» Fiction » Just A Kiss (Part 2), zzmbrashear [i have read the book TXT] 📗

Book online «Just A Kiss (Part 2), zzmbrashear [i have read the book TXT] 📗». Author zzmbrashear

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a huge hug.
“Pastor, its been way to long.” I told him.
“And who is this?” He asked while kneeling to Bella’s height.
“This is Isabelle, My daughter.” I told him. James put his arm around my waist.
“I’m Pastor Mike.” He said and shook her hand. Bella hide behind my leg.
“Be polite.” My Mother said to her.
“Nice to meet you.” She replied. I hated when my Mother made her be respectful and feel bad when she’s not. I know that things like that need to be practiced when your young but she’s really young and I dislike that she’s parenting for me. I put my hand on Isabelle’s head and she looked up. I mumbled the words ‘I love you.’ and she mumbled them back. We took our seats. James put his arm around my shoulder. My Mother and Father sat on the other side of Isabelle and Caleb.
“Sit straight.” My Mother told her.
“Mother!” I scolded her. I calmed myself. “Can I talk to you, please?” I asked. She nodded and followed me to the hallway. “That really irritates me!” I told her.
“What does?” She asked dumbfounded.
“Don’t play stupid. You always making her be polite when she’s shy and making her sit straight and always acting like a lady!”
“Its morals.” She stated.
“No, its arrogant! She’s just a little girl who cant even get dirty because she always has to act like a ‘lady’.” I said mockingly.
“Don’t use that tone with me!” My Mother said. She sighed. “I couldn’t do my job with you. I messed up, okay? I know I was a lousy parent but I’m trying. I want her to grow up with plenty of love. With the correct manners.” She said.
“You may not have done a good job with me but I need to do a good job with her. Its my chance.” I told her. She hugged me and rubbed my back which was always soothing.
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, darling. You know I always wanted the best for you?” She asked.
“Yes.” I answered and we both went to take our seats.
“Everything okay?” Dad asked.
“Just peachy.” I replied.

After church we headed back to the car. I saw Jake walking along the street. It seems like everywhere I go, he’s there. I don’t know how how does it but it was getting very creepy. I was about to get into the car when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Jake.
“Jeez! Jake, don’t do that!” I shouted scared.
“Can I talk to you?” He asked.
“No.” I answered and tried to get into the car with Bella. He grabbed my arm tightly.
“Ow! Jake let go!” I shouted. James came from out of the church and ran to my rescue. He lifted Jake by his shirt and threw him away from me.
“Are you okay?” He asked me.
“Fine.” I said and then James turned around and took a swing at Jake. Jake ducked of course and took a swing at James. James kicked Jacob and Jake went to his knees. James was about to knock him out but I stopped him. I pulled him away.
“Stop it! Both of you! Get over here!” I yelled to Jake. He walked over to me. “Well?”
“You can’t marry him.” Jake said catching his breath.
“Oh, and why can’t I?” I asked a lil mad that he was telling me what I can and cant do.
“Because he’s not right for you.”
“How so?”
“He doesn’t love you like I do. He doesn’t know everyone one of your flaws. He doesn’t know the song that you sing in the shower. He doesn’t know anything about you. I’m the one for you. For christ sake, we share a child!” He said. Almost everything he said was right but that doesn’t change the fact of what he did to me and then him abandoning me.
“We have a child, yes but do you not know that all you are to her is a friend?” I asked him. “And that she will probably call James Daddy? She doesn’t even know who you are!” I said almost furious. All my emotions were going in over drive. They’ve been bottled up for so long and now they are all coming out. “You chose and skinny little thing over me, Jake! Do you know how that feels? To have to one you love, reject you! Well, I can tell you it hurts. More than anything and I don’t know if I can trust you again and I can put my baby girl at the expense of that.” I said calmly and walked away. James took my arm and walked me to the car.
“But Miley! I’m sorry!” I heard in the faint distance but I couldn’t turn around. I can’t go back to that place. Where he makes me weak. Once we got in the car I sat up front. Mom and Dad took Isabella for a walk since the Church wasn’t too far from the house. James hopped up front and drove off. I looked out the window, silently.
“I need to know.” James said. I looked at him in confusion. He sighed. “I need to know if you truly love me.” He said in a serious voice that I’ve never heard before.
“Thats a silly question.” I told him.
“I need to hear you say it.” He said in the same voice.
“James your scaring me.” I confessed.
“Say it!” He said slightly louder.
“James,” I said reaching for his hand on the arm rest. “I love you with everything in my heart. I would take a bullet for you, honey. Don’t you know that?” I asked him. He looked out his side mirror and pulled over. He but both hands in his lap, leaving my hand.
“I know.” He said quietly.
“Then why ask?” I asked a lil mad.
“Because, I’m afraid...” He stopped talking.
“Afraid of what?” I asked. He didn’t answer. I was getting really worried now. I love him so much and he’s scaring me. “Afraid of what, James?” I asked louder.
“Afraid that I can’t love you the way Jake says he can!” He spit out.
“Don’t say that! I love you and you love me and thats all that matters! I don’t care about Jake or that he is the father of Isabelle! You are the one who she will call Daddy, not him!” I was going to go on but he stopped me.
“Wait? Jake is the father of Isabelle?” He asked almost about to explode.
“I thought I told you.” I said about to smack myself. I swore I already told him but with everything thats going on I suppose I forgot. He’s going to kill me!
“No! I would have remembered that! I knew Jacob was your ex but he impregnated you! I’m going to kill him!” He shouted. That was a little twist on what I thought he was going to say.
“I’m sorry I forgot to tell you!” I said almost crying.
“I don’t care that he’s the father, Miley. I love you no matter what but I need you to be honest with me. Okay?” He asked. He really was perfect. He’s not even mad at me for not telling him the biggest secrets of secrets. I can’t lose him.
“I love you.” I said with a pile of tears in my lap. He embraced me and rubbed me back.
“Honey, how could you think I would be mad at you for that?” He asked. “I could never be mad at you.” I looked up and kissed him and we kissed again and again. I was now sitting on his lap. He leaned the seat back. He slid my blouse off and my jeans. He took off his shirt and pants. It was a very hard position to do so. He unhooked my bra as he bit my ear. I kissed his neck and he moaned. Just as he was about to take off my bra I looked out the mirror to see Jacob watching. I screamed and rolled off James into the passenger seat. He screamed too. Luckily we didn’t get that far and his boxers were still on. His face went beat red. He was furious. He got out of the car and slammed the door. I tried to re-hook my bra and slid on some actually clothes. I could hear everything James said outside.
“What the hell are you doing?” James asked slamming his hand on the hood of the car. Jake backed off with this fiery look in his eye. A gust of cold wind blew by and I shivered. “Well answer me, dammit!” He yelled. “You want to look at my girl then I will give you something to look at!” He yelled and charged him. Jake pulled out a knife.
“Don’t move.” He said steadily.
“Woah man, What the hell are you doing!” He yelled and put up his hands. My shirt wasn’t even on but I jumped out of the car to calm things down.
“Jacob, put that thing down!” I yelled.
“Go away, Miley.” He said. He was walking towards James with the knife.
“Put it down!” I said again. He ignored me.
“I love her and you are trying to take her away from me.” He said in a very creepy voice. “She’s mine and no one, not even you can take her away from me!”
“He’s not taking me away from you.” I told him. “Its me, not him. Its my choice. Let me go Jacob, please.” I pleaded with him. He dropped the knife. I ran into James arms.
“Never let go.” I gasped. I looked at Jacob. He fell to his knees and picked up the knife. He raised it to his throat.I was about to jump into Jakes arms to make him drop the knife but I knew it wouldn’t work.
Boy do I know how to pick guys! I mean all the guys I met with Michelle and seriously one was ‘in love’ after like one date and the other killed himself and now this. I turned my head into James chest so I wouldn’t see anything. I squeezed him tight scared that he might scream but I didn’t hear anything. James tapped my shoulder and told me to look. As I looked I saw police quietly coming from behind. One of them tackled him from the side and took the blade. The others handcuffed him. James squeezed me and I buried my head in his chest again. I took a deep breath. I loved the smell of James. He smelt like a light axe sent. It was soothing really.
“Its all over.” He said and then kissed my forehead. I nodded but somehow it seems as if it wasn’t over.


As James and I woke up that following morning we were drained off all life. I rolled over to face him and he inched his way over to me for our Good Morning kiss.
I chuckled at how lazy we were at this point. The sun was shinning in through out big window to the side of the bed. Its glimmered on his face. I laid facing him admiring how someone like him could really be mine. He laid facing me.
“I love you.” He said while gracing my cheek with his hand.
“I love you too.” I replied.
“I’m so happy that in a couple of months I will be able to call you Mrs. Miley Mae Matthews.” He said.
“I can’t wait.” I told him.
“Then why wait?” He asked me.
“What do you mean?” I asked him.
“Lets not wait months to get married. Lets get married
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