» Fiction » Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗». Author Britta Irene

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“Dude. You look awesome!” Andy yelled. I didn’t know what he was talking about until I remembered what Blade and I had done.
James came running up to me. “I thought you guys had actually gone to have your seventeen kids.” He said before kissing me passionately.
“Of course not.” I said when he pulled away. “Why would I do that when I can have twenty with you?” I joked. He smiled.
“So, blue huh? And snakebites. Looks like you guys had fun.” He said.
“Check this out.” Blade said to him. He made me turn around. He pulled my sleeve up so he could see my tattoo.
“Well, it looks like you guys had fun.” He said in a strained voice.
“It is my fault. I had the idea of blue this morning. Then the lady talked him into getting his streak. Then we sort of made our way to the tattoo and piercing place.” I told him.
“Blade finally got what he wanted!” Jeremey laughed.
“What do you mean?” I asked, turning to Blade.
“Well, I have always wanted to get the piercings and a tat, but these weenies were too afraid to go with me. I was kind of glad you asked me about the hair. That’s why I came over early this morning, to ask you if you would go with me.” He said, scratching his head.
“You could have just told me! We would have all gone anyway!” I said. He just smiled.
“Kyla. Can I talk to you alone?” James asked me.
“Sure.” I said, following him back to our room. I waved everyone goodbye.
James closed and locked the door.
“Why didn’t you ask me to take you?” he asked, walking towards my bed, where I had laid down.
I shrugged. “I Dunno. Blade was their when I got the idea. I was too excited to wait, so I asked him.” I told him truthfully. He was right by my bed now. He made me stand up.
He ran his fingers through my hair, and then touched my snakebites.
“So beautiful…” he murmured before he kissed me. I got the familiar warm feeling, and I turned into jello. He scooped me up so that I wasn’t touching the ground anymore. I wrapped my legs around his waist securely. I felt his tongue tap twice on my lip, and then it plunged into my mouth. I didn’t mind though. In fact, I welcomed it by making my tongue dance with his. He laid me gently on the bed and continued to kiss me.
“Don’t ever go off with Blade, or anybody, without my knowing again.” He growled against my lips. I shivered, because he was so close.
“Okay.” I said as he kissed my neck. He rolled off of me, and gave me one last kiss.
“I am trying to respect your wishes.” He told me when he saw my saddened expression.
“You make it very hard to keep my promise to you when you look sad when I pull away.” He told me. I gave him a quick peck, then did my homework and ate dinner. I went to bed after watching an episode of Big Bang Theory. James joined me after he shut off the television. I cuddled up into his chest thinking about how lucky I was to have someone like him in my life.
Chapter Eight.

BEEP BEEP BEEP. Ugh, I hate alarm clocks. They interrupt me and my precious time with sleep.
“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” James poked me in the side.
“Go away…” I said, already half way back to sleep.
“Get up. Or I will get the bucket with ice water.” He said evilly. I shot out of the bed and grumbled to myself. I got all my clothes, and got in and out of the shower within ten minutes.
When I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed that it was really cold in the room.
“James!” I yelled. “Turn the heat on! Just because you like it cold doesn’t mean I like it!” I was downright shivering.
“It’s broken! Let me see if everyone’s is broken.” I heard the door open, and a few minutes later he was back. I had put on two sets of sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweatshirt in the time he was gone.
“They cancelled classes today. The heating is broken. They also said that we can’t leave the campus.” He said, looking aggravated. That made two of us.
“BROKEN?!” I screamed. I Hated the cold. HATED. “Why can’t we go anywhere? Ohmigosh I’m gonna diee!!” I screeched. Like I said before, hated the cold.
“Calm down. You will not die. I refuse to let that happen.” He told me. He put some sweats on of his own, then grabbed my hand and led me out to the living room and kitchen area.
“Coffee or hot chocolate?” he asked me. Who could decide?
“Hmmm…,” I said, really not knowing which one to choose. “Both.” I told him finally, with my innocent smile. He smiled back and started making coffee and hot chocolate.
“Here,” He said, handing me the hot chocolate first. “The coffee can stay hot all day since it is in the pot. Oh! Wait! I forgot the marshmallows!” he looked kind of upset. Maybe it’s a religious thing for him to have marshmallows. Oh well, I can’t blame him. They are the best part!
He came back into the room with, wait for it, Rainbow Marshmallows! Yes!
“I. Love. Rainbow. Marshmallows.” I told him, looking at him in awe. He just smiled at me, and sat next to me. He turned on the television then pulled me to his side. Not that I was complaining, the guys was hot. Looks wise and temperature wise.
There was a knock on the door, and he and I yelled ‘Its open!’ at the same time. It was kind of cute, but also kind of creepy. One at a time, the whole pack came in. They all made themselves some hot chocolate and sat down on the couch, in the beanbags, or sprawled on the floor. Blade smiled at me, and plopped down my other side. Now I had two hot guys on either side of me. Happy day for me.
“Hey, Son. Go get something to eat. I’m starved!” I said, talking to Anthony.
He grumbled but got up and went to the kitchen. He came back with chips, pretzels, chocolate, and peanut butter cookies. I went for the peanut butter cookies because they are my absolute favorite. Ever. Do not get between me and my peanut butter cookies.
“Kyla! Share the damn cookies!” James told me after I slapped his hand away from my cookies. Oh no.
“Fuck no. Mine. Go make your own. Besides, I did teach you how.” I sneered, referring back to my first night here. Good times, good times.
“Kyla! I don’t remember!” he said.
“Yes you do. You just don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of your pack. Now go. I am running low anyway.” I told him.
“No. Just share the mother lovin’ cookies!” he yelled.
“Nope.” I said, popping the p.
“Yes. Give them to me now. I am hungry to ya know!” he yelled.
“Get some chips,” I shrugged, changing the channel to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. All the guys groaned, but I grinned. Buffy kicks ass.
“Chris is eating them all!”
“No. I see him sharing with Jeremey. You can get some. Go ahead.” I told him, like he was a two year old.
“Kyla Blaize Grant! Give me the God damned cookies!” he yelled.
“Don’t use God’s name in vain!” I yelled back. I hated it when people do that. It is just wrong.
“Kyla! Gimme the cookies!” he was turning red now.
“NO!” I yelled.
“Fine, but you caused this. Just so you know. KYLA BLAIZE GRANT HAS CRABS!” he yelled. How childish.
“Blasphemer!” I yelled. “What a blasphemy. Besides, you wish you had crabs too! Cause that would mean you got some from me!” I said, tauntingly. The whole pack, who had been silently watching with amusement until now, was laughing hard. I could see tears running down some of their faces.
James glared at me. “Blade, will you get me a cookie?” he asked.
“I would rather not tangle with her. She didn’t cry out once when she got her tat. She just sat there looking bored. She is tough.” He answered, shaking his head and looking at me in awe. That was sort of a lie. I cussed the tattoo guy out, to where he almost kicked me out.
“Ugh.” James grunted. He got up to make some more cookies. ‘What a great boyfriend I have,’ I thought to myself.
He is pretty great

. I gasped out loud.

I asked inside my head.
Hey Kyls. Isn’t this cool? Miichael visited me last night, and taught me how to do this. I have been trying to contact you all morning, but in first period I had a test, then you were in an argument. It was very amusing.

Kyle’s voice answered back.
Holy crap. How can you hear me then? Because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. Just talking in my head…
I can hear you. But you can’t start conversations. Only I can. And I can shut you out. It’s hard to explain.

He answered my question
“Kyla? Are you okay? You look weird.” Jeremey said.
“SHHH.” I said, silencing him or anybody else from talking.
So I see that we aren’t the only ‘special’ people around. Look at you. I send you to an all boy’s school and you go and get mated to a werewolf.

I replied, I guess I can call myself lucky, huh? He is super sweet, and takes good care of me.
Cool. Hey, how come I hear Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the background? Oh wait, it changed to football. Why aren’t you in class?

He asked.
Heater is out. It is cold like crazy in here. I can see my own breath. They canceled classes because they prefer us to freeze to death in our dorms rather than in class.

I said with a shudder.
Can’t you just leave? The school I mean?
Nope. They told us that anyone who leaves will get detention. Oh crap, speaking of detention James and I skipped yesterday…

I said more to myself than Kyle

I could hear the exclamation points in his voice.
No, no, no. we have to clean the lunchroom for a week.

I told him.
Why? Kyla Blaize Grant

- I cut him off before he could finish.
WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP USING MY FULL NAME?! Gah! And just so you know, I threw a sandwich at James, he ducked and it hit the wall. That time, the headmaster decided to pay us a visit.

I told him.
Look, I have to go. We will discuss this later.

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