» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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that there was only more to come. “You are the only one who I could completely trust and to think that we were so mad at each other I basically chased you out of the state, the feeling is horrendous.” I wiped my eyes, more tears spilling out.

Holly gave me a smile, as she opened her arms as I ran into them. We were both crying know, as we held each other tightly. I wasn’t just crying because we were now good with each other, but because she is no longer ten minutes away from me. She is a states away from me and there was no way she was coming back.

We let each other go as we both wiped our eyes, letting out chuckles. “Just to be clear. We are friends again right?”

I smiled, holding my hand out to her. “We are more than friends, we are sisters.” I said, as she grasped my hand tightly in hers.

She smiled as we walked back towards the boys.

For the first time in forever, things were finally beginning to look up and I was more than glad. Chapter Fifty-Four: Grad Celebrations


Gavin protests his love for Alice outside the gates of the Whitehouse, Holly comes back and things are finally beginning to look up for the broken cousin relationship, Ben and Gavin also seem to have fixed there previous issues with one another and Mr. President learns to accept that his daughter will not give up her fight, for the boy that she's in love with.


"When I was picked to be this year's valedictorian, I was beyond overwhelmed. I had no idea what to say, but then I watched a show of Ellen and the ideas started flowing in." I let out a few laughs, along with the crowd. Her red hair was styled into a bob, showing off her strong jawline.

Xenia or X, as she introduced herself was beginning to wrap up her speech. I remember her from my Math class, she was the one who was seated next to Ben. I never really talked to her, but hearing her talk now. Made me realize why she was picked to be valedictorian, she is obviously smart, but she has a certain spark in her eyes.

Kind of similar to the one I see in Thomas' eyes when he beats his old record of how many pancakes he could consume.

"Ellen DeGeneres once said; follow your passion, stay true to yourself and never follow someone else's path. Unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that." I smiled, I enjoyed hearing her talk. "Congratulations class of 2014." X said, waving to the crowd, heading off stage as she concluded her speech.

"Is it done yet?" Thomas whispered, from beside me.

I rolled my eyes, this was like his fifth time asking me. I turned to him, grabbing his iPod out of his hand, "If you were to watch what was going on maybe you would know."

Thomas glared at me in return, as I pocketed his device. I wasn't quite sure why he came to Gavin's graduation, however as we entered the auditorium I noticed how Thomas was eyeing the foods table and it was now starting to make sense.

"Why can't you just be like Garrett?" I muttered, my arms wrapped around the four year old who was seated on my lap.

"Because I am not four and I don't get amused by shiny things." Thomas fired back, eyeing my bracelet Garrett was playing with.

"Could you two quit your bickering?" Ricky asked, shushing us. "People are beginning to stare."

They were already staring the moment we arrived onto the football field, where this year's graduation was taking place- due to the amount of people that attended. They couldn't fit everyone into the school's gym, plus they were too cheap to rent out a good place. Holly and Sarah's words.

I tried my best to ignore the stares and flashes of camera's as people directed them toward us. We weren't anything important we are just kids of The President. It's not like we are the Royal Family.

I fiddled with my hands, I kind of did wish my parents were here instead off touring in Australia, because than it would take most of the attention off Thomas and I.

I turned my attention towards the podium where they now began to call students up one by one, alphabetically to receive there diploma's.

It wasn't long until the principal announced on the microphone one of the five people whom I was actually here for, "Benjamin James," Thomas and I clapped and even hollered as Ben got up on the podium to receive his diploma. "Andrew Perkins..." I laughed along with the audience when Andy began to do some weird dance, which mainly consisted of shaking his 'booty' to the audience.

"That's enough Mr. Perkins, thank you." Ms. Kuch, the school's secretary said, as Andy shook our principal's hand, taking a bow before heading off stage.

Ms. Kuch carried on with the list of names, "Holly Richards... Sarah Rose." We did the same as Holly and Sarah got up to receive their diplomas.

As for the whole Holly situation, considering that there was only a month left of school, it made more sense for her to graduate here rather than in Montana. So, for the last month of school she has been going back and forth to Montana every two weeks on weekends to see her dad and on weekdays she would stay in DC.

However, she did end up applying to the University of Montana getting into the department of psychology. So, after graduation she was planning on moving down there for good. Which to be honest, was a little hard on me. Considering we just kind of made up with each other, not too long ago.

While Sarah and Andy both applied to the University of California. Sarah for the program of theater, dance and performing studies and Andy for film studies. Both renting out an apartment nearby together leaving a week or two before school starts, in order for all of us to spend the summer together, minus Holly.

As for Ben, he's staying here in DC. Applying to the Metropolitan Police Academy, in order to become a police officer. He starts training a week or two after school is in session.

I tuned back in as, Gavin was next in line to receive his diploma. "Gavin Storm..." I clapped and hollered, louder than I did for anyone even my own cousin as Gavin got on stage.

Yes, a lot of the graduating class did whisper amongst themselves and peers. Who wouldn't? Everyone was shocked that Gavin was graduating to begin with. But, I was just happy that he pulled his grade up passing his exams and actually graduating with his year.

"Go Gavy!" Garrett yelled, but I doubted Gavin could hear him from where we were seated.

I smiled, when Gavin shook Mr. Chubby's hand. The relief on both of their faces looking into each other's eyes for the last time. All Gavin did to our principal was cause him agony and misery.

However, if I was in Mr. Chubby's place, it would take all my will not to break down in a happy dance while Gavin walked off stage.

As for Gavin and I? I had no idea where we were going to end up. I applied to all the same universities that Gavin had, completing my diploma through homeschooling. To be honest I didn't even know what programs he applied to, I never asked and neither did he. We hardly ever talked about our future, which did worry me.

We soon got to the end of the list, as Ms. Kuch said the final vows of congratulations.

"Congratulations, to the class of 2014." Ms. Kuch and Mr. Chubby said, at the exact same time. As students threw their caps in the air. Family, relatives and friends clapped for their loved ones.

Few minutes later the crowd began to disperse, looking for their new graduate.

"I am going to find Gavin," I said, handing off Garrett over to Ricky. "Don't lose him." I said, pointing to Garrett. "And make sure he," I said, pointing to Thomas. "Doesn't break, hurt or finish anything or anyone."

Ricky rolled his eyes as he waved his hand in dismissal heading in the direction of the foods table with the boys.

I pushed my way towards the crowd, some people stopping to say hello as I congratulated them not before quickly excusing myself. Half of the people or well most of them I didn't know, but they knew me.

"Gavin!" I called out, to him. His cap and gown in hand as he lifted his head up, making eye contact with me. I ran straight towards him, his arms wide open. The moment felt at all, too familiar. "Congratulations," I whispered, softly. My legs dangling from the ground as he swayed me back and forth.

"Thanks, nerd." He said, kissing me on my cheek as he let me down.

"Where's Garrett?" He asked, looking a little worried.

"He's with Thomas." I replied, as he gave me a troubled look. "Don't give me that look, Thomas is with Ricky."

Gavin raised his eyebrows at me in response, "is that supposed to make me feel better?"

I chuckled. Ever since, Gavin showed up outside the Whitehouse gates with a bunch of protesters confessing his love for me as I like to call it.

Things finally began to light up in my anything but boring life.

I still don't know where I stood with Gavin or what to call him for that matter, but it was a good feeling. My mom was right, my dad finally warmed up to the idea of Gavin.

It was hard on all of us, when I invited Gavin over for the first time to have dinner with my family. Awkward wasn't a term I would use to describe the atmosphere surrounding the dinner table, it was much worse than that.

However, even after that disastrous night. Gavin was still by my side and I doubt he was going anywhere, his words not mine.

He entwined his free hand with mine as we walked toward the direction where I had left the three boys last.

"Thanks for coming." He said, throwing his gown over his shoulder, pulling me closer towards him.

"I wouldn't miss you graduating for anything." I said, sincerely. "After all, you graduating is a shock to everyone. No one thought that you would be able to do it. With that non-existent brain of yours, did you see the look when Mr. Chubby handed you your diploma, he never looked so relieved in his life." I teased.

He casted his eyes to the ground, the mood changing quite quickly. Guiltiness for making fun of him, quickly washed over me.

"Gav?" I whispered, "You know I was joking, right?"

"Yeah. I know you were, it's just that..." He sighed, frustration evident in his tone.

"You're thinking about your mom, aren't you?"

It was moments like these, I felt helpless. I don't know what it's like to lose someone you love so much, the only person that I have ever lost to death was my grandmother on my mother's side and even then, I didn't know her that well.

He let go of my hand, running his hand through his hair. "I just miss her so much."


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