» Fiction » Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗». Author Britta Irene

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like twinkling bells. Damien did the same, and their laughs harmonized perfectly. It was like sitting and listen to music.
“I like you! You have guts! And something about your attitude tells me that you will not take any crap from my son!” she said, while still chuckling to herself. Damien had an appreciative look in his eyes.
“Mommy! I’m hungry!” Cammy said while coming into the room and dragging a torn up blanket and a stiffed dog behind her.
Ella smiled at her. “I am finishing making dinner now sweetie. Do you want to come help me?” she asked while standing up. Cammy ran over to me and grabbed my hand.
“Only if the pretty girl will come with me!” Cammy said looking into my eyes. I couldn’t help but smile at her. She was so… pure and innocent.
“My name is Kyla. And I would love to come with you.” I told her. Hr smile widened and she grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the kitchen.
“Mommy mommy mommy! Kyla is coming to help!” she yelled. I followed her into the kitchen to see Ella stirring a huge pot of…
“yumm. Mashed Potatoes.” I said smiling. I absolutely love mashed potatoes.
“You have a good nose.” Ella said smiling at me. “Why don’t you girls set the table? The plates are over there. Cammy, you can put the spoons and napkins out.” She said. I turned around to see you huge stack of plates.
“Holy Moses…” I said while grabbing about a third of the plates. There was so many that I couldn’t even carry half. Ella let out her twinkling laugh.
“Yeah, it just so happens to be the time of month where the whole pack is here.” She said smiling at me.
“It’s all good, but wow. This is a lot of people.” I said, eyeing the rest of the plates.
“Sixty three to be exact.” She said.
“God Bless You for cooking for all of them.” I told her honestly.
“Really, I just go to the grocery store and buy all of the premade chickens. But thanks any way.” She told me with a wink. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that one.
“Don’t tell anyone. It’s our little secret.” She said again. I walked into the dining room smiling.
“Hey Kyla! Will you help me reach the spoons?” Cammy asked me. I walked up behind her and reached for the spoons, which were on the top shelf of the cabinet. My fingertips grazed the container they were in, but I couldn’t get a grip on them. I jumped and got the box, but I went back down before I could really get both hands on it. In the end, I was on my butt in front of the cabinet. It hurt like hell.
Laughter erupted from behind me. I stood up and dusted myself off before I turned around. Three guys were standing in the doorway, practically leaning on each other for support they were laughing so hard.
“Excuse me? It isn’t really nice to laugh at someone who you don’t know. Now, are one of you going to come help me willingly or am I going to have to pound one of you to do it?” I asked. They continued to laugh harder. I saw Blade come up behind me.
“Bladey! Help me! These guys are-“I cut off when I remembered Cammy was in the room, “being butts!” Blade walked into the room. The three guys quickly shut up. In fact, they looked terrified. Ha-ha.
“Do you need help love?” he asked, without even glancing at them,
“Yeah. Give me a boost.” I told him. He grabbed my hips and set me on his shoulders. I could grab the spoons easily. He gently set me back on the ground.
“Thanks Bladey!” I said while patting his head. He smiled at me after I handed the spoons to Cammy. The three goobers were still standing in the doorway. Their jaws were dropped open.
“Didn’t ya’ll's mama’s teach ya not to stare?” I asked in a really southern drawl. Blade let out a booming laugh. The guys’ eyes got wider.
“Dude. I am… well you probably don’t see this like we do but, you are in for a lot. Being Blade’s mate and all…” he said. Blade and I glanced at each other and read each other’s minds with one look. We were going to mess with these guys.
“Actually, I hate this. Blade is such a pain in the ass.” I said. Cammy went to wash her hands, so I was freely saying what was on my mind.
“Me the pain? Ma’am, I think you have this backwards. You are the pain in my ass. You don’t listen to anything I say. But you know what? It turns me on.” He said with fake lust in his voice. He moved closer to me and grabbed my ass. The guys just stuttered. Blade and I broke away laughing.
“T-they t-thought that we are… MATES!” I yelled. We doubled over laughing. James came into the room.
“Babe? Blade? What’s so funny?” he asked. He had a smile on his face.
I Love Your Laugh.

He told me in my mind.
“Those fools thought we were mates.” I told him. The three guys looked pissed now.
“Well excuse us! Nobody gets away with calling Blade names! And he doesn’t help anyone!” the tallest of the three yelled. He had sandy blonde hair and green eyes. He would be sexy, but no one compares to James.
“Oh good God.” James said laughing. “Blade and Kyla have become close and fast. They even sneaked off together to get piercings and tattoos.” He told them. “Kyla is Blade’s protector and Blade is one of many of Kyla’s.” he looked at us now. “Apologize for being mean.”
Blade and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. We looked at them and screamed “NEVER!” then took off running. I was laughing so hard that I could barely breathe.
“This way!” Blade told me. We could hear them following us. James was saying how immature we were. Blade led me through a series of bedrooms. He jumped over the railing and landed easily. Well, we all can’t have werewolf moves, can we? So I had to go down them the old fashioned way. And that way got me running into someone’s bare chest.
“Excuse me.” I said quickly and darted around him. He grabbed my elbow before I could get too far away.
“Where are you going? Why is a pretty girl like you running?” I looked into his blue- silver eyes. I saw amusement and something else there.
“Because I am being chased. So kindly let me go so I can NOT get caught?” I said sweetly. I jerked my elbow from his grasp and took off running. I didn’t know where Blade went, so I went the opposite way. That way, it will make it harder for them to find us.
I took off running and ran into a random room and slammed the door and locked it shut. When I turned around, the guy from the hall was looking at me amused.
“How the hell did you get in here so fast?” I asked amazed.
“I’m fast.” He shrugged. “Can I ask what you are doing in my room?” he asked.
“Hiding.” I told him, walking over to his bed. I flopped down to calm my breathing. He chuckled.
“Okay, but I am not responsible if they find you.” He told me. He held out his hand for a shake.
“Deal.” I said reaching out and shaking his hand. His hand covered mine entirely, like it swallowed it whole.
I let go and flopped back down on the bed. I was suddenly very tired. I closed my eyes and sighed.
“Tired?” he asked me.
“Yup. Running from four werewolves can do that to you. Where did Blade go? The bastard left me.” I said, opening my eyes and furrowing my brow.
“Blade? Of course he would leave you. It’s the kind of things he does.” He told me.
“Why does everyone keep saying that? That is a completely different Blade than from who I know.” I told him confused.
“You are his mate. You see a different side.” He said. Again, people calling us mates.
“Ech. Don’t say that. Blade isn’t my mate. James is.” I told him. His eyebrows rose in surprise.
“Really? Blade never gets along with anybody, sometimes not even the guys in his own grouping. How did you manage that?” he asked me.
“I am easily likable. That and we are each other’s protectors.” I told him.
“Ah. I see.” He said.
“I’m-“I was going to say my name but James beat me to it.
“Oh. Shit.” I said. I jumped off the guy’s bed and dove into his closet as the door opened. I thought of clouds to hide myself from James. If I could sense him, I knew he could sense me, so I tried to mask it.
“Hey Trai. Have you seen a girl about this tall with blue and blonde hair?” James asked.
“Yeah. Saw her run down the hall with Blade. Towards Danny’s room. Why are you after Blade’s mate?” he asked.
“She is not his. Mine.”James snapped. Whoa. He sounded lethal right then. I didn’t know whether to be touched or scared. Touched because he is protective of me or scared because like I said, lethal.
I saw Trai hold his hands up. “I’m sorry man. It’s just I have never seen Blade actually look that happy.” He said.
“Kyla can work wonders.” James said thoughtfully. “Anyways, if you see her, tell her we are looking for her.”
“Will do.” I didn’t come out of the closet until I heard the door click shut. Even then I counted to fifteen.
“Hey, James is looking for you.” He told me with a grin.
“So I’ve heard. Thanks. I really hate apologizing.” I said.
“Okay…” he said. I explained the situation while I flopped back onto his bed. He nodded in agreement.
“I don’t blame you.” He told me while putting on a t-shirt.
“Dinner!” I heard Ella’s voice on an intercom.
“Let’s go, shall we?” Trai asked me.
“Let’s.” I said. He held out his elbow and I took it. He escorted me up the stairs and to the dining room. We were the last to arrive, so everybody saw me on Trai’s arm. He stopped at my chair and pulled it out for me.
“Why thank you, kind sir.” I told him flashing a smile.
“No problem for a pretty lady.” He replied. Ella busted out laughing. One look at James’ face told me why. He was bright red and looked pissed.
“Hey babe.” I said, giving him a light peck on the lips. He blinked and some of the redness went away.
“You were hiding in his closet weren’t you?” he asked me. I smiled while giving myself a big heap of mashed potatoes. Under the table, I felt his hand on my leg, giving it a light squeeze.
“You are such a trouble maker.” He said, but I could see the smile in his eyes.
I smiled, shoved my mashed potatoes in my mouth, and gave him a big, sloppy, potatoey kiss.
“These are amazing Ella!” I told her. “Pass the chicken?” I said to the guy beside me. He did and I got a piece and took a bite of it too.
“You are like, my hero in cooking Ella.” I said when I swallowed. I gave her a quick wink which she returned. I really loved it here.

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