» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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of what he had done was still fresh so on his mind and heart.

Everything that was told to him last night made him think long and hard. Every time Sierra looked at him. He thought he had seen something that wasn't there before but before he could question it she would turn away. Now the dots are finally connecting. He has

have been blind this whole time. If only he would have been truthful with his own feeling a long time ago then they would probably be together now. He would be holding her at night and not Tanya. Just the thought of this brought tears to his eyes.

Travis took a deep breath and walked downstairs to see if maybe Dean was awake. But to his surprise Dean wasn't the only one in here. Joseph had returned sometime in the night. "Joseph what are you doing here?" Travis could swear he'd seen him leave with Teri and Carmen last night. But here he was.

"I didn't get any sleep last night after we left." Joseph yawned and then stretched.

"Man I don't want to hear about your sex life!" That is one subject Travis definitely didn't want to hear.

"If I was talking about that I wouldn't be complaining. Actually what I was talking about was Teri made me check the phone every five minutes to see if Sierra had called. Then about two this morning Carmen came over. At that point, I'd had enough and left. But I did call Sierra myself and left a message." Joseph's eyes were full of tears, thinking about Sierra. Travis was more hurt seeing this reaction out of his friend.

"Both Carmen and Teri have been calling here to see if Sierra has. I don't know if I can handle another night like last night. Travis maybe you should call your dad and see if she's there yet." Dean was also on the verge of tears. What he said caught Travis off guard.

"Why would Sierra go back there?" This didn't make sense to him, there's nothing left for her there. And then Travis remembered how long it took everyone to get her to leave the last time. Would Sierra be able to leave again or would see just stay? She's the only one that can answer that but hopefully Travis can do something to make her see that coming back to this house is a good thing.

"She received a phone call and an authorized letter stating the settlement of the estate and properties therefore have been finalized and they need her signature. She's been planning this trip for a month now, I can't believe she didn't tell you." Joseph looked shocked and Travis did too. He couldn't believe this was the first time he had heard anything about it. Dropping his head, feeling defeated and broken. Turned his back to his friends so they wouldn't see the tears and walked into the kitchen. There's nothing else to say or do to mend his broken heart.

Travis pulled his cell phone out and dialed home. Hoping that hearing their voices would help. But too quickly he hung up unsure if this is really what he wanted to do. If anything he thought he would rather hear Sierra's voice than anyone else. Dialing her number, he waited, just hearing her say hello would bring a smile to his face but it went directly to voice mail so he hung up. Figuring since he couldn't hear her that he would just text her and hope that she would call me back. Travis pushed text message and entered her number then wrote his note. Erasing it several times before it said exactly what he wanted it to say then pushed send. That note said everything that he could never say out loud and everything came directly from his heart. Travis hoped she'd see that and know what she means to him. Closing the phone while he sat down and thought about what to do next. He couldn't call home, at least not right now. What would he say to them anyway?

He looked up from the floor and saw the sun was shinning outside, it would be a perfect day to sit and think. Standing up, he walked out the door, having no where in particular to go.

Travis walked out of the house and into the fresh air, being able to see the sunrise was beautiful but nothing compared to her. Everything he looked at reminded him of Sierra or something they had done together. His whole life revolved around her. The sunrise was yet another sunrise without her in his arms.

All the rage and anger Travis had last night was gone with no explanation to why it was there in the first place. Sierra was right about him, she's always been. Yet for some reason she's always been there for him as well. He has always felt something special for her but never has let his heart speak before. And know it might be too late. Remembering the text message he'd sent her. He pulled the phone out to read it again. The words he'd wrote were just that, words. She'd never believe that they came from his heart. But if she gives him the chance, he'll let his heart speak to her and tell her everything.

Text Message:

I'm so sorry babe. I didn't mean what I said. Please forgive me, I'd do anything to get you back. I love you.

These words that he had wrote were so true and heart breaking. Travis dropped his head in his hands and cried. With each tear that fell, a part of him died. Longing for Sierra's gentle touch to bring him back. A touch that no words can ever explain. While his mind was fully focused on Sierra and the happiness that he long for. He was no longer alone.

Feeling a gentle touch on his shoulder, "go to her Travis, smile again." Her soft words held so much emotion. Travis looked up and turned around. Tanya had come outside to stand next to him. She reached out and held him while he cried. Tanya was the one comforting him. Something he wasn't accustomed to.

"I can't leave." He cried, burying his face in her shirt. Tears soaking through her shirt but Tanya made no attempt to move. Only stroking his face in a soothing manner to help him through.

"Travis your not happy with anyone but her." Tanya said with tears of her own, "I never said this baby was yours, I just thought we had something special and I could always count on you. So yes you can leave and don't look back. You must go to her, she needs you."

Travis carefully unwrapped his arms from around her waist and stood. Looking in her eyes, he saw them sparkle the same way they had when he had first fell in love with her. "I can't leave. It doesn't matter if the baby is not mine, I can't leave you alone." Tanya reached up and held his face between her loving hands and smiled.

"If you stay with me you'll never truly be happy. I love you enough to let you go, Travis. Sierra makes you happy, I can see that now. You two are meant for one another. Go to her and tell her, pour your heart out and love her with all your life." She kissed him then turned around and walked away. Travis just stood there starring at her retreating back. He couldn't believe what she'd just said. Could he really just leave? Would Sierra even want a man that's broken?

It took him awhile just standing there watching where she'd left to finally be able to move again. Had Tanya really truly seen this happening the whole time? Travis thought he had been careful not to show it. The only fear he had now was being too late.

Before he had even acknowledged what was happening, he was running back into the house. On his way up the stairs to pack his things. Travis ran into Dean who had been crying. He could see that clearly on his face but there was something else there too. Fear. Clutching the railing with his hand, he looked at Dean for an explanation.

"Travis I've been looking for you all over. Your dad called." He bent over to catch his breath.

"I'll call him later, there's something I have to do now." Travis tried pushing past him but Dean quickly stood upright again and blocked Travis' way. "I have to go find Sierra."

"Well I'm glad we have that in agreement. But you don't understand what I'm saying, I asked your father if he has heard from Sierra. He said he hasn't seen her or heard from her. He didn't sound like he even knew she was coming." His arms were on both of Travis' shoulders shaking him. Trying to make Travis understand what it was that he was saying.


Wolf Creek

THE flight was over before she knew it. Falling asleep before take off was probably the best idea she had. Then being woken up by someone tapping on my shoulder. "Miss we're about to decent on our final destination and I thought it would be best to wake you now." The flight attendant was so sweet, speaking softly and smiling.

"Thank you." Sierra smiled back to show her appreciation. Her stomach flipped gently as the plane made it's final decent towards the airport. She had never thought in a million years that she would return here alone. Seeing and touching the empty seat beside her brought on another wave of tearless sobs. Her heartache threatening to take her over at any moment.

She leaned back closing her eyes and trying to slow her breathing before she started hyperventilating as the wheels touched down on the tarmac. Everyone around her started clapping and cheering at the successful landing but this state has never brought her anything to cheer about so she sat very still. Only opening her eyes when she heard the flight attendant open the door and then proceed with telling the first class passengers to exit.

Unfastening her seat belt and stretching her legs before standing. Sierra had her carry-on in hand as she exited after everyone else and walked down to the baggage claim. Locating and grabbing her suitcase before having to endure a one hour drive to her home town of Wolf Creek with a hired driver that she didn't know. This day could not get any worse.

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