» Fiction » Flames Underneath, Nina G. [beach read book txt] 📗

Book online «Flames Underneath, Nina G. [beach read book txt] 📗». Author Nina G.

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the truth. I’ve never felt this way before. This feeling of… being in love. In the middle of my journey towards facing the girl I unbearably adore, I turned around to run back. I ran and I ran… Headed where? Where was I really headed? I can’t be headed home. Home. Is it really worth calling home? Yeah, right. Its more of a hollowed place built of hatred, shame and disgrace. I finally settled at a rocky ground. Sat and remembered every single memory of the one thing that made that house as hollow as it is now. Mom…

Once upon a memory were two lovers. A couple that’s already got everything planned. Planned indeed. They were happy for they’ve got everything they needed and wanted, years passed and they found life, dull. So one stormy night the two insane lovers kept themselves in a room and decided to wish for one thing more. They prayed and prayed that the Lord would give them the gift of light. That no matter when they step into darkness, they would always find their inspiration and they’d be led safely back home. Nine months later they’ve been given what they asked for. Literally what they asked for.
That night the house became an unlimited source of light and that night the gift became a unique and one of a kind baby boy. For the mother couldn’t accept what she has given birth to, she passed the child to the father and went away. But she never came back.

If only I were able to cry. My mother left too soon. I couldn’t even remember what she looked like. I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood and swiftly drifted changing direction and ran to school. I ran as fast as I can as if leaving everything behind .that’s what I am … a runner I keep moving forward. I destine for change. “Prepare to be blinded by Awesomeness everyone… especially you Gail. Cause here I come”

* * *
Too late. The front doors are closed. Great. So much for dazzling everyone. I sneaked to the sides peeping from Ms. Stanley’s window. There I saw Gail smiling. Which also made me smile but next to her I saw… Brett. NO. This can’t be. My heart felt like it’s been ripped to pieces No. no. no. no. no… I shined too much that Gail was forced too bring down the shutters. No. no. oh no. anger flowed in my veins. I wanted to bathe Brett with cooking oil and burn him to death. No. no. no… Darn it what am I going to do now?! I was feeling so cheated and at the same time so helpless. No. I’m not losing her to a jerk like him. So he wants to play games huh.. Well Game on.
* * *

I waited outside providing sunlight for this cloudy day. The school bell rang and finally Gail came out. I held my pride and approached her. “Gail” I managed to say. “Danny. What?... what are you doing here?... I- I mean I thought you were absent” She said stuttering. I knew it. She was flirting with Brett when I was away. “Yeah, and you actually thought that’d be an excuse to flirt with Brett” I protested. “What?!, What are you talking about? I wasn’t flirting with Brett.” She said confused. “Yeah you were! I saw you earlier” that’s only when I noticed I was yelling and everyone was circled around the two of us wondering what was going on. “Wait. You saw us? But…how?” she questioned. Uh –oh I couldn’t tell her in front of everybody that I peeped from the window. Oh I sound so much of a stalker. “Fine I admit it I saw you from Ms. Stanley’s window” I said blushing. She choked a laugh “oh” she said trying hard not to laugh. Everyone around us started giggling and whispering to each other. “so you do admit you were flirting with Brett” I asked accusing. “No I wasn’t. and you’ve got exactly no right to feel like this… were not even together.” She said with a softer tone. Her words struck me like lightning… “You know what?... you’re right I’m sorry” I said walking away. The crowd of people split into two and gave way to me. But it didn’t stop me from smiling all the way. Silly me. I was actually in a good mood. “Congratulations Gail Simone for finally making me speechless” I murmured to myself. I wanted to go back there and protest: “ hang on to your seats everyone the show won’t end there”
* * *

I realized i was smiling for quite some time now. I've been acting so immature and I'm not planning on stopping to. 'I'm about to open Gail's eyes... even if it takes unbelievable heights. I really really like this girl and she's nowhere near her freedom. she should see what i usually see. which is... which is way beyond what normal people see down there'. i thought to myself increasing speed of my flight. the wind might harshly hit my whole body but I'd just keep on producing more flames. I'm no superman... i hope she likes me as i am. wait a minute... that's it.

Chapter seven: Gail

whoa. Ok. too much drama... I can't believe it. i just made Danny jealous. oh no. he's angry. oh no,oh no,oh no. well he did say sorry. and he really should. i mean.. he didn't have the right to yell at me like that. and why would he think that i was flirting with Brett? were just friends. man, I Shouldn't have humiliated him in front of all those people. but he did deserve it. now I'm just being so rude. Too much pressure! ugh. i looked to my right and checked the time 2 A.M.?! i have to go to sleep.

* * *

i drifted and ran back to the kitchen to kiss my mom who seems very busy talking to someone on the phone goodbye. Hmmm... i haven't seen her like this for years now. i wonder who she's talking to. but i'll save that for later I'm late for school. I ran through the corridors and went inside the classroom. all eyes fixed on me including Ms. Stanley's. "ah, Ms. Simone just in time." she said. "looks like Flay and Henderson are the ones late today" she added. I took my seat but still froze by hearing Danny's name. suddenly a student from the back raised her hand. black nail polish - Elisha Ortega. "yes, Elisha" ms.Stanley called. "Logan Henderson isn't late Ms. Stanley. he's in charge of the announcements every morning remember?" Elisha corrected. "oh, yes i remember" Ms. Stanley said. just then a sound from the speakers were heard. and Logan Henderson began announcing something about Physical Ed class next week. of course i didn't pay attention. I was staring at the empty seat next to me. where's Danny? is he planning on accusing me again later after dismissal?. "and now Danny Flay has something to say" my heart flipped by hearing his name. everyone suddenly looked at me. out of the blue we heard an instrument playing through the speakers. "Uhm. Ms. Stanley i thought it was forbidden to play music during announcements" Nikki protested. but Ms.Stanley didn't immediately reply just as curious as everyone else. suddenly someone sang along with the music and the sound grew nearer and nearer. there entered by the door was Danny... wearing a red cape playing the guitar singing. whoa. singing "Superman" by Joe Brooks. no wonder the song sounded so familiar. and as he sang he walked slowly towards me. as if he really was singing to me. it was confirmed that it really was for me when he started kneeling in front of me. this is too much. i started blushing. everybody around us started giggling. and as the song ended Danny put out a rose from his pocket and protested "Gail, I'm no Superman, i hope you like me as I am" I opened my mouth to reply... but nothing came out. "Impressive" Ms. Stanley said. i decided to just smile. i fear singing in return. oh boy. again with the melting...

* * *
Red cape? Ridiculous... oh my my my my. his eyes were locked into mine. he is so Beautiful. the costume was a little childish though. but I couldn't help but wonder if he could really carry me and take me to the stars... sigh*... stars. twinkling. no not just twinkling they're also shining... with the colors of brown, red and orange. and as Danny was blinking they also twinkled.
"hey,superman looks like you're overdressed. you're only supposed to be wearing tights, remember?" Brett said. Danny stood and glared at Brett. "Okay now. show's over" ms. Stanley said smiling at the two of us. but as i saw Danny's smile it didn't seem like it was.

* * *

We spent the whole class time sharing a conversation. is locking of eyes considered as a language? anyway... by the way his eyes sparkled... man, there was nothing more to say.
finally the school bell rang. he immediately got to his feet and grabbed my hand. i clutched my back pack and went along. we were running as fast as the wind. now i didn't know where he was taking me, but who cares? we passed through the football field and went into the woods. in the middle of nowhere we stopped and settled down. I almost hugged a tree just to catch my breath and he just kept on smiling as if running all those miles didn't tire him. "why'd you take me here?" i asked him. " well
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