» Fiction » The Deputy of Arcis, Honoré de Balzac [bts book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «The Deputy of Arcis, Honoré de Balzac [bts book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Honoré de Balzac

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entered the room, and gave the minister the card of the attorney-general, Monsieur Vinet, and that of Monsieur Maxime de Trailles.

"Very good," said Rastignac; "say to those gentlemen that I will receive them in a few moments."

Shortly after, Monsieur de l'Estorade and Monsieur de Camps rose to take leave; and it was then that Rastignac very succinctly let the peer know of the danger looming on the horizon of his friend Sallenauve. Monsieur de l'Estorade exclaimed against the word _friend_.

"I don't know, my dear minister," he said, "why you insist on giving that title to a man who is, really and truly, a mere acquaintance, and, I may add, a passing acquaintance, if the rumors you have just mentioned to us take actual shape."

"I am glad to hear you say that," said the minister, "because the friendly relations which I supposed you to hold towards him would have embarrassed me a good deal in the hostilities which I foresee must break out between him and the government."

"Most grateful, I am sure, for that sentiment," replied the peer of France; "but be kind enough to remember that I give you _carte blanche_. You are free to handle Monsieur de Sallenauve as your political enemy, without a moment's fear of troubling me."

Thereupon they parted, and Messieurs Vinet and de Trailles were introduced.

The attorney-general, Vinet, was the most devoted and the most consulted champion of the government among its various officials. In a possible reconstitution of the ministry he was obviously the candidate for the portfolio of justice. Being thoroughly initiated into all the business of that position, and versed in its secret dealings, nothing was hatched in that department on which he was not consulted, if not actually engaged. The electoral matters of Arcis-sur-Aube had a double claim to his interest, partly on account of his wife, a Chargeboeuf of Brie, and a relative of the Cinq-Cygnes, but chiefly because of the office held by his son in the local administration. So that when, earlier in the morning, Monsieur de Trailles carried to Rastignac a letter from Madame Beauvisage, wife of the defeated governmental candidate, full of statements injurious to the new deputy, the minister had replied, without listening to any explanations,--

"See Vinet about it; and tell him, from me, to come here with you."

Notified by de Trailles, who offered to fetch him in his carriage, Vinet was ready enough to go to the minister; and now that we find the three together in Rastignac's study, we shall be likely to obtain some better knowledge of the sort of danger hanging over Sallenauve's head than we gained from Jacques Bricheteau's or Monsieur de l'Estorade's very insufficient information.

"You say, my dear friends," said the minister, "that we can win a game against that puritan, who seemed to me, when I met him at l'Estorade's last evening, to be an out-and-out enemy to the government?"

Admitted to this interview without official character, Maxime de Trailles knew life too well to take upon himself to answer this query. The attorney-general, on the contrary, having a most exalted sense of his own political importance, did not miss the opportunity to put himself forward.

"When Monsieur de Trailles communicated to me this morning a letter from Madame Beauvisage," he hastened to say, "I had just received one from my son, conveying to me very much the same information. I am of Monsieur de Trailles' opinion, that the affair may become very serious for our adversary, provided, however, that it is well managed."

"I know, as yet, very little about the affair," remarked the minister. "As I wished for your opinion in the first place, my dear Vinet, I requested Monsieur de Trailles to postpone his explanation of its details until you could be present at the discussion."

This time Maxime was plainly authorized and even required to speak, but again Vinet stole the opportunity.

"Here is what my son Olivier writes me, and it is confirmed by the letter of Madame Beauvisage, in whom, be it said in passing, my dear minister, you have lost a most excellent deputy. It appears that on the last market-day Maitre Achille Pigoult, who is left in charge of the affairs of the new deputy, received a visit from a peasant-woman of Romilly, a large village in the neighborhood of Arcis. The mysterious father of the deputy, the so-called Marquis de Sallenauve, declared himself to be the last remaining scion of the family; but it seems that this woman produced papers in due form, which show her to be a Sallenauve in the direct line, and within the degree of parentage required to constitute her an heir."

"Was she as ignorant of the existence of the Marquis de Sallenauve as the marquis seems to have been of hers?" asked Rastignac.

"That does not clearly appear from what she says," replied the attorney-general; "but it might so happen among relations so curiously placed."

"Go on, if you please," said Rastignac; "before we draw conclusions we must know the facts, which, as you are aware, is not always done in the Chamber of deputies."

"Fortunately, sometimes, for the ministers," remarked Maxime, laughing.

"Monsieur is right," said Vinet; "hail to the man who can muddle questions. But to return to our peasant-woman. Not being satisfied, naturally, with Maitre Pigoult's reception of her news, she went into the market-square, and there by the help of a legal practitioner from her village, who seems to have accompanied her, she spread about reports which are very damaging to my worthy colleague in the Chamber. She said, for instance, that it was not true that the Marquis de Sallenauve was his father; that it was not even true that the Marquis de Sallenauve was still living; and moreover that the spurious Sallenauve was a man of no heart, who had repudiated his real parents,--adding that she could, by the help of the able man who accompanied her, compel him to disgorge the Sallenauve property and 'clear out' of the place."

"I have no objection to that," said Rastignac; "but this woman must, of course, have papers to prove her allegations?"

"That is the weak point of the matter," replied Vinet. "But let me go on with my story. The government has at Arcis a most intelligent and devoted functionary in the commissary of police. Circulating among the groups, as he usually does on market days, he heard these statements of the peasant-woman, and reported them at once, not to the mayor, who might not have heeded them, but to Madame Beauvisage."

"_Ah ca_!" said Rastignac, addressing Maxime; "was the candidate you gave us such a dolt as that?"

"Just the man you needed," replied Maxime,--"silly to the last degree, and capable of being wound round anybody's finger. I'll go any lengths to repair that loss."

"Madame Beauvisage," continued Vinet, "wished to speak with the woman herself, and she ordered Groslier--that's the commissary of police--to fetch her with a threatening air to the mayor's office, so as to give her an idea that the authorities disapproved of her conduct."

"Did Madame Beauvisage concoct that plan?" asked Rastignac.

"Yes," replied Maxime, "she is a very clever woman."

"Questioned closely by the mayoress," continued Vinet, "who took care to have the mayor present, the peasant-woman was far from categorical. Her grounds for asserting that the new deputy could not be the son of the marquis, and the assurance with which she stated that the latter had long been dead were not, as it appears, very clearly established; vague rumors and the deductions drawn by the village practitioner seem to be all there was to them."

"Then," said Rastignac, "what does all this lead to?"

"Absolutely nothing from a legal point of view," replied the attorney-general; "for supposing the woman were able to establish the fact that this recognition of the said Dorlange was a mere pretence, she has no status on which to proceed farther. By Article 339 of the Civil Code direct heirship alone has the right to attack the recognition of natural children."

"Your balloon is collapsing fast," said the minister.

"So that the woman," continued Vinet, "has no object in proceeding, for she can't inherit; it belongs to the government to pursue the case of supposition of person; she can do no more than denounce the fact."

"From which you conclude?" said Rastignac, with that curtness of speech which to a prolix speaker is a warning to be concise.

"From which I conclude, judicially speaking, that the Romilly peasant-woman, so far as she is concerned, will have her trouble for her pains; but, speaking politically, the thing takes quite another aspect."

"Let us see the political side," said the minister; "up to this point, I see nothing."

"In the first place," replied the attorney-general, "you will admit that it is always possible to bring a bad case?"


"And I don't suppose it would signify much to you if the woman did embark in a matter in which she can lose nothing but her costs?"

"No, I assure you I am wholly indifferent."

"In any case, I should have advised you to let things take their course. The Beauvisage husband and wife have engaged to pay the costs and also the expense of keeping the peasant-woman and her counsel in Paris during the inquiry."

"Then," said Rastignac, still pressing for a conclusion, "the case is really begun. What will be the result?"

"What will be the result?" cried the attorney-general, getting excited; "why, anything you please if, _before the case comes for trial_, your newspapers comment upon it, and your friends spread reports and insinuations. What will result? why, an immense fall in public estimation for our adversary suspected of stealing a name which does not belong to him! What will result? why, the opportunity for a fierce challenge in the Chamber."

"Which you will take upon yourself to make?" asked Rastignac.

"Ah! I don't know about that. The matter would have to be rather more studied, and the turn the case might take more certain, if I had anything to do with it."

"So, for the present," remarked the minister, "the whole thing amounts to an application of Basile's famous theory about calumny: 'good to set a-going, because some of it will always stick.'"

"Calumny!" exclaimed Vinet, "that remains to be seen. Perhaps a good round of gossip is all that can be made of it. Monsieur de Trailles, here, knows better than I do the state of things down there. He can tell you that the disappearance of the father immediately after the recognition had a bad effect upon people's minds; and every one in Arcis has a vague impression of secret plotting in this affair of the election. You don't know, my dear minister, all that can be made in the provinces of a judicial affair when adroitly manipulated,--cooked, as I may say. In my long and laborious career at the bar I saw plenty of that kind of miracle. But a parliamentary debate is another thing. In that there's no need of proof; one can kill one's man with probabilities and assertions, if hotly maintained."

"But, to come to the point," said Rastignac, "how do you think the affair ought to be managed?"

"In the first place," replied Vinet, "I should leave the Beauvisage people to pay all costs of whatever kind, inasmuch as they propose to do so."

"Do I oppose that?" said the minister. "Have I the right or the means to do so?"

"The affair," continued Vinet, "should be placed in the hands of some capable and wily solicitor, like Desroches,
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