» Fiction » Love and War, Britta Irene [red novels .TXT] 📗

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Chapter Seventeen.

I woke up freezing cold. After dinner, we, we being the WHOLE dang pack, sat around for a little bit in the living room and rec room. Some were even in the kitchen. The Abernathy’s house was huge, but not huge enough to fit sixty three people into one room, except the dining room and the meeting room. After that, James noticed that my eyes lids were heavy. He said goodnight to everyone, then scooped me up and took me upstairs to his room. It smelled like him in there, and that help me fall asleep faster. That and I was pressed up against his warm body with his arm around me.
“James?” I asked, my voice groggy.
“I’m right here babe.” He said, coming in from a balcony that I didn’t see earlier. I guess you miss things when you can barely keep your eyes open.
“Where d’ya go? I’m cold. Come here and warm me up.” I said, whining a bit. I hated to be cold.
He let out a deep chuckle. “Of course.” He said, while climbing under the sheets beside me. I wiggled to get closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt a lot better, but I was still shivering.
“Why did you go out there?” I asked him, my mind slightly slipping from consciousness.
“I just wanted to think. I didn’t want to wake you.” He said, while running his fingers through my hair. He saw that I was almost asleep, and he continues the soothing gesture.
“Well I did wake up from the cold.” I told him, closing my eyes. I was so tired.
“I’m sorry, my love.” He told me. Then I was left in a dreamless sleep.

Someone was jumping on the bed. With me still in it. Screaming “WAKE UP KYLA!” I was about ready to kill someone.
I grabbed the person’s feet, and pushed them off the bed, causing them to go flying through the air and landing with a thud.
“Go away.” I muttered, turning to face the other direction. I was not ready to wake up yet.
“Awe, come on. Get up.” I cracked one sleepy eye open, and saw Trai with a bog grin on his face. Jesus, help me.
“Go fuck yourself.” I told him.
“Nah. I’d much rather do it with some body. Hey, how about this, you are in a bed. What do you say” he asked with a waggle of his eyebrows. A growl came from the bathroom door.
“I say you better shut the hell up before my mate strings you alive. Go away. I’m tired.” I told him.
“I’m not going away till you are out of that bed and on your feet missy.” He told me. Gah. Kill me now.
“Jamesy dear? Do me a favor and get this ass out of here so I can sleep. Before I kill him?” I asked in a sweet voice. He chuckled, but he and Trai wrestled. Of course, James won, and Trai ended up with a door slammed and locked in his face. I could hear him whimpering on the other side.
“Ass hole!” I yelled at him.
“Bitch!” he yelled back.
“Mother fucker!” I said, while rolling over into a more comfortable position.
“The best! My offer still stands! You, me, and a bed!” he called. I could hear his footsteps receding. James let out a growl.
“Don’t worry. I don’t like him. You on the other hand, well I might be able to stand you.” I told him. He turned around and looked at me.
“If you can’t stand me, then I don’t know what I’ll do.” The look in his eyes made my heart break and sing for joy at the same time. He loved me.
I patted the bed beside me. “Come here.” He smiled and crawled in beside me. His hair was wet because he just took a shower. I kissed him softly on the lips. He returned gratefully.
“Even if you can’t stand me, you have to put up with me. I am here forever, fool.” I told him. In return, he kissed me again. I threw the covers up off me, and stretched. Since that ass hole so kindly woke me up, there was no chance I was getting back to sleep.
I rolled off the bed and walked into the bathroom, “Hey James? What will I wear? My clothes are still at the school.” I said while getting the sleep out of my eyes.
“You could go naked.” He said, coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head on my shoulder.
“Yeah. Trai would love that.” I told him. He let out a growl and I chuckled, kissing him on the cheek.
“Well, you can wear an old shirt and basketball short of mine… as for underwear, well we will be the only ones who know that it isn’t there.” I said, with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“You would just love that wouldn’t you?” I asked.
“Gosh yes.” He told me truthfully.
“Get me some briefs… and I’ll take the basketball shorts and shirt.” I said. He walked out of the bathroom, and I stripped to get into the shower.
I turned the water on hot, and started singing random sings that came into my mind. I put some shampoo into my hand, and washed my hair, rinse and repeat. Then I did the same with conditioner. I heard James place the clothes on the counter, and I stuck my head out to where the curtain was covering everything except my head.
“Hey James! I just realized, I’m gonna smell like you!” I squealed like a little school girl.
“I wouldn’t want you to smell like anyone else. Mind if I join you? The shower is big enough.” He said, grabbing the hem of his shirt.
“No sir! You pervert! Get out so I can finish!” I yelled, trying to suffocate the giggles rising in my chest. Apparently, I failed at that. He took off his shirt and took a step forward. I grabbed the body wash and threw it at him. It hit him right in the head.
“Get out.” I told him. He picked up the body wash and left.
“James! I need that!” I yelled. All I heard was laughing. What a jerk.
“Don’t make me come out there James Abernathy!” I yelled.
“Hmm… you, coming out here naked? I think I like the sound of that!” he yelled back.
Grumbling, I stepped out of the still running shower and wrapped the towel around me. It was huge, so I could cover myself easily and tie it. I marched out of the bathroom to find James lying on the bed with his eyes closed and propping his head in his hands. The body wash was lying on his stomach. I ran over, snatched it up and made a run for the bathroom. But, James was faster because the next thing I know, I was being thrown on the bed. I made sure the towel stayed in place.
James started kissing me, and I couldn’t help but kiss back. He moved down my back, and I could feel his hand running up and down my leg. I let out a soft moan, and his grip on my leg tightened. I could feel a little James poking me.
“Stop.” I told him breathlessly.
“You know you don’t want me to.” He said between kisses on my neck.
“No. You know I want to save myself for marriage.” I told him. I may want it, but I had promised Kyle and my mom that years ago. Kyle promised the same thing to me.
“Easy fix to that.” He said, getting off me and onto one knee.
“W-wha?” I stuttered. Oh. My. Gosh. Is this really happening?
“Kyla Blaize Grant. I love you, and I know that we just met, but I also know that I will spend the rest of my life with you, but it wouldn’t feel right if we weren’t married. Will you marry me?” he asked, pulling out a velvet box from his pocket. He opened it up, and I saw a big beautiful diamond ring.
I didn’t know what to say… oh wait, I know “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, HELL yes!” I screamed. He slipped the ring onto my finger, but I didn’t care about that. He truly was mine! All mine! I didn’t have to share! I knew that he was mine, but this just proves it. Oh. My. Gosh. I’m getting married.
I grabbed his face in my hands, and started kissing him, which he responded to nicely.
“I love you. SO much.” I told him.
“And I love you.” He replied. “Go. I can’t stand you being in just a towel.” He told me.
I gave him one more kiss then skipped off to the bathroom with the body wash in my hand. When I closed the bathroom door, I sank down on the wall, and admired my left hand. It was so beautiful. I sparkled whether in the light or not. I let out a squeal. I heard James laugh on the other side of the door. I jumped into the shower, and quickly finished, partly because I wanted to be by James, and the water was freezing.
I jumped out and put the clothes James gave me on. I burst out of the bathroom and tackled James, him landing on the bed and me on top. I started kissing him. My world was perfect. I had the best brother, the best friends, the best protectors, but more importantly, the best fiancée and mate in the world. Fiancée. I have a fiancée! Eep!

Chapter Ninteen.

I skipped down the stairs at lightning speed, James hot on my heels. I had to tell someone. I was just so happy, and I couldn’t contain it any longer. The ring sparkled brilliantly on my left hand.
I jogged down the second set of stair to the basement, where Blade and Trai’s rooms were. I got to Blade’s room, and I didn’t bother with knocking, I just barged right in. Blade looked so cute, in his boxers, curled up on the bed asleep. He looked like a cute little peaceful puppy. But I was going to mess up.
Without any hesitance, I leapt onto his bed, so that I was straddling him. I started wiggling and jumping slightly without getting off.
“BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! Wake up you lazy ass! I gotta show you

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