» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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to be staying here for awhile if that's okay with you of course." Some reason she keeps forgetting it's his house too.

"That's fine with me and thank you for being so nice to her. I was shocked when you run over to her and hugged. But that's not what I came in here to talk to you about." He paused and took a deep breath. That could only mean one thing that whatever he is going to say next is probably something she didn't want to hear but she listened anyway. Readying herself the best she could for whatever he would say next that would break her heart more. "Please forgive me, I am truly sorry I made you feel like you have to choose between your brother and I. That's not what I meant by what I said. I just can't stand by and watch you fall apart again." He closed his eyes waiting on her response.

She really wanted to tell him that it's to late for that that she is already broken. There's nothing else she has that can fall apart but of course she didn't say this. It would only hurt him and she couldn't do that not now or ever. Her feelings were strange when she was around him and being alone together for too long wasn't good either. "Thank you for not making me choose. I don't if I could. Your forgiven and truly I'm fine. So lets go back downstairs and join the others." Her emotions were all over the place when he stood up and offered his hand. Hesitating for a moment then taking it when she realized that this would probably be the last time she would did take his hand.

They walked downstairs hand in hand and the same electrical current was racing through his body into hers. She wanted to be closer to him now but because of Tanya's condition she couldn't. Not with everything going through her head too. Sierra felt lost with her attraction towards him, she was so close before to telling him how she felt but now it's so far from reach. And thinking this way broke her more.

When they reached everyone else the look on Sierra's face could only show one thing and that was defeat. Teri and Carmen picked up on it right away and rushed over to her. "Come with us." They both whispered and pulled her away from Travis' hold. Sierra didn't look back to see his face in fear that she would start crying. They both drug her outside and to the other side of the pool, taking a seat on either side of her. "Sierra what's wrong?" Carmen asked, her eyes pleading with her.

"I'm leaving." Just saying those two words brought tears to Sierra's eyes.

"WHAT?" Teri screamed. Shock written all over her face and Carmen looked just as shocked.

"Teri calm down, please." Sierra waited for a few seconds until she was sure that Teri's screaming didn't attract others. When no one else come outside she continued. "I'm going home for a few days. It's something I've been planning for awhile but with what happened tonight, I need to get out of here that much sooner. Sorry guys, you know I love you both but, I can't be around here right now." This all came out in only a whisper.

"What happened that's so bad that you can't stay?" Teri asked really concerned about her for the first time tonight.

"If I tell you both then you have to promise not to tell anyone else. If it gets out tonight, I'm gone. I can't and won't go through this again." They both nodded in agreement. Taking a deep breath, she whispered lower, "Tanya's pregnant."

"Does Travis know?" They both asked, grasping at the words Sierra just said.

"No, not yet but I told her if she wants to stay here that she must tell him the truth. She'll tell him after I'm gone or hopefully before I return." Sierra had to wipe the tears away now. They were coming so fast and she felt so cheated.

"Sierra I'm so sorry. God why does she have to always come back." Carmen was as upset as Sierra but the only difference was she wasn't crying, she was fuming with rage.

"Teri, Carmen, Sierra we've picked a movie to watch. Are you all coming inside?" Joseph asked standing at the sliding glass door, waiting for their return.

"We're coming. Save me a seat." Teri was the only one that spoke up. Sierra's voice was still to shaky and Carmen was still to angry. If either one of them had spoken then they would have definitely know something was up. "Ready to go back inside before one of them comes out to get us." Sierra took a deep breath and then other one before she stood up. All three of them composed themselves before taking the first step to return.

Sierra didn't know how she managed to do it but she had made it inside without anyone of the guys noticing that she had been crying. Once all three of them made it into the theater room, Carmen went and sat down next to Dean and Teri sat down next to Jasper. Leaving Sierra alone with the only seat that was available next to Travis. Kelly and Rob sat together and same with Christy and Ben. Simon was sitting in the only recliner there was.

"So what are we watching?" Teri asked, really curious about the movie and what it entailed. Of course if one of the guys picked it out, it would be scary so they could cuddle with their dates if they were scared.

"Trick or Treat. It's new and yes it's scary." Dean announced with a big goofy grin, jumping up to push play. "Sierra sit." She had completely forgotten that she was still standing and went to sit down with Travis. Dean then went and turned off the lights making watching the movie seem more like they were in a real theater and not in her house. It was creepy to say the least.

Trying as she may to sit as far away from him as possible but within minutes it didn't matter because the same current she had felt earlier was if not stronger now. It didn't make sense to her, why did she have to feel this now?

The beginning part of the movie wasn't too bad but then when the first person was attacked and killed the gap between Travis and Sierra was closed. She snuggled her head in his chest trying to hide her face from the screen. She didn't know if he was amused or sorry for the choice of movie but he wrapped his arm around her and whispered, "I'm right here." When she heard the sound of his soothing voice she couldn't help but look up. His mouth was just inches away from hers and she froze, all thoughts escaping her mind. Should she do this? Could she take the chance? Why can't she pull away?

"Sierra help me with the snacks." Teri's voice brought her out of the trance like state she was in. Suddenly relief flooded Sierra's face and anyone could if they tried hard enough could hear her thoughts thanking Teri for saying something and stopping her from making a huge mistake. Standing up quickly she started walking over to Teri and out of the corner of her eye, Sierra saw the look Travis was giving Teri. Let's just say if looks could kill, then Teri would be dead. Immediately.

Linking arms they walked together towards the kitchen and once inside Sierra finally allowed herself to breathe. "Sierra I'm sorry but I had to say something. I know you too well and if I would have sat by and not said anything you'd be really upset with yourself right now." Teri whispered when they were both behind the safety of the kitchen door.

"Thank you for saving me from myself." Sierra said and hugged her. Teri's always saved Sierra from doing stupid things. Ever since they met in first grade. And tonight would be the biggest save yet to date.

They each grabbed hand fulls of snacks and returned back to watch the rest of the movie. And only because she didn't want Travis to know anything was wrong, Sierra sat back down next to him, convincing herself nothing happened.

Shortly after the movie started, he leaned over and tried kissing her again. This time she was the one to stop it from happening. "I can't." She whispered when their lips were close again and this time her heart broke more. Something she whispered would stop happening. Not knowing how much she had left to lose.

"What do you mean you can't? Just a second ago you were willing but now you can't, What the hell Sierra?" He screamed at her, causing her to jump back and fall off the couch to distant herself from him.

"Travis please stop!" She cried, her voice never rising above a whisper. He's never taken this tone with her before and hearing it now scared her.

"Sierra your nothing but a tease. That's all you are and I can't believe I fell for it. God Sierra, thanks for nothing!" He screamed again, causing her to push herself back further from him. The words he'd just said shattered her already broken heart.

The man sitting in front of her was no longer the man she loved. He was a raging psychopath, lifting his arms in the air, slamming his fists down. Making accusations and pointing his finger at her. Hatred and disgust flowing off of every pore on his body.

Building up the walls she once had broken down inside herself, the ones she'd built when her parents died, her only protection were coming back in full force. Holding her head up, she walked out of the room. But only made it to the hallway before she collapsed, hitting rock bottom.

"God Travis, what the hell's your problem?" Joseph asked. "Sierra hasn't done anything to you for you to be treating her like this." His eyes were fuming while he stared at Travis and tried hard not to punch him in the face.

"Dude what's wrong with you?" Dean asked calmly, trying to rectify the situation.

"Sierra has been nothing but nice to you and all you do in return is make her feel like crap. You have her in tears now. Does that make you happy? Your such a jerk!"
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