Colony 11, Gwendolyn Inman [bill gates books to read txt] 📗

- Author: Gwendolyn Inman
Book online «Colony 11, Gwendolyn Inman [bill gates books to read txt] 📗». Author Gwendolyn Inman
“Who is it” I asked. A woman entered the room and closed the door behind her.
“I am your beauty assistant, Laura. You called for me.” she said as she spun my chair away from the mirror. “Just close your eyes and wait for me to finish your hair. You may see when I am done.” She said. I heard a few snips and felt her pull a cap over my head. She slipped a necklace over my head, put the wig on and spun me around to face the mirror. I was gorgeous.
I walk out into the living room just as the door bell rang. I gave myself a once-over in the a full length mirror and ran to the door. I opened the door and there was Ramon in a black dress shirt and khaki pants. I couldn’t help but notice that the top two buttons of his shirt were undone.
“Come in, come in.” I said as I ushered him in and pointed to the table. I closed the door and went to sit at the table. He fallowed my lead and sat across from me.
“You look great. Not as good as the last to times I seen you, but still great.” I laughed and tossed my hair over my shoulder. I felt the I was putting the flirting on a little thick so I calmed down and started poking at my salad.
“So do you. Did you go shopping today or was that just me.” I meant for it to sould light and airy, but it came out conceded and kind of rude. He just laughed and shook his head while he ate his salad. I heard a ding from the kitchen to see what food was ready for our next course.
“Let me go get our entree.” I said to excuse myself. I walked into the kitchen and saw two plates of chicken on rice all ready on the counter. I picked them up and placed one in front of myself and one in front of Ramon.. I sat down and stared at my food as an awkward silence started to stretch. Finally he broke it.
“So what have you learned about this place?” he asked.
“Little to nothing.” I admitted.
“Well, I learn about our day-to-day life here and and that we start training tomarrow.” he said.
“Training for what, I wonder.” I said as I poked at my chicken. It looked so delicious but I didn’t really trust the food. There was just something here that seemed off.
“Oh! Our careers. I was told that we would have to pick a “pathway’” he said with air quotes. “Then then will give us a job in that pathway that best uses our talent. I know that two of the pathway’s are science and entertainment. I think there might be more. Never mind I know there is more but that really doesn't matter right now. What matters right now is you, me and creamy tomato soup.” He said and turned his attention to his food and took up a spoonful of soup. He put it to his lips and...
Slurp! He continued doing this for almost five minutes before he looked up and saw my face. He just put his spoon back in his bowl, and put on the face of a little kid who was caught sneaking cookie from the cookie jar.
“Ramon was that really nessicary.” I asked his with a flirtatous lift to my voice.
“Not at all.” he replyed as he looked at his shoes. I got up and went to the fridge looking for something to drink. I found a six pack of what looked like beer. When I read the lable I discovered that it was just cola in bottles to make it look like beer. I decided it was safe grabbed two and opened then up. I placed one in front of Ramon and took a swig of mine.
He picked up his bottle and held it in the air. “To colony eleven,” he proposed. “a new place with new people and new opprotunitys.” he said.
“I’ll drink to that.” I responded as I clicked mine with his. I took another swig before I noticed a large warning on the bottle. Fools Soda has been produced to help you enjoy yourself. Should cause giddiness, foolishness and a burning desire to do what you would never do without the extra push. You will not remember what you did after you drink this; every swig is another five hours of pure happiness. Has no physical effects on the body. Drink up and enjoy!
My last thought before my memory faded was, why the hell did Morgan put that in the fridge? Then the world went black.
Chapter 9
I woke up the next morning with a blinding headache. I was lying in bed curled into a tight ball under the covers. The first thing I saw were Morgan’s bright green eyes looking right into mine. I blink a couple of times as if it would scare her away. She snapped up and stood up strait. I shook my head and sat up in bed. That’s when I realised that all I was wearing was underwear. I was so shock I jumped out of bed ran into the closet and got on pajama jeans and a sweatshirt. Morgan looked at me with amusement in her eye.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked her as I rubbed my eyes.
“Girl, do you know what went down between you and Ramon last night?” she ask me.
“No clue. I don’t have a clue what happened after...” I trailed off. Then it came back to me. “The shit in the fridge! Why the hell was that in there?” I asked her in rage. She held up her hands and started backing towards the door. I looked at the clock it read six a.m.
“I thought you and Ramon might need a little push to get the ball rolling. However with Ramon's mind reading he could tell something was up once the effects wore off on him. He snapped back to reality faster than you because he had drank less.” she said as she walked out of the room and into the living room.
“Are you going to tell me what happened? Wait, how do you know what happened?” I asked her.
“Oh well, after Jonas left I went into you room to check up on you and Ramon, only to discover that he was gone. Puzzled I went down to security and got the footage from last night in the apartment. Now I will show it to you.”
* * *
“Hey Ramon. Lets stop eating and go sit on the couch.” I said. He nodded and lay down on the couch. I got on top of him and we started making out. When we finally stopped to breath. I stared into his eye’s for what seemed like five minutes. Then I whispered something inaudible into his ear and we got up and went to my room.
* * *
“Stop, I know were this is going and I don’t want to see it” I told Morgan. She shook her head and chuckled.
“It’s not going where you think it’s going. Don’t worry you little head.” She said as she played the video again.
* * *
We walked into my room first I went into the bathroom. My beauty attendant removed my wig and shook out my hair so it would go back to it’s waves. I climbed onto my bed where Ramon was waiting. He started unzipping my dress and when he got it off I tried to remove his shirt. But then I feel asleep.
* * *
“What, seriously? I just fall asleep all over him!” I shouted. Morgan shrugged and sighed.
“I suppose the drink put to much strain on your mind and so your brain just kinda shorted out. It has been known to happen to people when they are under a lot of stress and want to drink and escape. I think it might be a safety feature so that u don’t exhaust yourself until you die.” She told me as she got up and walked into the kitchen. She came back with two steaming toaster pastries drizzled with sugary icing. I toke one when she held it out to me and I started to devour it.
“Whoa. Dude, calm down. These are energy pastries, eat them to fast and you get a nasty stomach ache. So, finish do exactly what you did last night to get ready for your date but substitute the phrase ‘date clothes’ for ‘business clothes’, and ‘date look’ for ‘business look’.” she told me. I wonder what we were doing today. Probably ‘settling into the new life’ stuff. When we had both finished we went to our rooms to get ready.
I went into my closet and asked for my “business clothes”. What I got was a red jacket with only three buttons placed at the bottom, so that the lacy black bra underneath peaked out. It was paired with a red mini skirt, tan pantyhose and red leather stiletto's. I will have to find a loop hole in my style choice. I don’t know how much longer I can live with looking like a “slutty school girl”. I touched the outfit any way and walked out to put it on. I struggled with the jacket, but eventually I buttoned it. Then I proceeded to hair and make-up.
When I stepped into the bathroom Laura was waiting for me. “I know what you want, please sit down.” she told me. I did what she said and waited patently for her to be done. When she spun me around I was again amazed by my transformation. This time she had straitened my normal hair and attached short strait bangs that matched my hair color perfectly. She had applied brown mascara to my lashes and nude lipstick to my lips. My cheeks had a slight blush and I looked ready to go.
I walked out to the living room to see Morgan sitting on the couch, reading an interior design magazine. She looked up when I came in. I stood in front of her and she looked me up and down, then frowned.
“What?” I asked in response to the look on her face. She looked at me again and shook her head.
“It’s your outfit. It’s just not right. I think it’s the color. I think It would look better if the suit was white and the bra was red. Go and change.” she sat back down and continued reading. I walked back to my room and changed. When I went out to the living room again Morgan nodded her head.
“Great, now go and take that outfit off. Place all the clothes in the back of the closet and say ‘box’. Then go to the bathroom.” she said and went back to
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