» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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Kelly’s desk as he made his way towards me. Plopping to the seat next to me, I got a good look of Gavin’s face which had a little bit of oil on it.

“What happened to you?” I whispered, as Mr. Kelly continued on with the lesson.

“I had to drop Garrett off at school and on my way here my car ran out of gas,” He replied, rubbing his face.

“You forgot to put gas in your car?” I asked, shocked that he could do something that stupid.

“Well, if you are too busy being a mother and father to a four year old you would probably forget some things too.” Gavin snapped, at me.

My eyes widened, as sympathy took over my expression. I forgot about everything he does for Garrett.

“Sorry,” I whispered to him turning back to face the teacher.

“You caught me on a bad day.”

“When are you ever on a good day?” I asked, jokingly.

“You are seriously, hanging on a thin line Ms. Clair.” He mocked.

I let out a soft chuckle, “When was I not hanging from that line?”

A smile soon took over his oiled face. It was moments like this that made it worthwhile to put up with Gavin and all his bioplarness.

Even when he ruins perfect moments by adding in his cockiness it was what made him, Gavin and you couldn’t change that. 

“Hey,” I whispered elbowing Gavin in the stomach. “You never did tell me who they were?” I asked, referring to when he interrupted my outing with Ben out of jealousy.

“They is no one.”

“Then why did you bring it up?”

“To get a reaction out of you. I don’t like being the only one who is jealous. Besides you wear it better than I ever did.” He replied, smirking.

I let out an unattractive snort, “I was not jealous. Why would I be after all the ‘they’ you are referring to is most probably one of your many girls.”

“Something tells me you are jealous.” Gavin smirked, throwing his right arm over my shoulders.

“I am not jealous.” I growled, out.

“Mr. Storm and Ms. Clair!” Mr. Kelly yelled, interrupting our conversation. “Why is it every time you two are sitting beside each other there always happens to be whispering and touching involved?” He said, pointing to Gavin’s arm which was around my shoulders.

I quickly grabbed his arm removing it from me as I heard the class let out snickers and whispers amongst themselves and friends. 

“I found it easier when Mr. Storm sat in the back of the class not talking to anyone. Yes, I am aware he didn’t pay attention before but now it is a two in one combo.” Mr. Kelly said, a devious look plastered onto his face.

“In the future Ms. Clair, do us all a favor and try not to distract him. Instead get to pay more attention to the lesson, I know it is not as exciting as talking to you, but keep this up and you both will earn a trip to the principal’s office.” He said, giving us both a final warning before turning around and finishing up the chemistry question he was writing before he called us out.

I rolled my eyes, “My hero.” I drawled, sarcastically.

Holly rolled her eyes, while Sarah just gave her a flat look. “Whatever. But, now I have an excuse to go shopping.”

“You are going to prom without a date?” Sarah asked.

Holly shook her head. “Of course not. Gavin is taking Ali and Andy is obviously going to ask you.” Holly said, with a roll of her eyes while Sarah went red in embarrassment. “And Ben is probably going to end up taking me. We talked about this.”

“You talked about going to prom with Ben?” I questioned, warningly.

“Y-yeah?” She said, but it came out more like a question.

“When were you ever going to tell us that you are passed the talking stage with Ben?”

“I wouldn’t say we are passed the talking stage. I would say we are on the let us start fresh stage.” Holly replied.

“You said he was cuter than Harry Styles. I think you are passed both stages.”

“You think he is cuter than Harry Styles?” Sarah asked, shocked.

“Well yeah, Ben can’t sing but when it comes to the looks he is pretty damn cute.” Holly replied.

“Bud, nobody is cuter than Harry Styles or any One Direction member. Don’t you forget that.” Sarah warned.

I ran my hands through my hair as Sarah and Holly began to argue about boys and there cuteness factor. Whatever, that meant.

“Guys!” I said, interrupting there fight, as the late bell rang. “If you haven’t noticed everybody is in class.” I said, gesturing to the empty hallway.

“You know what? We are going to settle this like mature women.” Holly said, pointing her finger in front of Sarah’s face.

“Please Holly, maturity isn’t in your vocabulary.” Sarah said, jokingly as I stifled my laughter.

“You will see,” Holly grumbled as she turned around and walked down the hall to her first period class- which was English, for her.

We watched as Holly’s figure get smaller and smaller as she continued to walk down the hall. “Do you think she is hiding something?” I asked, Sarah.

“It’s Holly. I know she is hiding something.” She murmured, as we stared at Holly’s retreating figure.


“As we move onto our next unit which is Acids, Bases and Salts. How many of you know what the effects of acid rain are?” Mr. Kelly asked, us.

I stared at him with a blank look on my face. I looked around as so did the rest of the class, I guess no one knew the answer to his question.

“Is this how it is going to be for the rest of the semester? Because I am sick and tired of only three people answering the questions.”

I lifted my head from my desk, raising my hand.

“Yes, Ms. Clair?”

“Some of the effects of acid rain are destroying of buildings, the killings of fish and trees, toxic materials from the soil and it also causes health problems.”

A grin made its way onto my teacher’s face. “Thank you.” He said, sincerely.

I smiled nodding, I would have the same look of relief if I was in his position. Especially if you were teaching a class no one really paid attention too. I only knew that question because my homeschool teacher taught it to me last year and the reason I remember it is because the tutor my dad got for Thomas and I was crazy. And none of us was dumb enough to cross him. Not even Thomas. Chapter Forty-Five: Meet My ...

“Should I go for cute and flirty or I like you but I don’t want to try too hard?” I asked, myself holding up two outfits in hand as I inspected them closely.

“What am I doing?” I mumbled, throwing both outfits on my bed. “I am starting to act like a lovesick teenager!” I said, then throwing myself on to my bed. “Great, now I am going insane and talking to myself.”

“I completely agree with yourself on the whole insane thing. I would have called you psychotic but we will work our way there. Don’t worry, sis.” Thomas said, appearing outside my room.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be? Preferably where someone would actually enjoy your presence?” I asked, my little brother sarcastically.

“Can I come in?” He asked, strolling into my room before I could even respond.

“Go ahead you are already in anyways,” I muttered, sitting up on my bed. “So, care to explain why you are up but not fully awake?”

“I heard a few of the guards talking outside my door about you and how you were talking to yourself. I wanted to see the truth for myself.” He said, rubbing his tired eyes.

“Well, I am glad that I am the topic for the guards’ discussion. But, the reason I was mumbling to myself was because today’s Gavin’s birthday and he wants to take me out for the day.”

“It’s his birthday and he wants to take you out? Isn’t it the other way around?” He asked, obviously.

I just threw my hands in there air giving my brother an ‘I don’t know’ action. It was quarter to seven and Gavin had texted me the night before that he was going to be at the normal stop at 7:15. Which gave me an half an hour to get myself presentable.

I stayed on my bed for a few seconds before I decided to get up, having the outfit I wanted to wear in mind. I stood up from my bed, noticing Thomas staring at the picture frame I had perched on my desk.

Walking over to him slowly, I spoke up. “What are you thinking about?”

“How things use to be somewhat normal before dad became president.”

I stared at the picture frame he had in his hand. It was a picture of all four of us, sitting at our old house before we moved here. I was ten and Thomas was three, he was perched in mom’s lap while I was in my dad’s. We were smiling at the camera, with big grins on our face while Thomas just looked confused.

I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion as I finally realized something. “You were three, how do you know what normal was?”

Thomas turned to look at me with a flat look. “I might have been three, but even I am smart enough to know that this is not a strong and proper family.”

I just nodded my solemnly, as I turned around to leave Thomas in his thoughts. I headed over to my closet closing the door and grabbing the outfit that I thought was perfect to wear.

Grabbing a striped black and white blouse from the hanger, pairing it with blue ripped skinny jeans. I threw it on, not before throwing my pajamas in the hamper that I placed in my closet. I also had a mirror in my closet, since it was a walk in closet and big enough for me to move and walk around in.

I ran my hands through my hair a few times, trying to get rid of all the knots and make it look a little bit more than my previous bed head hair. Once I was done with my hair I quickly applied some mascara to my eyelashes and some lip gloss.

I puffed out my cheeks as I stared at myself in the mirror. Tilting my head to the left and right, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was more interested in what Gavin had thought of me rather than what I had thought of myself. Call it stupid, but wasn’t that really what any girl thought?

Gavin came round to join me, flowers in his hand as together we walked towards the cemetery. I was quite oblivious to not notice the flowers before.

It was a silent walk in the cemetery. Gavin went straight for an oak tree near the back of the cemetery, my steps slowed down as I watched Gavin slow down himself as he stopped in front of a tombstone.

Placing the flowers to the ground he reached out placing his hand on the tombstone. His back was turned to me, so I couldn’t see his expression.

“Hey mom,” He spoke, his voice cracking. “Hope you are doing well. I know I am,

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