» Fiction » Werewolves Monster High, Zelzel Knight [ebooks children's books free .TXT] 📗

Book online «Werewolves Monster High, Zelzel Knight [ebooks children's books free .TXT] 📗». Author Zelzel Knight

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Chapter One
It was a cold, windy night. I was lost in the middle of nowhere. The trees were shaking left to right. I was beginning to get scared and panic so I ran and ran, I tripped over a few times but I still got up and started to run again until I found a safe place to hide. After a while of running I saw a huge hill and on top of that hill was a hill which old and damaged on the outside, I don’t want to see the inside of the house if the outside was like this but I had a strange feeling that this house was safe. I knocked on the door to check if anybody was living inside. I touched the door handle and as soon as I did, the door opened wide.
“Hello, Is anybody here?” I shouted as soon as I stepped inside.
There was no reply. I was scared, I walked inside. My legs were shivering from fear. I walked towards a chair and sat down; the chair and the cabin were very dirty and old in the inside as well as the outside. After a while later I heard a strange voice.
“Hello and welcome Alex” a voice said appearing from nowhere.
“Where are you? Who are you? What are you? How do you know my name?” I shouted and spoke too fast from fear that I didn’t even know if I made sense.
“I am your destiny, you are closer to me then you think. My name is Light and I am inside of you” the voice said.
This was all so confusing to me. I couldn’t stay here any minute longer, I turned towards the door to leave but something strange made me stop, I couldn’t control myself.
“Alex you forgot these” Light said.
On the chair where I sat were a big thick book and a black stick with white stripes on it.
“What? Those don’t belong to me” I said in a confused voice.
“Oh yes they do, they belong to you, without these you would suffer on earth” Light said.
“Do they really belong to me?” I asked.
“Yes they do, go and collect them” Light said in a polite voice
“Ok, whatever” I said.
I walked towards the chair and I grabbed the black and white striped stick and the thick book, all of a sudden the thick book started to glow. The glow was so bright I couldn’t see anything. I closed my eyes so tight, a minute later I opened my eyes and the glow was gone but I was somewhere else. I looked around; the place I was in seemed familiar, the familiar place was actually my bedroom. I was so confused, was this all a dream or was it real? I sat on my bed, stretched my hand to the table next to my bed to grab the cup of water but when I reached out, I felt something strange. There was a desk lamp next to my bed so I turned the light on to see what I touched. This was impossible and strange, the thick book and the black and white striped stick was here in my bedroom, I screamed as loudly as I can and threw the stick to the floor. I heard footsteps in front of my bedroom door,
“Alex sweetie, what happened?” my mother asked as she looked very worried. I didn’t know what to say, this was so weird.
“Oh mother, I just had a nightmare” I said and gave her a hug and she hugged me back.
“Everything is ok darling, close your eyes and I would sing you a song. Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star” my mother said and I felt my eyes close, I couldn’t open them, they were very heavy. The next morning I woke up at seven o’clock and got dressed for school. I wore my blue skinny jeans, a random plain nice top, I brushed my hair and put on some lip gloss and eyeliner, I went downstairs to have a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice, my mother was still asleep so I was being quiet not to wake her up, I eat my breakfast and left the dishes in the sink. I wore my black boots and left the house at seven forty five. I walked towards the 144 bus stop; I waited for five minutes before my bus arrived. I got on it; I punched my oyster card (travel card) to the oyster reader. This is how people who live in London access the buses. After I punched my oyster card I walked by, there were no seats available downstairs so I went to the upper deck and found a seat available next to a window in the middle row and sat down. The floors, windows and seats were very dirty, there were litters on the floor and seats; there was mud and dirt on the window, to be honest I do not think anybody cares about the environment. Fifteen minutes later I got to school, I walked to my locker to put my bag and coat. I walked towards my registration class so my tutor could do the morning register. I walked pass the canteen and stopped, I checked the time and there was still five minutes so I walked into the canteen and brought myself a cup of tea. I continued walking towards my registration class which was two doors away from the canteen. When I got to my registration class I sat down on the second row and started drinking my tea, after a few minutes, the bell rang and everybody came inside and sat down. My tutor arrived and started the register; I was the sixth person on the list, the register was done so everybody started to talk to each other. I don’t have many friends in Greig City Academy; to be honest I have no friends. The lesson bell rang so I got up and walked to my locker, I took out my bag, checked my lessons, my first lesson was History. I grabbed my history textbook and exercise book (writing book) and walked towards my history class. The subjects I study are History and English. I walked through a narrow corridor. The walls of the corridor were made from thick red bricks, the floor of the corridor were made out of laminated woods. There were only three windows along the narrow corridor, the windows were framed white and the curtains that were hanging from the window were dark navy blue. My history class was located at the far end of the corridor. The classroom was not too big but not too small, it was a normal sized classroom. The walls of the classroom was white and on the walls there was all sorts of posters hanging for example there were posters of King Arthur, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary and etc. I entered my history classroom and sat down. As soon as everybody sat down Mr. Greenhill, my history teacher began to teach.
“Henry VI was just eight months old when he became King on 1st September 1422, when his grandfather Charles VI died, fifty years later he also became king of France” Mr. Greenhill said.
Ten minutes later he stopped and gave us our homework assignment which was due next week Tuesday. The homework assignment was to research and gather information about Henry VI and his life. The bell rang so I packed my books and got up to leave the classroom and get to my next lesson but to be honest my mind was still thinking about the dream I saw. My next lesson was English so I went to my locker dropped my history books inside and collected my English textbook and my English exercise book. I walked to my English classroom and sat down. Ms. Blue started to teach. Ms. Blue spoke and spoke and spoke but I didn’t understand a word she was saying. I was too busy thinking about the dream; I couldn’t concentrate on the work. Later on that day I walked home. I got home in ten minutes as usual, as soon as I got to my road I felt something strange but I didn’t know what it was, so I continued walking to my house, ignoring the feeling. I got to my front door, the feeling was a bit strong then five minutes ago, I took the key out of my bag and opened the door, as soon as I did, the feeling disappeared, I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother, I poured some water into the kettle, I took out my favorite mug and a tea bag from the tea bag tin, I took out the milk from the fridge and made myself a warm cup of tea. I turned towards my mum and looked at her, she looked worried about something.
“Alex sweetie, we have to speak about something very important” my mother said after making herself a cup of coffee.
“Ok mummy” I said and sipped my tea.
“When you went school, I went to the Grocery store to do some shopping, anyways when I got home I saw the phone light go on and off so I pressed the listen button to hear who left the message. A lady named Mary left a message saying that she was your mum’s friend, they were like sisters. She found our address and would like to visit us tomorrow morning. She didn’t really give a time, she only said tomorrow morning, so Alex you have to be at home, do not go anywhere” my mother said
“Where has she been all this time? I don’t want to speak to her” I said to my mother.
“Alex, give her a chance, remember do not judge a book by its cover” my mother said and looked at me.
There was all tears falling down from my eyes towards my pink cheeks, it was like a huge waterfall, my mum passed me the box of tissue and left the kitchen. The last time I cried like this was when I was four years old and I fell down from the tree in my back garden and seriously injured my leg. The next day I woke up at seven thirty and got dressed; I wore my clothes that I wore yesterday. I walked towards my bedroom window and looked outside, the weather was warm but a bit windy, I opened the window so the room could have some fresh air. I went downstairs to have a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice after I eat my breakfast I washed the dishes and went back to my bedroom to go on the laptop. Half an hour later, I heard the door bell ring. It was time, the lady who called and left the message arrived. I ran towards the door before my mum got there. I opened the door, there was a lady, she had light brown hair, ocean
Blue eyes, she wore jeans, a black top with flat shoes.
“Hello, my name is Mary” the lady said
“Hi, I’m Alex Sparks and why are you looking for me?” I asked when my mum walked behind me to see who rang the door bell.
“Alex, I have some important news to tell you” Mary replied
“Ok, would you like to come inside?” I asked to be polite
“Thank you” Mary said, my mum, Mary and I walked inside to the sitting room and sat down.
“Alex, could we speak alone?” Mary asked
“Oh, sure, mum

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