» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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away so he couldn't see her terrified. After what she had witnessed today, she couldn't face the nightmares that were sure to come.

"As long as you need me, I'll be here." Sierra watched as he stood up removing his shoes and climbing over to lay beside her. Curling up in his arms and hearing his heart beat, she quickly dozed off again.

They were walking hand in hand outside. The sun was shinning and to her relief there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Sierra laid down on the grass, soaking up the sun's rays and marveling in the beauty of the most perfect man alive. The warmth she felt only doubled when he moved closer to her, laying on his side and tracing patterns on her stomach. Sierra couldn't help but smile when she would look up at his face, seeing his magnificent eyes and losing herself in them.

Sierra felt her heart beat faster as he leaned in, his face inches from hers. Their lips almost touching and his warm breath on her. Restraining herself from leaning in to meet his lips and holding her breath to control her heart beat. His eyes were sparkling and she knew he was enjoying himself as much as she was. When he finally placed his lips on hers, the surge of energy she felt was unbelievable. With their hands still enter twined together and her other one free to run through his hair. This kiss was different in some way, it felt more like a goodbye kiss than anything else. Scared to loss him, she pulled herself closer. Wrapping her arm around his neck and pulling herself off the grass.

His posture stiffened and he pulled her off him. Knowing the tears were not far away, she looked at his eyes and saw something she had never thought she had ever see. His eyes spoke words that she never wanted to hear. Sierra laid back and watched his every move, holding in the sudden fear of losing him, to herself. Although the tears made themselves present, she didn't make a sound.

His face changed from compassion to sadness then to hatred in only a few minutes. He sat up but still held her hand and looked at her. Sierra couldn't figure out what she had done to deserve to be looked at like this but whatever it was, she wanted to fix it. She can't bare to loss him but the feeling was to strong and some reason she had felt like she had already lost this battle.

Sierra pulled herself up and sat in front of him, trying to wrap her mind around what just happened. Nothing was making sense and she couldn't fight off her cries any longer. Quietly she sobbed to herself but inside she was screaming. Sierra felt her heart beat quicken to the fear and dropped her head to look at the grass. She didn't want to see him walk away, she didn't want to face another heart break. She was almost positive she wouldn't survive this time.

She felt his touch on her chin and lifting her face so she could see his. With tears in her eyes and having to blink so she could see him, she was sure she wasn't ready for whatever he was going to say. "I'm sorry but it is better this way. It's the only way I can protect you." He voice was soft but it didn't make sense. How is Travis leaving her going to protect her? How is it ever going to be better?

Sierra opened her mouth to speak but couldn't find her voice. With her hand she reached out and touched his free hand, caressing it and silently praying that this wasn't real. She just starred as he stood up and released their hands and walked away. Her heart was silent as his figure walked out of sight. Crying louder now, she invited death to take her. She can't survive without her heart and he's taken it with him.

"I warned him not to hurt you! He will pay for this!" Shocked she turned to see Simon standing over her, looking the same as he did the last time she had seen him. His clothes bloody and shredded from the stab wounds. Jumping to her feet and backing away. This couldn't be real, he's dead.

"Simon stay away from me." Her whispers fell on deaf ears. He was walking closer to her and she stood frozen in place. Sierra put her hands in front of her to shield herself from his advance. Feeling his cold hands on hers and shivering was fear. He bent down, brushing his hand against her cheek, leaving goosebumps in it's place.

"I told you I'd protect you and the only way I can is to take you with me." He whispered in her ear. His breath was as cold as his hands making her body shake. Her eyes were wide with shock at the words he spoke and she started seeing him for what he really was. Not the gentle, sweet, loving brother she once knew but a monster. He brought his hand out from behind his back, holding what looked like a knife with dried blood on it. But it wasn't a knife at all. He had claws at the end of his fingertips. She gasped and trying to move back but he had hold of her arm, preventing her movements. "Just a secret but I think you should know, Mom and Dad died at my hand. And you will too." Sierra screamed as he brought his claws down on her. Over and over he stabbed her and the whole time he was smiling. His face changed into one of those creatures and she knew she would never be able to escape this nightmare, ever.

Sierra jolted up in bed, screaming and crying as loudly as possible. Searching the bed for Travis but coming up empty. Was that a dream or was it real? She didn't know the answer to it. Pulling her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and starring into the dark room. She knew she had have nightmares but she thought when she had fallen asleep he was with her.

Within a few minutes the door swung open and Sierra saw through her tear soaked eyes, Travis standing there. He ran over to her and reached out but she wasn't sure if it was really him or just her imagination playing tricks on her. Scared to death to reach out and have him disappear or once again turn into that creature so, she just sat there mesmerized.

"Sierra what happened?" Travis' voice was just as sweet as she remembered but that didn't mean he was really here. Why would he ask her this? He was there, he should know the answer to that.

"You were there. You saw everything." Her voice was shaky and she was more than certain she was losing it. Talking back to her imaginary love. Sierra dropped her head in her knees, she couldn't face this again. Rejection. Feeling his touch on her back, had her praying that he was real. After all his touch did feel real but then again so did it before when he was holding her hand. And again with the last nightmare she had when she thought she was awake.

"I'm sorry I should have never left you." Travis whispered and this only confirmed that what happened earlier was real. He did leave her. Another wave of heart break hit and she shook with fear that Simon would come in next and finish her off.

She lifted her head and starred at the door. Waiting for death to come and claim her.


THE minute Travis stepped foot inside, he was bombarded by his parents and the last person he wanted to see tonight, Jake. Looking at Sierra's beautiful face, he didn't want them to wake her. She seemed so peaceful and he was over joyed to see that she was. He couldn't help but think that he had almost lost her, feeling the need to hold her tighter and feeling her tighten her grip as well.

"Travis where did you find her?" His father asked looking between the two of them. Travis hoped he would not be able to see the fear in his eyes, at what he had just witnessed. With her eyes closed, he knew he wouldn't be able to see her fear and for that he was grateful. He didn't want her to have to go through explaining what she saw and having to relive it in her mind.

"I've been so worried about you, Travis. Please tell me nothing bad happened." His mother stepped closer and wrapped an arm around him, hugging as tight as she could without waking up Sierra.

"I'll come back and answer all your questions just please let me take her upstairs and tuck her in." Taking one last look at his parents and making his way to the stairs. Travis took them slowly and was relieved to finally have Sierra safe in her room. Placing her on the bed, he watched her snuggle into the pillows. Longing to be beside her but knowing he should be the one answering the question and not her. He wouldn't be able to bare it, seeing her go through it again.

Travis sat on the edge of the bed and waited until he was sure she'd fallen asleep. Placing his hands on either side of her, he bent down, whispering "sweet dream love," in her ear and kissed her cheek. Pulling away as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake her and seeing her hands reach out for him.

"Please don't leave me." Her eyes were opened and he couldn't deny her want she wanted. Sitting back down on the bed and stroking her cheek.

"As long as you need me, I'll be here." Standing up slowly and seeing her watching his every move. Travis slipped out of his shoes and climbed over to lay beside her. Wrapping his arms around her as she placed her head on his chest. He smiled into her hair, kissing her once more and holding her closer. Travis wanted so badly to stay here and not get up. But he knew if he did then someone would come up looking for him so, when he heard her breathing slow down and thought she was asleep. Travis slide out from under her and walked quietly to the door. Looking back to make sure she was fine before walking out the door and shutting it behind him. She did stir a little but settled down and slept.

Making his way to the stairs and looking down at everyone downstairs. He took a deep breath getting himself ready for this. Travis wasn't entirely sure that he could do this but right now he didn't feel he had a choice. Taking the stairs one at a time, he slowly walked over to his mother and hugged her. Reassuring

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