» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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She rocked on the seat, trying to control her breathing and not wanting to alert the driver. But she was to late, he had already pulled over to the side of the road and was walking back to her. The door opened and closed quickly and with his hand on her arm. His words were soft and gentle, "Sierra, are you okay? I looked back and you were sleeping then the next thing you were screaming. I'm not taking you anywhere other than your house. I know I'll probably get fired for this but you scared me. I thought someone or something was hurting you." Sierra could feel the tension in the air but continued to rock. What he had said was true, she couldn't function properly in a crowded area without crying. And without having the man that she loved holding her and telling her everything would be alright. Her world was falling apart. A single teardrop is insignificant in a pool of water, but it can touch your soul as it runs down your face.

Sierra felt a tight squeeze on her arm then the driver returned to the front and cautiously turned back on the road. She watched out the window and saw the green landscape past by. The only thing she truly missed about being here was that. Everything was so green with new life all over. Seeing the high school as they drove past. Reminded her of the good days she had had there with all her friends.

Soon they were on the road that lead to the gates surrounding the estate. Always been in awe about seeing the front gates. The tree lined drive that lead up to the magnificent two story, white, Victorian mansion. Sierra's eyes started tearing up more as they approached the house. Memories of the last days she'd spent here, had her terrified. Sierra didn't know what to expect when she walked in. Would it smell the same? Would everything be the same? Would her parents still be present even though they were both dead? Could she do this by myself? These questions she couldn't answer and was even more scared to find out when the driver opened the door.

Blinking a few times before exiting the car. Thanking the driver then making the attempt to enter the house. The driver held the door open for her and she stood there looking around before stepping one foot inside. Sierra lifted up her foot to take the first step inside and felt a sudden on sot of despair. Dropping to the floor and curling up, she cried. She couldn't go in there alone. Couldn't face this alone.

"Sierra I'll get help!" She heard the faint voice of the driver but didn't look up at him. Scared to see what his face would look like. "Dr. Williams, this is Donovin the driver sent to pick up Miss Michael. We're here at the house and she's not doing so well." Sierra couldn't believe what she was hearing. The driver knew Phillip. But how?

"No sir, we haven't even made it inside yet. She's on the ground, crying and I don't know what to do." He sounded sad.

"Yes, sir. I'll wait here until you come. Thank you sir." Donovin bent down to her brushing the hair away from her face. "I've called the Doctor and he will be here in a little bit." He stood back up and started pacing.

Sierra tried to pull herself together but with everything that has happened and with her being here right now, she couldn't find the strength. Her arms reached out without her even thinking about it and tried to hold on to the image in her mind. Travis has always been the one to comfort her in my times of grief. Thinking about this only brought on more tears, breathing heavy and on the verge of a breakdown.

"Sierra, I'm here now. Donovin please help me take her inside." She felt arms wrap around her but she couldn't focus on who it was. Her eyes were only focused on Travis and she wanted to believe that it was him, right here. Opening her eyes she focused, after a few times of having to blink the tears out of her eyes and saw who was holding her.

"Phillip please don't fuss with me. I'll be okay, really." Sierra wiggled a little in his arms but he only held on tighter. Seeing the tears in his eyes she remembered him being here that day when her parents were murdered. Just being in this house was enough of a reminder of that fateful day. Everything came rushing back to her when Phillip laid her down on the couch. Her arms reached out for him and he held on. She cried harder into his shoulder. She should have known that this was what was going to happen. But she'd forgotten all about her nightmares when she left. "I'm sorry."

"I knew this day would come, I just didn't think that you would come alone." Phillip saying this brought on another wave of tears, remembering what happened to cause Sierra to come alone. "I thought my son would be coming with you." She closed her eyes to that statement. How does sje tell him why Travis didn't come along?

After awhile of her holding on to the man that has been nothing but a father figure to her since the day she was born. Sierra pulled herself away. "Phillip, this was my choice to come alone." It wasn't entirely true but she couldn't tell him the real reason. There was no reason for Phillip to be mad too. Laying back again and closing her eyes because her head was throbbing from crying so much.

When Sierra did opened them again, she searched the house with her eyes only and didn't see anyone or anything here. Scared and a little shaken, she sat up. Listening for the slightest sound but hearing nothing but the wind and rain outside. Her thoughts were going one hundred miles an hour thinking about everything that's gone wrong. The phone that sat on the table next to had, made her remember more of what she has been trying so hard to forget. But being able to talk to someone would make this today more bearable. Picking up the receiver she dialed home. It rang quiet a few times but no one answered and she didn't want to hear her own voice on the answering machine. Hanging up quickly.

Bringing her knees up to her chest while still on the couch and pulled the pillow around in front of her, curled up into it. She didn't move from where she was just in case she had another panic attack. And just in case Phillip came back, Sierra didn't want him to see that she couldn't function without someone with her constantly. That would give off the wrong impression and she really didn't want him to have to stay by her side the whole time she was here. However long that might be. Sierra has always been the strong one or at least good at hiding the fact that she wasn't and absolutely hated when anyone to worry about her.

There was a scratching noise coming from somewhere upstairs and Sierra's head snapped up to look at the ceiling. It was just one sound but it made every hair on her body stand on end. Listening carefully to hear it again she tried to make out what it was without having to move from where she was. At first, she thought it was because the house was old and it made strange sounds but then she heard it again. This time it sounded more like something was clawing the floor. Immediately her hand was back on the phone, calling home. Sierra really needed to hear someone's voice. Someone to tell her that everything would be all right. It rang several times and then the answering machine picked up. The message brought some kind of relief. Travis' voice was on there as well as hers but that didn't last long. "Please someone be home. I really need to talk. I think someone is in my house with me. Please someone. I just need to hear your voice. Please!" Sierra cried on the phone, the clawing noises from upstairs grew louder now. "TRAVIS!" She yelled.


AFTER Sierra fell asleep on the couch, crying. Phillip couldn't help but think that what she'd told him wasn't the whole truth. Travis and her have been friends since she was born and he would not let her come here alone after what she went through before. Phillip was determined more than ever to get to the bottom of this. He stood up off the couch but kept his eyes on Sierra. She was still crying even though she was sleeping, and she whispered Travis' name. He watched a little while longer before walking into the kitchen to make a phone call. Knowing if he called Travis, he would be able to explain what is going on. Phillip picked up his cell phone and dialed his son's. It rang two times before being answered.

"Dad, what's up?" Travis smiled when he saw his dad calling.

"Travis, I want to know what happened between you and Sierra." Phillip was calm but he's pretty sure that will change. He tried to think positively but it was hard, seeing her like this and knowing something terrible had happened.

"What did she tell you?" He questioned in a more serious tone.

"She said she made the choice to come here alone but I don't believe that. She cried herself to sleep. I want to know what happened so maybe I can fix it." Saying this brought on his own tears, Phillip had always thought they would be perfect together. He's always considered Sierra as his daughter and it breaks his heart to see her this way.

"Dad, I messed up. I let my anger get the best of me and I yelled at her." He sighed and Phillip could hear the sorrow in his voice. He always knew Travis' anger would get the best of him but never did Phillip think that Travis would ever use it on Sierra. "I'm the only one that can fix this but I don't know how. Dad she's the only one that has ever made me feel whole, feel like a real man. I pushed her so far away that I don't think I'll ever get the chance to tell her how I really feel. I don't think she'll ever let me tell

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