» Fiction » THE RUNNER/SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [best classic books to read .txt] 📗

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of reporters.

Vito Paligreno strolled casually down Belinger Street in Oak Park, Illinois, two blocks from his home holding a brown bag one block away was the Forest Preserve. The night was cool, moonless and quiet. Vito sung an off-keyed aria of an Italian song, he couldn’t remember the name. As he approached the preserve, he did a little gig as he looked into the dark shadows of the trees. You mutherfuckers can’t stop the Vito-kid,” he said smiling as he walked over to where he had killed Anthony and Michael. Small specks of their blood laid on the fallen leaves and grass. The killing of the two men in the quiet, upper-class neighborhood was the lead story in the neighborhood paper but there was a short piece on page twenty of the Chicago Sun-times. He had read the story that said “A resident of Oak Park called the police after hearing a series of gunshots in the preserve. When the police arrived, they found two men dead from gunshots wounds, no suspects or motive at this time.” Vito continued to his house, Keisha was prancing around her specially built run, tail wagging and shaking her head from side to side. Vito punched in the code for the gate and entered the run. Keisha weighted over one hundred pounds and when she jumped on her master, she nearly knocked him down. After getting his balance, Vito bend down and vigorously rubbed his best friend. Keisha whined with pleasure as Vito scratched her behind the ears.

I’ve got somethin’ for you.

Vito unwrapped a large half raw t-bone steak from the bag. Vito held the steak over his head while the dog jumped up at his hands. After a few minutes of teasing the animal he threw it on the ground, Keisha grabbed the meat and sitting on her hunches began devouring it. It had been a good day for Vito. The FBI arrested Pauli Gaza again on another series of federal charges and this time there was no bond. He had got the word that the big boys in New York were very concerned about Pauli cutting a deal to save his ass and they wanted a sit-down with him Tuesday of the following week.

Vito spent the week purchasing clothes for the trip and getting a haircut. He had always wanted to visit New York and be with the “Big Boys,” the guys who ran the country and everything in it. Plus the fact he was excited about his first airplane ride. He was sure with Pauli in the joint, maybe for life; the Big Boys would make him the Capo di Tutti Capa of the Chicago Mob. Tuesday morning Vito and Jimmy arrived at O’Hara International Airport, their, United Airlines flight #216 was scheduled to depart for New York at 8:15 am. As Vito and Jimmy walked through the cavernous terminals, Vito was amazed at all the shops, bustling with customers that sold everything from jewelry to potato chips.

We’re got to look into this racket when we get back, these people must be making a fortune.

Vito and Jimmy passed an open door restaurant and bar with all the tables and the circular bar filled and people standing in line waiting to be served. As the two men approached the departure gate, Jimmy went to the washroom. Vito sat in the lounge and glanced through a travel magazine. Vito noticed the two white men in dark suits as they sat beside him. One of the men produced a battered badge holder with his picture and a FBI identification card.

I’m Special Agent Donald Domequez and that is

The man put his credentials into his pocket. “I want you to listen to something.” The agent put a tape recorder in Vito lap and pushed the Play button.

Joey Luchisi:
Your thing is all fucked in Chicago.
I agree, with the boss in lockdown and that crazy ass Vito running loose, things are fucked up.
Joey Luchisi: Something got to be done; we’re getting too much heat, even here in New York.
Willie Palka: What are you’ll suggesting?
Joey Luchisi: We are very concerned about Pauli Gaza becoming a rat and breaking the code and we are concerned about Vito. It’ll be difficult but not impossible to get to Pauli, but in the meantime we can take care of Vito. As we speak, we have authorized a million dollar hit on Vito and that will be taking care of shortly. In the meantime we have summoned Vito here for a sit-down. He will never return to Chicago.
Willie Palka: Good.

Agent Domequez pushed the Stop button.

What’s you talking about.

Recognize anyone?

Fuck no?

By law we are required to notify anyone that through our investigation is in danger. Seems like someone wants you dead!

Yeah, who?

We are not required to give you that information.
The two men got up.
Better watch your ass in New York?” Agent Thomas said over his shoulder as the two men disappeared in the crowd. Vito was sweating when Jimmy sat down next to him.

What’s the matter boss, what’s the matter?

Two feds just told me that there is a contract out on me and to watch my ass in New York.

How in the fuck would the feds know about a contract and know we’re going to New York?

Fuck if I know.

Vito was sweating

Think we should still go, think we should still go, boss?

Goddamit, will you stop repeating yourself.

Jimmy lowered his head. Vito and Jimmy left the airport and went back to his office. Jimmy made a pitcher of Martinis as Vito sat behind his desk, sweating profusely.

I’ve got to lay low for awhile, until I can figure my way out this shit.

Where you gonna go, boss?

I’ve got this place in Canada, no one knows about, I’m heading up there in the morning, you take care of things here and I’ll contact you.

Right boss, right boss.

Come by my house tonight, I want to go over some things with you.

I’ll be there boss, I’ll be there boss.

Vito gave Jimmy a dirty look as Jimmy lowered his head. That evening Vito was busy at home. He took a million dollars from his old cast-iron safe and put it in a worn suitcase. He had decided to take Bernideta with him to help keep him warm during the cold nights in Canada. She had given him a good blowjob so his mind was clear. She was packing his clothes. Jimmy could take care of things until he got back when the heat had cooled off. Vito was taking Keisha into the house when he saw Jimmy hurrying up the driveway.

All set boss?

Yeah, we’re going to spend the night at the “hide-way before we take off. Meet me there later tonight; I’ve got something for you.

Vito, Bernideta and Keisha drove off.

Two days before their scheduled trip to New York for the sit-down, Jimmy Tortorino and Frankie “Snubnose” Luca met in a bar in Roseland, a predominately black neighborhood on the far southside of the city.

Shit is all fucked up here; Pauli is in the joint and your boss Vito is up to his ass in shit by fuckin with them niggers, killing innocent children and damn near rubbing out Jerome McLemore entire family.

The boss is stubborn, once he gets something in his head, he won’t let it go.

We are thinking about totally reorganizing this thing in Chicago and making a lot of changes.

What do you’ll want from me?

We want you to take out Vito.

Jimmy didn’t answer; he knew he had no choice. Either he killed his boss or they would kill him. Jimmy knew he had to get Vito before he left town. He knew about Vito’s hideaway and if he failed the assignment given him by the Commission he was dead meat. Vito’s hideaway was an old three flat building in Oak Lawn. When Jimmy arrived Bernideta was spaced out nude on the bed, Keisha was asleep next to Vito who was sitting wearing only his boxer drawers on the bed.

I’m here boss, I’m here.

Hurry up, we’re leaving tonight.

Bernideta staggered and pulled the covers over her. Jimmy could tell by the glazed look in her eyes she had probably just taken off. Vito led Jimmy into the front room, Keisha awaken and followed them. Vito knelt at the safe and pulled out three stacks of bills.

Here’s something for you.

Vito slide the bills over to Jimmy.

Thanks boss thanks, Jimmy said, pocketing the bills.
Jimmy stood behind Vito as he locked the safe. This was the time Jimmy knew. This was probably the only chance he would get. Vito was saying something while closing the safe. Jimmy quietly pulled a .22 automatic with silencer from his pocket and aimed it at the rear of Vito’s head as tears streamed down his face. Suddenly Bernideta came into the room and screamed.

Vito he got a gun.

Still on his knees, Vito turned around and saw his loyal “Bastone” aiming a gun at him. Instinctively Vito rolled to the side as Jimmy pulled the trigger.


Keisha immediately responded. The large animal lunged at Jimmy, knocking him down. The weapon flew out of his hand and Bernideta grabbed it. Jimmy was squirming and screaming on the floor, trying to avoid the slashing teeth of Keisha. Vito was on his feet and took the weapon from Bernideta.

Call him off boss, call him off!

The dog was biting him on his legs and buttock.

Keisha released the hold she had on Jimmy left leg, which was nearly torn off, sat on her haunches watching Jimmy and growled. Jimmy was crying openly now as he looked at his mangled leg.

Why Jimmy, why?

Vito eyes were tearing.

Jimmy sobbing.
Snubnose told me that either I take you out or they would take both of us out!

Vito looked into the pleading eyes of his long time friend and pulled the trigger twice. The popping sound was barely audible in the large house. It was four in the afternoon when Vito removed three million dollars from his safe and took the million dollars he had given Jimmy’s from his pocket. He hurriedly stuffed two suitcases full of clothes into his Ford Station Wagon, called for Keisha who jumped into the rear seat and he Bernideta and Keisha headed to Canada.

Pauli Gaza wasn’t worried; he knew that whatever the fed had on him money could make disappear. Witnesses, even rats could be persuaded to change their stories if enough money or intimidation was spread around. Pauli sat in the day room of the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Chicago with the other inmates watching television. Most of the Outfit mobsters were in the same cellblock and Pauli, being a man of respect, the other prisoners and correctional officers catered to him. An attractive white news reporter in a strong voice said, “TONIGHT THE POLICE WERE
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