» Fiction » Gone, By: Morgan:) [best e reader for manga TXT] 📗

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soon as I opened my mouth to say something he planted a kiss on me. He held my face with one hand while his other hand was behind me in the sand holding him up. He kissed me. I kept my eyes closed. I wanted to pull away but I didn’t have the will. His tongue slipped into my mouth as mine did with his. I thought of Alan. How could I betray him like this? I asked myself. I pulled away from Kenny’s amazing kiss, confused and almost about to cry. I looked over at Debbie, who was standing ankle deep in the water. She had saw the whole thing. I was speechless. I tried to find words to say. I looked at Kenny and then Debbie trying to say something, anything but when my mouth opened nothing came out. I got up and ran to the car. I got in and looked at myself in the mirror.
“How could you?” I asked myself. “He’s not even gone for more than one day and you go around kissing your best friend!” I scolded myself. I looked at Debbie. She shook her head in disbelief at Kenny. I stood outside my car in unbelief at what I just did.
“In her moment of weakness?” Debbie asked him in disgust. Kenny punched his fist in the sand. Marcus, Pete and Johnny came out of the water. They looked like they had seen the whole thing too. I was so embarrassed. Debbie came and put a hand on my back. Johnny came jogging over to me.
“We saw the whole thing.” He said as Marcus and Pete approached him.
“We know you had nothing to do about it.” Marcus added.
“I may not have kissed him but I didn’t pull away either.” I told him. “How am I going to tell Alan?”
“Don’t tell him.” Pete said. Pete has always been quiet. He never has an opinion. Everyone looked at him in disbelief.
“I agree.” Marcus and Johnny said after they got out of there shocked state.
“How can I lie to him?” I asked Debbie.
“Its not lying if you just don’t tell him.” Debbie said.
“That seems so wrong.” I said.
“Its that or tell him and risk losing him.” Marcus said.
“We know it was just a stupid kiss but some times its little stupid things that mean the most.” Pete added. I hugged Johnny, Marcus and Pete.
“Thanks guys.” I said. Johnny walked over to Debbie.
“Maybe you and me can go do something some time.” He said as he leaned against my car. I chuckled.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” She said and then they kissed again. They were such a cute couple and its about time that Debbie found someone worth keeping. Now, its time to deal with my problem.
Debbie and I got into my car. I waved to the guys as I pulled away. I looked in the rear view mirror as we left the beach. I saw Kenny walked up to them. Marcus hit him over the head and I saw Johnny yelling at him. Is it bad that I liked the kiss? I didn’t want to pull away so thats why I didn’t. I’m a terrible girl friend. I have to tell Alan.
“Jane, don’t.” Debbie said.
“Don’t what?” I asked her confused because our whole car ride was silent until she said that.
“How long have we known each other?” She asked me.
“Ever since we were little.” I told her.
“And thats why I know you so well. You are blaming your self. Its not your fault. He kissed you and thats why you can’t tell Alan. Imagine what it will do to him. Just forget about it, Jane. Trust me.” She said.
“Okay.” I said reluctantly. I knew it was just a stupid kiss and it doesn’t mean anything but some how I feel like I betrayed him...
When we got home I put the keys on the dash and got out of the car. Debbie followed me into the house.
“Debbie! How are you, hun?” My Mom asked as she gave her a hug as soon as we got through the door.
“Just fine. You are looking younger and younger every time I see you.” Debbie said she she touched my Mom’s cheeks.
“Bless your soul.” My Mom said with a chuckle and then went back into the kitchen. “Lunch will be done shortly!”
“We will be in my room so just call us down when its ready!” I hollered from the top of the stairs. We went into my room and she laid on my bed.
“How do you do?” She asked me. I grabbed my radio and turned it on.
“Do what?” I asked.
“Not have Alan with you.” She said as she looked at the ceiling.
“Its only been about a day. I have a lot of alone time. I might as well get use to it.” I told her. She sat up.
“But how are you going to do it?” She asked.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m going to remember the good times and all the good times to come.” I said, “ Oh! And of course we will be sending each other letters every week!”
“Letters?” She asked.
“Yes, Debbie. Letters. We will tell each other everything that has happened that past week and everything we are thinking and feeling.” I said while taking a seat next to her. “That’s what you do for love.”
“What about Jesse?” She asked me.
“I don’t know. I didn’t really talk to him much about that. In fact I only gave him a hug before he left.” I said while thinking. I really should have said more to him. “I will write him Letter’s too.”
“How long do you guys have?” She asked me.
“I think Alan said a year.” I said.
“A years a really long time.” Debbie said while picking up another picture of Alan and I in front of his Repair shop.
“Yeah it is.” I said while touching his face in the picture.
“What are you going to do about his repair shop?” She asked me.
“His father is taking it over.” I said. I knew his father was a chauvinistic pig but he was a good business man and he would take good care of it.
“Oh.” Debbie said. After that it was silent. It was kinda awkward so I said something.
“So, you and Johnny.” I said while a chuckle.
“Yeah.” She said with the biggest smile.
“How did that happen?” I asked her.
“We were swimming and then he picked me up and set me down and we just got lost in each other’s eyes.” She said while hugging herself.
“You two make sure a cute couple.” I told her honestly.
“Yeah.” She was silent for a second. “Tell me what happened?” She asked. I assumed she was talking about Ken.
“You saw it, why do you need me to tell you what happened?” I asked her.
“Because I know what I saw but I want to know what happened from the beginning.” She said. She knew me too well, it was kinda scary.
“Well, as you saw he threw me over his shoulder and took me into the water. When he set me down we gazed into each others eyes and I don’t know what was going to happen really. Next thing I knew we were about to kiss. Then when I got out of the water he followed me. I laid down to relax and when I sat up he was right there. Literally in my face. We bumped and he grabbed my face to kiss him and I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t pull away. I don’t know why. I guess I kind of liked it.” I said nervously. “Does that make me a bad person or girl friend or what ever?” I asked.
“No, no, no.” She repeated. “That makes you human.” I sighed relieved.
For the rest of the night Debbie and I stayed down stairs watching television until we fell asleep. Today wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. It just as a little confusing and upsetting. As always as soon as I fell asleep I dreamed of Alan. ~~~~~~~~

“Have a gotten a letter yet?” I asked my Mother early that morning.
“Yes.” She said and slid it across the counter. I slowly opened it. Alan and I have been sending and receiving letters from each other for a while now and I’ve been keeping every single one of them. I read the letter to myself.

Dear Jane,

Hello dear. Its been almost a month and I’ve missed you every second. I know our letters have gotten smaller each time but that doesn’t stop showing the meaning of them. I wanted you to know that I love you more than anything and what I’m going to tell you is harder than anything. Janey, I’m enlisting another year. I’ve found a girl here. Her name is Sylvia. She is in my unit. We have grown to love each other. I love her, Jane. That doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped loving you. I just wanted you to know that I think we should see other people. Maybe one day, we will meet again. Well, I have to go, its lights out. Never forget, I love you.
Love, Alan

As I read it a tear fell from my face and landed on the letter. It smeared the word love. My Mom turned to me.
“What is it?” She asked me. I dropped to my knee’s and handed her the letter. She hugged me and tried to calm me down.
“How? Why?” I tried to form a sentence but I had no words.
“Sh.” My Mom said as she hugged me. I laid my head on her shoulder and cried my eyes out. I tried to figure out why he would do this to me if he did love me but I couldn’t find a good enough reason. After a while I stopped crying. I rolled up into a ball and laid on the cold floor staring out the screen door.
“Jane, please get up.” My Mother begged me after the eight hour I stayed on the hard wooden floor. I took a deep breath of the cold and closed my eyes. I felt like dying. How could I see someone else while my heart is in his hand?
My Mother went into another room and called someone. After minutes I saw Marcus, Johnny, Debbie, and Pete walked into my house.
“She’s been like this for 8 hours straight.” My Mom said to Debbie.
“Why?” Debbie asked. My Mom handed her the letter and Debbie covered her mouth. “Oh, sweetie.” Debbie laid on the floor with me.
“Come to your room.” Debbie said as she ran her fingers through my hair. I sniffled and then Debbie gave a head move to Johnny. Johnny picked me up and cradled me. I hid my head into his warm chest. He walked me up to my room and set me on my bed. He covered me up and then left.
“Thank you.” Debbie said while giving him a kiss.
“See you at home.” He said and hugged her. I heard him, Pete and Marcus leave in Johnny’s car. Debbie lifted up the sheets and crawled into bed with me. She snuggled up to me like I use to do when she was sad.
“Talk to me. No ones listening.” She said. I rolled over and faced her.
“He’s gone. He’s really gone.” I cried.
“He’s worthless. He doesn’t deserve you.” Debbie said trying to comfort me but at this point I thought I didn’t
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