» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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though it wasn’t a break since your father was working during the holidays.” My mother explained.

“The President never takes a holiday, I have a country to run after all.” My dad answered.

We were currently having breakfast before I would head off to school. Things were starting to go back to normal and Ben was back into his usual routine of picking me up, since his sling was now removed and his arm that was shot was now doing a lot better.

“Good morning, parents!” I lifted my head from my froot loops cereal, as my brother skipped into the kitchen a huge smile on his face.

“Good morning Thomas…” My mom replied, slowly. Her brown eyes did a quick scan of Thomas head to toe, “Are you feeling alright?” She asked, sounding worried.

“I am feeling fine. Why you may ask?” Thomas questioned, taking a seat next to me.

I looked at Thomas curiously, “O-okay…”

Thomas just nodded his head, turning to face me. “Good morning my dear older sister. How are you this morning?” He asked, his light eyes looking at me in happiness.

“Good…” I said, slowly. Thomas was never this happy and it was starting to worry me, because Thomas was not a morning person. Much like the rest of the country who prefers to sleep in, he was usually cranky. So Thomas being happy was weird, for all of us.

“Okay Mr.” My dad said, closing his newspaper and setting it down next to his plate of eggs. “I want to know what antique you broke and how.”

“I didn’t break anything,” Thomas said, lifting up his spoon and digging into his Honey Nut Cheerios.

“Then why are you so happy?” I questioned.

“Because, today I get to meet Alice’s boyfriend.” He said, beaming.

I choked onto my cereal that was in my mouth, coughing. My dad’s eyes just widened in shock. “Alice’s what?” He asked, flabbergasted. “You have a boyfriend?” My father questioned, the same time my mom let out a squeal.

“Oh God, this is so exciting! When did he ask you out? How did he ask you out? Oh my God, I am going to be a grandmother and have beautiful grand babies.” My mom said, a bright smile on her face.

I just looked at my mother in shock, my mouth opening and closing repeatedly. “W-what? I am not dating anyone,” I said, turning my attention to my father who let a sigh of relief. “And that’s gross mom.” I said, to my mom shuddering.

My mom just rolled her eyes, “You are bound to start a family one day, Alice.”

I faked gagged, I then turned to Thomas who seemed to be enjoying his breakfast even though it was only a bowl of cereal. “I think I am finished with my cereal.” I said, getting up from my chair. “And I think Thomas is done with his too.”

“I am not done with my cereal, Alice. What are you talking-" He started off, before I grabbed his arm, yanking him out of his chair and pulling him out of the breakfast room.

I ignored the protests coming from my younger brother as I ignored his pleas to let him go. A few moments he settled down muttering under his breath, about how breakfast was the most important meal of the day.

I rolled my eyes, passing the guards who were just looking at us strangely. More so than usual.

“Hey, Danny! Will, how you doing? Jamie, did you get a haircut?” Was all the questions Thomas asked, the guards as we passed them. As we passed more guards on the way upstairs he kept saying hi to each one of them, as well as knowing each of their names of each guard that we passed.

“What are you thinking about?” Gavin asked, snapping me out of my thoughts of how to murder my two best friends.

“Plans on how to get away with murder.”

“Do I want to know?” He asked.

I shook my head, “Probably not.”

It was quiet for a few minutes when I finally decided to speak up. “Gavin? Can I ask you a question?”

His face turned to face mines, “You just did.”

I rolled my eyes, even though I doubt he could see me. “D-do you want to hang out later?” I asked, not knowing how to put it.

“Why Ali, are you asking me on a date?” He said, in a weird tone.

“N-no, I am just asking if you want to hang out, as friends.” I said, putting an emphasis on friends.

“As friends huh?” Gavin said, his hand landing on my left thigh.

“Yes, now do you want to hang out or not?” I said, hissing at him, removing his hand that was leaving tingly feelings as it made its way up my leg without my consent.

“Sure,” He replied, “Where do you have in mind?”

“I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know.”

“You ask me on a date, yet you don’t know where you want to take me?” Gavin said, in a girly tone. “What kind of date are you?”

I snorted, trying to hide my laughs. “The only reason I am asking is because my brother wants to meet you.”

“You talk about me with your siblings?” Gavin asked, trying to hide the shock in his voice.

I nodded my head, “I always talk about my friends.”

Gavin moved closer to me, causing out legs to touch. “How old is he?”

“He’s ten.”

“Then, I would love to meet him. Do you mind if I bring Garrett along?” He asked.

I nodded my head, “Sure. I love that boy.”

“Just like you love his older sibling?” Gavin asked, hitting me with his elbow.

I shook my head, “No. Just no.”

Gavin just let out a sigh as his head turned to face the other way. I rolled my eyes, sometimes he was very bipolar. “So how are we getting out of here?” I asked, changing the subject.

When he didn’t reply, I took that as my cue to brainstorm on how to get us out of here. I left my phone in my locker because our school had strict rules on using your phones in class, although it was hardly ever enforced.

“Gavin, do you by any chance have your phone on you?”

Gavin’s head snapped towards me, as he let out a string of profanities, fishing through his pocket. Pulling out a cracked phone.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? You had your phone on you, all this time?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Sorry.” He muttered, unlocking his phone and searching through his contacts.

I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. “Gavin ‘The Idiot’ Storm. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” I said, sarcastically.

The light from his cracked phone, hit his face. “Whatever, nerd.”


Hello Lovelies,

Over 3000 words and one of my favorite moments between the two. This was actually going to be written all at once and everything with the whole meeting Thomas was supposed to happen, but decided to split it into two parts. So please tell me your favorite part! I loved writing about the whole chasing scene with Thomas, I was laughing as I was writing…. xD

Oh and where do you guys think Gavin, Ali, Thomas and Garrett will go for there for there “date?”

So for updating, I decided that I will stick to weekends, weekdays are way too hard for me. So I am sorry I couldn’t update on Wednesday, hope this longer chapter makes up for it.

This is dedicated to @Transparent_Lines for the lovely banner on the side or on the top. I absolutely adore it, Thanks a bunches, Emma!If you guys do make banners for my book please email (located on my profile) it to me or PM the link!

Please remember: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!



I approached the janitor closet, but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard noises come from behind the door. I pressed my ear up against the wall, when I heard someone talking.

I turned the door handle, as I felt someone leaning behind it causing me to push harder to open the door. When I finally did, I saw a figure leaning against the door.

“Thank God, you came. Took a while, so this better be worth it.” The person said, getting up from the floor and approaching me.

The door closed softly as the person came closer to me. I let out a squeal as I took the mop smacking the person in the chest with it.

“Ow, what the fuck?” The person, grunted.

“W-who are you?” It was too dark to see and frankly I was getting scared.

“What do you mean? You texted me, to meet you here.”

“No I didn’t,” I protested. “For all I know you can be a pervert.” I said, backing up, holding the mop in the air, preventing the idiot from coming any closer to me. “Wait…” I said, the wheels in my head turning. “Gavin?”

“No shit,” Gavin replied.

I put the mop and bucket down approaching him, with caution. I stood in front of him, as he looked down at me. He still didn’t know it was me and I wasn’t a hundred percent sure it was him.

My fingers made its way to his face as I felt his face, making sure it was my Gavin. When I felt his long eyelashes, I knew it was him. Plus, he had a slight scar under his right eye. It was hardly visible unless you get really close to his face.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Gavin spluttered, removing my hands from his face.

“You really don’t know who I am?”

He shook his head, “God. I wish the lights were working…” He muttered, “Now, are we going to do a quick fuck because I am honestly getting tired of waiting.”

“It’s me, Ali you pervert.” I said, slapping him on the shoulder.

“Ali?” He said, his face lowering to mine.

“Yes, you idiot. Now, why the hell are you in here?”

“I told you, I got a text, telling me to meet me here for a quicky. If I knew it was you, I probably wouldn’t have shown up.” He said, leaning against the wall.

“God… You are an idiot.” I said, running my hands through my hair. “Where is the light switch?” I said, looking along the walls for it.

“Are you deaf? Because if you haven’t heard, it isn’t working.” Gavin replied, rather rudely.

I let out a sigh. “Well, I am going.” I said, feeling the walls for the door handle.

Gavin shuffled to the side to let me find it. When I did, I tugged on it, but it wouldn’t open. I tugged on it once more and it still didn’t open. “Please, please open.” I said, jiggling the doorknob and yanking on the door.

“You might as well give up. You can yell, scream and bang the door repeatedly, but no one will hear you. Everyone is at lunch and plus no one hardly comes down this hall.” Gavin said, as he was now positioned on the floor, his legs scrawled before him.

“What do we do?” I asked, going over to sit next to him.

“Wait.” He replied.

I pulled my knees to my chest resting my head on it. So, this was what Holly and Sarah were giggling about? Oh, when I get my hands on them I will murder them, then dump their bodies in the river.

“Fine,” I muttered, walking in the direction of where my bag was located.

If Thomas thought he could get away with this, then he honestly thought wrong.


This was a homework question...

I stared at the comment Mr. Kelly had wrote on my test. Since when was it a homework question. I looked at the chemical equation once more, if it was a question from the homework. He should’ve at least taken it up with the class, if he knew that it was going to be on the test.

I kept flipping through the rest of the test. I had scored an eighty percent, which was the usual mark I got in his class. I was currently at an average of eight two percent, but I knew I had to do a lot better even if it meant to start doing the homework he assigns to us.

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