» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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anything anymore.

Her life was over, everyone in her family was gone and here she was not able to help any of them. Sierra felt useless and she couldn't see moving from where she was for anyone. It didn't matter to her who found her, she wasn't moving and she had fought harder this time to stay right here. She didn't want to be happy, she didn't deserve it. She has never done anything to anyone to deserve this but she haven't done anything to prevent it either. The same despair ran through her when the images of the creature resurfaced. It had to be the same one that killed her parents because nothing else made sense.

Sierra felt guilty for wanting Travis with her now. To have him love her made her feel even more guilty. She can't see moving on, not this time. Not now.

She sat there for hours, never moving and never stopping her tears. She couldn't find a way out of this. Every time her eyes would start to close, she could see the faces of her parents and now her brother. And they would open again and the tears would come even more. Softly sobbing, not caring anymore.

While sitting there thinking of all the things Sierra could have done to prevent this, she heard footsteps coming from downstairs. Terrified that the creature was still here and was coming to finish the job he started long ago. She tried to hide her sobs but still couldn't move her body. The only explanation she could think of to why she couldn't move was that her body had given up so why shouldn't her mind as well.

Sitting there with her back open to the stairs, she waited for her turn. Silently hoping that it would be quick. But instead she felt warm arms wrap themselves around her, comforting her. Sierra broke apart right there, turning around and burying her head in Travis' chest, crying harder and letting her tears soak his shirt. He didn't say anything and to that she was grateful. Right now there are no words to be spoken anyway.

His hold on her was tight but hers on him was tighter. Sierra held on for her life and had no plans of letting go. She started thinking back to the last time he'd held her like this and how broken he looked then only made her cry harder. Shaking entirely and closing her eyes. With having him close, she could see only images of him in her mind. This was one thing that had helped her before and she was even more positive it will help her now. With this and knowing that he loved her, she knew she would survive. Even if she didn't want to.

A few minutes later his phone rang, scaring both of them. Sierra looked up and saw him shaking his head. He had no intentions of answering it. Snuggling her head back against his chest, hearing the beat of his heart was soothing. She could see herself falling asleep to this sound every night. But the annoying sound of his phone going off was disturbing her peace. "Just answer it." She croaked out, her throat was dry from her hours of cries.

Sierra felt him take a deep breath and pick up his phone. "Hello," he was harsh and it surprised her but it also made her move closer to him. She wanted and needed this to breath. Keeping her eyes focused on his shirt, she couldn't help herself from looking towards the room. Catching glances of her brother's lifeless body brought on another wave of tears.

"I found her. I'm with her right now so you can stop looking. I'm going to be with her until she says otherwise." Sierra couldn't understand what he meant by that. Why wouldn't she want him with her? Starring up at his face, she saw him looking everywhere but to her. Like he was trying to hide his face. She reached up, stroking his cheek and bringing him down to look at her. His eyes were rimmed with tears and she felt her own tears fall. He was still talking on the phone but it didn't matter. He's done so much for her, that he shouldn't have to endure this as well. Sierra wished she could push him away so he wouldn't feel the pain but she couldn't. She was scared to face this world alone. And the thought of still being hunted by the creature had her shaking more violently.

"I'm sorry Sierra. I should have told you he was here." His words were a total shock to her. Halting her shaking almost immediately. He knew for how long that Simon was here? She pushed myself away from him, to look him in the eye.

"What? You knew Simon was in this house. Like that." Sierra pointed to where he was and broke down again.

"Sierra listen to me. Simon is not who you think he is." He reached out but she pushed further from him. What was he saying that she didn't know her own brother?

"Don't you mean was. He's dead Travis! I don't understand what your saying. I know my brother wasn't a saint but he could no he would never do what the police think he did." Sierra stood up now, frustrated by what he was implying. Why is it that whenever she think she was truly happy something happens and it's all gone? Why did she come here in the first place? She should have stayed home, it was safer.

"Sierra you didn't know your brother like I did! He was far from a saint actually he was the opposite of one." Travis yelled getting angry but still he was sitting on the ground where she had left him. "Do you want me to tell you how your brother was?"

"No Travis. I want to remember him the way I have been since the time he walked out. If that's okay with you, I just want happy memories. I already have enough nightmares to last a lifetime, I don't need anymore." Sierra wiped she tears away with the back of her hand. Moving around him and heading for the stairs. Sierra felt guilty for leaving him there but she wasn't sure if she wanted him right now. She knew for sure that she still wanted him and that she was still madly in love with him but she couldn't sit here and listen to him bad mouth her brother. "Travis I still am deeply in love with you, I just don't need you right now." After saying this, Sierra had to leave. Gripping the railing so she wouldn't fall, she made her way downstairs and to the front door. Looking back once more to see him still sitting in the same place then leaving.

Sierra didn't know where she was headed just that she needed fresh air to think. Making it as far as the bench in the middle of the garden. She sat down, pulling her knees to her chest and sobbed quietly into them. Her thoughts wouldn't rest, thinking about the words he spoke. The sad thing was that he was right. She didn't know Simon as well as she thought she did and it hurt.

Sierra thought back to all the times she had confided in Simon with her darkest secrets. Telling him about guys that she liked and one in particular that she loved. Seeing his face light up when she had tell him and try to figure out why. She had even told him about her nightmares, the ones that scared her to death. Having his arms wrap around her and him telling her he'd never let anything like that ever happen. But then when he started high school everything changed. He was a completely different person. She didn't confide in him as much, never going to him about anything that scared her.

Remembering the last time she had spoken to him in the house, he had a look of evil written all over his face. Scared to leave her room that night, afraid that he would do something to her. Sierra locked her door and hide in the closet waiting. He never came into her room but she did hear his footsteps in the hall. Shaking and sobbing in the closet, that's were she woke up the next morning. His behavior continued for weeks the same way and every night she would be in her closet hiding. Until the day he came to her saying he was leaving. Enlisted in the military to get away. She always thought it was to get away from this town but now she was thinking otherwise.

Sierra was so deep in thought and sobbing for yet another loss that she didn't know Travis had come outside. Turning around, she saw him standing by the front door just starring at her. Hiding her face as her heart was breaking. She knew deep inside that what they shared was over and the look on his face showed just that.

Travis' words were just words after all and she had fallen for them hard. Without anyone to blame but herself, she needed help but she didn't know where to turn. Who does she run to? Where does she go? Standing up to walk towards him and make him understand. Sierra didn't want to lose him as well but her legs wouldn't move. They were shaky and she felt the air rush up to me as she fell to the ground.


WHEN Sierra let him hold her with her tears soaking his shirt it made him feel compassion for what she had just endured. Travis couldn't think of the right thing to say so he said nothing at all. He was also scared of saying the wrong thing and making this situation worse for the both of them. Holding her closer as she also tightened her grip on him. Feeling the need to protect her and never wanting to let her go.

Travis didn't have to look in the room to see what had happened. All the memories of the last time was as clear as if it had just happened today. And he was holding her the same as when he had the last time. Only this time she knew how he feel about her and the sudden fear of losing her was so much stronger. If he lost her this time his life would be over, his heart broken, his air gone, he can't survive without her. But he can't keep lying to her as well. She deserves the truth and if he had it his way he would turn back the time and tell her when he first found out.

Thoughts of the argument he had had with Jake came back and he's right, she should know about Simon. But how exactly to tell her now and after seeing what she has already been through, Travis don't

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