» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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want to upset her anymore.

His cell phone went off, making him jump. He knew immediately who it was and had no intentions on answering. Resting his head on the top of her's, he only moved when she lifted her head to look at him. He shook his head no to her unspoken question, not wanting to disturb their embrace. She smiled at him and it made his heart beat a little faster.

His phone on the other hand, made him want to throw it as far as he could. It wouldn't stop ringing and he could feel Sierra getting upset with it. "Just answer it." When she spoke it told him how long she'd been crying. Taking a deep breath because his own pain for leaving her to go through this alone had returned. Travis pulled out his phone and opened it without seeing who it was before hand.

"Hello." It upset him to have to take the time to answer when all he wanted to do was hold her with both hands, not with just one.

"Travis, I can't find her. I've looked and she's not here. Have you found her?" Jake's voice was frantic.

"I've found her. I'm with her right now so you can stop looking. I'm going to be with her until she says otherwise." Travis was hoping she'd never ask him to leave. His eyes started watering just thinking about it and he looked up at the ceiling so she couldn't see them.

"You need to tell her about her brother, Travis. I'm not going to sit by and let you hurt her anymore with this. I'm on my way to you." He could hear the wind blowing as he ran this way. His voice sounded happy but also sad. Thinking maybe he's happy about him finding Sierra but sad because Jake knows he will not planning on leaving her ever. He'll never get the chance to be with her.

"Jake don't, you don't need to come here. She's safe and that's all that matters." Travis felt her gentle touch on his cheek and looked down at her. Seeing more tears falling when she saw his own. He felt ashamed because he couldn't hold it together for her.

Travis was so hopelessly devoted to her that she needs to know everything. And before even thinking about it first, he just blurted it out. "I'm sorry Sierra. I should have told you he was here." The look she was giving him said volumes. Her eyes were wide with shock. Wishing he could take it back now as her pushed herself away from him.

"What? You knew Simon was in this house. Like that." She pointed to where he was and Travis could see the tears once again break loose.

"Sierra listen to me. Simon is not who you think he is." He reached out but she slapped his hands away, pushing herself further from him.

"Don't you mean was. He's dead Travis! I don't understand what your saying. I know my brother wasn't a saint but he could, no he would never do what the police think he did." Travis watched as she stood up and stepped further from him and closer to her parents room. Irritated by the fact that she wasn't listening to him. Travis let the rage rip through him.

"Sierra you didn't know your brother like I did! He was far from a saint actually he was the opposite of one." He yelled letting his anger get the best of him. He had to take a deep breath, he wasn't angry with her, more like himself. "Do you want me to tell you how your brother was?"

"No Travis. I want to remember him the way I have been since the time he walked out. If that's okay with you, I just want happy memories. I already have enough nightmares to last a lifetime, I don't need anymore." He dropped his eyes from hers, starring at the floor. He had no idea that she still had nightmares. He knew for a few months after her parents died that she'd had them but he didn't know she still did. Travis felt the guilt rip a new hole in his heart, just sitting on the ground and not saying anything more. The pain was to intense right now for her and what he had said only made it worse. He was almost positive that she hates him now. He just can't get over the fact that he once again opened his mouth and put their relationship on the line. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Travis I still am deeply in love with you, I just don't need you right now." After he heard her say this, he sunk further on the floor, holding his head in his hands and let the pain that he has caused himself seep through. Travis wanted to tell her the same but he couldn't find his voice. Bringing his knees up, he rested his hands on them and cried. Kicking himself internally for putting her through this. He knew he should leave her alone but he couldn't. He loves her too much to have her walk away now.

After a few minutes of feeling sorry for himself, he stood up and walked over to the bedroom. Looking in for the first time since he had come in this house and seeing Simone's lifeless body laying on the floor. Something beside him caught my eye, a paper. For some reason he needed to see what that paper said. So Travis carefully walked into the room, not touching anything but the paper and walked back out. Shutting the door behind him. He stood there and read the simply note.

I've been thinking about this for awhile and I can't go on knowing what I've done. I'm so sorry for leaving you like this but it's the only way I know how to keep you safe. I love you sister, please forgive me.
Love your brother,

He folded the note and put it in his pocket, right next to the ring he had bought earlier. Something now he thinks he is going to be holding on to for a long time. Travis knows he should show her the note but for some reason he can't. She should be able to remember her brother they way she wants to and not the way this note said.

Making his way down the stairs, he walked to the front door and stood there. Watching her sitting on the bench, crying again. He wanted to go to her and comfort her but he didn't know how. He took a few deep breaths and waited. If she needed him, he would be there but if she didn't, he wouldn't be far away.

Wiping away the tears that he had cried for hurting her again, he saw her turn around and look his way. Her eyes showed him that she did still love him but still he kept his distance. Travis didn't want to invade her personal space, she told me she needed time to herself right now and that's exactly what he will give her. He would give her the world if that's what she asked for.

He watched her carefully as she stood up and for a minute he thought she was going to come over to him but she didn't move. The longing he had felt for her made him move off the door frame and closer to her. Running faster now as he saw her falling, and catching her before she hit the ground. So scared that something else had happened, he picked her up in his arms and held her close to his heart. Gently kissing her forehead as he started walking home. Travis wanted to get away from this house and never look back. But he also knew there was a long road ahead of him before he could do that.

The rain had subsided, leaving a light breeze for their walk home. She snuggled closer to him and he couldn't help but smile. Her touch was soft and loving, making his legs move faster so he could get her home that much quicker. The walk home gave him more of a perspective on their relationship and just how fragile Sierra really was.

As Travis was close to the gate, he could feel her soft lips on his neck. "I'm sorry that I put you through that again." Her breath against his neck was warm but her words were wrong. She didn't put me through anything, if at all it was him who put her through more pain by his words.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, if anything I should be the one apologizing to you. I didn't mean to hurt you more." Travis looked down into her eyes and was caught up in them. Every thought disappeared, leaving him mesmerized. Moving a little faster now, he needed to get her inside and warm. She was shivering slightly because of the breeze. It was cold out here but with her warm body against his, he didn't feel it.



SIERRA didn't understand what he meant by he should be the one apologizing to her. He didn't have anything to apologize for. She wanted to tell him just that but with being in his arms right now and not wanting that to change, she didn't say anything. Only nestled her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the fragrance of his skin. It had a calming effect to it and her eyes slowly closed. She didn't want to fall asleep and a fought hard to stay awake but it wasn't working. Slowly drifting off as she listened to the beat of his heart. A soothing sound that she would never grow old of hearing.

She felt the air change around her, from cold to warm and knew that they were inside his house. Snuggling closer to him, she didn't want him to let go. Afraid of the nightmares she was sure of having if he left her and she was alone.

Sierra heard the faint voices of his parents but couldn't make out what they were saying. "I'll come back and answer all your questions, just please let me take Sierra upstairs and tuck her in." The sweet voice of her angel spoke and she began fading deeper into sleep.

His movements were quick that before Sierra knew it, she was on the soft bed with the silk sheets pulled around her. "Sweet dreams my love." He whispered, feeling his soft kiss on her check and realizing just then that what she had thought earlier was wrong. It was so far from the truth that she should have never even thought of it in the first place.

Feeling him pulling his weight off the bed scared her, making her jolt upright and reach for him. "Please stay with me." Sierra begged, closing her eyes quickly and turning her face

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