» Fiction » The Dream Weavers Collection Part 1, K.R. Gomlok [books that read to you .TXT] 📗

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calling the weapon to his hand. Exerting his influence into the Dream, grasping it, weaving it? And there at the edge of his consciousness he felt another coming, a distinct and rather annoying consciousness he was none too fond of,
?Of course not. Sorry but she?s with me.?
His concentration broke and he looked up. Rusiu Ember, or ?Smolder? as he liked to call her, had made an inconvenient entrance onto the scene. He glared back at her, at a loss for words.
?Come on, Chimera,? she said to the girl, ignoring him, ?I?ve been looking all over for you.?
?Smolder,? he muttered, reaching behind him in another attempt to draw his blade, ? I thought I sensed you near?? Chimera, he would have to remember that name. He had a feeling it was now deeply entwined in his destiny.
?That?s Ember, thank you. And if you don?t mind I?d like to leave your realm so don?t try to stop Chimera? She answered, always the same answer? why did she do that? Did she honestly think he did not know her name or was she just being her annoyingly upbeat self?
?What?ll you try if I do?? He asked, looking down his nose at her. He could feel his blade coming to his hand, the hilt was forming its familiar grip?
But in the moment before he could bring it out he felt his influence overturned. He found himself flying in one second and in the next he was plastered against the wall. Ember said something he did not catch before taking Chimera out of the dream.
Slowly getting up, he scowled to himself. He would have some explaining to do for himself when he got back to Anuro. He did not want to think about that at the moment? he wanted to see Kallous. He belonged with her?
Sighing and clearing his head, he gripped his conscious mind and exited the dream.

Newspaper Clippings

This story is dedicated in memory of Melina Sandoval, November 13th, 1988-Fabruary 16th, 2008. May her legacy live on, woven in the hearts of her friends and may this tribute be found worthy to let the world know that her life was not in vain, for it inspired the tale of two Dream Weavers who found life after death, in redemption.

Dreamers Journal Entry 1:

Freedom?s Wings, the mark of a Dream Weaver, is irrevocable in the Dream world and may even appear on a Weaver in the real world. This mark will only appear on someone who has awakened the ability to control their dreams. It is blue for noble Dream Weavers and black with red edging for Dark Dreamers. The group lead by Hinter Grey, the Greyshades, inherits the mark of the noble, despite the implications of their name.
Many variations of the mark exist, often displaying the personality of their owner in some way, but all follow the basic formula of two outstretched wings joined at the base.

Dreamers Journal Entry 2:

Within the Dream Weavers there are many distinct ranks. The highest of which is an Ultima Weaver, who can overturn the influence of any Weaver(s) they wish.

Under the Ultima Weaver are Master Weavers. Melina was classified as one of these as were Brandon Malterson and Hinter Grey.

After them are the Killia Weavers, who are more numerous than the above ranks, and were first founded by Sandra Killia.

Next are the Rossot Weavers, founded by Emily Rossot, who compose the bulk of the Weavers. The noble Weavers of this category are currently led by Samuel Rakaburn.

Samuel Rakaburn felt a deep tremor in the Dream River as Melina faded into the night. In the sky, a star went dim and flickered as its light gave out. ?So she is dead then,? he murmured sadly, and walked across the grassy ruins he often created. There, in the middle he placed her blade in the ground and knelt before it. ?We won?t fail you now, Melina,? he said, feeling the foreign pain of tears beginning to form in his eyes. ?Now sleep well and sweet dreams.?

?Sing, Nocturne!? Rusiu cried out, raising her blade into the air. Suddenly, all was silent around Reddivor. Time seemed to stop? Everything was so still. He almost laughed, before realizing his own voice could not be heard. Then he heard her, ?Can you hear it?? She asked him, her own voice ringing in the silence, ?Can you hear the melody of nocturne??
His heart began to pound, coming alive, begging him to hear it. ?No?? he said, his voice barely above a hoarse whisper. He fell to his knees and covered his ears as the darkness came upon him, the darkness from within. ?No!?

Dreamer?s Bio 01:

Samuel Rackaburn

Samuel Rackaburn is a resident of Fostor, one of the northern towns. He first met Zachery Ember during the Angel in the Snow incident. He is good friends with Zach?s cousin Rusiu Akatsuki, though his personality some times contrasts quite deeply with hers. Samuel is often cheerful, though quite calculating in nature and mechanically minded. As described by Rue, Sam is ?A fiery haired Scott with the toned muscles of a sporty kid?.
In Angel in the Snow, Sam was originally very against taking the risk of helping Karis Flytwind due to the many hazards of the situation. Eventually though, he realized if he stepped out he would let Rue down and decided to lend his strength of mind to the matter.
His Dream Blade is named the Nightmare Scythe. It eliminates the influenced parts of a dream as long as the Dreamer who influenced it is weaker than or equal to his level.

Dreamer?s Bio 02:

Rusiu Akatsuki

Rusiu Akatsuki also resides in Fostor and, as put by Samuel, ?Brings warmth to the cold surroundings?. Rusiu (often shortened to Rue) is a cheerful friend and cousin to Zachery Ember.
Notable is the fact that Rusiu often goes by Ember instead of Akatsuki. People often believe this is due to her sociable personality and want to make her name as easy to remember as possible.
Rusiu first truly connected to her cousin in Angel in the Snow, where they joined on the common ground of saving Karis Flytwind. Due to their combined persistence, they eventually got Karis to safety.
It has been seven years since this incident and Rusiu hasn?t changed much.
Her Dream Blade is named Nocturne. Its ability is to isolate a weaver and make heard to them the thoughts of their heart.

Dreamer?s Bio 03:

Karis Flytwind

Karis Flytwind, former resident of Benchant Bay, now lives with her grandfather in an old monastery.
Karis is younger than most of the others by about three years. Despite this, she often shows surpassing wisdom in most situations.
Due to the events in Angel in the Snow, Karis was left with a pair of snow white Angel wings as well as some interesting abilities. Even so, Karis is ashamed of the experiments that gave her these unnatural gifts.
Karis is thoughtful and caring, though she distances herself from society for her mutations.
It has been quite some time since Karis has had contact with Rue and the others, though she often thinks of them fondly.
Her Dream Blade is named Seraph Whisper, its ability is to create an ?untainted? duplicate of another weaver in the Dream World. Due to her lower caliber weaving, she is only able to maintain one duplicate at a time.

Dreamer?s Bio 04:

Remmit Jenton

Remmit Jenton, named Joel Rikkod in the real world, is a powerful member of the Dream Weavers. It is due to his efforts that the Noble Weavers have been able to make progress in their research.
Though almost immediately trusting, Remmit still retains levels of caution others tend to ignore. His friendliness has earned him the codename ?Open Book?. Ironically, the Dreamer?s Journal he keeps is rarely shown to others.
Remmit?s Wings of Freedom mark stretches around his left wrist. His weapon of choice in the Dream World is an iron spiked ball formed around his hand.

Dreamer?s Bio 05:

Melina Isador

Melina Isador, long time friend of Chimera Twilight, was the only Master Dreamer in her time. It was under her that the Noble Weavers were formed and many campaigns against Anuro were carried out.
However, Anuro injected her with a fatal poison known only as Nightmare. On her way to the hospital to obtain an antidote, she was intercepted by a dark weaver.
Melina made it to the hospital but too late. After passing on her journal of the events in the dream world to Chimera Twilight, she perished.
She is remembered by her companions as an even tempered and intelligent person.
Her Dream Blade was named Starlight. Its ability was to convert enemy weaving abilities to their ?True? form, in which they are used for good.

Dreamer?s Bio 06:

Hinter Grey

Hinter Grey is the leader of the Greyshades, a group of Dream Weavers that operate independent of the Noble Weavers. He cares for his group very deeply and was good friends with Melina.
Unknown to most is that Hinter used to work with Anuro in the real world. However, He quit the WCDS at the beginning of the Angel Projects and began searching for ways to expose the organization. His work came to success around the time of the Ersatz campaigns. He briefly met Melina during this time and reunited with her in the Dream World. However, due to a difference in method Hinter left the Noble Weavers and formed the Greyshades. However, he holds no aversion to continuing to assist them.


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