Colony 11, Gwendolyn Inman [bill gates books to read txt] 📗

- Author: Gwendolyn Inman
Book online «Colony 11, Gwendolyn Inman [bill gates books to read txt] 📗». Author Gwendolyn Inman
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Seconds after I stepped into the elevator another door opened behind me. I turned around to see another woman in a tweed suit with a clip board. behind her was a hallway with numbered doors
“Please continue to your door. Inside you shall receive your instructions.”she said. All the other pairs got off the elevator except me and the woman that must have been Ramona’s life assistant.
“What are you two still doing standing there.” she checked her list. “Regina and Morgan please proceed to door six as you were just told.” I looked at Morgan and shrugged. We might as well. I started towards my door with Morgan right on my heals.
“Oh and Regina you forgot your well earned prise.” the woman tossed me a pouch. I looked inside to see that it was full of clear chips with the number one hundred etched in silver paint. I turned and opened my door. The room was like a lecture hall. I saw another woman standing at the front, probably to give me a debriefing.
“Take a seat please. My name is Ms. Crone. I am the advisor to all nineteen colony six contestants. I will advise you in the usage of your powers and the advancement of your career here in colony eleven. So to start, you will be living on the sixth floor of apartment building two-fifty-nine. When you get to your room you should both go to your bedroom’s which are labeled with your names. In your room you have a king sized bed, a desk with your laptop and cash card on it, a wall mounted T.V. that is connected to many different gaming systems, a collection of video games that will help you increase your performance, a card loading machine, a stack of catalogues to help you decorate your room, a walk-in closet, and an attached bathroom.
“All expenses involving room decoration will be covered. Your card already loaded with one-thousand chips. Regina use your card loading machine to put your chips on your card. Read all the instructions and then go into your closet and put on the outfit that is there, it’s indecent to be walking around in a towel.” She said the last part with a look of disgust on her face.
“Go to your apartment and get a good night sleep. The in the morning, at six a.m. sharp, grab your fully loaded card meet me in the lobby. I will give you further instructions from there are we clear?” she said as she picked lint off her suit. “Great go though this door and walk down the street. Your building is the first one on your left, she opened the door.
Chapter 7
I walk though the door and on to the street. I was shocked by what I saw. A perfectly normal city street with building of all different styles even though they were all the same height. Over the rooftops I could see the peaks of higher buildings. I turned left and walked over to the closest building in that direction.
It looked more like a modern office building than an apartment building, all steel and windows. The door was being held open by an old man with a friendly smile on his face. He beckoned to me and waved me inside. I was cautious to go in but I didn’t have much of a choice with Morgan coming in right behind me.
I saw the elevator doors closing and yelled “Hold the elevator”I ran to the elevator and slipped though the narrow hole in the door, running into Ramon and landing on top of him.
“Shouldn’t I be topping you?” he asked when I looked at him in shock. That jack ass. All he can think about is sex.
We reached his floor as I hit him with a fiery stare. He laughed, got up and got off the elevator. I stood up tightened my towel and got off the elevator at my floor. I looked around the square room. On each wall was a door. One wall had the glass door to the patio, one had the elevator and the others had little white letter on them One said ‘Regina’ the other said ‘Morgan”. I guess the designers knew what was happening to Georgia.
I walked over to my room and went in. Inside was exactly what Mrs. Crone said there was. I went to the desk and picked up my card. I walked over to what was apparently the loading machine. I looked at the instructions on the machine. I emptied the bag of coins that I had been holding with a death grip, into the hole in top. Then i put my card in the card slot and got it back with a perky ding.
“You have eleven-thousand chips! Spend them wisely!” the mechanical voice said to me as I snatched back my card and put it on the desk. I walked over to the walk-in and saw that there was no outfit. I was puzzled.
“Please undress and proceed to the back of the room to be scanned for sizes.”a mechanical woman's voice said as I jumped into the air. I dropped my towel and walked to the back of the closet. There were a few beeps and a flash of light. When I could see again there was an outfit on a mannequin with very large boobs in front of me. The mannequin was wearing a polo shirt unbuttoned so you can see the top of the bra, a pleated khaki skirt and heeled marry janes. It looked I was going all librarian slut. I looked at the outfit and sighed. I tried to take the skirt off the mannequin when the woman’s voice came on again.
“You like the outfit? That is great! This outfit in your size is now waiting for you on your bed.” it said. Okay, on my bed. Wow, this is simple. I walked out of the closet to see each of the individual outfit components on the bed. A black push-up bra with a ton of padding, a pink polo, a tan pleated skirt that only looked about three inches long and a black thong. I’m getting a feeling that this is a male dominated culture. I shrugged and got dressed. I looked like a total whore. My skirt barely went pasted my crotch, my over enhanced B-cups were almost falling out of my top and my heels made people look at me starting at my shoes and work their way up. I grabbed my card and walked into the main room. I saw Morgan sitting on the couch in her jeans and tee shirt. When she saw me she stood up and fallowed me to the elevator.
We took the elevator down and met Mrs. Crone in the lobby. She looked me up and down in distaste and sighed.
“You picked preppy as your style of choice.” I had a choice of outfit, what! Oh it must have been in those instructions that I should have read. “How unfortunately distasteful. I was hoping for you to be a casual but I guess not. Well here is your entry card.” she said as she pulled out a black card from her purse and handed it to me. She pulled out another card and handed it to me. “That is my calling card call it using the phone you will get if you ever need something. But now, go outside and swipe your cash card in the white machine and when it asks tell it you want a taxi for two too the preppy stores. When you get there you can go into any stores that have the black word preppy on their sign by holding your card up to the door.” she told us while she slowly walked to the doors. “Well have a nice day.” she said as we came to the doors.
* * *
Me and Morgan walked outside into the bright June sunlight. I walked up to the machine and did what Mrs. Crone told me to do.
“Thank you please sit down and wait for taxi twenty-seven.” I sat on a bench and waited in silence with Morgan until the taxi arrived. When it did we climbed inside and I broke the ice.
“So what was your style when you first came here?” I asked when the car started moving. She looked at me and smiled.
“Preppy, of course. I never got why a girl that has stuff to show off would try to hide it. I mean when there are so many men to impress you have to look smart a sexy” she had an accent to her voice that I hadn’t noticed before. It sounded like an accent from the Jersey area of colony one.
“Morgan, what colony are you from?” I asked when she started checking her refection in the window. She turned to look at me with a huge smile.
“I’m from colony one girl! My talent is to cause an addicting feeling of comfort and happiness. Like the main talent of colony one, just stronger and more addicting. Where did you think I was from? That Eskimo colony ten. No way! The only reason I was assigned to Ramona was because in my group there were two from one and none from ten.” She said as we pulled to a stop. We got out of the car and stepped on to the side walk. We were in front of an underwear store. “Yes! This is like the best store in town. ‘Under Preppy’ has like the best bra’s and I’m like best friends with Rochelle, the manager. I can get you great deals.” She said as we walked to the door.
‘Under Preppy’? That is like the cheesiest name for and store ever, I thought as I put my black card on the door’s scanner. The door opened automatically and we walked inside. I looked at the walls that were covered in partial mannequins wearing glittery bras and thongs.
“Morgan! I can’t believe your luck! You got a preppy girl from colony six! That is like so rare, mostly that are casual or preppy. Give me a hug girl!” A tall blond woman who looked completely plastic who was standing beside the counter screamed as Morgan ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. “Ow ow! These are new as of yesterday.” she said as she gestured to her new boobs. “And you don’t need help shopping here so run along so I can take care of your charge.” Morgan ran off to shop and Rochelle came over to me.
“You look about a B34 and a medium. You free or have you set your sights on someone? Are you planing on getting any plastic or going natural? Do you like commitment or
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