» Fiction » Flames Underneath, Nina G. [beach read book txt] 📗

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up the sky and saw her leaning and at the same time looking at the opposite side on a balcony. She was so beautiful. I climbed up the spiral staircase and was prepared to sweep her away. She faced me with eyes all swollen. I smiled at her and she started whimpering again. She stood there in one corner and I was approaching her. “what’s the matter with me?” I said chuckling. She looked up and we were face to face “I don’t know…” there was a long pause and we were staring at each other’s eyes. I was only a step away from her “I guess I’m falling in love” I finally admitted. I put away the space between us, leaned in and…

Chapter five: Gail
He kissed me. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach.Just a while ago I thought I was having the worst day of my life. But now, it’d probably be the best. I was in tears and now it feels like they just evaporated away. I knew giving this town a chance would bring me to a much more “magical” place. The kiss could’ve lasted forever but as things were heating up, to me it only lasted for about 3 seconds. This’d probably be my first kiss. The one with Kyle Miller on my 8th grade was nothing compared to this. For the fact that it was a dare and by the time we did kiss the flashback of him threatening to marry me when we were younger kept on replaying. Danny’s face was pulling away and I tried getting a hold of his shirt to pull him farther in. he held my hand but we were only face to face this time. “Wow” he said roughly breathing. I replied with a smile and a chuckle. There was a long pause. Finally he asked “so I guess that’s an I love you too, right?” gosh. I think so. Every inch of blood went to my face and I was blushing. “Cause if it isn’t I’d be happy to kiss you again.” He added. I shoved him playfully away, turned around and let the cool breeze sink in my face. I bent my head down and answered him “I love you too”. I felt very dizzy and took support on the balcony’s fence. “hey, you okay?” Danny asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I assured him. I lifted my head up and saw that the clouds were moving away from the sun. I turned to face Danny and at the exact moment, the sun shone through and... and… Danny was glowing. No, not just glowing he was shining. I rubbed my eyes and he still was. He shone brighter than the sun. as if there really was a light in him. I wondered if it would hurt to touch him again. “are you sure you’re alright?” he asked. “huh?... uh yeah I’m fine.” I wasn’t even that much focused on him. The light’s starting to blind me. “Danny… you’re…you’re…” he looked at himself and backed away. “I’m so sorry Gail” he said. “What? Wh-wh-what’s wrong?” I said confused. He looked down to himself again and then looked at me straight in the eyes. Kaleidoscope colors are just so hypnotizing. “I have to go” he finally said. What?! Not now. Not here. Not like this. He can’t just leave me undone. “But, but you just kissed me. And…and now…you’re leaving me?” this was unacceptable. “I’m sorry… see you tomorrow.” He turned around and went down the stairs. I stood there feeling like what my mom feels like when she tries her best to cook and I won’t even finish my meal. I watched Danny run inside. Great! Another Shakespeare story about Romeo and Juliet but this time Romeo ran away from Juliet, not with her. Sigh* I stood there for hours thinking about Romeo… I mean Danny. Wondering if he’d come back. He stole a kiss from me and runs away with it. No. he did not just steal a kiss from me. He stole my ever confused heart. By the time the sun went down, I too did as well from the balcony.

* * *
My arm couldn’t even close the screen door properly. So as usual it slammed behind me. “Sweetheart?” mom asked. I walked pass through the living room and went straight to my room. “Gail, you look so tired” mom added. I knew she was following me but I didn’t care. I fell into my bed with my backpack still hanging on my shoulder and closed my eyes. My dream was all blurry but I was sure about one thing: that it was about Danny. It showed me flashbacks of the time I attempted to shake his hand, that night he offered me an accompaniment on my way home, the time I felt like I was being swept off my feet, the time he defended me and Ronina and then kissed me. It made me realize something: that after something beautiful happens to me and Danny he’d always leave me disappointed. The dream turned into a nightmare as it showed me flashbacks of him leaving me unsatisfied. And finally it showed me something that didn’t come from the past. The view was focused on Danny and he was on top of a cliff and I came from under. He was walking towards the edge and looked back smiling as if he was showing off. Out of nowhere I showed up and hugged him pleading. Though I wasn’t sure of whatever I was pleading about. Danny put his hand on my cheek and said something but it looked like as if he were assuring me something. He kissed me and put my arms away. The view zoomed closer to Danny this time. He closed his eyes and jumped off the cliff. He was falling closer and closer to me and I just wanted to catch him. Suddenly everything went bright till it was dead white.
* * *
I found myself wincing every time I remember my dream… oh that strange dream. It was… it was… it was weird. I mean… who would want to jump off a cliff? Apparently Danny would. Well, it’s just a dream he’s not that stupid to jump off a cliff, right? He isn’t right? Sigh* well here I am in the classroom an hour early. No one else has arrived yet. I looked around and noticed that the lighting’s dimmer than before and it’s much colder. I didn’t think about bringing a jacket so there I was shivering to death. Taped to the ceiling was a beautiful little replica of a solar system made of round Styrofoam’s. There were nine planet’s each stringed to their orbits made of wire. The 3rd planet near the center was Earth. Yeah. My planet, the first word that popped out my mind was “boring”. “Oh, my, my planet earth, why’d you have to make life boring for me?” I asked the planet as if it would answer. After a few seconds I realized that I was talking to a painted Styrofoam. I quickly looked around and thanked God no one heard that. I tried blowing the Styrofoam ball to see if it’d move and it did. The Styrofoam painted green but mostly blue swung towards the Sun. now the Sun really did catch my attention. Its Styrofoam was bigger than the planets’ and it was wrapped with the sort of paper that’s shiny that you can almost see your reflection in it. I looked into my reflection further but you can hardly see it because of its orangey color. I decided to reach out to it and it only took me a slight touch and it swayed to the window and suddenly reflected the light coming from outside. It blinded my eyes and for a moment I couldn’t see. It reminded me of Danny although I didn’t know why. “Hey pretty lady” I jumped by surprise and quickly turned around to see who it was. It was Brett. Aww. I mean.. not that I was expecting Danny or something… “Uhmm, I just want to say sorry for what happened yesterday” Brett said with eyes fixed on a certain portion of the room. And yeah he was embarrassed. I don’t know why but because of that I also felt embarrassed of him being embarrassed because of what he’s done that’s very embarrassing to me. Get it? I don’t too. I gulped loud enough for him to hear. I guess him knowing that I thought its best not to talk about it is comforting cause now he looked straight into my eyes. His eyes… always so blurry, it’s like they’re hiding something. “I… I know this is nothing like Brett Stephen Larkin usual does, but you really are special to deserve something as honorable as this” he said smiling smugly. And I gave him a playful eyebrow up saying: “don’t push it”. Time passed and people gone inside the room sometimes in groups and sometimes individually but when Nikki Chilton gave me the glare it was only then I realized that I was sharing an interesting conversation with THE Brett Larkin and for once a jerk like him made me giggle. For the first time I felt wanted in this other world. Brett really does have a good sense of humor. I enjoyed too much that we didn’t even bother sitting down. We were at the exact spot he said sorry. The sun suddenly shone brighter outside disturbing our conversation so I had to put down the shutters of the window we were next to. And of course these good things don’t last cause Ms. Stanley just entered the room.we headed to our seats and it was only then that I realized my seatmate- Danny the guy whom I woke up early for just to confront this morning, wasn’t there. He was absent.

Chapter six: Danny

I spent approximately 13 hours pacing back and forth trying to recall the memories and digging deeper inside me. My house would probably look like a nuclear power plant by now. Its 9:30 and I’m really, really late for school… I ran down the stairs and burst out the door without even saying goodbye to Ben (my ever useless dad) put on the hood of my jacket. How dare I show my face to someone I left behind yesterday right after admitting that I love her… oh how I resemble a scared little boy who keeps running away from
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