» Fiction » The Dream Weavers Collection Part 1, K.R. Gomlok [books that read to you .TXT] 📗

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Shaking his head he looked down, he needed to focus on the task at hand. A quick injection of Soporial should be enough to accomplish the deed and he did have enough for one shot but he had to make sure no one was around to witness. Anuro?s plan would be in action soon but he could not risk being discovered, not yet?
Closing his eyes he reached into the Dream world. Where was Gelligok? He could sense him in the city but not near. No, definitely not near. Reddivor sighed in annoyance, if Gelligok was not around it would be his job to take the first target as well. And he was by no means happy about that.
His thoughts were rudely interrupted by footsteps fading away. What was that? As if someone was passing by?
His eyes snapped open. No. Peering over the trash cans he saw the retreating form of the second target in the distance. He had missed him?
Frowning in disapproval to himself, he melted into the shadows and began pursuing the target. This would not look good on his report, not at all?
Unfortunately, the target stopped abruptly as if he had caught on to Reddivor. Biting back a curse, Reddivor dropped down behind a planter, trying his best to maintain silence. Thankfully, it was a windy morning so the leaves were already rustling, for once luck was on his side. Or maybe not?
It then occurred to him that if he kept this pace up he would not be able to capture either target and the mission would be a failure. Sighing in frustration he closed his eyes and reached out once more. Someone had to be there, just this once?
Yes, there. He felt Gelligok now in the city, being pursued but still active and approaching. Just ahead he felt Trabbéir, another Dark Weaver already in the hospital with? he paused. Why was Kallous in the hospital? Plunging deeper he started to probe Trabbéir?s mind, looking for some sort of answer.
What?s going on? He demanded as he brushed Trabbéir?s consciousness. Where?s Kallous?
Patience, Reddivor, Trabbéir answered him, a bit annoyed, She did well, I?m taking over this part of the operation. Do you have the second target?
Reddivor sighed in defeat. No, he replied, he is headed for the hospital, you had better act fast.
I?ll get through, Trabbéir assured him, that tinge of cockiness seeping into his voice. Just make sure we have a get away and be ready to receive First Target into the Dream World.
Reddivor opened his eyes and got up. Morning was breaking on the city and the darkness was fading fast. He would have to leave the questions for later? ?Today we play the requiem,? he sighed to himself. ?Tomorrow we evoke the dirge.?
Shaking his head in contempt for the whole situation, he started off towards the front of the hospital where he suspected Gelligok to have parked their car. Much to his satisfaction it was there, without Gelligok but still there. Hopping in, he noted the keys were still in the ignition and warmed up the engine, whatever they were planning it probably required a fast get away and who better to dump the responsibility on than the one member who did not have a drivers license yet. Of course, the law had never stopped them before but in Reddivor?s opinion it was still better to have somebody who knew what they were doing. He had not been behind the wheel for long and was still picking up the art of it from Kallous in between missions.
He smiled for a second, feeling his guard soften at the thought of his mentor, but that did not last long. ?Well prepared as always I see?? Trabbéir noted, getting in the back. In his arms was an unconscious girl Reddivor could only assume was the first target. Apparently the second target had evaded Trabbéir as well?
?We need to get moving,? Trabbéir said thoughtfully, as if it were some divine notion he could only brush. ?Where is Gelligok??
Reddivor looked at him flatly, ?On his way. Where?s Kallous?? he replied, annoyed by his comrad?s airy manner. ?She was with you in the hospital, was she not??
?She?ll have to stay there for the time being,? Trabbéir told him dismissively, ?We have our target and Kallous is safe. However, Gelligok is not.?
?I don?t care about Gelligok.? Reddivor stated, turning his brooding gaze to the road. ?Let?s go.?
?Move over.? Gelligok ordered, seeming to come out of nowhere as he opened the door and shoved Reddivor out of the driver?s seat. ?And hold this.?
Gelligok tossed another unconscious girl into the car, to Reddivor?s dismay, on top of him, and grabbed the wheel before gunning it. But in that moment before the car sped off, as Reddivor tried to sit up and look over at his rude companion and caught a glimpse of their pursuer in the rear view mirror, the world seemed to stop. The bump as the man with dark read hair leapt onto the car and climbed onto the roof, seeming to be gone for a second, before crashing in through Reddivor?s window and nearly crushing Gelligok against the door, rendering him unconscious. Without missing a beat, the intruder grabbed for the girl next to Reddivor. Only, Reddivor was slightly prepared for him. As the newcomer?s arm curled around the girl, Reddivor drew forth the soporial and injected it into the man,
The man glared back at him as he stared unflinching into those focused eyes.
Before he could see it coming, the man?s fist connected with his face and everything went dark.

* * *

Reddivor stepped out of the void and into Anuro?s dream. It seemed the man had knocked him out? he could still feel his conscious mind but it was quite distant and would not respond to his summons. At least he was still alive?
It had been some time since he had been in Anuro?s dream. Vaguely, he wondered why he had appeared here. Unless he had been summoned into the dream he should have appeared in his own? So obviously Anuro had a purpose for him here.
After a short walk, he found himself in the central arena that always formed in Anuro?s dream. A sort of monument to his life style, Reddivor would call it. Except now something was different? Now there was a great crystal in the center.
Adjusting his vision, he peered into it, attempting to discern its purpose?
His face went blank when he saw what was inside. So they really had succeeded? There inside the crystal, suspended in animation, was Melina Isador, their greatest nemesis.
Sighing to himself, he leaned up against the archway he had come through and continued to stare into the prize of their triumph. They had done it? they were really defeating the Dream Weavers that opposed their rightful place in the Dream World. Yet? he did not feel happy. If it was without Kallous he would take down every one of his had been allies till he had an answer for her. Something was definitely up and nobody would tell him.
?Okay then? what?s going on??
His thoughts froze at the words. Someone else was here. Someone new? looking up he found it was not just anyone, she was familiar; where had he seen her before?
It then struck him she was the same girl Trabbéir had brought into the car. She must be the First Target? What should he do? It was not his style to lie?
?It?s a monument to our triumph,? He replied at last. If he could help her see the truth he would have one very powerful piece on his side. And he could use all the help he could get about now, especially if it was easily manipulated?
She seemed to process this while still trying to make sense of her surroundings. Perhaps she was still new to the true form of the Dream World. ?What?s the occasion?? She asked him. She was not easily stopped by new things, he would give her that. In a way she seemed like Kallous? forging ahead and taking the initiative. She was almost too predictable?
?We have recently stopped one of our adversaries. This one was of particular nuisance,? He said, looking into her eyes. She would probably pursue the subject further? either that or seek some answers concerning his identity. Kallous was always like that, trying to get all the information.
?Well, who are you?? She asked, fiercely returning his gaze, as if he were openly threatening her. He dropped his gaze to the floor, perhaps she was not so much like Kallous, Kallous kept calm, or at least grim, in most situations. She never lost her composure. Perhaps he had overestimated her?
?Around these parts they call me Reddivor,? He told her, still trying to puzzle out of how much use she could be to him. She had amazing potential, even in her infantile state as a Weaver. But she would have to learn to detach herself from her fiery heart. ?And you?? he countered in after thought. Inwardly he grimaced, he should have returned the question earlier. Though perhaps she had not noticed the lapse? newcomers often did not realize the flow of time in the Dream World as acutely as true Weavers.
?I meant who are you in the plural sense,? She corrected herself, stepping toward him. Her eyes, noted, held a suspicious light. He sighed and shook his head, she was suspicious of him, for good reason, but he would ensnare her soon enough?
He looked up at her and offered a smile, ?We are Dream Weavers,? He stated, taking care not to state his allegiance in case Melina had warned her of the warring factions.
She took a step back. She knew? or at least, she suspected. He quickly caught himself before he lost his smile and extended his left hand to her as he began to walk down to her. ?Do you want to join us?? he asked as gently as he could. He did not have much charm, he knew this much, but he still had the Chaotic Requiem on his side, his Dream Blade, a weapon that amplified the characteristics of its wielder. And apparently, he amplified characteristics in others. He already sensed fear in her but also great deal of intrigue. He could still win her over?
He focused,
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