» Fiction » Princess Gizelle, Wicked Mist [book club reads txt] 📗

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him. "Oh my great king, I have brought with me, something of value to us." Athan arose from his deep sleep. He had been sleep since the "Battle of the Vampires". "This had better be good for you to wake me from my slumber."
And the War Begins

"Yes my king. I have brought you a human." "You woke me up for a snack!" "No my king. The human has invaluable information that could help us in the long run. Tell him human." "One of your kind has charmed the princess and will team up with a mighty warrior, named Author." "Author you say." "My king, it is not the warrior who slayed..." "My son. You were right for bringing him here. He is useful to us. I will avenge my son's death. They all will pay for what they've done." "Sir, what shall I do with this human?" "Kill him." "With pleasure." "Wait! I want to join you all." "Sir, this human wants to be recruited." (Everyone laughed) "Most of you were. All of you weren't born with this power. I shall give you what you're asking for." "But sir..." "Shut up Ingrum and leave the human to me." (Ingrum let Charles go) Athan walked over to Charles and rubbed his head. "Are you sure you are capable of controlling this power?" "Yes." "Foolish human. No one is." He quickly tilted Charles head to the side and dug his teeth into his neck. "Ahhhhhhh!" (Everyone begin to moan & scream as if it were a ceremony) Back at the palace, Savan stood waiting outside of Gizelle's window. Savan began to call her name. "Gizelle." He said lightly. "Gizelle." One of the servants came out to the balcony and looked down at Savan. "Who are you and what are you doing back here?!" "Martha, please go and do your work some where else." "But princess, who's he?" "I order you to get back to work, now." Martha frowned at Savan and went off to do her work. "I need to talk to you about something, Savan." "It'll have to wait, because I need to tell you something too." "But Savan I..." "Gizelle please." Gizelle paused and gave a sigh. "Okay, I'll be down in a minute." "Gizelle." Gizelle quickly turned around. "Who are you talking to? Martha told me a young man was outside of your window, calling your name." "No one mother." She quickly went back inside and shut her glass doors. "Martha is lying. Is that what you're telling me?" "No. It was Charles." "She never mentioned it was Charles." Nura began to get suspicious and headed towards the door. "Mother no." "What are you hiding Gizelle?" Gizelle looked out the window. "Nothing at all mother. I was beginning to bond with Author. I didn't want to feel like you guys were right, that's all. Of course he's gone now." Nura looked out the window. Savan was no longer there. "Strong bonding I say. Don't be afraid to connect with Author, just because of us." "You're right mother. Now if you would excuse me, I'd like to be alone now." "Honey, I'm trying my best to convince your father." Gizelle walked up to Nura and held her face. "Mother, no one can convince father, but himself." Nura smiled and left the room. Gizelle then, locked her room door and climbed down the vines. Savan sat on the bench. Gizelle sat beside him. "What is it that you have to tell me?" Gizelle said nervously. "You remember the vampire Author slayed?" "Yes. Why?" "He was my brother." Gizelle froze up. Author had just made it and yet watched again. "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how." "Why did he do such a thing?" "Don was the dark prince. He was to be the king of vampires soon. He did things in a manner he felt to be right." "Killing innocent people was right to him." "Yes. My father was devastated when he found out. After a while he felt there was nothing to fight for no longer." "I want to say that's sad, but I also feel..." "I love my brother, but he was the root of all evil. What did you want to tell me?" "Do you know whose been doing these killings?" "Ingrum. I know he doesn't do it alone, but I know he had something to do with it." "Author and I want to help those people. His people have been attacked mutiple times and my father thinks nothing of it." "You and Author." "Yes. We were hoping you'd help us." Author revealed his self from the bushes. "You mean you want him to help you. I don't need his help." Gizelle stood in front of Author, afraid a fight might start. "Author, we need all the help we can get. Plus he knows more about his people than we do." "My grandfather stuck a sword through his brother's heart and decapitated his head. It should work the same." Savan stood up in anger. Gizelle ran to Savan and put her hand on his chest. "Please you two! We need to work together to do this." "Gizelles right lad, we have to work together." Savan put his hand out for a handshake. Author stood there looking in disbelief. "Please. I want to help you and your people. I don't like what my people do and all I want is peace between humans & vampires." "Author, give him a chance to prove himself, please." "Fine, but I call the shots." They shook hands. "Fine with me." Savan said with relief. "I say we search for this Ingrum guy and the crew that follows him." "Thats not a good idea." "Why not Mr.V?" "There too strong. We need a group of your finest men." "I have a few I can bring along. Any on your end?" "I may not, but I can try to convince some." "I can have some of my guards come along." "I thought your father wouldn't allow it." "Author, you know he wouldn't, but I would alert them secretly. They must do as they're told." "You need to stay put." "I agree with the vampire." "My name's Savan." "I'd prefer vampire." "Guys please. I don't care to stay put. I want to fight." "Are you mad, you'd get yourself killed." "I'd protect her." "I need you to be on guard, Savan. After all, these are your people we're dealing with." "Oh please, I can take care of myself. We need to start searching now." "Author, take Gizelle with you and I'll look for Ingrum. And I'll try to recruit some men also." "But Savan..." "Please, its not safe for you to go with me. Stay with Author til we meet up." Gizelle wrapped her arms around him and he did the safe. Then they gave a kiss goodbye. Author turned his back and Savan flew away. "Okay, lets go." "Gizelle. What do you see in him?" "Everything I never seen before." "So, you've seen someone like me." Author began walkin away. "I didn't mean it like that, Author." "I never wanted to be a king. I just wanted to help my people." "I understand that, but just because he's a vampire..." "You'd rather be with someone whose dead, than alive." "He's more alive than anyone else I've ever met." "Including me." "You're different. Why is our relationship bothering you?" "Its not." "Author." "I've caught a slight feeling towards you. When you looked at me that day... Nevermind, get on the horse." "You can say it." "We have no time for chit chat. Get on." Author helped Gizelle get on the back of his horse. She held on tight as they rode back to his village. She placed her head on his sholder. Author looked back at her and slightly smiled. Once they made it to the fields, a rain storm began to build up. Author went door to door. Gathering up as many men as he could. Gizelle sat waiting on the horse as the men grouped up. "Listen lads, we need to come together to defend our people. If we don't at least try, our community will be wiped out." "Don't you think its dangerous for us to be looking for someone who imitates a vampire." "Yeah, some of us have wife and kids at home." "If we don't fight, then there safety will be jeopardized. Come on men, we have to do something about this." "You pathetic humans can't stop us." Gizelle was in awe. "Charles. But you're one of..." "Thats right my noble princess." "You trader! I will stop you!" "I don't think so Author. You're not your grandfather." Author was enraged with anger and charged after Charles. "Yahhhh!" "Did I forget to mention, I didn't come alone." Other vampires flew in. Author's men pulled out swords and charged after them. Author swung his sword at Charles, but he was too fast for him. Everytime he'd get a shot at him, he float in the air or dodge the attack. "Why won't you fight the way men do." "What's the use if I can do this." Charles dived down at Author and punched him. "Hahahah. You're no match for us." Gizelle became infuriated by this. She straddled the horse and reached for a fallin warrior's sword. Then she charged after Charles. Charles was too busy taunting Author to notice Gizelle coming right at him. "You know Author, I'm beginning to get board of you." "Well I've got news for you Charles." "Whats that?" "You should watch your back." Charles turned around, right when Gizelle stuck the sword in his stomach. Charles held the handle of the sword in shock. All the other vampires stopped. Charles quickly flew away with his friends right behind him. Gizelle pulled the horse up beside of Author. "Where'd you learn to handle a horse & a sword like that?" "My father showed me a few tricks." "He taught you well." "Author! Billys been badly hurt." Author rushed over to the injuryed man. Gizelle got off the horse and ran over to aid the man. "The lads been wounded in his leg." "Will someone go get water and some cloths!" Author said with frustration. Gizelle ran inside Author's home and grabbed a bowl of water & a towel. She ran back out and placed the items on the ground. "Apply pressure to the wound! Hurry!" Author looked at Gizelle in amazement. He couldn't believe how she was taking charge of the situation. "What is your name sir?" "Billy!" "I'll place your head on my thigh. You have to be very calm. Author, put the towel around his leg and tighten it." Author grabbed the towel and placed it under his leg. "Billy, think of a better place. Somewhere you'd rather be. Does anyone have a knife?" "Yes." "Give it to me. Here sir, bite on to this." Gizelle whispered to Author. "Tighten it now." Author tied it as hard as he could and the man bit into the knife, letting off a slight scream. "Get this man inside and the rest of you be prepared for the worse." (Yes mam!) Gizelle had become a warrior, leading

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