» Fiction » You Know Who, Robin L. Deeter [mini ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «You Know Who, Robin L. Deeter [mini ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Robin L. Deeter

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about leaving Fraser behind.”
“I know, me too, but if he were along we wouldn’t be able to open ‘er up. We’d have to obey the speed limit.”
Ray looked at her with mock surprise. “Are you suggesting to an officer of the law that we speed?”
She just cocked an eyebrow at him in a dare.
He laughed. “Ok, you asked for it.” Ray felt like he was seventeen again, going out for a joy ride. “I know the perfect place.”

They pulled back into the drive a little more than an hour later, hoarse from laughing and yelling. Ray had taken her out to a little travelled stretch of highway where he proceeded to make the Vette’s powerful engine roar. Ben would not only have protested strongly over the high rates of speed they reached but would have placed Ray under citizen’s arrest.
Parking in the garage again, Ray killed the engine. It had been a long time since he’d cut loose and had so much fun. He ran his hands over the steering wheel.
“She handles like a dream, Jess. Thanks for letting me drive her.”
Jessie rested her head back against the black leather seat. “You drive almost as well as my dad. This was his car until a couple of years ago when he gave it to me. Nobody else but he and I have driven it, until now. I’m glad you had a good time. I sure did.”
The leather seat squeaked as Ray turned to her. “I had a blast. Made me feel like a teenager again.” As he looked at Jessie something stirred within him. With amazement Ray recognized the feeling as attraction. He hadn’t felt it since Irene’s death several months ago. As he watched Jessie shift to face him, he knew damn well that there was no denying that was what he was experiencing. The problem was there was some guy at the station she liked.
“So tell me something about this guy you’re interested in,” he coaxed in a soft voice.
Looking into his eyes that shone gray in the dim lighting, Jessie knew that the time to tell him had come. She clasped her hands together around a knee. “Alright. He’s Italian.”
“Good man.” He smiled.
“I knew you’d like that. He’s got a temper and can be a real tough guy. He is so funny, though. He dresses very well most of the time, is good to his family and friends and drives a great car.”
With every attribute she listed, Ray tried to match it with one of the guys in the division. “Wow. He sounds like a real catch,” he teased.
Reaching over, Jessie drew his hand into her lap. “He really is, but I don’t think he thinks so. I’ll tell you one last thing about him.” Her eyes looked into his. “I just took a hell of a ride with him in my car.” If she wasn’t so nervous and frightened Jessie would have laughed at the myriad of emotions that flitted over Ray’s features. Amazement, bewilderment, and comprehension flowed after each other.
“Me? I’m the guy?” Ray hadn’t seen that coming at all. To say he was astonished was an understatement. Shocked as shit was a more appropriate term.
Jessie nodded and bit her lip unable to speak around the lump of fear in her throat. Ray didn’t understand her sudden silence for a minute before realization set in. She’s scared that I’m gonna reject her. That’s why she never said anything to me. He could have kicked his own ass for his stupidity. Idiot. It wasn’t Fraser who she was bringing in coffee for, sure he benefited, but it was me she was after. That’s a switch. Ray felt a sudden tenderness towards Jessie. And now today, letting me drive her car. Wow. He admired her courage and her ingenuity in orchestrating where and when she was going to tell him. His fingers closed around Jessie’s small yet strong hand. “Hey, look at me,” he ordered softly.
Tears shimmered in her eyes when she raised her head but her chin was set at a resolute angle.
Damn, she’s got grit. She’s scared to death and yet willing to take whatever might come.
“I’m glad it’s me, Jess.”
“You are?”
“Yeah. It’s a funny thing. Ever since that day when Benny told me there was someone that you were attracted to, I kept wondering who it could be. Kept trying to figure it out.”
Jessie laughed and swiped at a lone tear that had escaped the corner of her right eye. “You just wanted the dirt so you could gossip about me, that’s all.”
“That was true at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I kept wondering why you didn’t tell the guy or ask him out. Any guy would be lucky to go out with you.”
“He would?”
His brows drew together. “Yeah, why wouldn’t he?” He sounded slightly annoyed. “You’re so much fun. You’re kind, a great cook, very pretty and you have a kick-ass car. What’s not to like? Hey, hey, don’t cry.”
Jessie smiled through her tears, laughed and hiccupped all at once. She covered her mouth to muffle the hiccups and giggles.
“I’ve never had that effect on a woman before,” Ray joked.
That made her laugh even harder. Ray slid over closer and drew her against his chest. It felt natural to have her slip her arms under his coat around his waist. They held onto each other as they laughed at the whole situation. When the mirth faded, Ray tipped her chin up. His eyes roamed over her face then settled on her pretty mouth.
“I mean it. I’m glad it’s me.”
His kiss was gentle, questioning at first. Jessie flattened her hands against his lean back, wanting more, urging him on. Excitement coursed through her when he responded. She sighed against his mouth and he took the advantage she offered.
She tried to snuggle even closer to him but the Vette’s gear shift prevented the move. Ray felt it, too, and made a sound of frustration. Reluctantly he drew away. Both of them were breathing rapidly. He wasn’t surprised to see the windows fogged up.
Smiling down at her, Ray kissed Jessie again lightly. “Damn, Jessie,” he whispered against her lips.
She gave a little nod. “Tell me about it,” she agreed. Though her brain was befuddled Jessie had the presence of mind to move away. His smoldering look in his hazel eyes told her that Ray was as affected as her.
Ray sighed and rubbed his scalp distractedly. “I guess we oughta go find Fraser.”
They didn’t have far to look. Fraser sat in the living room, playing chess against himself. No sooner than Jessie and Ray had entered the living room than Ray grabbed Ben by the shoulders. “Time to go, Benny.”
“Oh, uh, ok, good-bye, Jessie,” Ben managed to utter hastily before he was propelled out the kitchen door.
Closing the door again, Ray kissed Jessie’s cheek. His smile was a little shy. “Thanks for breakfast and the drive and… everything else.”
“You’re very welcome.”
He squeezed her hand. “I’ll call you later on, ok?”
Fraser had gone on ahead and was leaning against the Riv when Ray came out of the house. From the breezeway, Jessie watched them drive away.

Fraser wasn’t sure what to make of Ray’s silence as they drove or what to conclude from their rushed departure from Jessie’s house. The vehicle had only made it a few minutes down the street before Ray pulled off, shutting down the engine. Fraser watched warily as Ray leaned his forehead on the steering wheel, his face partially obscured by his arms.
“Let me get this straight; you’ve known all along that this guy Jessie has had a thing for was me?” The detective’s voice was soft, conversational even.
“Yes. I did.”
“The whole time? Through all of the coffee tasting and guessing? All of the goodies? All of her compliments, the whole shebang?”
“That’s correct.”
“You kept her secret, helped her work her plan or whatever, wouldn’t tell me what was going on and basically led me to the slaughter. Do I have all of this correct? Am I leaving anything out?”
“No, I don’t believe so, Ray.” Ben’s expression was stricken as he asked, “Did things go that badly?” Fraser’s concern gave way to alarm when Ray’s laugh rang inside the Riviera. “Is what I did so wrong?”
Ray sent a huge grin Fraser’s way. “No, Benny, you did everything perfect.”

Chapter Six
True to his word, Ray called her that night and they set up a date for the following evening deciding on dinner and dancing. Ray made reservations at Oggi Trattoria, a fine Italian restaurant in Chicago’s downtown that served excellent cuisine. Arriving at her house at seven-thirty, he rang the doorbell. He’d been thinking about their date all day and couldn’t wait to see her again even though it had been only a little over twenty-four hours since he’d seen her last.
She opened the door and he felt like someone had punched him in the gut. Jessie was dazzling in a green velour dress that clung to her curves. He sucked in a breath as she turned to get her purse and coat. There was virtually no back to the dress and the sight of all that smooth, creamy skin made him feel very warm despite the cold night.
Jessie relished the appreciative way Ray eyed her. Frannie had helped her choose her dress, thrilled that one of her best friends was dating her big brother.
“You’re beautiful,” Ray told her.
She blushed. It had been a long time since a man had said such a thing to her. “Thank you.”
Jessie was delighted with Oggi Trattoria’s elegance, having never been taken somewhere so upper class before. Ray ordered chicken marsala for both him and Jessie along with a bottle of fine Chianti. Their conversation flowed easily, peppered with an abundance of laughter. Discussing work was something that Ray wouldn’t normally do on a date but since Jessie worked at the 27th he didn’t feel it was taboo. They discussed everything from the case he and Fraser were working on to football teams. Ray thoroughly enjoyed their lively argument over the fact that Ray was a diehard Chicago Bears fan while Jessie’s favorite team was the Pittsburgh Steelers.
After finishing dessert, Ray took Jessie’s hand leading her onto the dance floor. As they danced Jessie tried to wrap her mind around the reality of who she was with; the man she’d been attracted to for so long. Laying her head against Ray’s chest Jessie listened to the beat his heart made. Ray closed his eyes, letting the way she felt in his arms and the music carry him away. They danced until the band finished the set.
As much as neither wanted the evening to end they decided to leave since they had to work the next day. Ray let Jessie drive the Riv home. She complained
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