» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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leave. They would just have to wait until she was home. And in order to stick by her own rule, she had to put the phone away. The text messages sat unread on her phone. She couldn't see straight to even read them.

The crew started calling for passengers sitting in first class to board first. That was her cue, grabbing her water and magazine she heading that way. Sierra handed her ticket to the flight attendant. "Seat B-1, enjoy your flight Miss."

She thought about what the flight attendant had just said to her and never understood why they would repeat your seat number to you. Maybe they hope that between checking in your suitcases and here that somehow you'd forget. But instead of asking, she just nodded not making eye contact. She handed Sierra back her ticket and started walking towards the plane. With only two steps until she was officially on the plane, these two steps were the hardest. Her heart was broken but her arms still wanted to have Travis hold her again. Her mind however wasn't as confused about what to do next as the rest of her was. It was yet another battle she would lose. She took the final steps and quickly found her seat. Shutting the window to block her view because there was nothing left she wanted to see.

The seat next to her was just another reminder of her loss. The empty space that once held her heart. She laid her head back and closed her eyes. Crying softly to herself.



"TANYA who the hell do you think you are? You can't talk to me like that!" Travis flew up the stairs forgetting about Sierra and went after Tanya instead. He didn't see Teri and Carmen climb the stairs but now each of them had him by the arms, trying to pull him away from Tanya. Travis knew he was stronger than them so their attempts failed. Soon it wasn't Teri and Carmen anymore, it was Joseph and Dean holding on. Knowing they would be able to stop him but still he fought hard to keep his balance.

The girls were now standing together in a protective circle. "Travis leave Tanya alone. We will not let you hurt her!" Carmen snapped at him. Crossing her arms in front of her. Their actions had him convinced that they too knew what the secret was. Infuriating him more. He hated secret more than the next person but when it had to do with his best friend, he hated it even more.

Joseph and Dean both had Travis pinned down a minute later. One on each side of him. "Dude, we'll let you go but only if you calm down." Travis turned and looked at Dean when he said this and saw how serious he was. No matter how much rage Travis built up inside, he could never defeat Dean. Dean is the strongest out of all of them and Travis knew that he couldn't win. Taking a few deep breaths he tried to reign in the rage.

"I'm fine now, get off me." Travis said in a quieter tone, knowing that they would move and soon. When they did, he stood slowly walking past the three girls and into his room, slamming the door. He cursed out their names, punching the air between him and the door.

Travis started pacing, thinking about the words that were exchanged between Sierra and himself. The words he said to her were all wrong and the last thing he ever wanted to do was watch her walk out. He would take the guilt of throwing her out to his grave. He knew she would forgive him, she always does. She'll also say she's forgotten but he knew better than that. She never forgets anything, just pushes it back in her mind. Buries it along with everything else.

Everything was going so well between them and there for a minute he actually thought she felt the same way he did. But then Teri had to say something to mess that up. He felt his anger returning and couldn't stay cooped up in his room much longer. In need of fresh air. Needing to fix this situation and fast before something else happens and he lost her forever. He can't see himself living without her.

He walked out of his room, feeling suffocated. Seeing Tanya still standing in the same spot, crying. With no one else around. He wanted her to know that he was sorry. It wasn't her fault everything happened. Taking the few steps over to where she was he held her close. She cried on his shirt while he spoke softly to her, "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to yell at you." Gripping her chin he raised her head and looked into her eyes. "Babe, let me take you back to bed. You look exhausted." She simply nodded and they walked with his arm around her waist back into the room. Laying her down he then sat next to her. Watching while her eyes slowly closed. He thought that she was asleep and started to get off the bed.

"Travis there's something I need to tell you." She paused and looked up at him. Triggering something he'd remembered Sierra saying before he told her to get out. 'It's not my secret to tell.'

"One thing before you say whatever it is that your going to say. Does Sierra know?" Travis asked even though he already knew the answer. Pain gripped him hard while his mind went over what happened with Sierra.

"Yes but she told me I could stay here only if I told you the truth and after what happened tonight that's exactly what I'm going to do." He watched as she took a deep breath, driving him crazy. "Travis, I'm pregnant." She only managed to get the last word out in a whisper.

He was furious again. Jumping off the bed, throwing his arms in the air. She's already played this one on him before. And just like last time his friendship with Sierra ended. "So your telling me the only reason you have said anything at all is because Sierra told you to! Is this a joke, you can't be serious!" He took a deep breath trying hard to control himself. "The last time you said this, I took you side. Alienated myself from everyone else and it was a lie. Your not pulling this one on me again, I'm not falling for it. What's worse is I can't believe you told Sierra, no wonder she left."

"She didn't leave because of me. She left because you told her to get out!" Finding the strength inside her she screamed this at him. Travis turned on his heels before losing all control and barged out of the room. He knew is he stayed in there much longer that she would end up getting hurt.

Taking the stairs two and three at a time because the quicker he got away from her, the better. This had Travis thinking about Sierra a lot more. Whenever she's around and she sees him like this a simple touch from her is all it takes to calm him down. Just a simple touch of her hand brings up feelings that he has never felt from any woman before. But Sierra isn't here. It's because of him, she's not.

He made his way back to the theater room to find everyone still there. Great, he thought, round two of bashing Travis, bring it on.

He could see clearly that Teri and Carmen were still very angry. "Travis did you she what you did to Sierra? After you threw that vase at her, did you see? She was bleeding when she walked out!" Teri's voice was loud. He could not believe not only did he make her cry but also he made her bleed. He fell into one of the seats. Taking in this information was harder for him while he was standing. His legs were weak and his heart felt empty.

"Dude, are you blind? We've known for the past year and a half that she's been in love with you. Then all you do is call her a tease, if anyone's a tease it's you. Flaunting your girlfriends around her!" Dean stated harshly. What he had said couldn't have been right. Travis would have known if she loved him. Wouldn't he?

"Dean, Teri just stop, I don't need this right now!" Travis yelled back but his voice didn't hold ground. It shook with uncertainty.

"Like hell you don't. Sierra told us that she would be gone for a couple days at the most but now she might never come back. One of us if not all of us might have to go there just to convince her to come back. So yes you do need this NOW!!" Carmen yelled over everyone else. Raising her fists up she started to walk his way. Ready to defend her friend.

"Dean you better control her! I'd really hate it if I hurt her!" Travis glared at him. Dean stood up quickly and grabbed her arm. Stopping her from proceeding with her plan. "Enough about Sierra, there's nothing I can do about it!"

"That's right because you've already done enough. I'm leaving!" Teri stated and walked out with Joseph. Carmen slipped out of Dean's grip and followed Teri out the door.

"Sorry Travis but I've been friends with Sierra for a long time now and I'm on her side with this." Kelly said, standing up and walking out with Rob in tow. Travis didn't see Simon, Christy or Ben leave but they weren't here anymore.

"Travis I'm here if you need me, to talk or do whatever." Dean said and then sat back down, watching the television.

The remaining of the night went by in a blur. Nothing else happened. All was quiet except the television that was blaring. Dean and Travis sat and watched the movie that was meant for everyone. After that they both went to bed.

Travis woke up the next morning with his arms tightly around Tanya, never remembering coming up here in the first place. As slowly as he could he removed himself from the bed, still fully clothed. He didn't want to wake her up with being pregnant and all, if that is truly what she is. Opening the door and slipping out. He walked past Sierra's room and couldn't even look in. The pain

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