» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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at all would have done it. But no, he stayed silent and sometime during the night he left my room just as silently.

Thoughts of Travis came to the front of her mind and just thinking about him she really needed to apologize to him for the way she acted towards him yesterday and every other time she'd been mean. But looking back over to the clock she thought maybe it was to early to call but then again he's called this earlier too so maybe it wasn't that early.

Taking the chance she grabbed the phone and dialed his number. On the third ring she thought it was probably to early still but to her surprise he picked up.

“Sierra?” Travis questioned.

“I'm sorry about how I treated you yesterday. I know you'll be here later to pick me up but I just wanted to apologize now.” She whispered into the phone. And hearing his voice even if it was harsh made her eyes water and soon she knew the tears would be falling again.

“I'm glad you called. It's good to hear your voice. I missed hearing it yesterday and thought maybe I'd done something to you.” He said and then sighed. “I talked to your father last night after you fell asleep and he doesn't want me taking you to school anymore. He says you have a car and can drive yourself. So I guess I won't see you until you get to school.” He took a deep breath and held it for awhile. Contemplating if he should pick her up or not. But thinking wiser because of her father's harsh words.

“Please come get me. I don't want to drive.” Sierra cried into the phone letting him hear her fears for the first time. Just the thought of having to drive to school from now on would be dangerous and didn't Charles say something about not doing anything dangerous. Doesn't he understand that driving for her would be the worst kind of dangerous there is?

“I'm sorry but I can't.” He whispered.

“Please.” She begged. “I'll never make it to school if you let me drive myself.” Her voice bottomed out and she felt herself losing control.

“You can do it. I know you can.” He said and sighed again. Trying as he might to make his voice sound strong to encourage her. “I'll see you at school. I've got to start getting ready. Jennifer wants me to pick her up again.”

“Fine. Bye.” She said, harshly. Then slammed the phone on the receiver.

Climbing out of bed after the worst conversation possible she felt her fear triple compared to the night before. Just the thought of having to drive scared the crap out of her. With everything's she's seen how is it even plausible to consider that driving herself to school and back would be safe? Would she survive it? The thought of something happening terrified her.

Slowly she made herself walk over to the closet and picked out a pair of tight designer labeled jean, a light red shirt and a white sweater. Placing them all on the bed, she made her way out the door and into the hallway. Past her brother's room and straight for the bathroom.

After shutting the door and locking it, she washed her face to take off all signs that she has been crying, brushed her teeth and used the restroom. Opening the door she headed back to her room to dress. There was nothing to be excited about today. With her only thought as to how she is supposed to drive herself to school when she can't even think straight is a mystery was the real mystery. Or was it seeing creatures that no one else could see or that should even be real in the first place.

Sierra dressed slowly thinking about everything and then made her way down the stairs. The look of sheer terror she was sure was all over her face. But as always she's been good at hiding her true feelings away and this time was no different. But when she saw both of her parents sitting at the table, she couldn't force herself to say good morning or smile as she passed them by.

Facing the kitchen door and pushing it open with all the strength she had which was little if nothing at all and slipping in. Fear hit her ten fold and the air that she had in her lungs had escaped as she stared out the front window. Her car, the death trap, a shiny blue BMW was sitting in the drive waiting. It took everything she had inside her to keep her mouth shut and not scream in terror and swallowing it if it did rise.

Why would Charles think it would be best for her to drive herself to school when every other day Travis has done it? Was it some kind of ritual for her family to do this to their children? Had Simon gone through this as well?

Sierra felt the house tilt and crumbled to the floor. Shaking violently as she stared at what awaited her just a few feet outside.

“So honey are you ready to drive yourself to school?” Joyce asked before she was completely in the kitchen. “Sierra! Charles get in here now!” She screamed seeing Sierra on the ground not breathing. Joyce dropped down to her knees and started shaking Sierra, trying to wake her or get her to open her eyes.

Charles walked into the kitchen and grabbed her mother's arm, pulling her away from where Sierra lay. “She needs to learn how to do things by herself. You know this as well as I do. Joyce I know you want to baby her and call Travis to pick her up but we can't. She's going to have to face this sooner or later and I'd rather that she's ready for it. Than wait.” Charles' words were not calm and comforting the way he intended them to be. Instead they shook with fear as he stood by and watched his only daughter lay still on the floor.

Sierra finally did open her eyes and looked up at both of them, trying to control her shaking with no avail. Her lungs started burning with the desire of air and every time she tried to suck in that air they needed it felt like she was sucking it in through a straw. After fifteen minutes of breathing in short quick breaths she was able to control herself enough to get off the floor.

“Honey the keys are on the counter. Have a good day at school and be safe. I love you and I'll see you when you get home.” Joyce said with tears in her eyes and gave her a hug. Charles on the other hand just nodded and smiled then reached for Joyce again to control her.

This time Sierra fought hard to keep the tears from escaping. She wanted her parents to see her as a strong individual, being able to walk out of the house on her own free will. And not the pathetic person she knew she was.

She padded her pockets quickly, making sure the phone was there and walked outside. Waving bye to them with a shaky hand to satisfy them and herself then shutting the door. The car just looked like a normal car but that's not what scared her. It's the business of being a dangerous driver behind the wheel of this machine. That truly scared her.

Sierra was almost eighteen and only drove when it was absolutely necessary. Which was next to never because she's always being able to rely on Travis if she needed a lift somewhere. Now she was told that she needed to be responsible for herself. Was this a joke? because if so it's a sick one. Are Charles and Joyce trying to tell her something? Does it have anything to do with the nightmare she had?

Brushing her fingers against the exterior of the car, she could almost feel the power within it. Slowly she opened the door and stood there looking in. Without another thought, she climbed in. Knowing full well that Charles was probably watching her she absolutely didn't want to disappoint him anymore. Done that too much already, she thought.

Putting the keys in the ignition, she turned them and started the car. When it came to life, she jumped but only enough that she could tell. Fastening her seat belt for safety, she put it in drive and left in super slow motion. The gate looked so far away and no matter how close she felt to it, it only seemed to get that much further away. Again a mind trick, it had to be. But it scared her to tears. Ones she didn't want to cry.

Ron opened the gate before Sierra had even gotten to it. She waved to him and tried to smile. His face was a mirror image of hers. He looked about as scared and nervous as she was. And she thought, at least I'm not in this alone.

After turning right once she reached the road she headed to school. Hoping and praying she would make it there in one peace. And without seeing anything or crashing.

Her inner voice kept screaming at her that she should hate Charles for pushing her into this but she couldn't. He has his reasons for everything he does and she was sure this one makes perfect sense to him. Even if it didn't for anyone else.

Clearing her mind seemed the best thing for her to do and she tried really, really hard. Even going as far as shaking her head slightly to relax. Afterward when she felt better she put more pressure on the gas petal to increase the speed but more than that to make it there quicker.

The school was now coming into view and Sierra smiled but that smile didn't last long. Something ran across the road, something that looked all to familiar but at the same time didn't, causing her to swerve and end up in the ditch. As quickly as she could she locked all the doors and brought her knees to her chest for support. Hugging them tightly and crying in soft whispers. She didn't want whatever that was to hear her so keeping her fears under control left her feeling weak and useless. Unable to drive herself to school without causing an accident would normally make her laugh but there was nothing to laugh at now. Nothing would make her laugh
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