» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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out his name in terror. He shouldn't have let her go. That will always be in the back of his mind, reminding him of the pain he caused her.

"You were right to think there's something wrong with Sierra. She called not that long ago and she sounded scared, screaming in the phone. I need to be with her and protect her." Travis took a deep breath, "Dean drive faster!" The speed he was going didn't seem fast enough and Travis wanted to get there as soon as possible.

The minute they arrived at the airport Travis jumped out and ran inside, checking in his bags and then having to wait. Dean never left his side while they both paced the airport waiting for the flight. Travis looked at him from time to time and he looked deep in thought. Travis wondered what Dean was thinking but never did ask, being deep in thought himself.

The gate itself was easy to find and there were a lot of people waiting there just like Travis was but they were all sitting while both Dean and Travis were pacing. The clock on the wall seemed to slow down or maybe looking at it every two seconds wasn't helping anything.

Travis saw Dean on his phone, probably talking to Carmen. Telling her where they were and what was going on. Every once in awhile Dean would look up at him and Travis could see despair in his eyes. Something was telling Travis that Dean wanted to come with him but he couldn't not right now. Travis needed to do this on his own.

Finally the flight attendants announced the start of boarding first class passenger's. "Dean I'll call you soon and tell you what's going on." Travis smiled and gave him a hug before continuing on to the plane.

"Travis, we'll give you a week then we're all coming there too. Sorry but that's all the time Carmen will give you. I'll try and talk her into more time but you know her." Dean yelled back at him and he agreed. Carmen and Teri were both stubborn so if he only have a week, he'll make it work. Somehow. Travis waved at him then disappeared into the plane. Taking his seat and buckling in before leaned his head back and closing his eyes. He was too restless to sleep but he didn't want to see anything either.

The plane ride was long and his nerves were on edge. With his legs were jumping while he sat and waited for the flight to be over. Looking out the window every once in awhile to see where they were. When the flight attendant said they were almost to their final destination, he couldn't help but smile. Picking up his cell phone and calling home.

"Travis is it really you calling?" His mother, Kathryn, said. She sounded surprised which in turn surprised him. This had him questioning whether he call home enough or not. Taking in consideration of how she's acting maybe he should call home more often.

"Yes, mom it is. I wanted to know if by any chance you or dad, could pick me up from the airport so I don't have to endure a one hour ride with some stranger." Travis tried to keep the smile on his face and through his voice so she didn't suspect something was wrong. Maybe by some slim chance his father hasn't spoken to her yet about him coming. He really hoped that was the case, cause right now Travis didn't need his mother's advice on his love life.

"Well your father is out right now but as soon as he comes back I'll ask him. So what brings you this way?" Her curiosity was cute, in a way. So this means that she hasn't a clue of what has happened. That's good, maybe Travis can play on this for awhile. Maybe he can use this to his advantage just until he gets home safely.

"I just thought it would be nice to visit my parents. I haven't done it in awhile so I thought now would be a good time." God he's such a bad liar but maybe she'll buy this and not ask anymore questions.

"That's wonderful and I'm sure your father will be more than happy to come and pick you up." She sounded ecstatic and it broke his heart to have to lie to her. "Oh speak of the devil, your father is here now. Do you want to ask him yourself?" Travis could hear her walking to the door and open it. This simply movement of hers had him nervous.

"Mom I have to go, they're telling me to get off the phone now. I'll talk to you real soon though." His lying was getting really bad but he couldn't face talking to his father again. Travis didn't want to hear the sadness in his voice. He hung up the phone shortly after that and laid back in the seat.

Watching out the window at the cloudy sky and seeing nothing but rain in the forecast. This was the place of his childhood memories and he should be used to it by now but inside he was cringing away. Knowing that he'd left the beautiful sunshine behind and now have to deal with the constant rain. The airport was coming into view and his thoughts automatically went to Sierra. Hoping she was okay and safe from whatever it was that scared her earlier.

Waiting nervously in the seat while the planes wheels touched down on the tarmac. His heart was racing through his chest knowing soon he'd be face to face with his one true love. Only hoping that she would forgive him and allow him to explain himself to her. Travis closed the window thinking the possibilities were slim.

"Ladies and Gentlemen were have arrived at Medford International Airport. Thank you for flying on United Airlines and have a wonderful day." The flight attendant announced on the intercom. Sighing in relief and unbuckled the seat belt, he stood slowly and exited the plane. Not knowing what to expect once he did get off the plane. Or who would be waiting for him. But as he closed in on the airport terminal, he saw the one thing he dreaded more. There were tons and tons of people in the airport and for some reason, they all decided to turn around and look at him. This has never bothered Travis before but now he completely understood why Sierra felt the way she did.

Travis was on his last nerve, with the long flight, lying to his mom and now this. One more person, that's all it would take to push him over the edge and he didn't know what will happen. Turning his head from the oncoming crowd and searched through the driver's for the one with his name on their sign. Hoping beyond hope that maybe his father would be there or even Sierra, that would calm him down and right now he really need it. Travis is more afraid his anger will get the best of him and someone will get hurt.

These thoughts kept going through his head, pushing the thoughts of Sierra further away. He was about to snap, shaking fiercely when someone called his name. Turning to face whoever it was to give them a piece of his mind but as soon as he turned around. Travis froze dead in my tracks.

"Hello, Travis." She said seductively, fluttering her eyelashes and pursing her lips. His eyes popped open and his mouth dropped to the floor. Man oh man did she change, he couldn't believe who he was looking at.

"Jennifer Rose?" Travis asked not sure if that is who was standing before him. The way she looked before compared to what he was seeing right here in front of him was completely different. She looked like a model but the minute he saw the camera men taking the pictures. Travis immediately regretting being here with her. Would Sierra get the wrong impression? Would she understand? God, he hoped so. Just the thought of her brought him out of his stupor. "I'm sorry Jennifer, it was nice to see you again but I have to go." Travis tried moving past her but her arm caught him off guard.

She was pulling on his shirt, pulling him closer to her. Travis tried to be nice and push her away gently but she wasn't taking the hint. "Come on Travis, for old times sake." She whispered in his ear, sending goosebumps up and down his spine. But not good ones, more like the ones you get when you are scared.

He figured that what she wanted wasn't that bad so Travis decided to give it to her. He bent down, closing in on her mouth and detoured to whisper in her ear, "nice try but I'm here for someone else." He didn't want to ignite it anymore by telling her who. Sierra doesn't need to have Jennifer breathing down her neck but he felt the need to tell her the truth. Pulling himself away from her and walked off, leaving her standing there in shock. Travis doesn't believe anyone's ever denied her before but there has to be a first.

He smiled internally at what he had just done, walking over to collect his bags and finally heading home. Just the thought that he would be able to see her beautiful face in one hour brought on joy and completeness that he needed.


Unexplained Sounds

WHEN Phillip stood up, Sierra clung to him with everything she had. Terrified to be left here and scared to leave. Her heart was racing through her chest but her eyes never left the ceiling. The clawing kept getting louder and louder. Feeling trapped back in her nightmare once again. She wanted so badly to think it was just the house itself making the noises but whatever the creature was that killed her parents was never found. That alone had her squirming in Phillips arms to get out. He wasn't moving fast enough for her and with hearing everything and remembering everything, Sierra had to get out.

"Sierra," she heard a voice whisper from up the stairs. Screaming and jumping out of Phillips arms. She ran for the safety of his car, opening the passenger's side door, getting inside and quickly closing and locking it. Ducking her head down and scared to see the creature once again. The tears mixed in with soft cries while she laid her head in her hands and hide.

She heard the drivers side door quickly open then close and jumped out of her seat, hitting the roof with her head. "I'm sorry Sierra, I didn't mean to scare you." Phillips voice was very shaky

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