» Fiction » THE RUNNER/SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [best classic books to read .txt] 📗

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their pay and demanding a kick back on the high paying runs to the airports or long cab fares. Charles was back on drugs and Vito had been his dealer. Charles and Vito met in an alley in the Patch.

I’ve got a job for youse.

What’s the job?

I want you to hit Mack McLemore.

Charles did not answer as he took a hit off his marijuana cigarette, finally he asked, “How much?”

Twenty big ones and a kilo


Jimmy slid him an envelope containing a $1,000 and another bag containing an ounce of heroin.

This has got to be done soon, like yesterday.

Mack got this hoe that he goes to see on Mondays and Thursdays. I usually drive him there and pick him up. He usually stays for a couple hours. Today is Tuesday, so I’ll do it this comin’ Thursday.


It was nine in the evening on a Thursday when Mack instructed Charles to take him to DANA’S apartment on East 43rd Street. Mack told Charles to pick his up at eleven thirty and take him to work. Mack had not slept or ate all day, but had consumed a fifth of Gordon’s gin and a six-pack of Budweiser beer. The distinctive odor of the gin followed Mack as he staggered into the cab, the stench was overpowering.

Let’s go junkie motherfucker, wake me when we get to my bitches flat.

Charles rolled down the window and looked through the rear view mirror; Mack in the back seat was snoring. Charles drove to an alley at 26th and Hermitage where Jimmy and Vito were waiting. Jimmy slid beside the sleeping Mack and injected a shot one 100% pure heroin in his vein. In a moment Mack started have convulsions, opened his eyes for a minute and slumped back into the seat. Vito grabbed Charles and Jimmy injected him with another lethal shot of heroin. Jimmy drove the cab to a deserted area by the Chicago River douched it with gasoline and set it afire.

Pauli Gaza was in New York meeting with the Commission. “What the hell is going on in Chicago, DON ANDROLINE, the boss of the Bronx family asked?

One of my Capos wants a war, not only with me but also with one of the Nigra policy bosses.

We know of the friction between you and your Capo, Vito Paligreno and we sent word to both of you that you had to settle it yourselves, but this latest killing of those two Nigras has brought heat on all of us. This cannot be allowed.

I have a good relationship with the blacks, Jerome McLemore the head nigger of the policy racket is an honorable man, especially for a nigger. He show us respect every month and has honored our agreement, but Vito is determined to make a move on his thing and all of his efforts has been defeated, he has lost a half dozen of his soldiers in strange and mysterious ways, murdered my underboss, and he has killed many innocent people, women and children. The black newspapers are having fits and demanding action and this latest killing of McLemore’s mother and brother who was not involved in his operation is bringing a lot of heat. Vito is made and according to our thing I need your permission to put out a contract, do I have it?

DON CICCI, the chairman of the Commission asked for a hand vote, all five hands of the Commission raised their hands indicating a yes vote. Pauli returned to Chicago and had a meeting with Jerome at Gladys’s Restaurant.

I’ve got the Commission ok to put out a contract on Vito, but I suggest taking precautions, Vito is like a wild animal striking out at everything and everyone. From my informants in his crew, it was Vito who ordered the snatch on your family, when things got fucked up, his shooter panicked and shot your mother and brother. There is something else you should know, Jerome your younger brother Mack set it up.

I know.

At two in the morning, the FBI arrested Pauli Gaza in his mansion and ordered Genco Grisani and the rest of the mobsters to leave. The FBI drove Pauli to the Federal Correction Center in downtown Chicago, issued him the standard orange jumpsuit and placed him in 10 feet by 10 feet cell. Pauli pulled the covers back on the steel bed and went to sleep. While Pauli was asleep, a McLemore army of FBI technicians and agents were busy taping telephones, installing hidden cameras and seizing files. The following morning Pauli appeared before United States District Judge MORGAN FREEMAN. A young Assistant United States Attorney read the indictment that listed the seventeen charges against Pauli. The charges ranged from murder to soliciting for prostitution. Attorney ROY CUTTER was an Outfit attorney and paid one million dollars a year whether he represented any mob figures or not stood besides Pauli. The United Attorney request that Pauli be remanded, but the request was denied and Pauli’s bond was set at one million dollars. Two corrections officer escorted Pauli to the rooftop gym where he worked out on the stationary bike and fitness machines while he awaited his lawyer to post bond.

Time to make our move.

What you got in mind, boss, what you got in mind?

Vito shot Jimmy, a disgusted look and Jimmy lowered his head.

First we take out all of Pauli’s top guys, Genco Grisani and his new consigliore. Then let’s see if we got anybody at that fed joint where they are holding Pauli or if not, let’s see if we can buy one of them motherfuckas to poison or put a shiv in Pauli’s ass.

On it boss.

Then we go after that Nigra McLemore. I’ve wiped out all of his Nigra family now is the time.

Jerome, Ted, Madame Bourneis and Marque returned to Jerome’s apartment after identifying the body of Mack. Everyone was quiet as they sat at the kitchen table. Ted poured Jerome a water glass of Johnnie Walker Black Label scotch while Marque and Madame Bourneis sipped on green tea.

Life’s a bitch!

Vito Paligreno was set to make his move on Pauli Gaza’s family. Genco Grisani was running the mob since Pauli’s arrest and he was Vito’s first target.

We’re going to take out Genco ourselves, no more half-ass hit-men who fuck things up, you with me?

You know I am boss, you know I am.

Vito assigned two of his men to watch Genco. They reported to Vito that every morning Genco, his wife and two children left their apartment at 6:00 am and had breakfast at a mom and pop restaurant on the Westside. After breakfast, they dropped the two girls at their school and returned home. Genco usually left the apartment at 9:00 am and went to Pauli’s mansion, but since the FBI raid Genco was conducting business at an Italian social club in the Patch. At 5:30 am, Vito and Jimmy sat in a rented moving truck outside of Genco’s underground garage. For backup, three more of Vito’s crew was in another rented moving truck a block down the street. Genco’s garage opened onto an eastbound one-way street. When Genco and his family drove out of the garage, Jimmy rammed Genco’s Cadillac. Vito and Jimmy wore moving uniforms and when Genco got out to check the damage to his vehicle, Vito fired two shotgun blasts into his chest. The explosion knocked Genco on the hood of his car and he looked into his wife’s eyes before he slid off the truck and into the street. Genco wife and daughters were hysterical, but three more shotgun blasts into the car silenced their screams.
The killing of the Grisani family was the lead story in all the city and national news Media’s. Mob killings were nothing new in Chicago, but the killing of Genco Grisani wife and children shocked the city.
After posting bond Pauli Gaza returned to his mansion and began preparing a meal. He put a large pot of water on the stove while it boiled he placed a rope of Italian sausages in a cast–iron skillet that contained a drop of olive oil. While the sausages were simmering, Pauli broke up a string of raw spaghetti and placed it carefully in the boiling water. In another large pot he poured four cans of tomato sauce. Delicately he used a single edge razor to cut thin slices from a garlic clove and added sliced green peppers, onions and various Italian seasoning to the sizzling sausages. Pauli turned the flames down and covered the pots. After a while he removed the browned sausages and placed it and all of the ingredients in the pot containing the sauce. Pauli motioned for JOEY PALKA his new underboss to hand him a platter containing seasoned meatballs out the refrigerator. Carefully he placed the meatballs in the saucepot, added a pinch of flour and gently stirred the mixture as he placed the spaghetti under the cold water to rinse. After adding the spaghetti to the pot he took a slice of Italian bread slopped it around in the sauce and took a bite

Just like mom used to make.

After placing a top on the pot he motion to his new underboss to follow him as he went to the well-stocked wine cabinet, pulled out a bottle of red Italian wine and poured them a glass of. Pauli motioned Joey Palka to follow him into the garden.

I know them fuckin’ feds has probably bugged the joint, so we have got to be careful of what we talk about and where.

Gotyu, Boss.

Joey looked as they walked in the garden.

We’ve got to take care of Vito, immediately. The killing of Genco, I can understand that’s how wars are conducted, but it has always been our way that we only make a hit when absolutely necessary and the family is off limits, especially wives and children.

While you were gone, I had a sit-down with some of the big guys in New York and they agree, Vito has gotten out of hand and they authorized a hit.

Pauli said as he watched the cars pulling into his driveway.


Good, I see the guys are here, let’s eat.

At nine o’clock in the morning Jimmy entered Vito’s renovated apartment building that was his office, he passed Bernideta Conella, who was smoothing out her skirt and had a glazed look in her eyes, and she nodded as Jimmy entered Vito’s office. Vito was standing behind his desk wiping his penis off with a handi-wipe in one hand and finger-combing his hair with the other.

You seen this?

Vito pointed to the old black and white television. Jimmy assumed his customary position on the red couch and watched the news broadcast. Pauli Gaza, handcuffed and surrounded by FBI Agents entered the Dirksen Federal Building at 219 South Dearborn in downtown Chicago, followed by an army of reporters and cameramen. A red-haired female reporter voice overlaid the film footage.

Sammy “Pauli” Gaza, the reputed head of the Chicago mob was re-arrested this morning for a number of crimes that the FBI refuses to disclose, but at his hearing, bond was denied.

The footage focused on Pauli Gaza smiling and nodding at the crowd
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