» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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her that everything so far was okay.

"Let's go into the living room and sit. I don't want to wake Sierra with the noise of us talking." Travis couldn't agree with his father more and they all followed him and sat down. His parents sat across from him and Jake sat in the recliner. Far enough away but still to close for him. Travis took another deep breath and leaned forward on the couch. Covering his face with his hands. All the emotions he had held back from earlier came rushing out. Feeling someone put their arms around him, comforting only made him cry harder.

"Travis please tell us what's wrong. I can't bare seeing you like this. Did something happen when you found Sierra or before you found her?" His mother's soothing voice only brought back the images of Simon's lifeless body. Making his body shake harder and his sobs louder.

"Mother, father you need to call the police." Travis tried to say something else but he couldn't get the words out. Letting his mother comfort him made him feel like a child. Travis shouldn't be crying like this after all, he did hope for this outcome but never did he expect it to actually happen.

Simon and Travis used to be friends, close ones for that. All through school until they got to high school that is. He started hanging around the wrong people, doing drugs and drinking. His whole attitude had changed and Travis didn't like who he'd become. Scared more now for Sierra's safety than ever before. They all started distancing themselves from him and pulling her closer. Knowing that every night she'd have to go home and encounter him more on a personal level than the rest of them. Even then Travis couldn't stand to be that far away from her, knowing the whole time that Simon had turned into a monster right in front of them all. Getting into fights for no reason, skipping school only to find him passed out somewhere. He has hid all this from her to protect her and now he was thinking it was all for nothing. She's hurt more now than ever.

While Travis was reliving his own nightmare in his head, his father was on the phone talking. Travis looked up and finally focused on his facial expressions. He looked distressed. Travis had a feeling this was all about to get a lot worse before it got better. "Son, I've called the police. They are on their way over here but you need to tell them exactly what you saw and where." Phillip crossed the living room and sat down beside him, wrapping his arm around both him and his mother.

"I don't know what happened, all I know is what I saw." Taking a deep breath to calm myself down. Travis needed to be in the right state of mind to deal with the police. He wiped his hands against his cheeks, wiping the tears away and stood up. Their comforting him was not helping him get control of himself. Travis started walking away but before he did, he shot a glance at Jake. He knew instantly who he was talking about without him ever having to say his name. Walking out of the living room, Travis found himself wanting to be with Sierra. He didn't know if he could face the police without breaking down but he needed her touch to comfort him.

Travis walked out front and sat on the porch, waiting for the police to show up. So he could get this over and done with. Sensing someone was walking up from behind him, he turned around seeing Jake. "Jake what do you want?" Travis know it was harsh but he also didn't care. He wasn't needed here.

"Simon is dead!" It was said in more of a statement than an actual question. Unbelieving as it was, it was also very true. Travis nodded to him and watched his eyes widen. "How?" This is the one thing he didn't know for sure.

"He looked the same as his parents did. Laid out the same and everything. I can't explain it, it felt like a trip down memory lane but of course not in a good way." Travis starred out in front of him, his hands enter twining themselves together. It took every bit of strength he had not to fall apart again. Travis didn't really care that much about Simon but seeing Sierra the way she was and how he had almost lost her was too much.

"What are we going to do?" Jake's question took him by surprise. What does he mean? There's nothing he can do.

"What are you talking about?" Travis starred at him, wanting an answer right away. He turned his stare towards the drive and sighed.

"Have you told Sierra yet? She needs to know now more than ever." His words were shaky as he spoke towards the ground. Never once looking up at him so Travis could see the expression on his face. Travis was enraged and sat taking in breaths to calm himself before talking to him.

"I haven't and now is not the best time. Jake your as much to blame as I am for this so don't get all righteous on me now. You could have told her when you found out but you choose not to so stop throwing that one on me." Travis' anger showed itself through his words. Jake had no right to accuse him because he was as guilty as he am.

They both looked up and saw the approaching police cars. Inhaling the cool nights air and getting ready for what was coming. Travis knew he would be able to compos himself for the police but he wasn't so sure if Jake would. Travis stood up with ease and walked down the steps and to the police cruisers.

"Travis Williams?" One of them asked and Travis couldn't stop his nerves from reacting to the tone his was using.

"Yes that is me." Travis approached and stood within a few feet of him. Starring into his eyes and trying to figure out what he was thinking.

"Your the one that called about finding a body?" He looked Travis up and down making him already feel like a criminal.

"I'm the one who called and my son is the one who saw it. Come inside please so we can all talk about this." Travis turned, surprised that his father was outside and walking towards him. Scared because he didn't know how long he'd been outside and what he'd heard. Travis let the officer's go in first and he followed behind, shutting the door. Walking over to where his mom was sitting and taking a seat next to her again. She once again wrapped her arm around him and he sighed, ready to began to conversation. The sooner it starts, the sooner Travis will be able to be by Sierra's side again.

"Okay Travis tell me who you saw dead and where?" The same officer that starred Travis up and down asked. Travis closed his eyes, took a deep breath and answered.

"I saw the body of Simon Michael in his house." The picture of what Travis had seen returned to his head. Trying hard to shake it out but it was so clear.

"And when did you see this?" The officer was taking notes, looking up at him then to his parents.

"About four hours ago." Travis wasn't going to give him anymore information than was necessary.

"Are you sure it was that time because we received a phone call, stating that someone heard screams coming from that house around about the same time. And when we got there, there was no one around. Inside or outside. So let's try this again, what time where you there?" He stood up and walked closer to him, starring him in the face. Travis had to fight off the urge to get up and sucker punch him.

"When I got to the house it was almost dark so, I'd say around about six tonight I was there." God if this man could be any closer, they would be touching. The only thing Travis could do is focus on Sierra's face to keep himself calm.

"Were you alone when you found his body?" His breath blew on Travis and made him want to gag. This question Travis didn't want to answer but how could he get out of it now. Seeing his eyes bore holes in Travis'.

"No I wasn't alone. But she's been through enough and I won't let you disturb her. Ask me the question, I can answer them just as well as she can." He voice raised as he thought about them waking her up.

"Does she have a name?" He was starting to yell as well. Aggregated by Travis not telling him everything he wanted to know.

"Yes she does but you don't need to know that." Travis yelled. Protecting Sierra was his main concern and he didn't care what he said to me it wouldn't change that. Travis looked pass the officer to see his father opening his mouth.

"Officer don't you think your being a little harsh. My son hasn't done anything and the girl he was with, trust me doesn't need to be mentioned. She's been through more in her lifetime than most of you have." His father's words took him by surprise. Travis thought he would tell them that she was there with him but he didn't. This made him smile but only in the inside, on the outside he kept a smooth face. Showing no emotion at all. He didn't want the officer to have the excuse to get in his face again.

"I understand what your saying Mr. Williams but I still need to know. If she was there, she might know something that your son doesn't." He turned and looked at his dad. Moving away from his face so he could breath.

A few seconds later they all heard a loud scream coming from upstairs and he was on his feet before anyone else moved. Running to the stairs and taking them two or three at a time. Travis needed to find out what was wrong. Sierra's scream he was sure you could hear all the way outside. Moving as fast as he could and reaching for the door knob. He turned it, swinging it open and saw her sitting up in the bed. The light in the hallway, illuminated her face showing him the fear that was so present. He stood there for a minute, checking around the room to make sure there was no one else in here then walked over to her quickly.

Travis reached out for her but she pulled away from him, shaking harder than she had in her house. Scared and a little unsure of what had happened, he let his hand rest on his lap and starred at her curled up form.
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