» Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Two, Heather Ray [story read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Two, Heather Ray [story read aloud txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Seven

Goldar stepped carefully into the throne room, crossing the cold stone chamber towards the intense red light that radiated from the balcony.

The mighty Titan warrior shivered, as he could only guess what the Emperor had in store for him.

“What took you so long?” the Emperor growled, turning around. Despite the fact that Goldar was over a foot taller than the vertically-challenged ruler, the crimson gaze of the powerful wizard made the warrior feel like an ant.

“I’m sorry, Lord Zedd,” Goldar grunted, falling to one knee. He tried his hardest to maintain some shred of dignity, even in the face of so great a failure.

“FOOL!” Zedd howled, the bright red aura intensifying, Goldar bowed his head lower, closing his eyes to block out the blinding fury of his ruler.

Zedd’s aura lessened slightly, and he walked past his soldier. He sat wearily upon his iron throne. “You had four…four

magic candles, and you still failed! You couldn’t even destroy one Ranger! They all


Goldar shuddered with humiliation, but could not deny the truth.

“And worse yet, your pathetic battle against the Red Ranger has only strengthened his confidence. Now he is more formidable than ever before, and when a leader gains strength, the entire team follows suit!”

Goldar swallowed fearfully. “I…I won’t fail again, my Lord.”

“And how many times do I have to hear that?!” Zedd roared. Goldar cringed again, keeping his eyes closed and his head low.

Finally, after an intolerable silence, Zedd sighed quietly. “So be it. Go, destroy the Red Ranger. Now!”

Goldar lifted his head, frowning in confusion. “You mean, right now?”

Zedd fixed his champion with an impatient glare. “Yes. I observed him just moments ago, walking in the park with some human girl. If you attack them now, her presence will make it impossible for him to Morph, or call the others for aid. If you are swift and cunning, you will only have to face Jason. I absolutely must have the Red Ranger destroyed by moonrise.” His voice suddenly took on a mocking tone. “Do you think you can handle that


Goldar just barely contained the furious growl that folded the skin on his snout. “I will not fail,” he assured Lord Zedd, rising to his feet.

In moments, he had vanished in a thick cloud of golden smoke.

Chapter Eight

"And when he came at me with a roundhouse, I ducked out of the way, and swept his feet," Jason narrated, crouching to the grass and swinging his powerful right leg in demonstration.

Alexis could barely contain the small laugh that Jason's reenactment had triggered. Instead, she smiled at the excitement and pride that seemed to shine in Jason's eyes, and she watched with full attention as he rose back to his feet, brushing the grass from his jeans, and picking up his backpack.

"That was it," he concluded, his proud grin never wavering. "I got the trophy."

"That's fabulous, Jason," Alexis said sincerely, "You really deserved it. I saw all the hard work you put into that tournament."

Jason shrugged modestly. "Well, all the trophies in the world don't prove anything. It's more than just skill. It's heart." He smirked. "Still, its nice to have something to decorate your bookshelf."

Alexis kept her gaze on Jason with intense interest. He was so animated and alive... so different from the sullen young man she encountered in the weight room. He really was restored, back to the way she so fondly remembered him. But although he didn't say it, she could tell that winning the tournament wasn't the impetus for the new attitude.

"And how's your friend?" she ventured carefully, "The one who had been hurt?"

Jason's smile only widened. "He's doing just great. Hopefully, we'll be seeing him in school soon. We got a letter from him over the weekend-"

Alexis looked up in surprise when Jason cut off his own sentence. She saw the shock in his gaze, mixed with a healthy dose of anger, as he stared at something in the distance. Befuddled, she followed his eyes, and a yelp of horror erupted from her throat.
Standing only a few yards in front of them was a hideous blue-furred beast, with golden armor gleaming in the afternoon sunlight.

"Hello, Jason," he grumbled, slowly approaching the pair. Jason's response was instinctive- he quickly grabbed Alexis' arm, and pushed her behind him as they backed away.

"What do you want?" Jason demanded. Alexis shivered at the deep, cold tone Jason had suddenly adopted. That, and the obvious fact that he knew the creature assured her that Jason Scott was more than met the eye.

"I just thought a rematch was in order," the alien responded, a feral smirk on his lips. He unsheathed his mighty gold broadsword, and pointed it directly at Jason's face. "Considering the circumstances, this shouldn't be hard."

"What?" Alexis whispered, overwhelmed. Jason swallowed hard, his grip tightening on Alexis' arm.

"Listen," he whispered, "you've got to run. Run and get help. I'll hold him off."

Alexis' dark eyes widened with disbelief. "Are you nuts?! You can't fight this thing!"

Goldar cackled, the bone-chilling sound breaking up the conversation instantly. "No, boy... your little friend won't be going anywhere. I need a witness, to see how weak and pathetic you really are!"

Jason ground his teeth, his mind swimming. He knew he couldn't Morph; not with Alexis right beside him. He couldn't break the code he swore to abide on the day he became the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger.

But what was the alternative? He was no match for Goldar one on one, not when the seven-foot gladiator was this

riled up.

Jason released Alexis, his hand quickly grabbing hers. After giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, he let her go completely, and slowly stalked toward the imposing creature, both arms falling into a defensive position.

Alexis trembled with fear and confusion, her black gaze leaping from Goldar to Jason and back again. Her terror kept her feet planted on the ground, making it impossible for her to make a getaway.

Still, despite her building panic, she managed to notice how many times

Jason's scrutiny passed from Goldar to her. She could tell her presence was distracting. And he did win a tournament just the other day...

This is still crazy! He may be a black-belt, but that's one of those alien invaders! He's no Power Ranger!

Her panic-stricken eyes subtly narrowed as anger began to slowly brew within her.

Goldar growled deeply, his sword held with both hands as he raced at Jason. His blade swung down like an ax, but it only managed to chisel the ground, for Jason had already moved out of the way. Goldar rumbled, turning to see Jason roll out of the way, and leap back to his feet.

Goldar was able to turn and block just in time to keep Jason's sneaker from pounding his face. Goldar's throat rumbled with a mocking laugh as he caught Jason's follow-up punch, squeezing the Red Ranger's fist with his much broader hand.

His eyes glinted with glee at the pained frown that folded the young human's features.

"This brings back so many memories," Goldar grunted, baring his yellowed fangs, "You, so helpless in Rita's Dark Dimension, as I pummeled you like a rag doll!"

Despite the pain he felt, Jason could tell Goldar wasn't using his full strength... if he were, numerous bones would've shattered already.

Goldar was just toying with him for now.

Jason forced a cold smirk on his face. "Yeah, I remember," he breathed,
"It still amazes me how big a coward you were- forcing me to fight unarmed. And now you're doing it again. It's almost as if you can't beat me otherwise."

Goldar's triumphant chuckle was replaced by a low growl. Ruby eyes narrowing, he tossed Jason aside with all his might, sending the limp boy into a nearby tree.

Jason fought for consciousness, the sharp pain in the back of his head shooting stars through his vision.

"Jason!" Alexis shrieked. She was still almost numb with tormenting emotions, but the sickening crash with which Jason met the unyielding oak had snapped her back to her senses.

Without thinking, she began to run. Not away from the battle, but toward it.

"Stay... back!" Jason forced through pained lungs. He struggled to his feet. "I'm fine!"

Goldar glanced at the approaching human through the corner of his eye.

She was a mere slip of a girl, slender in frame and rather clumsy in motion. And without a Power Coin? Did she have a death wish?

He grinned, the cold humor in his expression chilling Jason to the bone.
"You had best listen, girl," he warned, pointing his sword toward her,

"If I kill you now, no one will be around to witness Jason's fated death."

Jason watched in horror as a sickening mist appeared around Goldar's blade. He cried out the warning, but Alexis couldn't move out of the way.

The cloud flared with energy, and shot at her like a bullet. The force of the impact knocked the girl clean off her feet, sending her flying into the soft grass with a strange glow still surrounding her frame.

"Alexis!" Jason hollered, frozen with disbelief.

Goldar smirked again, turning his attention back to his prey. "Relax, Human. She is alive. She is even conscious. If I kill her, then what is there to stop you from Morphing? I am no fool."

Jason inwardly cursed the beast, but nonetheless he breathed a sigh of relief when Alexis lifted her head from the ground. Still, the golden aura remained.

"What did you do to her?" the leader of the Power Rangers demanded.

"I thought I'd hold her down."

And with that, the battle raged on.

Chapter Nine
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