» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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there and he didn't find out what happened until I told him. You didn't see him when I told him, he was broken. I had to hold him together even though I couldn't even hold myself together." She yelled without even thinking about it, she was mad at him for even suggesting it. "How could they think it was him? How could you?" Sierra waited for an answer and knew she wouldn't get one. After a few minutes of pacing the floor in the study, she had to leave. The atmosphere in this room was to heavy for her. She opened the door without saying anything else and walked out. Fresh air, fresh air that's all she could think about. She needed to get away from here and think.

With tears streaming down her face, she ran down the stairs and to the front door. Stopping in front of it to take a deep breath. Sierra didn't want Travis following her right now, she needed time alone to process everything and with him there she wouldn't be able to focus. Quickly she glanced around to make sure she was alone. One thing she should have done before but as she looked now, there was no one within hearing distance to hear the door open and her cries. On the inside she smiled, thinking that it was best if no one saw her like this again. She tried to hold herself together just to make it outside.

The door opened without a sound and Sierra slipped through it, closing it behind her. Taking off as fast as she could and without a moment to lose she was at the gate. The guard that was there looked at her strangely and was probably wondering what she was doing. But she didn't give him a chance to ask, walking to the gate. She waited quietly for him to open it. The gate opened rather loudly and the screeching noise made her jump. If she didn't get out of here soon, she would break down right now. She could feel it coming on.

Taking a step outside of the gate, she let her legs take me where ever they wanted to go. Blinking back the tears so she could see and hoping with every breath she took that they were all wrong. Simon was all she had left and if she lost him. She would fall and never resurface. Sierra looked through the pain she had felt and tried to make reason for this. Thinking back to the last time she had seen him and he looked so happy. Why would someone call the police now? And why would they feel the need to point a finger at her brother?

Sierra hadn't been watching where she was going and when she did look up, she saw the house in front of her. It looked mysterious on the outside and she knew without a reasonable doubt that if she stepped foot inside, she would fall apart again. But if Simon was here in Wolf Creek then this is where she had find him. She needed answers even if it was something she didn't know if she could face. She still needed them.

Taking one step at a time, Sierra climbed the steps and paused by the front door. Feeling an instant pull to go inside, like someone was calling to her but without words. It was strange to say the least but if it was Simon she had to go to him. With her hand on the door knob, she turned it slowly and pushed open the door. All the sadness and heart ache she felt before came rushing out to her. Her legs started shaking as I stepped through the threshold. The inside looked the same as before and her head snapped up to the ceiling. Remembering someone calling her name and thinking now it could have been him. Why did she run before? If he was in trouble, she could have helped.

Sierra found her legs once again taking her to the stairs and once again she felt like something was watching her every move. Holding her breath, she tried to push herself past the fear and up the stairs. There's one room in this house she will never enter again, her parents.

At the top of the stairs, Sierra looked down the hallway. First to the left then to the right, to make sure no one was there. "Your here to find Simon. Focus Sierra." She had to say this out loud, hearing the weakness in her voice only made what she was doing harder. Her hand was gripping the railing so tight, you could see the veins begging for release. Letting her breath out when her foot reached the top stair. The smell up here was different from downstairs. The smell reminded her of death and she was now terrified to move. Every memory she had of that fateful day came back with a force. Falling to her knees with her hand still clutched to the railing, she couldn't move to save her life. "Simon!" She tried yelling but it only came out in a whisper.

The wind outside had picked up and now it was raining lightly. The branches scraping the window sills, making an eerie clawing sound. She screamed every time she heard it, more terrified than before. Why did she come here? Then Sierra remembered Simon, she have to help him. Finding what little strength she had, she pushed herself off the ground and slowly released her hand from the railing. Only breathing out of her mouth, she turned to the left and followed the hall down to the last room. This had been her room and she was certain that nothing was in there. Reaching for the door knob, she slowly opened it and looked in. Crying harder now because the room looked the same as before. Her homework still sitting on her bed waiting for her to do it. Her night clothes still on the rocking chair, waiting for her to put them on. She walked in the room slowly and put her hand on the memories of her childhood. Oh how she missed those days. This time Sierra let the memories come back, remembering her mother and father coming into her room to tuck her in and kiss her goodnight. Smiling at that memory and trying to keep it in place before exiting the room to walk down the hall towards her brother's room.

When Sierra reached his room, another memory came. She had never been allowed to enter his room without his permission before and now she felt guilty for thinking about it. As she reached down for the door knob she had to stop herself. Pulling away and knocking before entering. This looked foolish but she couldn't help herself. If he was here she didn't want him to be mad at her for just opening the door and entering. Sierra smiled at the thought of him being here but when she didn't hear anything, she opened the door. His room took her by surprise, she always remembered his room as being clean but what she was looking at now was a disaster. The top mattress was shredded and thrown all over, his clothes were thrown around the room. The pictures he had on his nightstand were broken and the pictures inside ripped. She didn't know what to take of this. Had it been this way before? She couldn't remember. She closed the door without stepping a foot inside.

Turning away from his door and facing the last door at the end of the hallway. Her steps slowed down even more the closer she got to it. She had to wipe away the tears from her face so she could see. Not that she really wanted to see inside this room but she had to. Her hands were shaking so bad, she couldn't grip the handle of the door. And when Sierra was finally able to, she just turned it and pushed it open. What she saw inside, had her crumble to the ground. Screaming in pain at the sight in front of her. Her entire body shook but she couldn't take her eyes off of it. Her entire life came crashing down on her.


WHEN his father asked him to go downstairs, the only thought that came to mind was he wanted to talk to Sierra about last night. Embarrassed and a little relieved, he couldn't help but smile. Looking at his father and seeing the smile still on his face had Travis convinced of this conversation. Knowing what he was going to say, Travis didn't feel the need to be here but he did want to warn her before hand about it. But how does he do that? Especially when his father is still standing in the room. Travis didn't know if he would be able to say anything without laughing. So the least he could do was look at her and try to make her understand everything will be alright. The look she had, had him convinced that she didn't get it. She didn't understand what he was trying to show her. Just thinking about how to do this brought a smile to his face and he held back the laughter he tried so hard to keep in.

"I love you." Travis said as soothing as he could and kissed her cheek. She smiled at him and he thought now she understands. Feeling relieved about that, he stood by and let his father take hold of her and walk out of the room. Following close behind, he wanted to see where his father was going to take her, just in case he was needed for some reason. Hoping against all odds that he was.

Once he saw them enter his father's study, he made his way down to the kitchen to endure whatever his mother was going to do to him. "Morning mother." Travis smiled when she looked up at him. Showing off his pearly whites and letting out a laugh. She smiled as well and shook her head.

"Travis about last night." She started and the first thing that came to mind was oh no. Thinking he had gotten out of this but never believing his mother would be the one to bring it up. Travis don't know what she saw on his face but she all the sudden started laughing uncontrollably. Her laughter was contagious that he started laughing as well. After a few minutes of trying to catch his breath, his mother ushered him outside.

"Mom I know what your going to say and I'll save you the trouble. Sierra and I are together. I love her with all my heart and I can't believe she loves me too. I never thought this would ever happen but I'm happy it did. I'm sorry you had to heard that, I didn't think we were that loud." Travis couldn't help but laugh, everything he had said was so true but still telling

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