» Fiction » Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗

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snickering. Typical Kyle. The cool thing is, I can still hear my thoughts and see where I am going, but I can also see where he is and hear what he is thinking. That is so cool.
I was on the ninth floor now, and my legs were killing me. So, I sat down. Tristan looked down at me and laughed out loud.
“Get tired, Princess?” he asked.
“We all can’t be in shape. Then candy makers would go out of business.” I said defending myself.
He scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me like that the rest of the way up the stairs. I didn’t complain. It meant that I didn’t have to walk it.
When we got to the twelfth floor, he gently sat me down. I smiled wide at him.
“Thanks.” I said. He smiled widely back.
“No problem.”
I pushed the door open and started walking down the dimly lit hall.
“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked. I turned so that I was facing him.
“Well, it is kind of a conversation between me and James. But if the tramp is still here, I will need your assistance.” He smiled at that.
“I will wait out here then. Call me when you need my muscles.” He said while showing his ‘guns.’ I have to admit, they were nice.
“Thank you.” I said, while enveloping him into a bag hug. He wrapped his arms back around me.
“Anything for you Princess.” He said. He kissed my hair, but not in a romantic way. A brotherly way. I squeezed him one more time before I released him. I turned around, took a deep breath, and walked towards my room. Room 12- 23.
I collected myself together before I opened the door. I took one glance back at Tristan, who smiled at me and gave me an encouraging nod. I opened the door the rest of the way, then hesitantly stepping inside. I shut the door softly and turned around to what faced me on the inside.
Chapter Fourteen.

I stepped into the dark living room. Well, mostly dark. It was the TV was on low volume, illuminating a soft glow throughout the room. NCIS was on. I would have stopped and watched it, but right now I had more important things on my mind.
As I stepped into the kitchen, I saw that the light over the sink was also turned on. I was grateful because then I could see where I was going. I walked over to the table, where a glass of milk sat spilt. The milk that was on the table was dripping onto the floor one drop at a time. Drip. Drip. Drip. I picked up cloth and dampened it, and wiped up the mess on the table and the floor. I put the glass into the sink. As I was doing so, I heard our bedroom door creak open. Time to face this.
“Who is there?” a really annoying voice rang out. Crap the tramp is still here. I spun around in time to see her come into the kitchen. She was wearing a t-shirt… wait. That is my shirt! Aw hell no!
“James! Intruder! Who are you?” she screeched. A sleepy James came stumbled in. He instantly woke up when he saw me.
Get this nasty tramp out of my apartment

. I told Tristan through the bond.
Yes ma’am.

He replied instantly. I heard the front door open, and Tristan was suddenly there with Ms. Whore thrown over his shoulder.
Wait. I want my shirt.

I told him. I marched over to them. He set her down and I snatched my shirt off of her.
James was next to me instantly with her clothes. He handed them to her silently. She looked at him pleading for help, but one look at me shut up whatever she was going to say.
“Get her out of here, Prince.” I know, I know. Bad time to come up with a nickname for him. But since he calls me Princess…
“See you later Princess.” He said. Through our bond, he threw me a quick kiss, then was out the door with a kicking and screeching whore over his shoulder. I don’t care what he does with her, I just need to talk to James.
“Well that was interesting.” James said, trying to ease some of the tension. I turned to face him from looking at the door.
“Why?” I asked. I was surprised by the weakness and the need in my voice. I was supposed to sound strong. “Why? How could you do that to me?” I asked. My voice cracked and the tears were flowing down my cheeks.
“I am not the only one…” he started to cut him off.
“Don’t even go there James! You and I both know that yes you were the only one! You know that two days ago it was only Kyle, my twin brother! You know that Tristan was only my guardian! Don’t even go and try to spread the blame to me too! You know I would never do that to you! If you only knew the pain that I have faced the past couple of days…” now he cut me off. Let me tell you, he was mad too.
“You think I don’t know the pain you had? Wrong! I can feel your pain! And I wasn’t just feeling your pain, but mine too! When I heard his voice in your mind, I felt my heart shatter into pieces. I thought that you weren’t mine. I felt like you were ripped from my grasp on you. No, I felt worse than that. Like I never really had you.” He said. Tears were streaming down his face as well.
“So to fix it you go to some whore? And not only just now, but before then too.” I said. I couldn’t believe he was trying to point this on me.
“Who told you about before?” he asked.
“So it’s true! If you really thought of me as yours, don’t you think I would have thought of you as mine?” I asked.
“You didn’t answer my question!”
“It doesn’t matter who the fuck told me you were cheating on me! The only thing that matters is that you did it! Why would you do such a thing?” I asked him.
“I will not answer your question until you answer mine!” he yelled back.
“Look, I came here to get some answers and work this whole thing out. But that obviously isn’t happening.” I said while walking to the bedroom
What is your room number?

I asked Tristan. No way in hell am I staying here.
11-15. do I get the pleasure of you being in my presence?

He replied.
Don’t even act like you weren’t listening. I’ll be there in three minutes

. I told him. I packed all of my stuff. I was not going to stay here, or have to come back.
“What are you doing?” James asked me.
“What does it look like I am doing? I can’t stand this. I can’t stand you right now. Just looking at you makes me sick. I can come back when you stop being a man whore. Maybe not even then.” I told him. I shoved him out of my way and marched out of the room, through the kitchen and the living room.
“You can’t run from your problems!” he called to me.
“I didn’t. I came back to try to work things out. You are the one who ran to sex.” I said before I closed the door. I stomped down the hall and to the stairs to the eleventh floor. I was at Tristan’s door within seconds.
I didn’t even knock. I just barged right in.
“Well hey there.” He said.
“Shut up. I’m going to bed. I am tired and pissed off right now.” I said. I tossed my suitcase on the floor. His room is identical to ours… uh I mean James’… so I knew exactly where his room was. I kicked off my shoes and plopped down on the bed. A few moments later, I felt his weight on the other side of the bed.
He pulled me close to his chest.
“Hey. It will be okay. It will all work out.” He told me as I sobbed into him. He kept saying comforting things until I was asleep.
I woke up to the smell of bacon, waffles, and chocolate. Yummy. Chocolate. That sounds amazing right now. I rolled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.
“Morning. I figured you didn’t feel like going to classes today, so I called and told the office that we were both sick and we were going to spend the day playing video games and keeping each other company.” Tristan told me.
“I love you.” I told him as he put a plate in front of me.
“I know.” Was all he said. What an ego.
“I heard that.” Was all he said. I smiled sweetly at him, with syrup and waffles squeezing out the corners of my mouth.
“You look so beautiful.” He said while laughing at me.
“She does.” A voice said from the door. I turned and saw James leaning on the frame.
“I uh… I am going to go get some coffee from Starbucks. Want anything?” Tristan asked me.
“Just a Peppermint Mocha Latte” I told him. He nodded and was out the door. He was still in his pajamas. Ha-ha. What a fool.
“I thought about what you said.” James told me. I was too busy thinking about Tristan’s foolness, that I forgot he was standing there until now.
“And what would that be?” I asked while stuffing my mouth with bacon.
“Being a man whore. I can understand your frustration. I was only worried about my… uh needs… to think about how you would feel. I am sorry. I do love you. A lot. I never intend to hurt you. I could never bear to do that to the girl I loved.” I was taken aback. That was the first time he ever said he loved me. So naturally, being the romantic I am, I started crying.
“What? Why are you crying? Oh babe, please don’t cry. Whatever I said wrong, I take it back.” He said. He gathered me into his arms. He whispered ‘I love you I love you I love you’ in my ear.
“I love you too you fucking idiot. You’re such a fool, but I just love you, and sometimes I wish I didn’t but there is a reason I love you so I keep coming back. God, you are such a fool. But I love you. My fool.” Okay, I was rambling. But he had just told me that he loved me. And I know that girls overreact when guys say it, but this was different. Through our… connection… that we had, I could feel that he meant it. He wasn’t just saying it to get me back. That is what brought the water works on.
He pulled my mouth to him and kissed

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