» Fiction » Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗». Author Britta Irene

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“KYLE!” I shouted, putting two and two together. He had asked me for my room number, meaning mine and James’s. That meant that he was here. If I was feeling pain, that meant that he was either getting the shit beat out of him, or he was beating the shit out of someone else.
I got up and ran from the room. I heard Ryan call after me, but this was my brother. I had to make sure that he was okay.
When I got the twelfth floor, I didn’t even have to enter the room to see what was going on. The whole Veiled pack was standing around in a circle yelling ‘beat the shit out of him James!’ and ‘don’t let him see another day!’ Aw, hell no. not my brother.
I pushed my way through the guys, and they didn’t even give me a second glance. They were too busy engrossed in the fight in front of them. James was on top of Kyle, and punching him in the face, and Kyle was scratching James’ eyes out practically.
With force id dint know I even had, I threw James off of Kyle and veered to face him. I was seeing red. James came flying at me, and knocked me into the wall. I punched him and he went flying back. I walked over to where he was lying on the floor and kicked and punched him multiple times.
“Kyla. Stop. You did well, but you have to stop now.” Kyle told me, with a hand on my shoulder.
I stopped looking at James, and looked at my brother. The red tint that I saw went away. I looked over Kyle to make sure he was okay, and then I flung myself into his arms.
“Kyle! Why did you do that? You could have gotten yourself killed! What would Bazil and Miichael say if you did? And what about me? How would I be able to live without you?” I asked him, tears running down my face. Ryan, Timmy, and Dakota came running up.
“Kyla! Are you okay? You went running out of there like there was a demon or something…” Dakota trailed off. He looked at me and Kyle.
“Who is this?” he asked.
“isn’t it obvious?” James sneered, as she got up from the ground. “This is her real mate. Now leave, you bloodsucker. No one asked you to be here.” He spat. Bloodsucker?
I veered around and punched him. “For your information you asshole, this is my brother. My best friend. The only person who I can tell absolutely everything to. It’s just sick for you to think that he is my mate.” Kyle pulled me close to him.
“Shh. Calm down Blaza.” He said, using my nickname for when I was really mad or really sad. “He didn’t know. Yes, he is an ass for saying things to you. But he didn’t know.” He soothed me. “Come on, baby. Let’s go somewhere so you and I can get out of here.” He said, kissing my head. I love Kyle. He and I dint act like normal siblings do, we have been through so much together. Yes, he annoys me and I annoy him. But that is just life.
I nodded, and he started leading me to the elevators. I didn’t even look at James. We were about to step on, when I perfect blonde and dark haired man stepped out.
“My babies.” Bazil said to us, and pulled us in close. Miichael pulled the three of us to him.
“I am so glad to see you two defending one another. It warms my heart.” She said her voice muffled my Kyle’s hair.
“Mom. Dad.” I said. Miichael grinned and Bazil looked surprised. To be honest, I was too. Surprised, that is. I had always called then Bazil and Miichael, not Mom and Dad.
“Kyla. Are you okay? What boy broke my baby girl’s heart?” Miichael asked with a serious look on his face.
“Don’t worry about that scum bag. We tag teamed him.” Kyle said, looking at me with worry.
“No. he needs to know not to mess with my baby.” Miichael said, looking at me. I nodded, and led him around the corner and to the door. They were all still in the hallway. Gasps came from eh entire group. They all looked between me, Kyle, Bazil, and Miichael. I ignored them and didn’t stop until I was in front of James.
“James Elwood Abernathy. You are the one who broke my daughter’s heart? I would have thought that you were raised better than that.” Miichael said in a disapproving tone.
“M-Miichael. B-Bazil. I thought that you were d-dead.” He stuttered. Everyone in the group nodded, even Timmy and Dakota. Ryan was looking at me in shock.
“Do not turn the conversation to us.” Miichael said in a stern voice. A voice that said ‘I demand your attention.’ “Why are you hurting my baby girl? What did you do to cause my son to come down here to defend her?” Miichael said, still using that voice.
“Sir, I can explain. Please come in to sit down. It is something of a long story.” He told us. Miichael looked at me, and then nodded to James. We all headed inside, eager to hear what James had to say. Me being one of them.
Chapter Ten.

“Okay, James. You can start now.” Bazil said. I sat between her and Kyle. Miichael sat on the other side of Kyle, and the pack just sprawled out on the floor and beanbag chairs. James pulled a chair from the kitchen and was sitting so he could see us. But really, he was looking at me.
“Well, being mates with Kyla, I can communicate with her through my mind. It isn’t strong yet since we haven’t completed the, uh, mating process…” he said, stuttering off.
“Damn straight you haven’t.” Kyle and Miichael said at the same time. That was creepy, but cute that they wanted to protect me, and also kind of embarrassing.
“Anyways, I can communicate with her through my mind, and she can do the same with me. If I wanted to, or if she wanted to, I could hear her thoughts.” He said, looking at me.
“We understand the process.” Bazil said patiently.
“But I don’t. Let him continue.” I said, nodding at James.
“Well, anyways, I wanted to see what was going on. You had a confused look on your face. When I entered your mind, I heard a voice. One that wasn’t yours or mine. I could have decided two things 1) you are demon possessed. 2) You had another mate. You didn’t seem demonic to me, so I went with the mate thing. But, now I know it was your brother.” He said, looking guilty.
“Do you know how painful that was for me? I felt like I was being shattered, but instead of being shattered and left alone, it was continuous. I still kind of feel that way.” I said, tears coming into my eyes. He jumped out of his chair, and wiped the tears from my face.
“I am so sorry. I didn’t know. It was painful for me to, but more so for you. I wish I could take it back. Can you ever forgive me?” he asked. I could see that the pain and guilt was eating him alive, but that didn’t mean that I was going to give in easily.
“We’ll see.” I said, looking away. Pain registered on his face.
“Kyls, I’m hungry. What do you have to eat?” Kyle asked me. Thank God for my twin, who knew when I needed a distraction.
“Come on. We can go make something.” I said, getting up and heading into the kitchen, Kyle following me. He shut the little window that led out into the living room so nobody could see inside. He came over and gave me a big hug.
“I am so sorry. All of this is my fault.” He said into my shoulder.
“No it isn’t. If he hadn’t have jumped the gun in things, we wouldn’t be in this mess. It isn’t just you. It is you, me and him.” I said, pulling away. I got out some bread, cheese and butter and made thirty grilled cheese sandwiches using the giant pan. I also made some peanut butter cookies. Kyle helped, but didn’t say much.
I piled all the sandwiches on a plate, got the ketchup and cookies, and went out into the living room. Kyle was following with paper plates for everybody. I had made enough sandwiches for everybody to have at least two. Kyle and I ended up eating three. We are such pigs. We also didn’t share the cookies. Kyle shares my love for peanut butter cookies. We ate all twenty of them without any help. The guys all looked longingly at them, but when they saw the glares from me and Kyle; they changed their minds real quick about wanting some.
When we came back, James was talking about his parents. Apparently, Bazil and Miichael knew them. James told stories of his little sister and brother, and the other guys gave some details too. Then, the questions were directed toward Bazil and Miichael.
“Well, I guess this is our time to leave.” Miichael said. He turned to me and Kyle, and gave us each a big kiss on the forehead and a hug. Bazil did the same.
“Goodbye my babies. I know you have questions, but we will answer them another time. Remember what we told you before. Goodbye.” And then they were gone. Like literally gone. Disappeared before our eyes. They didn’t walk out the door like normal people, it was poof and they were gone. Crazy, I know, but I saw it. Everybody else did too, but they didn’t look as phased as Kyle and I did. Weird.
“Well, now that I know you are okay, I better go too. Like I totally have a test in the morning!” he said the last part in a girlish voice. Oh how I loved my brother.
I smiled,” I will walk you to the car.” I grabbed my jacket, and then we were out the door.
“You going to be okay?” he asked me.
“Yeah. It will just be awkward when I get back. I’m sure James will make everyone else leave, so he can talk to me alone. But, it is going to have to happen sometime.” I told him truthfully. I was not looking forward to it, but we all have to do things in life that we don’t like.
“Okay, Kyls. I trust you.” He said. We were standing out by his car now. I only got to see my brother for about two hours. Now, he is leaving again.
“So… does this mean that I win the dare?” I asked him, with a playful shove.
“Heck no. it is just a minor setback. If Krissy asks, it never happened, deal?” he asked. The loser still thinks he has a chance of getting the money.
“Deal.” I told him, and with that, he got in the car,

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