» Fiction » Princess Gizelle, Wicked Mist [book club reads txt] 📗

Book online «Princess Gizelle, Wicked Mist [book club reads txt] 📗». Author Wicked Mist

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The History of Lithoark

In the 1600's, King Lou and Queen Camille ruled the kingdom of Lithoark. They were the cruelest king and queen you could find. They didn't accept outsiders, nor tolerate petty crimes. Simply as a starving child stealing a roll of rye. The child would be beheaded or kept in the dungeon. They then brought into the world, Louis. A warm hearted child, who later on in years thought his dad was being too tough on the people. Lou always fought in the wars along side his loyal warriors. It wasn't like any other war. It was a war against abnormally strong and fast men. The Battle of the Vamps, they called it. Lou knew it wasn't normal, but he fought on any way. His men were falling fast. Even his best warriors were dying. Lou was down on his knees nearly in defeat. He made his last plead to one who looked to be the leader. He asked, what are you? The man spoke in cold words and answered, Vampires. He bit Lou in his neck, but just enough to spare him his last breath. Lou weakly made his way back to the Kingdom. The people stood in shock. Camille ran to Lou and held him in her arms. He spoke as if it would be his last words. The vampires are coming. Before he could finish, they stood there, pale with blood shot eyes. Staring at the people as if they were meals. Camille pleaded with them to spare the Kingdom and the leader asked whats in it for them? Camille offered them money, but they declined. She then asked, what do they desire? He answered "The blood of a virgin." Camille declined. He took it upon himself to invade the palace. The guards tried to stop him, but it was'nt any use. Young Louis stood in his room door listening to the horrid noise as the man made his way towards his room. Louis was frightened and fearful of what awaited him around the corner. Louis slowly made his way towards the noise to find a man, standing over the guards' body. Louis hadn't made a sound, but the man swiftly turned around, looking him dead in his eyes. Louis took off running, back to his room. When he looked around, he saw the man was gaining on him. He locked the door and ran to his window. The door began to break. Louis climbed the rose vine next to his window. When he was half way down, he looked up to find the man looking down at him. He fell to the ground and when he looked back up, he was gone. Louis got up and ran through the maze garden, trying to get back to his parents. Just when he was close, the man appeared in front of him. Louis fell and tried to run back the other way. The was behind him too. The man grabbed Louis by the throat and held him up. He tilted him to the side and prepared to bite his neck when, a sword went through the man's chest. He dropped Louis and fell to his knees. There stood Lou's right hand man Author Knight. Author pulled the sword from his chest and reached back to decapitate his head. The brave knight took his head and went before the people. Holding his head high, showing the vamps what he made of their leader. Author said if they came back again, he would slay them. They vampires left and they never seen or heard from them again. Camille sat on the ground holding Lou's lifeless body. Louis got on his knees and hugged his mother. Til that day King Louis has hatred towards vampires. He doesn't except them in his kingdom and they will be slayed if they do. Today was the day for the Royal Ball. The annoucement for the marrying of Princess Gizelle & Prince Charles. Gizelle was in her room, brushing her long, curley, and burgundy black hair. Charles had been courting Gizelle for months, only Gizelle isn't interested. She knows, she has to marry him, but something in her heart won't let her love him. "Madam Gizelle, your guests await you." "I'll be down in a minute, Ramona." "Do you want me to tell them you're not coming down." "No, I said I'll be down in a minute." "Yes, madam." "Don't call me that, just call me Gizelle." "Yes, Gizelle." (She left out and Gizelle turned back to her mirror) A tear rolled down her face as she got ready to come down.

The Encounter

The servants helped Gizelle in her dress and tied it up. "I'd really prefer if you guys didn't put my clothes on for me, I'm capable of doing it on my own really." "Now princess, you know we can't let you do such thing, the king won't allow it." "I never asked to be apart of this royalty, I was just born in it." "But princess shouldn't you be happy to be born of royalty?" "No, but I'd like to help people, not rule them." "You can princess, now come, the king & queen awaits." Gizelle slowly made her way down the stairs as the crowd watched in awe. The horns blew and the carpet rolled. "Princess Gizelle, has arrived." King Louis sat looking in anger and Queen Nura in patience. Gizelle wanted to sit alone, but she had to sit by Charles. "Well, about time. Sorry about my daughter's absence, she's in love with the mirror. Sorry Charles." said Nura. (Everyone laughed) "We can get on with this feast, but first a toast to my Queen, for a great 20 years." (Louis & Nura kissed. Aww) Louis continued. "The important things is, we won't be able to continue on this legacy. Thats why, my daughter Gizelle & Charles, are to be the new King and Queen. I know my girl will carry on the legacy." Louis said proudly. (Gizelle turned the other way) "Now everyone, toast to the awakening of new days." (Everyone cheered and raised their glass) Once everyone was finished eating, the ball continued on the floor. Louis took Nura's hands and began dancing. Charles grabbed Gizelle's hand. "My lady." "Charles, I don't think I feel well enough to dance." "What's wrong?" "I just feel a little light headed, that's all." "Gizelle, you should be thinking about our future together." "Our future." "We're going to get married one day, ya know." "I really don't feel well right now, I think I shall retire to my room now." "No, wait, I'll take you." "It's okay." "No, I insist." "Charles, you're suffocating me, everyone is. At least let me do this alone, please." "Ok, fine." Louis looked over to see Gizelle leaving the room. "Excuse me darwling." (Louis went after her) "Gizelle, what is the meaning of this?" "I'm tired and I don't feel well, so I'm retiring to my room." "You've been acting this way for a while, what's really going on?" "Well father, I don't want the responsiblity to rule people. Plus I don't want to marry Charles." "Many girls dream to have this offer given to them and here you are complaining about it. You're going to marry Charles whether you like it or not." "It's not fair to not have a choice and if you want your legacy to continue, I'd stop wasting time with me and start looking for that girl." (Gizelle ran to her room) Louis was disappointed, but the ball had to continue on. Gizelle fell to her bed, crying. Charles came up to her room and heard her crying. "Do you want me to stay with you?" "I'd like it if you and everyone else would just leave me alone." (Charles grabbed her by the wrist and kissed her) Gizelle pushed him away. "Whats wrong with you, Charles?" "Why do you have to be a whiney shrewd!?" (Gizelle slapped him) "Out of my room I say. I wish to see you no longer!" (Charles left out and slammed the door) Gizelle layed back on her bed and stared at the window, wondering when she would be free. Later on that night, Nura came in her room and set aside her bed to comfort her. Gizelle layed looking out the window. "Hunny, what is this I hear of you not wanting to continue our legacy?" "I didn't ask to take on this role as Queen. I don't want to rule anyone, I want to help." "You can hunny, without someone to rule is not having help." "I don't have a choice, do I? I don't even love Charles." "Are you sure." "I'm very sure." "I let you in on a secret. When I was a little girl, I was in lower class. Around this time, your father and I were courting. Lou didn't approve of us courting, but even after he died, we continued. Camille didn't mind as long as her son was happy. Here we are." "He had one choice at least. Why can't I choose who I marry?" "Things have changed my dear." "I shouldn't have hope of you ever changing your mind." "You'll understand one day child." (She kissed Gizelle's forehead) Once everything grew quiet, Gizelle slipped on her slippers and eased down the rosevine. She sat on the bench and looked at the sky. "When will I ever have freedom?" She said to herself. Suddenly she heard a rustle coming from the bushes. "Who's there? Show yourself." "No fear, Ingrums here." (I guy appeared out of the bushes) "How did you get in here?" "From a very, very, intense desire. More of a scent really, your scent. I thought wolves had a keen sense of smell. When it comes to blood, I guess we out rule." "What are you talking about?" "Your royalty, I could hear your veins pumping from miles away. Something about your smell, drives me insane and I want it." (He quickly grabbed my hair and prepared to bite into her neck) "Hey! Leave her alone." "This one's mine Savan." "You can't do royalty." "Says who, I don't care what you're the prince of, she's my dinner." "Then she's mine, unless you want to take it up with my father." (Ingrum let go of her and left) Gizelle sat on the ground in shock and fear. (Savan helped her off the ground) "Sorry about him, he's just a little anxious." "What did he mean by all that?" "Just his way of scaring a princess." "Thanks for saving me, my names Gizelle." "My name's Savan." "Are you new, because I don't recall seeing you before?" "No, I've been here some years." "Where do you live?" "Not far from here." "You dress, not like royalty or lower class. Nor middle. I don't put people in classes, but what class are you in?" "We're beneath lower class. More of a underground type." "Who would treat you that way?" "The whole town." "Well

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