» Fiction » The Days of Bruce: A Story from Scottish History. Vol. 1, Grace Aguilar [libby ebook reader TXT] 📗

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Period"> Michal.—Abigail.—Wise Women of Tekoah.—Woman of Abel.—Rispah.—Prophet's Widow.—The Shunamite.—Little Israelitish Maid.—Huldah.

Fifth Period—Babylonian Captivity.

The Captivity.—Review of Book of Ezra.—Suggestions as to the identity of the Ahasuerus of Scripture.—Esther.—Review of Events narrated in Ezra and Nehemiah.

Sixth Period—Continuance of the Second Temple.

Review of Jewish History, from the Return from Babylon to the Appeal of Hycanus and Aristobulus to Pompey.—Jewish History from the Appeal to Pompey to the Death of Herod.—Jewish History from the Death of Herod to the War.—The Martyr Mother.—Alexandra.—Mariamne.—Salome.—Helena.—Berenice.

Seventh Period—Women of Israel in the Present as Influenced by the Past.

The War and Dispersion.—Thoughts on the Talmud.—Talmudic Ordinances and Tales.—Effects of Dispersion and Persecution.—General Remarks.

"A work that is sufficient of itself to create and crown a reputation."—Pilgrimages to English Shrines, by Mrs. S. C. Hall.[Pg 359]


With Illustrations. One volume, 12mo. Cloth. Price, $1.00.

"To show us how divine a thing A woman may be made."—Wordsworth.

"This story illustrates, with feeling and power, that beneficial influence which women exercise, in their own quiet way, over characters and events in our every-day life."—Britannia.

"The book is one of more than ordinary interest in various ways, and presents an admirable conception of the depths and sincerity of female friendship, as exhibited in England by English women."—Weekly Chronicle.

"We began to read the volume late in the evening; and, although it consists of about 400 pages, our eyes could not close in sleep until we had read the whole. This excellent book should find a place on every drawing-room table—nay, in every library in the kingdom."—Bucks Chronicle.

"We congratulate Miss Aguilar on the spirit, motive, and composition of this story. Her aims are eminently moral, and her cause comes recommended by the most beautiful associations. These, connected with the skill here evinced in their development, insure the success of her labors."—Illustrated News.

"As a writer of remarkable grace and delicacy, she devoted herself to the inculcation of the virtues, more especially those which are the peculiar charm of women."—Critic.

"It is a book for all classes of readers; and we have no hesitation in saying, that it only requires to be generally known to become exceedingly popular. In our estimation it has far more attractions than Miss Burney's celebrated, but overestimated, novel of 'Cecilia.'"—Herts County Press.

"This very interesting and agreeable tale has remained longer without notice on our part than we could have desired; but we would now endeavor to make amends for the delay, by assuring our readers that it is a most ably-written publication, full of the nicest points of information and utility that could have been by any possibility constructed; and, as a proof of its value, it may suffice to say, that it has been taken from our table again and again by several individuals, from the recommendation of those who had already perused it, and be prevented our giving an earlier attention to its manifold claims for the favorable criticism. It is peculiarly adapted for the young, and wherever it goes will be received with gratification, and command very extensive approbation."—Bell's Weekly Messenger.

"This is a handsome volume: just such a book as we would expect to find among the volumes composing a lady's library. Its interior corresponds with its exterior; it is a most fascinating tale, full of noble and just sentiments."—Palladium.[Pg 360]




With Illustrations. 1 vol., 12mo. Cloth, $1.00.

"The authoress of this most fascinating volume has selected for her field one of the most remarkable eras in modern history—the reigns of Ferdinand and Isabella. The tale turns on the extraordinary extent to which concealed Judaism had gained footing at that period in Spain. It is marked by much power of description, and by a woman's delicacy of touch, and it will add to its writer's well-earned reputation."—Eclectic Review.

"The scene of this interesting tale is laid during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. The Vale of Cedars is the retreat of a Jewish family, compelled by persecution to perform their religions rites with the utmost secrecy. On the singular position of this fated race in the most Catholic land of Europe, the interest of the tale mainly depends; whilst a few glimpses of the horrors of the terrible Inquisition are afforded the reader, and heighten the interest of the narrative."—Sharpe's Magazine.

"Any thing which proceeds from the pen of the authoress of this volume is sure to command attention and appreciation. There is so much of delicacy and refinement about her style, and each a faithful delineation of nature in all she attempts, that she has taken her place amongst the highest class of modern writers of fiction. We consider this to be one of Miss Aguilar's best efforts."—Bell's Weekly Messenger.

"We heartily commend the work to our readers as one exhibiting, not merely talent, but genius, and a degree of earnestness, fidelity to Nature, and artistic grace, rarely found."—Herts County Press.

"The 'Vale of Cedars' is indeed one of the most touching and interesting stories that have ever issued from the press. There is a life-like reality about it which is not often observed in works of this nature; while we read it we felt as if we were witnesses of the various scenes it depicts."—Bucks Chronicle.

"It is a tale of deep and pure devotion, very touchingly narrated."—Atlas.

"The authoress has already received our commendation; her present work is calculated to sustain, her reputation."—Illustrated News.

"It is indeed a historical romance of a high class. Seeing how steady and yet rapid was her improvement—how rich the promise of her genius—it is impossible to close this notice of her last and best work, without lamenting that the authoress was so untimely snatched from a world she appeared destined, as certainly she was singularly qualified, to adorn and to improve."—Critic.

New York: D. APPLETON & CO.

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