» Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Two, Heather Ray [story read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Two, Heather Ray [story read aloud txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Mr. Wilton looked up again, and walked to the following row. "Jason Scott... 94 percent." The smallest hint of a smile pulled at his thin lips. "Not bad."

Jason couldn't help but smile slightly at what was the closest thing to praise anyone would ever get from Angel Grove High's resident army commando.

The teacher then moved to the back of the classroom, halting at one of the furthest chairs. His harsh gaze fell upon a girl who seemed to struggle to stay conscious.

"Alexis Darling!" he growled. Alexis jumped. "Is there a reason

why you're falling asleep in my class?"

Jason turned around curiously as Alexis shrank into her seat.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wilton," she stammered weakly, "I'm not feeling well..."

Her voice died on her lips, and Mr. Wilton turned, gazing sidelong at the student. While she was a quiet student, from her test scores he could see that she wasn't the type to cause any trouble. She probably really was sick.

"Then you should go to the nurse," he advised, handing Alexis her test,
"you can't learn anything if you're dozing off."

"Thank you," she said, weakly rising to her feet. She fumbled while trying to collect her belongings, and slinked between the rows.

Jason watched her with a worried gaze.

"Mr. Wilton," he said cautiously, "can I walk her to the nurse?"

Alexis turned to him, her eyes wide with surprise.

Mr. Wilton nodded. "But I expect you back in five minutes, Jason."

Jason grinned, rising from his seat and following Alexis out the door.

Alexis watched his movements almost incredulously. She smiled her gratitude as Jason took her backpack, alleviating her burden.

"You didn't have to do this, Jason," she said, averting her eyes from her escort.

"It's no problem," he answered. "What's wrong? Didn't get enough sleep?"

She grinned guiltily. "No... but I don't think that's it. I just have a killer headache." She reached up, rubbing her temples slowly. "It was a dull pain at first, but as the day wore on, it kept getting worse. My head just feels so... heavy."

Jason frowned with compassion. "Well, maybe a bit of rest and some aspirin can help."

"I hope so," Alexis sighed. The rest of the walk was in silence, and finally they paused together outside of the nurse's office.

"Thanks so much," Alexis said quietly, smiling weakly as Jason returned her backpack. His gaze locked with hers, and he observed the redness in her black eyes, as well as the dark circles beneath them. She almost looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"It's not a problem," he assured her once again, "I'll see you later. Feel better!"

Alexis lingered outside the nurse's office, watching as Jason went back towards Chemistry. Is it just me, or is he getting cuter

by the minute?

she wondered, biting back her smile as she finally went into the office.

Down the hall, Jason slowly continued towards Chemistry. But only one thing occupied his thoughts... Alexis' bloodshot black eyes.

Black eyes... why didn't that seem right?

Chapter Five

The ancient man stood before the pair, leaning his crooked wooden walking staff against a console. With both hands, he cradled a large wooden box in his palms, as if he were offering it to them.

“There have been scores of Power Rangers before you,” he explained. “The vast majority had died in battle. All sacrificed their family lives, for fear of endangering loved ones. All Rangers must disappear from Gateway City, and remain here in the Command Center. Always on duty, always striving to learn and grow so as to defend the world all the better. Once the Power is taken, it cannot be returned until the battle is over.”

He then opened the ornate box, etched with animal pictures on all panels. Within, lying on a black pillow, lay seven glittering gold coins arranged in rows of three and four. Each coin had a different image, all of animals made legendary by the Rangers of earlier generations.

Her gaze instinctively fell to the Eagle, with its wide feathered wings outstretched as it ascended to the heavens.

“Once you choose a Power Coin, you accept the duty of being a Ranger,” Regita explained. “Take your pick.”

She stepped forward instantly. While she did gaze at each coin for a few moments, she knew that the Eagle was hers. It almost…called to her. It was more like recognizing an old friend than selecting a color.

The old man smiled tenderly, almost with a touch of nostalgia. “You have selected the Eagle, Kreia. You will be the Purple Ranger, as I was a lifetime ago.”

She smiled, gazing at the coin in her palm. She hadn’t even known which Ranger her ancient relative had been, but somehow a force she couldn’t explain drew her to the winged creature.

Erol’s jaw set as he stepped forward. “Which is Green?” he demanded.

The old man blinked in surprise at the odd query. “Why do you ask?”

“I know something of the Power Rangers,” he related, “and I do recall that the Purple and Green Rangers were different. They fought side by side as if they were somehow separate from the other five. They are a team within a team.”

He then turned to Kreia, his incredible jade gaze locking with hers. “If you are the Purple Ranger, than I must be your partner.”

The look in his eyes was so intense, it sent chills along her skin. Her heart fluttered as she stared into those powerful pools of color…so familiar to her since childhood, and so dear to her that much of the time those very eyes dictated her own emotions.

She felt such a bond between them, and as he selected the Green coin, she could feel the bond grow stronger.

And somehow, deep down in her heart, she knew that the bond would only grow with time.

The old man consented, although he did seem hesitant, somehow. “Then here is your coin, Green Ranger.”

Chapter Six

Another sharp intake of air accompanied Alexis' jarring awakening, and her eyelids jumped open almost desperately.

Another dream. Or was it a vision?

The content of the dream itself wasn't disturbing. It wasn't even a nightmare. But these constant visions of this girl named Kreia unsettled Alexis more and more.

She sat up on the cot, rubbing her temples vigorously. The aspirin didn't seem to quell the pain, but at least she had been able to fall asleep.

"What's wrong with me?" she whispered, lying back on the cot weakly. She stared at the sterile ceiling, and frowned thoughtfully.

Turning her head slightly, she noticed the nurse enter the back room.

The nurse gazed at her with concern, holding a notepad with both hands.

"Feeling any better?"


The nurse sighed quietly, gesturing to the clock. "It's a quarter of three o'clock, and school's been dismissed. I tried to call your mother, but she's not at her desk. Is there anyone else who can pick you up?"

Alexis shook her head, planting her feet on the ground. She held her breath as she shifted her weight, pushing off the hard cot and rising to a full standing position. "No, it's okay. I'll just walk home."

The nurse grimaced. "I don't know how safe that is, in your condition."

Alexis turned her gaze to the nurse. "So I have a headache... it's not like I'm dying."

"But you seem to be uncoordinated, Alexis," the nurse pointed out.

"Maybe I should call an ambulance?"

Alexis rolled her coal black eyes ruefully. "That's a bit extreme. Trust me, I've had worse headaches before. I'll be fine."

And with a reassuring grin, Alexis pulled on her backpack, and hurried out of the office.

But as soon as she escaped the nurse's observant gaze, her smile crumbled to a worried frown.

She'd never experienced such a headache before. It was almost... numbing. She almost felt like she were sleepwalking, so confused were her senses.

She kept her gaze to the ground, watching as first the tiled ground of the school passed beneath her, and then the sharp blades of grass. Finally, she arrived on the concrete of the sidewalk, and focused her mind to count the cracks in the white cement. It was an effort to keep herself at least somewhat attentive to her environment.

"Hey Alexis! Alexis?"

The voice seemed faint, almost drowned out by the constant buzz of conversation that typically surrounded a high school at dismissal. Still, that voice did emerge from the chaos, drawing her attention enough to turn around.

She offered a weak smile as Jason jogged up to her, a confounded expression on his face.

"I thought we were going for shakes..." he began, his brow creasing further when he noticed the pallor of her skin, and the redness in her dark eyes. "Wow... you look like you were hit by a truck!"

Alexis smirked. "You sure know how to charm a girl."

Jason's frown softened, but his concerned gaze never wavered from her puzzling black eyes. "Sorry about that."

He still couldn't figure out why her dark eyes unsettled him so.

Jason shrugged off the odd feeling that had settled in, and gently laid a hand on her shoulder. "Can I walk you home?"

Despite herself, Alexis felt a rising annoyance. She was, after all, more than capable of walking home. So much concern so clearly directed at her was quite... unnerving.

Nevertheless, she nodded. "Sure. Thanks."

She did enjoy his company, after all.

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