» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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him but spoke softly to her, not wanting her to see how upset he really was. When she didn't move, he turned and saw the look she was giving him. His heart doing flips. Her bottom lip was sticking out in a pout and her eyes were sad. This alone made him think that he had hurt her, pushed her away. Just like he was afraid of doing. How was Travis ever going to make it up to her, to show her that he wanted her in his life, forever.

Starring into her eyes he watched as she stood on her tip toes, reaching her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her. Her lips touched his but as much as he wanted to shut the door and continue what they were doing just a second ago, he couldn't. A quick kiss is what he gave her before losing his concentration on the situation at hand. "Don't keep me waiting to long." She whispered and her breath hit his face making him completely lose his train of thought. Shaking his head lightly he focused his eyes back on Jake. Travis saw out of the corner of his eyes, her blushing and turned to quickly to leave the room. Thankful that she listened to him but sad to see her walk away. The sooner he got this over with the better. So with no time to lose and wanting to be back in her arms. Travis turned around and walked to the center of the room. Only hearing Jake come in and shut the door. But never looking at him while he did this.

"Your making me break a promise so this better be worth it!" He growled, balling his hands into fists and dropping them to my sides.

"Last night Simon showed up at my place, talking crazy. He was distrot, shaking his fists in the air and yelling. He kept saying he can't do this anymore, that he can't hurt her. I know what he's talking about but I couldn't calm him down. He took off sometime in the night and I haven't seen him since. I thought he'd come here so that's why I'm here." Jake's eyes narrowed in pain and Travis for a minute felt sorry for him but only slightly.

"Jake this isn't my problem! I won't let Simon near Sierra, not again!" Travis' voice was getting louder with the mention of Simon coming anywhere near his love. Hating the thought that Simon had already been close to her back home but here he wouldn't be that lucky. Crossing his arms Travis started walking towards the door. With Simon being back here, he had to make sure she was safe.

"Simon was close to Sierra! Travis what were you thinking?" Jake growled and reached out to grab Travis' arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"It happened back home but I was close to her, to hear what he said. And he didn't say anything, he was rather calm. Which shocked me. But with him being here and now Sierra is too, I have to stay with her. I would die if anything happened to her, if she was hurt by him." He pulled his arm out of Jake's grip and just starred at him. The feeling of losing her now was unbearable. She couldn't find out and he'll be damned if she does.

"Travis your in love with her, I can see that but Simon is her brother so don't you think she would want to know about him." He stepped away keeping his distance from Travis but kept his eyes glued to his instead.

"Leave her out of this! She has nothing to do with it!" Travis growled, raising his voice even louder. His hand was on the door knob now and opening it so he could be by her side. Stepping out at the same time Jake had, causing Travis to jam his shoulder into the door hinged. This enraged him more. Thinking Jake would reach Sierra before he could made him mad.

"She deserves better and you for one should know this!" He demanded quietly. Travis watched him walk down the stairs, getting closer to his love. Seeing red now when Jake stepped off the last stair and smiled back at him. He was heading in her direction and he'll be damned if he lets Jake do that.

"Jake just shut you mouth! Don't even think about it!! It's a done deal so leave it alone!" Travis yelled at him. Jake was the only one he saw in hinds sight. Everyone else was out of view. Focusing all his rage on him and only him. Waiting for him to take another step, just one more and Travis will end this. His heart accelerated in anticipation of this happening.

"She should know, you know this as well as I do! I'll tell you right now, either you tell her or I will! Decide Travis!" He yelled but it wasn't due to anger but because he was tried of lying to everyone. Travis could see this so clear but he didn't care. Jake would end up hurting her and that's all that mattered.

Running down the stairs Travis put his arms out to stop him. Looking around he couldn't see where Sierra. Jake will not get close to her and if he have to, he'll prove his point. "Travis, Jake what going on?" Travis spun around to see his father walking over to where they were. Forgetting that they were in the house. Dropping his grip on Jake's shoulder's he looked around once more but couldn't find her.

"Dad, where's Sierra?" He was still upset with Jake no matter what happened. But now he was trying to focus on where she went. Scared more than ever that something happened to her. All his rage and anger disappeared not seeing her in the house.

"She went outside for fresh air. All your screaming and yelling really affected her. She's been through a lot lately and now with the two of you. I can't believe you guys did this." Phillip was upset but he had every right to be, after all Sierra's been through, they should have know better. Or at least he shouldn't have let himself or this situation get out of hand.



THE wind picked up while Sierra was sitting outside, blowing rain onto her face. As much as she was curious about what Travis and Jake were talking about; her mind was still in the clouds. Floating high in the sky and marveling his amazing body. Sierra smiled into the rain and let her arms soar freely in the breeze. For once she didn't care that it was cold and raining, getting up from the step. She laughed at the fact that she felt as free as a bird, her heart soaring because she truly believed she had found her other half. This feeling was over powering every other feeling in her body and she took off running in the rain. The rain was hitting her clothes at such a fast rate that they were soaked within a matter of minutes. But still it didn't matter to her, the rain was some what comforting. The feeling of hands caressing her body, closing her eyes as she embraced their touch.

Sierra smiled wide and opened her eyes when she felt the warm embrace of his arms around her waist. Without saying a word, she turned around and looked into his eyes. Finding what she was looking for and wrapping her arms around his neck, to bring him closer to her.

The fact that he wasn't smiling didn't bother her much but it looked like he was having an internal battle with himself. Sierra wanted him to know that it didn't matter to her what they were talking about just as long as she can stay right here in his arms. Nothing else mattered. "Travis," She whispered his name. His eyes looked so far away, it was starting to annoy her. The distance between them was to far she pushed herself closer to him. "I don't know if it's possible to be happier than I am right now. Travis look at me, please." Sierra put her hands on either side of his face, cradling him. When he didn't budge she dropped her hands. There's no way he is going to spoil her happy moment. She tried to release his hold on her, reaching around for his hands. He had them clasped together making what she was trying to do rather hard.

"Love, I was so worried something had happened to you." His voice was gentle and she was taken back by what he was saying. Sierra could see the longing in his eyes now she stopped trying to pull him off of her and instead wrapped herself around him tighter.

"Something has happened to me." Sierra smiled to see if he understood what she meant. She dropped her eyes from his and put her hand on his chest. Her mind was back on cloud nine and once again she felt wonderful.

"What happened to you?" He reached down slowly and lifted her chin. Starring into his eyes, Sierra saw that he was scared. This was not the reaction she wanted from him.

"I'" Sierra blinked away the rain from her eyes and continued tracing patterns on his chest. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks and dropped her eyes from his. His silence was not what she expected and she felt as if she had been rejected in the worse way. Sierra had to close her eyes, fighting back the tears that threaten. Her body started to shake but not from the cold or the rain. She had no feelings right now, she had just told him she was in love with him and all he's done or said, is nothing. Sierra couldn't stand there like this anymore. She needed to be alone, to get away from him. She needed to find a way around what she had just said. The last thing she ever wanted was to lose his friendship and she think with opening her mouth right now, that's exactly what she has done. Sierra had fought the tears back long enough but now they were spilling out and still he stood there not moving. She took a step back from him, unwrapping herself and this time he dropped his hands. Releasing her from his hold. She stepped back again without looking at him, turned around and ran for the house. How could she be so stupid? Why had she just done that? Oh yeah, she thought she was happy and soaring in the clouds but now she was back on earth. In the real world. Things that she has had the chance to feel only happen in fantasy books and fairy tails.

Sierra ran straight into the house and right into the spare room. She

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