» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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her this felt weird. He had never told her about any of his past girlfriends before.

"I'm so happy for you and to tell you the truth we didn't hear anything last night. What did you do that we were supposed to hear?" She spoke so calmly it made him more nervous. He had just confirmed last night and here she is telling him she didn't hear anything. Just great. Way to go Travis. Way to put your foot in your mouth.

"Um...nothing mom. So what did you want me to help you with?" Travis tried saying this as smoothly as possible and changing the subject to take the spot light off of himself. His hands were sweating and he had to clamp them together so she wouldn't notice.

"Sierra's birthday is coming up and we are going to plan something special for her. I need you to come with me to the store and help with decorations." She stood behind him, rubbing his shoulders. Travis was so tense and felt so stupid right now he couldn't relax.

"I can't believe I'd forgotten Sierra's birthday." Travis put his hands to his head and rubbed the temples. He has never forgotten anything about her and here he sat completely lost.

"It's okay Travis. You've been a little preoccupied lately. That's why your father and I have taken the liberty of getting everything and everyone together for this. I need you to go to the store with me, there's something I need you to see. I'm not telling you anymore about it, so you'll just have to come and find out for yourself." Her voice was cheerful and he had to drop his hands and look at her to see why. Upset as he was it didn't matter right now because he had do anything to make sure his mother is happy. And he haven't seen her this happy in awhile. Travis turned towards her and couldn't help himself, he had to hug her. Her warm embrace is just what he needed to smile again.

"Lets go before I change my mind." Travis said. She grabbed for his hand and they walked to the car together. An outing together sounded nice, it's been a couple of years since the last time he had done anything like this. And to do this for Sierra brought so much hope to his heart. He had to see if he could survive without the love of his life, just for awhile. Oh who was he kidding, he want to feel her embrace but also his mother, he didn't want to disappoint her. So all he could do to not jump out of the car and run back to her is stare right in front of him and hope everything is fine.

She drove at a more casually pace and it gave him much to much time to think. The silence in the car was disturbing to say the least and every time he would look at her, she would smile bigger. This made him wonder what she was thinking about, turning to look at her again and seeing the smile grow even bigger. What on earth could make her smile like that? "Okay mom, I can't take it anymore. Why are you smiling so much?" His voice was on edge and he didn't mean it to be.

"Can't I be happy?" Travis bore his eyes into her, expecting more. "Fine. Travis it makes me extremely happy that you and Sierra are finally together. You have no idea how long I've waited for this to happen. And now that it has we have a lot of planning to do." He watched as she bit her lip, trying not to say anything else. What could she mean by they have a lot of planning to do? First off he has only been with Sierra for one day and secondly, oh no. She can't possibly be thinking that. Silently praying to himself that, that is not what she's suggesting. Sierra is surely going to kill him.

"Mom what planning do we have to do?" Travis couldn't believe he just asked that. There was no way he wanted to hear it and here he was asking that same thing. He was sure he was losing his mind.

"The party of course, why what were you thinking about?" Travis could tell she had changed the subject but was also grateful for it. He was sure he looked relieved but he wasn't sure if he wanted or could look at her right now without giving away what he was thinking. So he just starred out the window, hoping she'd forget the subject. "We're here. Now Travis your father and I picked something out that we thought you'd like to give to her but I want you to see it first. So, come with me. We'll go there first." Travis heard the door open and close, and let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. Fogging up the window in the process. He could see her standing outside the store waiting for him to get out of the car. Hesitantly he pulled the handle and opened it. Climbing out slowly, he can't get his mind off the conversation they just had.

When Travis was out of the car, he looked up to see that she was standing in front of a jewelry store. More afraid now that he was right about their conversation earlier. He had to take a deep breath and then was able to walk over to her. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Are you sure? I mean you look scared. Travis we don't have to go in there, we can go look somewhere else." She was reluctant, putting her arm in his and trying to pull him away from the store.

"No mother. We've come this far, I'm just nervous. That's all." Travis tried to reassure her that everything was fine. He didn't know if she believed him but he did manage to turn her back around and entered the store.

Inside the store they had all sorts of rings and what knots. Kathryn went straight for the counter and asked the clerk for whatever she'd reserved. Travis wasn't really looking at the rings but one did catch his eye and he could see it on Sierra's hand. He tried walking away from it several times but he keep being pulled back to it. It stood out from everything else they had, and was just perfect. He could actually see himself getting on one knee and proposing to her with this. And before he knew it he was asking the clerk to hand it to him so he could get a closer look at it.

"Ah..Travis it's beautiful but don't you think it's a bit soon. After all you two just started." His mother's voice scared him, making him jump. Travis didn't even see her standing beside him. He gave it back to the clerk and started walking away.

"Mom I know what your saying but I've been in love with her since the first time I'd laid eyes on her. I have no doubt in my mind that if Sierra knew about this, that she would think I'm crazy." Travis looked to the ring again then dropped his head and turned his back.

"I always knew there was something there between the two of you and I know you don't want to talk about it. But you've always been so protective of her, even when you first started school. You used to whine to me, begging to stay home because you were afraid something would happen to her and you wouldn't be around to help. I used to watch the two of you playing and if she'd get hurt, you would be the one to fix her. You two were meant to be so why don't you buy the ring. You can hold on to it until the right time and I won't say anything at all to anyone about it. I promise." She smiled then had to practically push him back to the counter. Travis didn't realize his mother had noticed the way he had felt about her, even before he knew for sure. He did remember a few things she'd mentioned but not all. She must have seen the confused look on his face and started talking again. "Travis I know for a fact you can't remember this because you were so young but when we went to hospital to see Sierra for the first time. You walked right up to her and kissed her on the cheek. She cooed and smiled at you and you told me that someday you were going to marry that girl. You were a very serious two year old." She hugged him then called the clerk back over and asked for the ring back.

Travis walked out of the store a few minutes later with an engagement ring in his hand. Something he would have never thought he would ever buy and now that he had he was scared to death. He stood outside the store waiting on his mother and starring at the box in his hand. It felt heavy and he knew instantly that it wasn't the box itself but the secret he held.

"We have to hurry and get done with the rest of the shopping before it gets dark. Oh I almost forgot, here's the item your father and I wanted you to look at." She handed him another jewelry box with a velvet top. Just like the one burning a hole in his pocket. Travis looked at the box then gave it back.

"Mom I want to be surprised like Sierra will be. I know if it came from you guys that it is something very special so I'll just wait and see." She nodded her head and stuck the box back in the bag. Locking arms with him and walking to their next destination.

By the time the sun was setting they were on their way back home. Excited now that Travis will be able to see her soon. He couldn't stop smiling and every time he would glance at his mother, she was smiling too. He can honestly say that today was fun, being with his mother and shopping was a new experience but one he would gladly do again.

Travis saw the house before too long and was edging to jump out of the car now before they had even pulled up and stopped. Having to sit on his hands to stop himself for making a run for it. He even laughed a little which was strange because of his nerves.

The house looked normal from the outside, with all the lights on so, he thought everything was fine. Getting out of the car as his mother parked it and running up the steps to the front door. When he opened the door he half expected to see Sierra sitting on the couch but he didn't see anyone. The house was quiet, too quiet. He ran for the stairs taking them
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