» Fiction » Werewolves Monster High, Zelzel Knight [ebooks children's books free .TXT] 📗

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the nurse of this school, my name is Edna,” Edna replied
“Edna, do you know the name of the person who brought me, here?” I asked Edna,
“Sorry, but I think your friends would know him” Edna replied
“Stella, Who?” I said,
“Jacob” Stella said looking towards the door,
“Where is he?” I asked
“He was here a minute ago, I think he is gone” Stella said
I looked around but Jacob wasn’t there,
“Where did he go? I need to find him” I said as I was getting up to wear my boots,
“Where do you think you are going, young lady?” Edna said pushing me back into bed,
“I need to find him, please let me go” I said but I couldn’t go because Stella and Edna was pushing me back to bed,
I didn’t even have the energy to argue, Edna injected me with something that made me feel dizzy and sleepy.
“What did you do?” Stella asked Edna
“Don’t worry, this would calm her down.” Edna replied
I feel asleep, I found myself after a while I found myself in this magical place, it was glowing and shining but I had a feeling that it wouldn't last gone. All of a sudden I stopped but I didn't want to. The only thing I wanted to do was run around, jump up and down like a little girl.
“Alex, come to me, follow the path and you would find me but be careful, everything is not what it seems to be” a voice from the sky.
“Who are you? Where am I?” I asked looking in the sky for the voice.
“We have met before, my name is Light remember, anyways this is how the planet you were born was but now” Light paused and there was a big flash
“What?” I asked thinking Light would continue explaining this disaster.
“This is how the planet currently looks like; you have to hurry with the training or…” Light stopped, the planet was disgusting, how could of this happened?
“Light help me pleases” I said but there was no reply but I could feel this evil power nearby.
“Alex, I have been waiting for you” a voice said, I was pretty sure it didn't belong to Light.
“Who are you?” I asked in a calm voice
“Don't worry about that, Alex I am here, I want you and your powers, give them to me or…” the voice paused
“Never” I shouted
There was a big mist and there was something shifting into shape, the shadow of it was like a human but taller and thinner but the head it was different, there were all sorts of shapes but when the mist was over I saw it, it was a robot or something.
“This is my temporary body, now give me your powers or you would suffer” the robot shaped thing said.
“Never” I shouted again
The robot shaped thing walked towards me which made me move backwards and trip. Perfect just what I needed, I was trapped, the robot shaped thing stretched his hand towards me and I screamed. I opened my eyes and realized it was a dream more like a nightmare. I looked at the time, I slept all night, it was six thirty in the morning, and I grabbed the cup of water next to my bed and started drinking it slowly. I checked the time, it was six o'clock, I woke up one hour early, and I couldn't go back to sleep after that dream/nightmare. I got out of bed and walked towards the window, I looked outside, the trees were shaking silently and lightly from left to right, there were a few leaves on the ground. It was autumn and my favorite season, I like it when the air hits my face and body, I like to feel the cool breeze, and it tastes like fresh orange juice and also freedom. I like looking outside with the quietness, I don't know how I stood by the way until I heard Stella's voice which made me check the time, that's when I realized how long I stood there, it was five minutes passed seven. I stood by the window for one hour and five minutes.
“Alex, what are you doing?” Stella asked and then her alarm started to buzz,
“Oh nothing, I was just looking outside” I replied while Stella got out of bed,
I wore my navy blue jeans, grey long sleeved jumper and my dark, long grey jacket with my black shiny boots. Stella took a quick shower and wore her
Light pink jumper, black skinny jeans and flat black shoe with white jacket. We both left the room and went to the canteen to have breakfast. We meet the girls there; they were having a bowl of cereal, toast and coffee. Stella and I walked to the order counter, Stella got the same thing as the girls but I got a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea, yeah I know it sounds weird but I like it. I was thinking about the dream/nightmare I had last night.
“Hey Alex, are you alright?” Lime asked staring at me.
“Huh?” I said and looked at the girls.
“Alex, are you alright?" Lime repeated.
“Yeah I am, just tired that’s all” I said.
“Hey look whose coming Alex?” Daisy said and pointed at the door
“Who?” I asked and looked where Daisy was pointing and saw Jacob walking towards our table
“Hey” Jacob said and sat down next to me.
“I need to see Mary, why don’t you come with me, after you eat” I said
“Ok,” Jacob said and started to eat,
I finished my second bowl of cereal and drank my tea; we still had five minutes before my first lesson started which was History.
“Sorry guys but I need to go and speak to Mary, I would meet you lot in lesson” I said and got up,
I left the girls in the canteen and started walking to Mary’s room which wasn’t far from the canteen. The weather was windy, after minute we got to Mary’s room.
“Jacob, I wanted to say that are you really a werewolf or did you lie to me” I asked Jacob,
“Ok, to be honest, I am your angel, the only reason I came here is because you are here, I am here to protect you and what you saw yesterday was real, I have wings, so does Ray black but he is Evil, that’s how he tricked me,
“Why didn’t you say this before” I asked Jacob, as we got to Mary’s room,
“I am waiting for the right time, and I thought yesterday was the right time, you were in trouble and I had to protect you but I didn’t protect, I am so sorry” Jacob said
“No, you did protect me, thank you” I said and smiled at him,
“But you got hit by a thick piece of wood, looking at my bruised forehead” Jacob said
“Don’t worry, I’m fine, Thank you for dropping me off and I would catch you in history” I said and gave him a big hug and said good bye,
“No problem” Jacob said and walked back outside.
I knocked on the door again and waited until Mary replied.
“Come in” Mary shouted
“Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could talk to you personally” I said and Mary smiled at me,
“Of course you can, please take a seat Alex” Mary said and pointed to a seat opposite her desk, Mary’s room was big and it had modern designs. I wonder how big Ms. Zelda’s room was? I never been there yet, I recently arrived to Werewolves Monster High, I sat down where Mary was pointing and started speaking,
“Mary I had a dream, it was beautiful, it was like I was in this other world and then I started speaking with Light, Light said that he is my destiny and that’s how I got my book and wand anyways, light told me to ‘that this was my planet and I should hurry up with the training or’ and then he stopped after a while, the place that I was standing changed into something very disgusting and horrible, I heard a different voice who wanted my powers, I could feel his evil powers around me, while he was speaking, a mist appeared and through that mist there was this robot shaped thing, he stretched his hand and I woke up” I paused and took a deep breathe
“Calm down, here have some water” Mary said and poured some water into a cup and passed it to me,
“Thank you” I said and grabbed the cup of water from Mary,
“What can I do for you?” Mary asked looking confused
“I was wondering if you could be my personal trainer, if it is alright with you” I said
“It’s alright with me, are you sure about this?” Mary asked me
“Positive” I said in a serious voice, I was a bit scared but I had to do this, for good.
I left Mary's room and started walking to my history lesson. Mary and I decided that we would meet tomorrow after dinner and start training. I checked the time; I only had two minutes left before my lesson started. When I got to the front door of my history classroom, I stopped and looked around for my roommate who is also my new best friend, I saw her next to Lime and Daisy who are my friends too. Stella saw me and sat down on the same row of the girls and waved at me and I walked towards her and sat down.
“What took you so long?” Stella asked as soon as I sat down on the chair.
“Tell you later” I said and our history teacher entered the classroom
“Good morning class, today we are going to learn about plastics” Mr. Falls,
“Plastic was created by mingle, who was an evil wizard who worked for darken" I whispered to myself but I was surprised when Stella started staring at me,
“What? How did you know that?” Stella asked looking surprise as I felt,
“I don't know, I just heard the word Plastic and these information scrolled through my mind” I whispered to Stella,
“This all started in 1960's, when Mr. Wire put mingle in charge werewolves monster high key keeper, this went on and on until mingle couldn't stand it anymore, mingle cast a strong spell on all the plastics on all planets, he was the only who could undo the spell, he had a sudden illness and died, ever since then plastic was our enemy” Mr. Falls continued and the lesson bell rang and everybody got up to go to their next lesson which was Spells class.
“Oh, I just wanted to say thank you to Jacob and Mary needed to speak to Mary about what happened” I said
“Oh, Ok” Stella said
We got to our Spells class, Mr. Gold was sitting down, writing notes on his notebook, everybody sat down and Mr. Gold started to teach, my spells lesson went well, we learned how to make a stack of pancakes, “Commakus Pancakus.”
My shape shifting lesson went well as well, Mr. Blue taught us how to shape shift into a wolf again since last time, hardly anybody did it right. I got up to leave my shape shifting class, I saw Jacob at the door, looking at me, what was he doing here? I walked towards Stella and we left the room, Jacob started following me.
“Alex, can we speak alone please,” Jacob said
“Sorry I got a lesson,” I said
“Please,” Jacob said
“I would say that you weren’t feeling well, it’s only last lesson” Stella said
“Ok, thanks” I said
“Could we go outside?” Jacob asked
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