» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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and Sarah, who were both in my chemistry class. But, left as soon as the bell rung not bothering to wait up for me. I didn’t take it personally, but I knew something was off about them, because they were giggling all through class.

I slowly began to make my way towards my locker, once I turned the corner I noticed Holly and Sarah standing there, talking to each other. Devious looks plastered onto their faces.

I rose my eyebrows, “Hey guys…” I began, hesitant.

“Hey Ali,” They replied, in unison.

“So, not to be rude or anything, but why are you guys here? We usually just meet up in the cafeteria.” I said, opening my locker and dumping my books in.

“Is it wrong if we wanted to change up the schedule?” Holly asked.

I shook my head, “No… But it’s you guys. So, are you going to tell me what you two did?”

“We didn’t do anything,” Sarah replied, innocently.

I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn’t worth trying to get it out of then, because in the end it usually ended up with a fight or a silly argument, so I let the subject drop for now.

I shut my locker, turning to face the two. “So want to head to lunch now?”

They nodded their heads, “Sure. But can you do me a favor?”

I nodded my head, “Depends on what it is.” I said, to Sarah.

“I need to return some things to Mr. Beckman, our janitor.” Sarah said, I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. “Well to start from the very beginning, yesterday Andy spilled his coffee in music class and my music teacher Mrs. Roberts sent me to get some mops from Mr. Beckman. However, I didn’t get to return them, so I was wondering if you can do it for me.”

I raised my eyebrows, in suspicion. “Why can’t you do it yourself?”

“Please, Ali?” Sarah asked, pleading.

I looked at her, warily. I knew they were up to something, why couldn’t she have asked Holly or Andy? She is perfectly capable of doing it herself, but I knew there was something that they were hiding. And the only way to find out what, was to go along with whatever they were hiding.

“Fine.” I said, sighing. “Where are the mops?”

“Right here,” She said, turning around and grabbing the mop and the bucket that were leaning against the locker behind her. “The janitor closet is across from room 200, it is labeled janitor closet, so I doubt you will miss it.” She replied, handing me the stuff.

Once I took the stuff out of Sarah’s hand, she and Holly basically ran down the hallway leaving me to find the janitor closet all on my own.

I gripped the bucket in my hand and turned the other way. It took a few minutes to find the janitor closet, due to the fact that it was located at the end of the hall, where it looked to be that no one hardly came down.

Once we finally reached the top of the stairs, I grabbed Thomas by his collar pushing him into his room.

“What gives?” He asked, fixing his collar and sitting on his bed.

“Was that really necessary?” He just stared at me, confusion written all over his face. “Did you have to tell mom and dad I had a boyfriend? When we both clearly know that I don’t have one.”

“Yet,” Thomas piped in. I let out a growl at him and he put his hands up in surrender. “Alright. Alright!”

I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. “So, did you do what I told you?”

He nodded his head getting up from his bed and walking over to his computer desk. “Yup.” He said, grabbing a folder from his desk. “All the information you need is in this folder.”

“Great!” I said, reaching for the folder, but Thomas pulled it before I could grasp it in my hands.

“I am not giving this to you yet…”

My eyebrows crinkled in confusion, “What do you mean? We had a deal!”

“Indeed we did sister,” He began walking around to his desk and taking a seat. I sighed, it felt like I was starring in my own movie that seemed to be going downhill. “You just have to hold your end of the deal and I will hold mine.”

I raised my eyebrows, “I always hold my end of the deal. Now give me that folder,” I said making a move to get it, but Thomas scrambled up from his chair.

“Thomas…” I said, in my warning voice.

“Alice…” He said, in the same tone, but I knew he was just doing it to mock me.

“Give me that folder!” I screamed, lunging to grab the folder out of my ten year old brother’s hands. But, it seemed even with having gym, I couldn’t even run after a ten year old boy who rarely got out of the house.

I ran around the desk as Thomas ran the other way, running towards the door. I sprinted after him, as I heard his chuckles as he headed for the stairs.

I kept my speed, as I whisked past the guards who made no move to stop Thomas and I from running in the house. When I finally reached the bottom of the stairs, I took a sharp turn to the left, but instead I ran into someone knocking us both of our feet.

I let out a groan, as I fell on top of the person who caught me. “Sorry,” I muttered, opening my eyes. Looking into a familiar pair of hazel eyes staring back at me.

“B-Ben?” I whispered, “Ben!” I said, scrambling to get off him.

Once I did I held out a hand to him. Once he grabbed my hand, I used all the strength that I could muster to pull Ben up. “Thanks,” He muttered, to me.

I nodded my head, “No problem. Now if you would excuse me I got a demon to chase after.” I said, quoting Thomas’ words that he used for other children.

When I made move to go around Ben, he just grabbed my waist pulling me back. “What do you think you are doing? You aren’t going after Thomas, we have school.”

“But, I just need something and I swear I will return.” I said, complaining.

Ben let out a snort, “Heck no. I am not willing to be late to biology, Mr. Page is scary as fuck when I am late. So grab your bag and let’s go.” Ben instructed, talking to me as if I was five.

I rolled my eyes, turning in the direction to grab my bag. The same direction which Thomas disappeared off to a few minutes ago.

Ben grabbed my arm before I could go any further. “You are real stupid if you think, that’s where you left your bag. It’s in the dining room.” He said, turning me around and giving me a slight push towards the dining room, which was the opposite of where I was going. Chapter Forty-One: Fair Kisses

“Do you think my hair looks okay?” I asked, looking in the review mirror- also known as the mirror to block the sun. “You guys sure, it looks fine?” I said, asking once more not even giving them a chance to answer. I was just too nervous for my date with Gavin, I am pretty sure it was our first kind of official first date and I honestly didn’t want Thomas screwing it up for me.

“How long until, we get to wherever we are going? Because I honestly don’t think I survive in this car much longer with Miss Freaking Out.” Thomas said, directing his attention to Ben who behind the wheel.

“That makes two of us,” He said, to Thomas. “But, to answer your question, not much longer. We should be arriving at the place in two minutes.”

I heard Thomas let out a sigh, “Good. Because I am pretty sure my IQ is lowering, with all the perfume and hair spray that you put on. Like I can smell you from here.”

“Well aren’t you the greatest brother, anyone could have?” I said, sarcastically. “I am sorry that I am a bit nervous for my first date.”

“I am quite shocked that you even got a date in the first place,” I heard Thomas mutter from the back seat.

My jaw dropped as I turned around, “Thomas…” I began slowly. “I might be your older sister, but I am willing to push you out of this car if you do not stop with the insults. Am I understood?” I asked, but in return Thomas just rolled his eyes looking out the window.

“Glad we have come to an understanding,” I muttered, turning around in my seat.

My fingers soon found its way to the bottom of my skirt as I began to fiddle with the ends of it. I was beyond nervous for this date and I may have gone overboard with the perfume and hair spray.

Holly helped me pick my outfit. She was just as excited as I was for this date, mostly because apparently if they didn’t come up with this genius plan of locking us in the closet, we would have never been going on a date in the first place.

Holly came over and did my hair and makeup. It only took an hour and a half so I wasn’t complaining. Plus, it didn’t turn out bad, so I was satisfied on the way I looked. She curled my hair, giving it this beachy look. The only makeup that she did was lip gloss, eyeliner and mascara. I wasn’t too big on the other stuff so it was quick and easy. For the outfit she picked out a black skater skirt and black and a plain white blouse that I tucked into my skirt. Over that I had a red and black plaid shirt, because apparently to her, plaid was very trendy right now.

“You excited for this date?” Ben asked, as his eyes stayed glued to the road.

I nodded my head, “Yeah. How was Gavin when you talked to him about where the date was being held?” I asked, the question that has been on my mind ever since.

Gavin wanted to pick Thomas and I from my house then we would go to the date, since he wanted it to be a surprise. But, I refused telling him he should just tell me so I could meet him there. However, Gavin being the stubborn boy that he is, settled for telling Ben where we were going so that he could drop us off. I know he was a bit wary about letting Ben take me to our date. Nevertheless, at least we’ve came to an agreement.

“He gave me weird looks. Like he thought I was going to spill the beans to you.”

“But, you didn’t. So I think you should be pretty proud of yourself, considering it is hard to resist this.” I said, pointing to myself.

“Oh please, someone barf me.” I heard Thomas, groan.

I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window. I noticed trees and lots of land, there was also a lot of cars in front and behind us as they all seemed to be going the same way.

“Really? They are sleeping, what they don’t know can’t hurt them.”

“It can’t hurt them, but it can scar them. Why am I saying can? It has

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