giving back my life. You have no idea what I means to me to have you and a place to belong. I’m sure mom’s happy we have each other. I’m ready to take my place in the family.”
His smile gentled. “You make this old man happy.”
I laughed, smiling, and smacked his chest playfully. “You’re not old! You’re just horrible.”
The sound of wings were so close now I could feel the wind coming from them as they beated.
I looked out the doors and saw that a group of more then twenty men were about to land in the courtyard.
When they land all I could do was stare at their wings. All dark shade of brown and black, all but one pair so black that shined with blue tint.
Tain’s wings.
I suppressed a shiver.
Tain and eight other wore black suit that had the same design as the dresses so they had to be the uniforms for the males at the school. Each one had a red silk handkerchief in their front packet warning everyone that they were Royal Class.
And damn them if they all weren’t all so good-looking!
“Wow,” I heard Mira whisper behind me.
I looked each on over, as they retracted their wings.
Their was Tain of course. Super tall, super beautiful, well muscled, lean, long coal black hair like mine, silver eyes and a wicked smile.
Then the men next to him. Just as tall, not as good looking, but still super hot, well muscled, lean, short choppy white hair and violet eyes. He gave off the air of a cold person. Beautiful, but cold.
The next was a shorter version of the last one, but had long hair bound back.
Brothers, I thought.
Another one stood next to him he was shorter then Tain at about six two, lean, well muscled a longish hair style were his dark gold hair covered one of his gold eyes.
The next one was about eighteen, with short light brown hair, dark green eyes, glasses and just as tall or taller then the others.
The other three were the shortest in the group, but all had dark brown hair. One had green eyes, another red, and another the color of ice. They seem to look alike, but didn’t seem to be brothers.
Why did Mr. Fancy Pants Crow bring all his cronies? I wondered as they all followed Tain as he walked up and greeted my grandfather.
“Master, it is good to see you again,” he said with a low bow.
Grandfather laughed, “Always the one with the manners.”
Something in me snapped. I was standing next to grandfather and he hadn’t greeted me.
Wait…why do I care if he does or doesn’t? I hate him anyway.
I smiled coldly at him as he talked to grandfather, not even glancing my way once as he did.
I looked pass him to his followers. They all stared at me with looks ranging from excitement to question.
I raise an eyebrow at them as I stared at them coolly, like a queen might a servant in her way.
Then I looked at the men who were old, maybe early twenties in leather armor, who still had their wings out, holding swords.
Armed escort and guard I see.
Finally Tain turns to me with a greeting of, “My dearest little one,” and bowing over my hand to kiss my knuckles.
I glared at him. “Nice of you to finally notice me down here.”
He stood up and chuckled. “What a delighted little wild flower you are. I can’t wait to get to know you better again. You look stunning in your dress.”
I snorted. “Yeah. Where did you get that line? That’s something you could say to any girl.”
He grinned. “There’s the Fira I know.” he looked to grandfather. “Master it is time for us to go before we’re late.”
Grandfather nodded and grinned at me.
I pulled my hand out of Tain’s and took Mira’s.
“So how do we get there?” I asked.
“We fly, of course,” said the younger brother with the long white hair and violet eyes.
“Well I…sorta can’t fly,” I mumbled at them.
“What did you say, my lady?” he asked.
“I can’t fly!” I exclaimed and then clamped my mouth shut.
“Well then it can’t be help,” Tain said with a grin and then scooped me up in his arms princess-style.
“What are you doing!” I squeaked, reaching down to make sure one could see my underwear.
“Alsh take Ms. Mira for me,” Tain called out to the older brother with choppy white hair and he scooped up Mira like Tain had done to me.
They stared walking toward the edge of the courtyard and road that led to a Cliffside.
“And Fira! Remember! Watch out for men!” grandfather yelled as one the men jumped off the cliff and spread their wings and soared into the air.
I looked at the land hundreds of feet below and everything started to spin.
“Fira? Fira! What wrong?” Tain asked in a worried tone.
Everything was fuzzy and flashed before me eyes.
“I can’t…afraid of heights…fear…” I said dizzily and then everything went black.Chapter Six

I woke to the steady beat of my heart and kept my eyes closed as I listened to it, but slowly things started to piece together, and the beating of my heart seemed to loud to my own ears.
I frowned, opened my eyes and screamed.
I put both of my arms around the nearest object in a death grip and that happened to be Tain’s neck.
“Oh my god! What do you think your doing?! We’re so far up that we could die if we fell!” I whimpered in fear.
He chuckled.
The nerve of this man!
“You have nothing to fear. I will not drop you my princess. And it might be best if you hold on as tight
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