» Fiction » In Me, Tiffany Anyel [good books for 8th graders TXT] 📗

Book online «In Me, Tiffany Anyel [good books for 8th graders TXT] 📗». Author Tiffany Anyel

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Looking at Paul I smile saying, “What? I’ve never been to the beach. It’s all so…I dunno. Breath-taking I guess.” I let out a sigh. “You’re still cute.”

Laughing at Paul I smile, “Well so are you. And thanks by the way—for this.” He smiles at me, squeezing my hand. Releasing his hand I turn back to the window.

“Aww look!” I point to two seagulls ‘mating’ as one flew chasing the other. “I guess its that time of year,” Paul says with a light chuckle. “Yea I guess so.”

“Is this really your first time—at the beach?” I turn away from the window, glancing at Paul, “Yea.” Looking surprised Paul turns into a drive-way, finally cutting the engine, “Why? Is not that far from where you live and I can clearly see how much you love it. And we haven’t even stepped on the beach yet.”

I smile at Paul, “Yea I know. I don’t know…” Why hadn’t I ever gone to the beach? Why hadn’t I ever gone anywhere—outside of the twenty-mile radius of what once was work then home?

“Well I’m glad that I get to share this first with you,” Paul smiles stepping out of the car. He popped the trunk and started taking out our luggage. “Oh, let me help you,” I open the door, walking to the back of the car.

After slinging luggage and grabbing bags— I was panting. Paul shuts the trunk, “Let’s go inside.” “Yes, lets.” I say catching a breath.

After rearranging a few bags, I finally looked up at the house. Wow. Big. It reminded me of the typical beach house—but better. Maybe because I was actually going to get to stay in this one. It was light blue with white shutters and a wrap-around porch that literally ‘wrapped’ around the entire house. I guessed maybe three, four stories.

“You were right—we definitely won’t be on top of each other here. Well…unless someone wants to be.” I say trying to be cute—and trip stumbling on the steps. “Crap!”

Some of the luggage falls to the ground. I watch as a beach ball rolls over stopping at someone’s feet. “Drop something?” I look up and see Lee with a smirk on his face, juggling the ball back and forth.

Paul turns around helping me up, “Are you okay? Here put these down.” He takes the luggage, setting them on the porch. Wiping my pants I glance at Paul, “Yes. Thanks.”

And without warning I turn stalking over to Lee, “Give us our ball.”

I try to grab it from his hands, he holds it out of reach, smiling down at me, “What’s the magic word?” “Lee Im serious.” Laughing he pretends to give it back—then moving it as I came to grab it. “Lee!”

I was mad at him! Furious! And not because he was playing ‘dodge ball’ with me--but because we had not spoken more than a few words to each other since that night. The night something changed between us. We had never gone more than a few hours without speaking—and no longer than a day without seeing each other. Come to think of it this--right now was the first time we had seen each other since…since that night.

I missed my best-friend. It pained me to even think about it. And here he was laughing, playing, and acting like these last few weeks—hadn’t bothered him at all. And all I could do was stand here—peeved, ready to scream. “Lee give me the ball!”

“I think your boyfriend is getting a little jealous.” I reflexively turn looking at Paul. He had his hand up blocking the sun from his face—clearly waiting for us to finish.

“Hey Paul,” Lee says stifling a laugh. I turn back to Lee with what I hoped was my own evil stare, “What is with you?” “With me?” “Do you see anybody else?”

He smiles glancing at Paul, “Yea I do, and his looking not too happy at the moment.” “So you want to play dumb? Like you don’t know what I’m talking about? Fine! Two can play that game.” I stomp off heading back to the house.

“I guess now I know who Jenn invited.” Paul finally said sounding a little annoyed, as I picked up the luggage, and followed him inside.

Great--not only was Lee here at the beach but he was also staying here—with us. Just great--and with Jenn to boot. There goes my weekend in paradise idea.

After Paul gave me a general tour of the first floor, we walk upstairs. “And this is the master where we—I mean you’ll be staying.” Paul says clearing his throat. Silently pleased that he did correct himself—and pretending I didn’t notice I look around the room, “Wow. Are you sure? It’s a little big for just me. I could take another room.”

There were four other bedrooms. And a huge circular sofa downstairs in the living room--I had options. “No, of course not. You are my special guest Kate, so you get the best room in the house.” And smiling he walks to the door, “I’ll let you get settled in. I need to see who else has showed up unannounced.” He winks at me shutting the door.

I walk to the double doors that led out to the balcony. It was perfect. The view was amazing. I could clearly see the beach and almost feel the water spray me as a strong gust of wind blew the waves to shore.

It was mid-day so the sun was high in the sky—blazing hot. I definitely needed to get out of these pants and into something else.

I let out a breath taking in the view, closing my eyes. Letting the sun bath me—I hear laughter below. I squint my eyes; bringing my hand up shielding them from the sun.

I see Jenn and a couple of other girls and one guy running around on the beach. Where was Lee? Infuriated at myself for even thinking about him and ruining my peace-filled moment I walk back into the room, shutting the doors.

I begin sorting through my clothes and other items I brought for the trip. Placing some items on the bathroom sink—I look in the mirror. I looked tired but mostly hot--and not in the good way.

My hair was matted sticking to the sides of my face—the rest was tied up on top of my head. I run water splashing my face. I needed a shower--a quick refresher. I was glad I had bought everything I would need to make me look--well a lot better.

I had started taking better care of myself over these past few weeks--meaning no more hairy legs and straggly clothes. After a couple of days of forcing myself to give myself attention—it became easier.

And I started to actually enjoy seeing me in a new way. I’m surprised I am wearing a head band now--on most days I let my hair fall effortlessly.

I had even started getting glances from guys—some girls when I went out. Which I did at least twice a week. I hadn’t plopped on the couch and watched Dirty Dancing in I don’t know how long—the longest it has ever been.

I started to notice a new me lurking beneath the old one--and sometimes stepping out in front taking the reins. It felt good. She had more spunk--more balls than the old me ever had. And she wasn’t afraid to tell anyone off. And she made sure to get whatever it was she wanted.

Whenever I did let her out—I liked her. But the old me was still hanging on for dear life. I still…wasn’t quite there yet. And this weekend could prove to be my down fall.

All my hard work could end up in my face—if I wasn’t careful. Being around strangers is one thing—but this…a house full of people that have only known the ‘old Kate’--even some who I have let hurt me in the past, is going to be tricky.

I needed to be bold—daring. I needed to find the courage to bring this new Kate to the surface. I can do that right? I take a deep breath turning to start the shower.


“So did you have fun?” Paul asked as we strode along, walking on the beach. “Yes I did. Who knew there was so much to do on the beach.” I smile up at him—taking off my flip flops, burying my feet in the sand with each step.

“Well apparently only you are out on that one,” and whispering in my ear he continues, “I think everyone else has always known.” Laughing I playfully hit him with a flip flop, “Shut up. I told you this was my first time.”

We had gone walking on the peer, stopping at different shops on the way. He had insisted on getting me something to remember this day--my first time on the beach. But after several times telling him no—we stopped at this one cute quaint shop that held some of the prettiest hand-made and antique jewelry.

Walking in I immediately could not take my eyes off this one piece. It was a simple silver armband—but what held my attention was the design. It was an eye—it looked Egyptian. The eye was slanted and it had a blue gem in the center at its pupil.

“Do you like it?” Paul asked once he noticed I had stopped in the middle of the store. “Yea I do. Its so simple and yet…there’s something beautiful about it.”

“Let me buy it for you.” “No I couldn’t but thanks though.”

We had finally left the shop with me pulling Paul away--trying to convince him that this day I would remember anyway. And some random jewelry wouldn’t change that and make it any more special than it already was.

“You still should have let me get you something.” Paul finally said taking my hand. Smiling at him I reply, “Haven’t we already went over this?”

“Yes. But you haven’t stopped touching your arm since we left. I’d say someone has taken a liking to a certain piece of jewelry.” Realizing I was touching my arm--I pull my hand away, “So? I touch myself in random places all the time.”

Laughing Paul turns to me, “Is that so?” “Look at you—I was so not even meaning it that way. Thinking dirty thoughts are we?” “Well I am here on the beach holding hands with a beautiful woman—who has just told me she likes touching herself.”

Letting out a laugh I bump him on the shoulder, “I did not say that.” He glances at me smiling. We see Jenn and another girl running up to us laughing, “Hey you two.” Jenn finally said catching a breath.

Trying not to show my irritation at being interrupted—and by her no less—I put on a cute smile, putting back on my flip flops. Paul waves at them saying, “Did you guys finally figure out who is sleeping where?”

“Yes we did. Sam here wanted the blue room—but I told her nope it was the second best room in the house.” And looking at me with narrowed eyes she continues saying, “since the best room was already taken.”

Paul turns to me smiling, “Yep. Kate here has already called dibs.”
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