» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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“No. Ben,” I began, softly. “You have to learn to trust us, well me. And you have to learn to ignore Thomas.”

“I ignore you all the time, you ignoring me doesn’t bother me.” My brother said, walking away from the car and towards the entrance of the fair.

“But it’s my job, Alice. You once told me that I wasn’t doing my job as a bodyguard.”

“That was a long time ago.” I defended.

“That was the first day of school.” He replied.

“Look, your father trusts me. Please, if anything happens you will call me. Got it?”

I nodded my head, closing the door of his car. “Got it, Ben.”

He nodded, “Good. Now have fun.”

I smiled, as he began to roll up the passenger seat window. I took a few steps away from the car, as Ben started up the engine.

I liked Ben. But, I did not like like him, like how I did with Gavin. Sure, I wasn’t going to lie. If I was a normal girl and didn’t think of Ben as a brother and as my cousin’s ex. I am pretty sure I would fall for him.

“So are we going to just stand here all day or are we going to go find your lover?” Thomas asked interrupting my thoughts.

“I thought you went to the entrance, why are you back?”

“Because it would be awkward if I just went up to your lover and started talking to him.” He replied.

“He’s not my lover.”

“Sorry, I meant your boyfriend.” Thomas said, correcting himself with a satisfied grin on his face.

“I am one minute away from hurting you.”

“And I am one comment away from sending you over the edge.” He replied, as I narrowed my eyes at him. “Never mind. I can see I already drove you over the edge.”

“Let’s go,” I said, tugging Thomas’ sleeve as we walked towards the line of people waiting to get in. “Why is there a fair in the middle of the week, anyways? Let alone in April.”

“It’s Tuesday. It’s not the middle of the week, yet.” Thomas said, correcting me. “And it’s because it is the month of Easter! You know what Easter is, do you?” Chapter Forty-Two: Connecting the Dots

“You made us wait all day, now you better spill about your date or I am just going to ask Gavin himself.” Holly said, taking a seat.

“Why does it matter how the date went? I had fun, Thomas had fun. Nothing else needs to be said.” I told her honestly, unscrewing the cap of my water bottle.

“Because Holly and I helped you get the date in the first place. The least you can do is tell us about it.” Sarah argued, “Like if I went on a date with Andy I would have told you.”

I rose my eyebrows to that, “Did you go on a date with Andy?” I questioned.

“T-this isn’t about me. It is about you,” She said, stuttering.

My jaw dropped open as I looked at Sarah with wide eyes. “Oh my God, you went on a date with Andy? And you didn’t even bother to tell us?”

“This isn’t about me!” Sarah argued.

“It is now,” Holly stated. “When were you going to tell us, you and Andy were a thing?”

Sarah let out a groan, tangling her fingers through her red hair, pulling at it. “We aren’t a thing and even if we were I would have told you.”

“Just like how you told us he asked you on a date?” I said, my voice laced in amusement.

“How about this, you tell us about your date with Gavin and I will do the same.” Sarah said, purposing a fair enough agreement.

I nodded my head, “That seems fair.”

“So are you going to tell us? Or are you going to keep stalling because lunch is almost over.”

I rolled my eyes at Holly then launched into my date with Gavin. I started right from the beginning to where I made the first move and kissed him- on the cheek, obviously. Which the girls groaned about… Then to the winning of the snake for Garrett to the end of the date where he gave me a goodnight’s kiss, but expected a little bit more.

I went into detail about the date, but I didn’t tell them about how I wished that I kissed him on the lips instead of the cheek. But, I wanted my first kiss with him to be special and even if I had to wait for it, I would. For the special moment with the idiot.

“That is honestly, one of the cutest things I’ve ever heard.” Holly said, sighing.

I rolled my eyes, “Well I am glad you think so.”

Sarah opened her mouth to say something, but her brown eyes directed their attention to the top of my head. I slowly turned around to see Gavin walking this way.

I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion, he would usually sit with Ashley and them. Why was he coming this way?

My head snapped back to face the girls, “Why is he coming this way?” I blurted out, voicing my thoughts.

Holly scratched her head, looking at me in confusion. “To sit with you?” She said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I was about to say something else when Gavin’s presence interrupted me. “Hey, Nerd.” He said, plopping his lunch down on the table and taking a seat next to me.

I turned my head, rolling my eyes. I thought we were done with that name, “Hey Rainbow.”

He let out an amused chuckle, bringing his chair close to mine. “So…?” He said, as if he was trying to hint something at me.

“So…?” I mimicked back.

“How was your day?” He asked, trying to make small talk.

I gave a sarcastic smile, “Pretty good, until you showed up.”

“He looks at you differently than any other girl that he has ever been with, including me.”

“How does he look at me?”

“With love.”

I scratched the top of my head, not knowing how to answer that. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything,” Ashley replied, wiping away her tears.

I listened to her, not saying anything for a few minutes when I realized something.

“I know Gavin is not the reason why you dislike me so much.”

“No, he is the only reason.” She said, trying to be honest. But, I knew she was lying.

I shook my head, “No. Gavin is just a link between you and your father.”

I watched as her blue eyes widened. “W-what are you talking about? You know nothing about me and my family. So stop fucking acting like you do.”

I raised my eyebrows at her, “Ashley. I am sorry about what happened to your dad. Everyone is.”

“I don’t care, he was a rapist.”

“He was still your father.”

She turned to look at me, tucking a strand of her dyed blonde hair behind her ear. “Who told you about my father?”

“No one.”

“That’s bull.” She said, snapping.

“Okay. Someone, but trust me. I am the only one who knows.”

“You and the rest of the world.” She said, sarcastically.

“They don’t know the whole story.” I said, honestly.

“But they know a story.”


“No. You listen, just stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours. Because honestly you are dead to me.” She snarled, narrowing her blue eyes at me.

“You honestly can’t be blaming me for my father winning the election? So what? They voted him for President instead of your dad. Ashley it was seven years ago, let it go.”

“You don’t understand. If my dad had won to be President instead of yours, maybe he wouldn’t be six feet under.” 

“You are not blaming me for your father’s actions?”

“I am not blaming Oprah, am I?” She yelled loudly, sarcastically.

“Look, Ashley. I am sorry, what part do you not get?” I asked, raising my voice. “What happened to your dad is honestly heartbreaking and I do not know how you are still standing here today. But, you can’t blame me and my family for your father’s actions. I am sorry you had to see him do what he did to Gavin’s mother and many other women. But, he wasn’t going to be a good President in the first place. Anyone with eyes could see through him, he was a sick man. God only knows how he became leader of his party.” I said, my voice starting to quiver. “I am not blaming you at all, but your father left two wonderful boys without a mother. He drove Gavin’s mom to suicide.”

“How’d you know that?” She asked, tears streaming down her face.

“I connected the dots.”

“My dad was in love with Gavin’s mom.” Ashley whispered, her head resting on her bare knees.

“But, she wasn’t in love with him.” I said, finishing her sentence.

I watched as Ashley closed her eyes, “I am sorry.” I heard her whisper. “I am so sorry, Alice.”

I nodded my head, even though she wasn’t looking at me. I don’t know if I can forgive her, but maybe she can learn to let go.

“I know you might think that you and Gavin only have each other, because you guys are links to your parents. But, you aren’t. I am sorry that your dad had also committed suicide, that’s not easy for someone to deal with when they are thirteen years old. But, Ashley there are loads of people willing to help you overcome what you went through. Even me.”

I got up from the floor, as I watched her look at me with said teary eyes. “I am sorry.” I turned around unlocking the bathroom stall door.

It was not easy walking away from Ashley when she was like this. But, I knew she wanted to be left alone with her thoughts.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. As I quickly wiped it away. I was crying not only for Ashley’s father and Gavin’s mother. But, for what Ashley, Gavin and even little Garrett had to go through when they needed there family the most.


Hello Lovelies,

THE SECRET IS FINALLY OUT! I hope everyone got it! No one guessed what Ashley’s big secret was. And if you did not understand it was that Ashley’s father was also running for President seven years ago. The same time Alice’s dad had run. Big shock, Alice’s dad had won and Ashley’s father had turn into a sick man… He continually assaulted Gavin’s mom- finally driving her to suicide, causing Ashley’s dad to take his own life as well. It was really hard for me to write because this chapter was very touchy and sad on rape and suicide and breaks my heart whenever I hear about these topics… So basically most of my heart is all over this chapter.

So… I know I haven’t updated in like 22 days, almost a month… But guys before you go inboxing me when I am going to update CHECK MY MESSAGE BOARD I SEND OUT MESSAGES. I told you guys it is not my number one priority and that October has been really hectic. So hope for updates on weekends and if I don’t do one, there is so many other wonderful books out there! Most of the reason I did not update was rude people- which there was a lot. And school. Thank you to all the people who stood up for me- I LOVE YOU! <3

This is dedicated to @EFFAT8982 for the

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