» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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/> Sierra walked down the aisle with help from friends and received her diploma. To her surprise she was asked yet again to go to the graduation party after wards. Which of course she declined with a smile. Teri, Carmen and herself all sat on the benches talking after the ceremony. Discussing our future plans. They did most of the talking while Sierra sat there and listened. Honestly she didn't have any future plans. Before everything happened she did but now, she couldn't see leaving. There was no point in going to college with no one to share her thoughts with and no one at home to answer her calls.

When she saw Travis come into view with Jennifer in his arms. Pain shot across her face and quickly she turned away. Not wanting him thinking she was in pain because of her knees and needing more medication. Of course the stuff worked great but that's not the kind of pain she had right now. There was no medication that could heal her broken heart.

“Sierra so are you still not coming to the party after wards?” Jennifer asked with a huge grin on her face.

“Do you want me there?” Sierra questioned, raising her eyebrows. This has to be the third or fourth time she's asked her and still Sierra's responded the same.

“Sure. We all want you to come. So are you?” She asked again.

“No. I have other plans. Sorry but something's are more important than others.” Sierra responded. Charles and Joyce's funeral started in a couple hours and she was going with Phillip and Kathryn. They wanted to attend to say their final goodbye's. Travis was the only one that didn't know about it and in a way it's a good thing.

“What other plans do you have? And is it with a certain someone, a special someone?” Travis asked, with a devilish grin. Sierra bit her bottom lip to stop the tears. When she thought she could answer without breaking down, she did.

“It is with two special people actually.” Sierra smiled a fake smile. The same smile she has been smiling since her parents died. The biggest fake smile she could possibly come up with and to her surprise it worked. Most of the time.

“Wow, you go girl. Two dates. I never thought you had it in you.” He said and walked over to hug her. Sierra felt the tears escaping and quickly released her hold. “Whatever is going on your not fooling me, Sierra.” He whispered before he let her go.

She looked up at his face and out of the corner of her eye saw his parents pull up. That was her ride and she had to leave. Slowly she pushed herself up off the bench. “I have to go. See you all later.” She waved before turning her back and walking toward the car.

The funeral was beautiful but very sad. Laying both Charles and Joyce to rest was the hardest thing she has ever done. Sierra sat on the grass to be closer to them and cried her eyes out. A few times Phillip had to grab her because she tried as he put it, to climb into the grave with them. She did but failed with that too.

After the service was over and everyone had left. Sierra sat alone. She didn't want to leave them. Telling Phillip that they will be lonely without her and that they will get cold at night and she needed to be here for them. He didn't buy any of what she was saying and never left her side. For fear that she might actually climb in with them and never come back out.

By the time the funeral was over, the graduation party had already started. Sierra knew everyone would be there so there wouldn't be anyone around to see her appearance. The clothes she had worn to the funeral were soaked with tears. Her shirt that had been tucked in, now wasn't. All in all, she looked horrible. She hated not having Travis here right now with her but it's better this way. He doesn't need to feel sad and depressed. Only she feels the need to be burdened with that.

When they all arrived back home, Sierra went straight to the spare room. Dropping herself on the bed and crying herself to sleep. Burying her face in the pillows to muffle the sounds of my screams.

As the months went by all her friends tried to do things that would make her smile and on rare occasions she actually did. But she couldn't keep it up. Being fake is harder than it looks.

The months slipped by in a blur. Sierra barely left her room and when she did, she usually ended up back in there within minutes. Everything around her triggered tears. Her friends only came around when Travis called them but they never came around her. As long as she stayed where she was, she felt like nothing could hurt her. At least during the day no one could. But at night it was an entire new ball game. Especially when she fell asleep.

It took close to three years before Sierra finally decided to leave. With her emotions running dry and needing a new scenery to look at. She took the advise of everyone around her and moved. Far away from the memories that still haunted her to this day.


Club Night

WHEN they finally settled on moving to Sacramento, California, everyone moved with them. Everyone as in Teri and Joseph and Carmen and Dean. Teri and Joseph moved in next door and Carmen and Dean next door to them. Their lives were pretty easy going until Sierra met up with an author. He admired her story and said he had read everything about it. And he wanted to know if it was possible that he could write a book about the events that took place. After weeks of debating whether it was a good idea or not, Sierra reluctantly agreed to it and that's how it all started.

Now their lives are being taken over by fans and not just because of the book but also the movie. The actor they had play Travis, Sierra guesses looked like him but the actress they had play her, looked the same. So every time they walk down the street, they are all overwhelmed by fans. Making them move out of their peaceful neighborhood and into a gated estate. Sierra feels cheated she can't enjoy the days when it's sunny and the flowers because of the bombardments of people surrounding them. Always wanting to know her side of the story, her feelings about everything and what actually happened to her.

Having to be secluded in her home is one thing but tonight that's all going to change. Tonight she has a date with friends down at a local club. Of course Travis will insist on coming along just to make sure no one bothers her. He's been more of a body guard to her than a friend lately. Always putting himself in front of her and being overly protective. But lately it's been more than that and she doesn't know how to explain it. What she means is, she is twenty four years old and is in need a friend more than a body guard but something's changed between them.

She can't deny her feelings for him but that is something she would never act on because of their friendship. She can't risk losing him. But more of that later.

Anyways right now she's upstairs in her room getting ready for tonight. If only she could find the right dress then she would be set to go. But for months she hasn't had to worry about the way she's looked due to being at home all the time so, figuring it out now was terrifying.

"Sierra it's getting to be that time. Are you ready to go?" Travis called from downstairs. All he could think about was going out with her. Finally he'd be able to show her what she's been missing.

She knew him all to well. Right now he'll be standing in the living room watching T.V. with a big smile on his face. Ready for the adventure that tonight will bring.

"Almost ready Travis." She stifled out a sigh, hating feeling rushed but seriously finding an outfit was harder than it should have been. What she wouldn't give to have Teri's help right now but of course she's out at this moment. Sierra has looked through her closet three times already and still has nothing to wear. "Ugh!" Disappointment spread across her face as she pondered the thought of staying at home for another night.

"Sierra are you okay?" His voice was echoing through the house. That only means one thing, that he's coming up the stairs to her room. "I'm coming in, hope your decent." A smile spread across his face while saying this. And at the same time hoping for once she wasn't.

Sierra blushed and quickly turned away when her door opened. Pointing to her closet and then dropping her hand back to her side. "Travis I've looked and can't find the right dress for tonight." She was on the brink of tears. Of course for her it's a special occasion because it's been almost six months since the last time she went anywhere. And he comes and goes as he pleases because he says the fans don't bother him but they bother her. Oh do they ever.

"Here wear this." He said calmly and she turned around, catching a glance at his face. That something that was mentioned earlier that has changed between them was very clear on his face. And seeing this made her think they are starting to grow apart but god it would start when she finally figures out that she truly loves him. More than a friend ever should.

"Um...thanks." She reached out and put her hand on the dress, without taking her eyes off of his. Their fingers touched sending an electrical currents through her body. Making her heart flutter once again.

"I'll let you get dressed unless there was something else you needed?" He smiled his devilish smile the one that melted her heart but she shook her head no. "Okay. I'll be downstairs if you need anything else." With that said he left.

Her heart rate was going through the roof. Sierra had made Teri a promise that tonight she would tell

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